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Edwin's Revenge- Story 4

Chapter 1:

It was late afternoon when there was an odd electrical sound in a seemingly abandoned warehouse. There was a bright glow as old equipment sprang to life, sending cascades of energy in all directions. The mechanical equipment unfolded creating what looked like a large glowing doorway in the middle of the floor! There was a low growl as tree massive creatures emerged from the light, one at a time. The largest of the three was brown with a red underbelly, and looked like some sort of bug creature. They clicked their jaws as they looked around expectantly. The medium sized one spoke first in a deep low voice.

“I will secure the suits, you two stay here and hide. The nearby facility is home to humans that do illegal activity just as the queen requested. I have to take on this human named Mark, who owns the building before we put our plans in motion. I’ll start there before getting your suits.” The other two creatures, one a darker black color while the other was a sickly green, looked at each other and nodded. The black one turned towards the device and pressed a button with one of his claws. The glowing doorway, one of many placed by the Hive all around the world, folded up into what looked to be an old electrical box.

“Please get us the largest suits you can, the queen didn’t give us enough Zaren dust to stay in these forms as long as you were able to Edwin.” The green one said with a hint of annoyance. “We only have 3 days to pull this off Edwin.”

Edwin growled at both of them before turning around to stalk towards the old warehouse door to peer outside. About a year ago, Edwin succeeded in getting some of the Zaren dust requested by the Queen, however, some was not enough. The queen was furious with his failings and charged him with the assasination of the MIB agent Elle, who was reportedly the one who killed Edgar. Edwins plan was to bring down the MIB headquarters their intel showed Elle was stationed at, but that was more for his own grudge against MIB rather than the human who supposedly killed his brother Edgar. The queen just wanted this Elle dead, but didn’t say how, so Edwin took some liberty and satisfaction knowing he could take down some others.

Edwin clicked as he noticed his target coming out the back door of the nearby gym to throw out some trash. Edwins plan included taking on the form of the owner of this gym so that they could make the building their base. Taking on the form of these larger bodybuilder types was much easier in Edwins experience than other humans. More room. Since this facility was owned by a prominent crime family, none of these humans would be missed should they disappear.

The others heard the human make a loud banging noise at the dumpsters. Edwin looked back at them and made a “shoo” motion with his claws as he slowly opened the door to the back of the warehouse, peering outside.

Chapter 2:

Mark looked at the setting sun before yanking the dumpster lid up and throwing 3 heavy bags of trash away. It was about time for him to close up the place since they were only open until 6 pm. He had a job to do later for the kingpin he owed a favor to. The others inside were supposed to help. He sighed and thought about lighting up a cigarette thinking about the job. Kidnapping a kid was new, but should be easy. Probably a ransom job. He dug into his pants for a lighter when he heard a door open from the neighboring warehouse. He looked up in confusion, his muscles tensed up and he rubbed his wrist since it was hurting from lifting this morning. He owned that warehouse, and it was supposed to be used as storage for the drugs they sometimes peddle in the area. If one of their competitors is sniffing around to see if they can steal a shipment, they would be sorely disappointed. That shipment went out weeks ago.

Mark sniffed and pulled out a shotgun from the side of the open door and started to make his way towards the warehouse. That’s when he heard the rusted door from the back open. He stopped and listened before nearly jumping out of his skin at the sound of something landing on the metal roof of the building. He immediately started to walk to the back. He peered behind him towards the parking lot to see a car drive by. He hid his gun, but pulled it out again as he reached the corner of the warehouse. He listened again and didn’t hear the crunch of gravel, which meant that whoever was back there went back into the building, or was right at the corner looking to get the drop on him. He had no idea what that noise was. It was a 25’ ft tall building, so it’s not like someone could jump up there. Maybe there would be a latter. He smiled at the idea of knocking it over.

Mark pulled his gun out sucking in a breath before yelling, “COMMON OUT HERE NOW!” He swung the gun around the corner, his finger itching to light someone up. There was no one. He frowned and walked further into the back alley way and noticed the door was wide open. The end of the back alley was blocked up by an old trailer so there was no easy way to get out. The person must be inside. Mark smirked as he cautiously approached the entrance. As he peered into the dark room, he heard a deep growl from somewhere in the dark corner of the warehouse. His face scrunched up as he tried to make out the figure in the shadows when he heard another louder growl near him.

His face paled with terror as he looked around, seeing no one near him. That’s when he realized the noise wasn’t coming exclusively from the warehouse, but above him. Shaking, Mark slowly looked up and saw the terrifying large bug-like creature perched on the roof, it’s drool falling at Mark’s feet. He let out a strangled yell, trying to raise his gun at the creature, but it was too late.

The massive creature jumped down on the human and within a few seconds, ending abruptly with a sharp tearing noise ending in silence. The shadows in the building moved as two similar creatures approached the scene in the doorway. Within moments, Edwin was holding Mark's skin in his claws like a wrinkled piece of clothing.

Edwin walked into the building, shutting the sliding door behind him, throwing the empty skin on the ground with a slap. He finished the insides of the human in a few bites before letting out a deep burp.

“These humans are so easy! Soft meat sacs with no natural defenses.” Dung said circling the empty skin on the ground. Moe sniffed the blood on the ground and let out a short bark-like laugh. Dung was a defender, so he was just as large as Edwin, however, Moe was a worker, smaller and quicker then both of them, but no less deadly. Edwin walked over near the back and pulled out a suitcase like device. Within were 3 blue glowing vials, each filled with 3 pills. These were to be used to maintain a more humanoid shape, increasing the shape and health of the skins they would wear. Edwin winced as his claws shook a pill out on his massive palm. He growled, knowing the experience of masquerading around as a human from his previous efforts. With a grown he popped the pill in his mouth.

Within moments, his massive bug-like form began to fold and twist in on itself. He let out a low growl as the air around Moe and Dung became more humid, as Edwin let the moisture from his body expel itself. A minute or two passed and Edwin was the approximate size and shape of a human. He looked to be a brownish red mass of muscle, sinu, and carapice vaguely shaped like a human. He shuttered and with some effort walked over to the skin. His claws were folded into a human-like foot as his exoskeleton shifted like muscles as he moved.

Edwin picked up the skin and slowly opened up the already torn back. As he pulled the skin up and over his body, the other bugs noticed the blue secretion start to form over his body. This substance helped the skin mold and heal around their forms. The skin stretched and wrinkled, and within moments, Edwin was pulling the empty human facial features over his own fanged grotesque face. Edwin rolled his shoulders while stretching and pulling at the skin so that the features looked more natural. As his body settled into the human skin, the tear in the back sealed itself, sealing Edwin within.

There was a cracking noise as Edwin tried to stand up straight. The skin seemed to tighten and smooth out, but still bulged from the pressure Edwins true form was already putting on the skin. It looked as if his muscles were in a perpetual flexed state. He breathed in hard, expelling more moisture in the air, allowing his body to shrink and shift within the skin some more to make him look more natural.

The other creatures circled Edwin in awe and disgust. Seeing what they will have to go through to fit these human skins was unnerving. Edwins look of pain and discomfort was apparent. “I don’t know why the Queen didn’t give us more . . . 3 doses won’t get us through the three days we have without looking like corpses at the end. That’s how Edgar was caught!” Edwin said in that same gruff low voice. “After all I did to get the Zaren Dust last time I was here!” He coughed, trying to make it sound more human. He pulled at his scalp to smooth out his sagging face, looking into the reflection of a metal panel as the other bugs picked up their respective canister of pills. Moe and Dung stared at each other with an almost conspiratorial look for a moment before Edwin turned around.

Dung walked up to Edwin, placing a claw on Edwins thick smooth shoulder. “The Queen has other uses for the Zaren dust. Who are we to question the Queen!” He said almost as if to console Edwin.

“This is supposed to be a co-op mission 3 years in the making!” Edwin snapped as he let go of his human features with a snap. He let out a growl and stumbled towards the door to the warehouse. “You two don’t know what Edgar and I had to go through, but you’ll know soon enough. Time for me to get your suits!” He said, the skin on his face stretched back into an evil smile before he slammed the door.

Edwin slowly walked almost completely naked across the parking lot to the back of the gym, not even bothering to have put on the humans clothes. He keeps forgetting they wear those. He stumbled into the back room of the gym awkwardly. It took time for his body to adjust to the new form. His muscles tensed and shifted as he worked to move his legs and arms in the human rhythm of walking. Something difficult to do for a creature who normally walks on four legs. The skin stretched and wrinkled as he sucked in, trying to force himself to look as normal as possible.

His appendages wanted to stretch and break free already, and he had only been in the skin for a few minutes. The Zaren Dust worked well to make the experience as comfortable as possible, but this dose was different to what he had consumed before. This was weaker, although more effective. The skin stretched and moved as he walked slowly to the mirror and, with some effort, forced his body to stand more upright, adjusting his true form within to do so.

Edwin worked to suck in the parts of his true body that caused wrinkles and bulging where the human anatomy shouldn’t. His face was more smooth as he worked his jaw and pulled back his mandible with a cracking noise. He could feel the serum working, making it easier to maneuver within the skin. He listened as the remaining humans Dung said were left in the building, made lots of noise laughing and re-racking the weights they used to exercise. Edwin practiced making facial expressions in the mirror while pushing and prodding at his new suit. His mission was clear, establish home base here in this gym, find and obtain the Thermal Bomb from the Eterian spy, and use it on the local MIB headquarters. The queen was very explicit in her desires for revenge. Strangely specific.

Just then the door slammed open as one of the humans walked into the room. “Mark, what the hell are you doing?” He said, frowning at Edwin trying out a smile in the mirror. Edwin awkwardly turned around and walked towards the human, trying to maintain that same smile. The skin was so tight and uncomfortable, Edwin had to be careful when he walked so that none of his claws wouldn’t pop out.

“Why hello hum. . . . er hello.” Edwin said in that deep raspy somewhat inhuman voice. The mask of the suit kinda made him sound muffled. The human just looked at him in confusion. He stood there for a moment looking at Edwin closely.

“Dude, are you ok? You look swol as fuck, but . . . you also don’t look well.” The man said. He clearly just finished his workout because he was still sweating. He looked around the room and saw the back door open. “Why is the door open?” He said before walking over and shutting it. He kept looking around as Edwin continued to try and keep his body together as the serum took effect.

Just then the door opened again and another larger human walked in. This human didn’t have a shirt on and also looked puzzled when he saw Edwin standing nearly naked in the storage room. “What the hell is going on here? We are going to be late for this job!” He said, still breathing hard from his workout. “I took the liberty to close up for you, the weapons are already loaded in the car.”

The large human stopped seeing his friend circling Edwin with a look of suspicion on his face. Then he frowned looking closely at Edwin. “Where are your clothes? I just saw you walk out of here to take out the trash.” He said, clearly catching up to the situation.

Edwin clenched his jaw in frustration while trying to maintain that same smile he wore on his face. If it were just one of them, he could have taken them both in secret one at a time, but with both of them in the room, things had potential to get messy. He couldn’t afford any damage to the suits, and they didn’t have enough time to risk any of them running off.

“Grrrr nothing, I was just checking out the merchandise.” Edwin said between a tight calculating smile. He decided that a little damage was necessary in order to get these meat sacs quickly. The serum was causing his body to cease up and assume a more humanoid appearance, and it was way too soon to completely shed the suit on command. He tried to take in as much moisture in the air before he forced his limbs to shift within the human husk.

The men watched on in horror as Edwin’s human suit bulged and shifted as he maintained his clenched smile. Through a muffled tense moan he finished; “I’m not impressed, but it’ll have to do.” Edwin's true body continued to bulge against the confines of his human skin, making his human form look veiny and bulbus. There was a sharp meaty rip from behind as a massive redish tail-like limb broke free from his ass. With effort, Edwin allowed the tail to slide out without causing too much damage to the suit. He quickly jabbed his tail, without even looking, at the shorter human’s neck. Using the human’s shock as a distraction, Edwin stumbled forward and grabbed the larger man's wrist. The man screamed in terror as he saw the stinger go through the neck of his friend before trying to push Edwin away.

A smile stretched across Edwins now human looking face. As the man tried to pull out of his inhumanly strong grasp, he released him causing him to stumble towards the door. He used the opportunity to pivot the tail towards the larger man to strike him in the back. The man stumbled forward, throwing open the door before falling face-first onto the floor with a grunt. Edwin stood there for a moment listening for any noises as his tail moved menacingly behind his human looking body.

Edwin let out a sharp growl as he pulled his thin looking stinger back into his body, releasing the moisture he took in at the same time. His body pulsed and flexed as he cracked his neck and flexed his arms. His body seemed to shrink a bit in size and the skin smoothed out looking less stressed.

Edwin took a few deep breaths and looked at himself in the mirror. His suit became smooth and his movement more natural. He could feel the skin at his lower back seal up again from the serum. He hoped what he just did didn’t reduce the amount of time he had before his next dose. His body cracked as he walked towards the back door, stepping over the body of the shorter guy with dark hair. With effort, he turned the door handle with a grunt before raising an arm and motioning for the others to join him.

It was later now with little traffic, so it was easier for Dung and Moe to sneak into the back door as Edwin did earlier. Their claws made loud stone-like scraping noises on the floor as they approached the two prone men. The largest of the two looked down and grabbed the shorter of the two humans, picking him up by the shoulder with one of his massive claws. “Well this one is obviously for you Moe!” He said with a look of disgust before tossing the human towards Moe with inhuman strength. Moe caught the man with a growl before kicking the taller of the two men towards Dung.

The two creatures laughed before there was a familiar gory rip coming from the room that Edwin left to enter into the main gym area. He saw the closed sign but decided it was best to draw the blinds shut. He locked the door and looked around again. “Clear. I guess this will have to do.”

That’s when Moe stumbled out of the back room stretching the skinsuit he slipped on. He clearly already took the serum since the skin fit nicely over his inhuman form, but he still seemed to struggle with it. He reached up with a cracking noise over his head to pull at the tan skin behind his upper back. “Uuugh, these things are so uncomfortable!” He muttered through clenched teeth. The skin definitely looked worn out as he continued to make adjustments to his body within.

Edwin smiled as he watched Moe struggle with the smaller suit. The bug cracked and groaned as his true form continued to shrink and collapse in on itself to better fit the disguise. Finally Moe stood up in front of a mirror after pushing one of his mandibles back within his wrinkled human face and posed.

“Does this look good?” He said, his words muffled as he clenched his jaws tight trying to re-align his shoulders and arms so they looked less bulky. He was interrupted with Dung who stumbled out of the doors with a deep growl.

“Uuuughhhh, these humans are so SMALL!” He said as his back shifted and bulged as he finished his own transformation. Moe looked at him with annoyance since he had the largest of the three suits. Dung didn’t notice as he attempted to stand up straight. They could see his large body shift within the human flesh as he rose his arms up with a low panting sound.

Finally Dung cracked his legs and spine and turned to the mirror Moe was looking into. He had his mandibles stretch his human face into a wicked smile as he flexed and rolled his shoulders. Moe was pulling at his face still as Dung smoothed out the many wrinkles over his abs. His massive body could barely fit within the much larger than normal human, so it was strange to see him seemingly master standing up and walking around so quickly. He spent a few moments stretching and massaging his human face over his own inhuman features.

He rose his hands up in the air in triumph with minimal cracks and shifting. Moe and Edwin stared at him in annoyance as he laughed. “Ahhh this serem works well! That being said, I can see why Edgar failed. It’s hard enough to contain our true forms in these suits even with the serum!” He said looking at his own hands. “You said each dose lasts about one or two days?” His body flexed and his appendages conformed into a tighter human form.

Moe rolled his eyes in disgust as he admired his own muscular body in the mirror. He leaned in and stretched his lips wide allowing for his mandibles to slip out. His human face wrinkled and stretched back as he chittered and clicked the sharp inhuman jaws. “How many doses do we have again?” He asked in a much stronger inhuman voice turning towards Edwin while holding his lips apart. Edwin was rubbing his own face while pulling at his abs.

“For as long as it takes for us to do the mission.” He said through gritted teeth. “. . . . and that better not be longer than three days.” Edwin knew that this serum was a downgrade from what he used before, and he resented the Queen for making them use it. “First things first, I will infiltrate and obtain the Thermal Bomb. Our sources know it is currently in possession of an Eterian Spy, smuggled from from the Entar System. This spy happens to be a contact of this human I’m wearing, so I hope to gather that intel quickly, using whatever means necessary.” He stopped adjusting his tight suit and walked to the locker room to get some human clothes. There was a loud metal bang before he emerged again, carrying an arm full of various human clothes.

“Get dressed.” Edwin ordered pulling out some clothes for himself before dropping the bag on a bench. “Moe, you come with me, I'll need backup. I only know the location of the spy, I have no idea how dangerous he is. If we don’t get that bomb, our chances at success are drastically decreased given the amount of time we have.” He slipped on a tight black shirt with a grunt and looked down at the boots and pants he still had to put on. He hated humans. “We do NOT want to go back to the Queen empty handed asking for more doses of this serum.” He bent over and pulled the pants over his large ass with a growl. “Dung, I need you to stay here and make sure no one enters this facility.” He finished as he rolled his neck, which caused folds of skin to wrinkle as he seemed to stretch. Moe and Dung knew he was refolding an appendage as a cracking noise emanated from his body.

“Uggghh, I think I may have overdone it when I took out these humans.” Edwin said through gritted teeth. His muscles seemed to bulge and shift under his skin and clothes. With that he pulled out a small container and shook a pill out. Moe and Dung looked envious of the little pill as they continued to smooth out their human suits. He sat down at the front desk and looked at the little yellow pill. He gritted his teeth knowing how inferior it was to the original serum before popping it into his mouth.

Dung walked forward and pulled out a tank top and shorts. Moe did the same after pulling his human face back over his one exposed mandibles. His suit seemed to groan and tighten as he bent over with a grunt. “I for one don’t want to be in these things for longer than a day or two.” He said as he pulled the tank over his body. He grunted and seemed stuck as he tried to force his arms down.

“UUUUGH, this sucks!” Dung grunted as he pulled on some shorts with much more ease than Moe, before sliding a tight tank over his muscular body.

Dung slowly sat down with a cracking noise before slipping his large feet, with hollow toes bound around whatever was within, into red basketball shoes. The leather creaked as he wiggled what could be called toes within. “Let’s get this done so we can get out of these things. I know I couldn’t have fit in either of your skins, so thank you for allowing me to have this one.”

Moe let out a muffled groan as he finally was able to pull his shirt down over his body. He stood there for a moment, muscles straining and shifting as he adjusted his true form. Although he was smaller than Dung or Edwin, with Dung being the largest, he was still way too big to fit the suit he had on. The serum worked wonders compared to the days of Edgar, but this was a lot.

Moe allowed for his limbs to expand a bit, stretching out the human thighs with a satisfied exhale before he put on the rest of his human clothes. They both stood up and walked towards the door, following Edwin. “As soon as Moe and I retrieve this bomb, we are heading right to the known MIB headquarters. We already have an access key to a service elevator entering the underground facility. The queen has already confirmed that both targets are staying at the base.” Moe and Dung looked at each other knowingly before Edwin turned around with a wicked smile.

“We will get revenge for Edgar. Soon Agent H . . . “ Edwin winced remembering who he was talking to. He cleared his throat as he smiled at Moe and Dung, a fellow member of the Queen’s guard. Their primary objective was to assassinate Agent L, not H. Edwin was put in charge of this mission, but Moe and Dung knew just as much about the Queen’s plan as Edwin did. Just because he was brother to Prince Edgar didn’t mean he could ever go against the Queen’s wishes. “. . . and Agent L of course.” Edwin finished with a slight bow to his head, “. . . will be dealt with and our Queen will arrive here knowing that her will was done.” With that he opened the door to head outside towards one of the humans' vehicles. Dung and Moe smiled and glanced at each other for a moment, before Moe followed Edwin outside. Edwin looked a lot more polished than Moe did, in a tight form fitting short-sleeved black shirt and tight pants with dress boots. Moe looked a bit more casual, with a white shirt, red underwear, and black sweats with tight shoes. Dung watched as Edwin and Moe growl as they fit their muscular now human forms into the small sports car before driving off towards the city.

As soon as the vehicle was out of sight, Dung shut the front doors to the gym and made sure the ‘CLOSED’ sign was up. He walked into the back room of the gym pulling out a small device from his shorts. The communicator glowed blue as a hologram materialized an inhuman face before him. The face was bug-like, similar to them, however it was more rigid and seemed larger in size. The deep rumbling voice echoed throughout the empty room, “Status update!” The bug said with no preamble. It was vaguely female compared to the other bugs voices, but still inhumanly deep.

A smile stretched across Dung’s human features. “Yes, my Queen.” He replied. “Edwin and Moe are currently securing the Thermal Bomb as planned. It won’t be long before the MIB picks up on his trail, Moe will make sure of that.”

The queen let out a deep rumble of a laugh. “Good. I assume you have secured a base of operations for my arrival?” She said, clearly on the move wherever she was communicating from.

“Yes my Queen. I am here awaiting your orders. I will make sure to relay the messages you wanted to Edwin should he try to return.”

“Well done. I will need a disguise before I can arrive. You and Moe have permission to start phase 2 as soon as you can. Once you have the suit I will open the portal.” She said with a slight eagerness. The Queen was in heat and currently on a new serum that would allow her to fertilize her eggs with human DNA, an experiment that could prove devastating to mankind should it work. “Both of you better not fail me. What happens to Edwin will seem like a mercy compared to what I will do should you fail me like he had.”

With that the communicator shut off making the hologram wink out with a beep. Dung rolled his thick neck and let out a nervous growl when suddenly he heard a pounding at the door to the gym. A large smile spread across his handsome human features. “Looks like you won’t have to wait long my Queen.” He said with a deep laugh as he walked towards the front area of the gym with an eagerness.

Chapter 3:

Edwin pulled the car into an old alleyway near a large 30 story condo building downtown. Moe was stretching his face before asking, “Are you sure this stuff will last the day?” Edwin looked ahead at the sidewalk where humans passed by without noticing them.

“It will have to. There are only two more doses for you and one for me. I have experience containing my form within these . . . “ He rubbed his face as it wrinkled and stretched under his palm before he smoothed it out. “. . . suits, so I should be fine.” Edwin finished. “We still need to complete phase 2 after we get this bomb.” He said, looking at himself in the mirror one more time before opening the door to get out.

Edwin stepped out clenching his jaw as his muscles flexed and his body cracked. Moe grunted as his own spine shifted as he stood up. They had driven a long time too soon after initially taking the serum, so it definitely took a toll on their bodies. They stood on either side of the car for a moment as wet cracking noises emanated from their thick bodies. The looks of concentration showed that they both had to re-adjust their true forms within. After a minute, Edwin walked towards the sidewalk which led right towards the condo where their target was.

Moe silently followed the elder bug as he pulled out his communicator. He looked down, making sure Edwin didn’t notice and saw the message from Dung read, “Phase 2 can commence. Edwin is not to return.” Moe smiled as he watched Edwin stumble up the stairs leading to the building. He wasn’t looking forward to those steps either. Someone could fall.

With a few words with the humans at the front desk, Edwin and Moe entered the elevator to their personal suite, which took up the entire 29’th floor of the building. This was part of the plan, since it was right below the target's top floor suite. The two men shifted their shoulders and rolled their necks as the elevator quickly traveled to their floor. When the doors opened, there was a hallway with three doors. One leading to a fire escape, one to their suite, and the last door at the end of the hallway led to an elevator, which was blocked with a human guard.

Edwin did not expect manned security. He looked at Moe as they casually wondered towards their room entrance. The man looked serious, but Edwin noticed the man glanced at Moe with unexpected interest. His eyes moved over Moe’s human form before flicking up towards Edwin as if embarrassed that he was caught. The man took a more neutral stance as the tight black shirt caressed his muscles and he nodded at them both without a word. Edwin smiled and opened the door to their suite. Trying to look as casual as possible they entered the room and shut the door behind them.

“DAMN IT, a human guard!” Moe grumbled as he walked towards the main living area. He was clearly oblivious to the signs the security guard was giving off. Edwin stood there for a moment thinking of a way to get past the guard when an idea came to him. Moe was rubbing the skin on his thick arm, which made it wrinkle and shift. “The Queen didn’t want us to make a scene and this is a high profile target, so killing a human guard to get to him seems like a bad idea.”

Edwin walked up to Moe and put his hands over his shoulders. “You need to seduce the guard.” Moe stood there for a moment stunned. He looked down at his human hands then back at Edwin. “I’ve never . . . I mean I have trained, but I have never . . . “

“It doesn’t matter, you just need to maintain control and the humans do the rest. I just stuck my forclaw into the humans ass and he liked it.” Edwin said as he started to pace around the room. “The point is that in order to avoid killing the guard, you need to seduce him. I could tell his heart rate increased when looking at you. He was attracted to your disguise.” Edwin said as he rubbed the back of his thick neck still thinking. “I can go into the elevator and wait downstairs until you send me the all clear on your comm. Then i’ll head back up and enter the suite.”

Moe clenched his jaw and looked into a nearby mirror at his human face. He smiled then frowned. “You think these things will hold up for sexual intercourse?” He said. Edwin walked up to him and nodded.

“You just need to control yourself. The more energy you use, the faster the serum wears off. We can’t afford a mess here.” Edwin walked over to the kitchen opening cabinets and found a bunch of pre-packaged sugar used for human coffee drinks. “Here take these, this will help prolong the serum effects!” Edwin said as he handed Moe the box. Moe frowned then shrugged before his mandibles stretched out of his human lips, causing his human face to wrinkle back. He grunted as he tossed the whole box into his mouth. He reached up and stretched his human mask back over his mandibles as he chewed, causing his thick neck to wrinkle and sag as he worked the sweet food down his throat.

Edwin reached up to Moe’s human face and pulled at the sagging skin. He stretched and massaged the human features back into place before stepping back to look at Moe. “This stuff is great! Sugar is amazing!” Moe said with a wide smile on his now human looking face. He noticed a black hat on the counter and put it on. Edwin looked at him with confusion.

“Why the head covering? Did an antenna pop out?” Edwin asked with some concern.

“Humans dressed casually like to wear hats, this could help when seducing a human.” Moe said with a satisfied smile. With that he turned around and walked out of the suite with Edwin close behind. The two walked slowly towards the elevator trying to act casual. As they got to the elevator, Moe continued on towards the human. Edwin looked over to the guard as he pressed the button. He could tell he was handsome by human standards, and exactly the profile his kind looked for in a disguise.

Bugs prefer a larger human when taking on a disguise. The ones with muscles seem more intimidating and statistically are listened to more by other humans. Their own physiology doesn't have fat, so using a fat human as a disguise would be harder, and females were way too small for them. Seeing Moe’s muscles shift as he walked towards the man made Edwin worry if he could pull it off. The elevator doors opened and he walked inside. He pulled out his futuristic communicator and reminded Moe to avoid breaking the suit. When the doors shut, he looked at his own human face in the reflection of the door and smirked. “Worst case scenario, I use whatever means necessary to steal the bomb, using Moe as a distraction for any MIB agents that try to get in my way.” He mumbled to himself as the elevator made its way back down to the lobby.

Chapter 4:

Moe walked up to the agent casually with a smile. His muscular body looked extremely tight and toned. By human standards, this human had facial features that were handsome, although more worn out now that Moe was wearing it. He raised a hand up in the air before clearing his throat to speak. “Hello fellow hum . . . errr, sup!” He corrected as his back cracked. His smile was forced and tight, but he could hear the humans heart beat faster. Edwin was right, this human was interested sexually in Moe! “Two birds with one stone” he thought. He could distract the guard for Edwin, and collect some of his seed for the Queen.

The man smiled and waved with some confusion. “Ummm, hello sir. How are you today?” He said looking around. The human was clearly not used to anyone on this floor and was on the job as more of a precaution by the boss. He was mostly there for tips and ran a drug ring with the local couriers. He admired Edwin when he saw no one else was coming out of their suite. The man thought Moe was intense and seemed socially awkward, which was cute to him.

Moe looked at the man and tried to think of what to do next. He allowed his true form to expand just a little within his arms and chest. He adjusted his mandibles so that his jaw looked more defined. He listened and heard the man's heartbeat increase. It was working.

“I’m just new to this pl . . . er area and was looking for a friend to get me acquainted with the building. My friend and I just moved into this unit you see.” He said trying to act casual. He had studied the human’s movies and social dialog they used. He also familiarized himself with any notes any agent of the Hive sent back. He was confident, but also kinda nervous that he wouldn’t attract the human.

The human looked him up and down and smiled. “I can be a friend, but i’m working now.” Moe clenched his jaw. The human continued seeing Moe’s disappointment. “Is that your boyfriend or husband?” He asked blushing a bit. Moe smiled, “Oh no, just a friend. He left for work and won’t be back for a few hours.” He hesitated and looked behind the man to the elevator. “Do you get a lot of people who come up to this floor at this time?”

The human frowned and shrugged. “Not really. Honestly, it’s dead. I get the mail guy and a few couriers in the morning, but my boss usually calls it quit by 3 pm, so I rarely see anyone for the rest of my shift.”

Moe looked at the man's eyes as he was taught to. Then he touched the man's arm. He heard his heartbeat get faster. “Well that is a shame. Sounds lonely. If I were to borrow you just for a moment.” He nodded back towards the suite. “You see, I have some boxes I still need to unpack and I’ll be honest, they are heavier than I originally remember.”

The human hesitated then smiled. He looked at Moe and placed a hand on his shoulder. “A big strong guy like you? Really?” Edwin looked up at the guy. He was taller . . . bigger than his current form. His true body shifted as he rolled one shoulder. This suit was getting tighter every minute. Could this be an opportunity for Moe? No human would know this man was missing until late. The cameras would see Moe walk out of here as this human. The thought made him smile eagerly. The queen wouldn’t be happy, but Moe thought she would understand given the circumstances.

“Ya, I’ll help man. It’s not like the boss cares. Just for a bit tho. I don’t want him coming down and not seeing me there.” The man said seeing Moe hesitate. He smiled and allowed his hands to slide down Moe’s thick muscular arm. It worked. Moe’s face stretched into an almost too wide smile as he grabbed the humans hand and led him towards the suite. The bugs knew this suite belonged to the host Edwin was wearing, this way no one would ask any questions. Moe’s true form expanded just a bit causing his shoulders to bulge. He swallowed hard as he eagerly led the man into the room. This was going to be fun!

Chapter 5:

Dung walked towards the front door as two human’s yelled “OPEN UP MARK!!” Humans had an annoying habit of being so shrill. Dung found this so annoying. It didn’t bother him since he was eager to show off his new suit. He hated looking like a human, but also was so impressed with himself to have fit within this disguise. He wanted to see if he could get these humans to want to have intercourse with him as the queen wanted. Dung had never been to Earth as Edwin had, but he was curious to know how these creatures behaved.

Dung had only been in this disguise for a few hours, and he already felt his body expanding within. It was very uncomfortable. His feet made his leather shoes creak and groan as the limbs in his thick legs cracked as he worked on walking more natural. He stopped and saw the silhouette of two humans, male by the sound of their shrill voices. His claws wiggled within the tight humans shoes as he let out a low growl of annoyance.

Dung tightened up his body as he walked with the familiar crack and pop of the contorted joints. He looked into the mirror as he approached the front door and saw that his form was actually pretty good. He shifted his body so that his morphed exoskeleton looked even smaller. He rubbed his chest feeling the hard armor like shell under the soft human skin. How odd that these creatures have bones inside their organs. His thoughts were interrupted with an even louder thud on the front door, this time they tried the handle.

“We are going to give you one more second to get your asses out here, the three of you have a LOT of explaining to do. That was a very important job that you didn’t show up for. He is not happy.” One of the humans yelled. His voice was deeper than the other one.

Dung let out a harsh laugh as he approached the door. These humans don’t want to have intercourse, they want to fight! Dung likes to fight. Just in case, he ripped away his shirt. Dung learned that homosexual males enjoyed the look of the naked male body, but he knew that it was not appropriate to not have pants or footwear on until you were alone with the humans. There was a loud knock again. This got Dung adrenaline pumping. He enjoyed fighting, he was known for it in the Hive. He could feel the human suit confining his pulsing body. He breathed in and sucked in his bulk as he approached the door and unlocked it. He waited trying to keep his mandibles within his mask.

“COME INNNN” Dung yelled in a deep voice. He tried to make it sound more human, but I don’t think it worked. The two humans stopped talking and he could tell they stepped back from the doors. Dung had to stifle a smile.

Suddenly the door was kicked in and a young human stepped into the gym while the other one stayed outside with his hand in his shirt. Clearly the one in the back was backup. The younger man was just as tall as the man in the back, but any being could tell that he had never done anything himself in his life. The human smirked as he approached Dung looking him over. He acted as if he owned the place. He made all of the facial expressions Dung had studied and tried to mimic for years. The smirk his face made annoyed Dung.

“Where the fuck is Mark!” The man said after looking around. Dung assumed he was the leader. What an annoying voice this human had. Dung didn’t say a word. He looked past the annoying human and eyed the man in the entrance carefully. “Listen, I’m glad you three assholes found the time to do a nice little workout, but you had a job to do and you didn’t do it. Now where is Mark . . . “ The man paused as if forgetting something. “ . . . and Joey too! Joey was supposed to help with this job too!”

Dung clenched his jaw and swallowed before speaking. “They aren’t here.” He said with a deep rattle in his somewhat subdued voice. Dung noticed the man outside reach into his shirt. Dung had enough military training to know, no matter which planet he conquered, these two were here to attack the humans they were impersonating. The man outside wore a hoodie and seemed less like he was here to play games like this loud human was.

“Well that will make this somewhat easy then huh.” The loud human said with a satisfied smirk. “Go ahead and let my father know Joey and Mark aren’t here, but we got Mikey.”

The human at the door dropped the bag he was carrying and pulled out a phone to text whoever the father was. Dung assumed the bag was needed to “clean up” the mess they intended to make. Dung’s body bulged slightly in anticipation as he tried to move out of the line of sight of the human in the doorway. That’s when the loud human decided to strike. He pulled out a knife and lashed out at Dung. Without even looking, Dung caught the mans wrist in his pincer-like grip and squeezed. The human screamed as his bones broke. Dung’s jaw clenched as he maintained his eye contact with the armed man at the door who dropped his phone and pulled out a gun from his shirt.

The man immediately aimed the handgun at Dung. Dung let out a primal roar and with one hand, tossed the wailing human by the broken wrist at the armed man. The human crashed into the front window next to the armed man with a crash. Dung took that opportunity to crouch low and in a single bound jumped up into the rafters of the ceiling.

Although startled with Dung’s inhuman display of strength the man opened fire at Dung. With a growl Dung jumped around the room in large inhuman leaps. His large muscular body crashed back to the floor as glass was flew everywhere as the human continued to fire. His clip ran out, and that’s when Dung noticed the loud injured human pull himself up on the broken window sill from outside with a gun in his uninjured hand. Dung crouched low and let out a deep inhuman roar from deep within his body. He had just taken the serum a few hours ago, but he couldn’t fight anyone armed in this form. He started to take in moisture, his muscles bulged and cracked as the skin began to shift. His human face stretched as he let out another inhuman roar!

“WHat the FUCK! KILL THIS MOTHERFUCKER!” The shrill human yelled as he and the other human both opened fire again. The human in the hoodie crouched low while maintaining his aim at Dung, while the injured sniveling one tried to flank him. Dung quickly picked up a 45 lbs plate and chucked it at the counter the human with the hoodie was standing behind. The metal plate smashed the wood counter to smithereens as the human narrowly missed the metal plate that implanted itself in the concrete floor. Bullets flew past Dung’s ear as the injured human screamed and continued to fire his gun at Dung. Luckily he was a terrible shot. With a grunt, Dung spun around allowing for his stinger to tear free from his ass and strike the already injured human in the neck. He immediately collapsed as Dung’s venom did it’s work.

That’s when Dung felt a pressure as the other human opened fire at his back. A bullet struck Dung in the lower part of his armored back, breaking the skin revealing a portion of his brown chitan. Dung let out a screech. It didn’t really hurt, but the force made him stumble forward a few steps. These primitive weapons still could pack a punch after all! Dung thought. With that he jumped high up in the air grabbing a ceiling fan in the process and chucking the whole thing at the man with inhuman strength and speed. Dung landed in a crouch looking up at the shocked human who stumbled and fell back, dropping his gun in the process.

Dung sat there letting out a low growl as he watched the man. His body was swollen now. Dungs muscles shifted and bulged in strange places as his body continued to take in moisture. He could feel the effects of the serum wane as his body began to crack and morph within. Dung slowly stood up with a grunt smiling deviously as he slowly walked closer to the prone human.

“What the FUCK ARE YOU!” The now trembling human said, nursing a broken leg.

Dung wasn’t surprised. He looked down at his human looking hands with a smirk as his stinger drew back into his ass with a slurp. I guess the disguise wasn’t working anymore. Dung looked at the man, kinda sizing him up.

“I JUST WANTED TO FUCK.” Dung said in a low inhuman voice. His neck wrinkling now as he struggled to keep his mandibles within his human lips. The man looked up at him in confusion. “I GUESS THERE IS NO HELPING IT. YOU WILL HAVE TO DO I SUPPOSE.” Dung finished with a wicked smile and a deep laugh. With that he reached up behind his thick muscular neck with a grunt as his exoskeleton shifted within the failing suit.

Dungs face tightened as he dug his fingertip deep into the middle of the neck area. His feet curled and widened within his tight leather shoes before splitting apart revealing clawed feet. At the same time his legs bulged and tore apart revealing inhuman limbs. He pulled the scalp and neck skin apart with his hands causing his face to become slack with a satisfying wet “rrrrriiip” from behind. As if failing all at once, the skin wrinkled and stretched as the tears got bigger revealing more of his inhuman brown chitin within. His wrinkled sagging face fell down as his true form unfolded itself from within the human husk. HIs slimy appendages cracked and creaked as Dung for the first time today was able to stand up straight in his true form. His head almost touched the ceiling as his sharp bug-like face leered down at the now quivering human.

His yellow eyes focused on the man as the skin slid off the lower part of his body in a wrinkled heap. It’s body continued to fill out like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. “CLEARLY YOU WON’T FIT LIKE A GLOVE!” Dung said in a booming inhuman voice between fits of deep laughter. The man's cries of terror were cut short soon after with a loud tearing noise.

Dung in his true form, carried the limp loud human in one arm, while holding a wrinkled empty skin of the other in the other claw as he made his way to the back room. He dropped both on the floor with a slap and a thud before pulling out his communicator. The Queen popped up again before him in a blue glow. “Did you acquire a disguise for me?” The queen asked, unfazed by Dung being out of costume.

“Yes my queen. As you can see, my old disguise has been compromised, however, I was able to get us both suits to your standards for the next phase.” Dung said, nodding back at the prone human and the empty skin. The queen nodded before the communicator cut off. A few minutes passed when suddenly, a blue portal opened up and from the blinding blue light emerged a giant white bug creature, even larger than Dung! The queen stepped out of the portal and in her now clear voice said, “You did well Dung, you did well. Now it’s time to work on phase 2 while the MIB is distracted.”

Chapter 6:

Edwin saw his communicator go off letting him know it was safe to go upstairs. After this minor inconvenience, it was nice to see something go right. Now he just had to handle the spy. He knew Eterians were big on illicit activity. A sneaky species, known throughout the galaxy for their shady dealings and meddling in all sorts of affairs. Not usually a threat to the Hive since they are known to travel in packs, the Eterians can be dangerous. Edwin was going to have to play this safe.

Stepping out of the elevator into the now empty hallway, Edwin wondered how Moe was doing in there. His only time fornacating with a human wasn’t pleasant. He walked up to the elevator and hit the button. The door did not open. Frowning, Edwin hit the button again.

“Hello? Tom, is my gentleman caller here already? He wasn’t supposed to be here till 9!” The bold harsh voice said through an intercom. Edwin cleared his throat and responded in as much of a neutral tone as possible, “Yes sir.” There was a painful silence before there was a beep and the elevator doors opened. Edwin stepped inside with a smile stretched across his face.

The elevator made a relatively short trip up and opened to a beautiful tropical oasis, featuring a huge pool and an elaborate steel and glass building. The entire roof was the target's own personal resort. Trying to look as casual as possible, Edwin cautiously made his way towards the pool and the building beyond. The area was lit with tropical gas-lit torches and modern lighting along the paths. He passed the large pool, which was connected to a moat-like lazy river that made its way around the mansion. The path continued to a modern looking bridge, crossing the lazy river to the front door of the mansion. As he approached, he passed a tikki bar which had a half finished margarita sitting on the counter. Edwin took that as a sign that someone else might be here, or, his target was sitting here when he got the call. What did he leave to do?

Edwin could feel the suit tighten. It had been so long since he had taken that last dose of the serum, so it was getting harder to stay in this form. He could see the wrinkles forming on his arms and feel the skin tighten around his shoulders. He had to make this quick. He walked toward the walkway to the house. It was dark now, but the building was fully lit. As he stepped on the bridge he saw someone emerge from the house. The target was clearly in his human suit, a good looking man by human standards with dark hair, finely dressed. Edwin made sure his claws were retracted so they didn’t break through his worn leather dress boots. He rolled his shoulders and smiled.

The man's clothes fit tightly around his humanoid body. The way he walked towards Edwin made it seem like this was business. Almost like he was expecting Edwins arrival. “Mark?” The Eterian said as he got closer to Edwin. “What are you doing here?” He finished puzzled. Edwin knew they knew each other as neighbors, but their intelligence found it was mostly on a superficial level.

Edwin smiled and waved. “I’m sorry to bother you . . . “ Before Edwin could finish, the Eterian interrupted him and motioned Edwin to come closer. “I’m so glad you came! I’m assuming you would like another romp?” He finished as Edwin approached. Before Edwin could react, the Eterian pulled Edwin in for a kiss.

Edwin’s eyes widened in shock as the Eterian passionately kissed Edwin. Quickly taking his lead, Edwin kissed him back. He used his inhuman tongue and lips as he was trained in situations like this. When they broke the kiss, Edwin did his best to maintain that same friendly smile, but he had no idea they knew each other so intimately.

“Ummm, yes of course. I missed our last encounter so much, I thought I’d crash your plans for the night.” Edwin said trying to sound as equally excited as the Eterian was. There was a moment of silence as the smiling Eterian admired Edwin with a slight confused frown. Finally the Eterian shrugged and let out a laugh. “Perfect! Let’s go, I don’t mind you interrupting my work neighbor. We just have to finish soon so I can get back to it.” He said casually as he stopped and motioned Edwin to follow him into the building.

Edwin just nodded and followed. He looked around the building taking it all in. The vault was upstairs and his intelligence confirmed that the Eterian always kept the key on him at all times. There was a sequence to opening the vault that Edwin now knew. He didn’t have to play along, he could just kill him and grab the key right here. His back cracked at that thought. But no, Edwin had to play it safe. If the target hid the key at all, he would spend far too much time looking for it. Time he didn’t have. He would play along with this charade until he confirmed the location of the key.

They entered the massive modern living area without stopping. The man looked back and smirked at Edwin before continuing up some stairs. “Have you told your family yet that you prefer the company of men yet?” He said smoothly. Edwin fought the urge to growl and instead shook his head. This could be bad, Edwin now had to carry on a conversation he knew nothing about.

“You know, I'm still working it out. I’m sure whatever I do will work itself out.” Edwin replied, trying to be as non-committal as possible. Edwin watched the Eterian, he seemed focused on getting Edwin to his bedroom, not having a real conversation.

“Oh well that’s good. I’m sure you will be fine.” He said with a fake smile towards Edwin. What was this Eterian doing? Edwin couldn’t believe how carefree about intercourse with a supposed human he was.

When they got to the top of the stairs, the Eterian led them into a large modern bedroom. Edwin looked around and tried his best not to look at the space in disgust. There weren’t any bugs anywhere! Too clean. Edwin hated it. Immediately the man started taking off his belt as he casually tossed it on the floor. “Feel free to get comfortable now. I really need this.” He said as he kicked off his dress shoes and pulled down his pants.

Edwin caught on quickly watching the Eterian closely. No sign of the key. It must be in his pants. Edwin started to undress, with some difficulty, tearing the shirt he was wearing off. The Eterian looked up and laughed. “Eager as I am I see.” He said with a smile and wink. Edwin, with some difficulty, pulled the human boot off his foot, praying a claw wasn’t sticking out before he dropped his pants. His body cracked and shifted under the skin. Edwin looked up, but the Eterian didn’t seem to notice. He stood up with an awkward grunt that he tried to hide by coughing.

The target looked up with a smile and jumped on the bed with his shirt partially open. Edwin noticed that the Eterian disguised as a human looked more at himself rather than Edwin, which was fine by him. His body was smaller than Edwins, more toned but still well muscled by human standards. Edwin knew Eterians were lustful creatures, but even when on spy missions?

Edwin had to monitor his facial expression in a nearby mirror. He couldn’t show his disgust. When it came to sex, Eterians didn’t care how or from who they got it from. They have been involved in brothels and whore houses across the galaxy. Sex is almost as common for them as eating. That was completely different from how Edwin’s kind had intercourse. Only a select few per month within the hive procreated with the Queen. It was seen as duty and an honorable death. Edwin couldn’t understand how procreation was seen as . . . . impassioned fun like so many other species around the galaxy did.

Humans weren’t much better. The only thing holding them back was their primitive nature. They didn’t know aliens existed, but if they did, Edwin was sure humans would have intercourse outside of their species. Edwin almost laughed at how the humans only had a handful of offspring in their lifetimes. His queen could produce thousands in one birth! Eterians also laid eggs, but it was different for them. Edwin didn’t understand their culture as much as the humans he studied for this mission, but he knew enough to play along.

The Eterian looked up with a smile stretched on his handsome face. “Do you like what you see?” He asked coyly. Edwin nodded, forcing a smile to form on his tight human face. “Good, keep watching!” The Eterian said as he finished taking off the tight black dress shirt. He propped his athletic body up on the bed in nothing but some socks and underwear. His body was smooth and toned. Edwin hated it, but understood that this was supposed to be sexy by human standards. The man motioned for Edwin to walk over. Edwin did. The Eterian then reached up, placing his hands on both sides of Edwins face and kissed him on the lips again.

Edwin hated kissing. He just let the Eterian continue to run his tongue in and out of Edwins human lips. His hands ran over Edwins thick body, massaging the skin and pulling him into his arms. Edwin could smell that the suit the Eterian wore was synthetic. The skin was almost plastic compared to what the Hive wore. The Eterian broke the kiss and turned his body away from Edwin. The muscles on his back shifted with each movement as he moved his ass from side to side, before rolling his body and moving his hips so that Edwin could see every muscle shift and move under the skin. The target looked behind him, the suit he was wearing wrinkled in places it shouldn’t have, but in general it fit well. “Well, have a taste!” The Eterian said to Edwin as he started to groan and massage his own cock.

Edwin walked up behind him and ran his hands down his back before grasping his ass. Edwin didn’t mind playing with his food. He wrapped his other thick arm around the Eterian chest before moving his lips across his trap making a clicking noise that mimicked kissing. Edwin went through the motions he had studied, moving his groin over the Eterians ass. He rolled his neck and with a soft crack allowed an appendage to press and fill into the cock skin. He was hard now, making the Eterian groan. That’s when the target rose his hands up in the air and clapped twice. The lights went out.

Edwin watched the Eterian sit on the bed. The spy didn’t know Edwin had superhuman hearing and eyesight, so when he reached down and quickly stretched out the suit over his abs as he laid down on the bed, Edwin saw. The Eterian clenched his jaw as his toes curled and spread out in anticipation for Edwin. Edwin stood over the Eterian and thought for just a moment of just killing the spy and searching his clothes. But when he looked over to the pants and shirt on the floor, he couldn’t tell if there was anything in the clothes that would make this easy. He decided to continue to play along and search the clothes when the Eterian left to clean up. Edwin would make sure to be rough.

Edwin had to be careful too. He looked down at the Eterian as the moonlight cast some light over their human looking bodies. He clenched his jaw and pushed his cock out a little more to please the spy. The Eterian grinned at the sight of Edwins cock and eagerly took off his underwear. As Edwin caressed his ass and thighs, he could feel the cool rubbery human suit stretch and wrinkle under his hands. The Eterian groaned and wrapped his legs around Edwins waist, pulling him in closer. Edwin leaned down and buried his mask into the Eterians ass. He could feel the legs tighten around his thick neck and heard the Eterian let out an inhuman hiss.

Edwin allowed his mandibles to slip out of his human lips and caress his asshole as he produced a large inhuman tongue from his throat with a gurgling sound. The Eterian didn’t even care. His feet flexed and stretched as one claw poked out of the tight socks he wore. Edwin massaged and caressed the rubbery hole with his tongue. His back arched and abs wrinkled as he leaned down and continued to do his work. Edwin made sure to study up on sex with humans, which was similar among many humanoid creatures around the universe, especially with Eterians. They had a very similar physiology.

Edwin reached up and slid his lips back over his exposed mandibles, stretched the face back in place before coming up and teasing his hole with his human looking thick cock. He rolled a shoulder and grunted as he slowly slid the tip of his limb into the human looking creature's ass. Again the man let out a gasp and then a hiss. His abs wrinkled as he moved his hips in a circular movement over Edwins cock. Edwin grunted and practically fell over the man. The man just wrapped his arms around Edwin and kissed his slightly wrinkled face. Edwin slowly and with much effort moved the plates of chitin that made it seem like his muscles so that his hips rocked back and forth into the Eterians ass. His neck and the skin around his joints began to wrinkle and stretch from the movement. Edwin grunted and began to breath hard as he started to lose control. His back muscles bulged and his abs wrinkled as he hunched over the Eterian as they both groaned.

Edwin kept up the pace, but this was very uncomfortable for him. He was hoping the Eterian would cum already, but he seemed to be enjoying himself. The smile that stretched across his face was so annoying to Edwin he could feel his stinger start to push against his tailbone area. He swallowed hard and let out a short growl trying to maintain control.

Finally Edwin felt the Eterian clench around his appendage he was using as a cock. He grasped the sheet and hear another small rip as the socks tore a bit more next to Edwins ear. He arched his back and let out a low hiss as Edwin continued to rock his cock into his ass. Edwin’s body shifted a bit and cracked as the Eterian groaned and his human looking cock began to spew cum all over his chest. Edwin saw the cum was green, which made him smile, because that means the Eterian would want to keep the lights off and clean up.

Edwin breathed in and sucked in his true form to prevent his skinsuit from looking stretched out before pulling out and rolling over on the bed with a grunt. The Eterian sighed and quickly sat up away from Edwin to hide the strangely hued cum from view. “Wow hu . . . er . . . you! That was amazing!” The Eterian said breathing hard, clearly trying to adjust his suit before standing up. Edwin smiled darkly, eyeing the man's pants next to the bed. “I’ll go ahead and clean up real quick. Don’t move though, I want to give you that bottle of Cabernet we had last time!” He said calmly before walking towards the bathroom.

Edwin smiled and nodded not knowing what a Cabernet was. This was Edwin’s chance. As soon as the Eterian shut the door to the bathroom, Edwin quickly got up and with a cracking noise knelt down and searched through the mans pants. He felt something solid within the left pocket, but when he pulled it out he saw it was only a thumb drive. He let out a low growl as he shoved it back into the pocket and looked around. If he couldn’t find it, he was going to have to find it on his own. His intelligence confirmed that the Eterian always kept the key on him, but Edwin wasn’t sure if that meant at all times, even when changing. Edwin started to get up when someone cleared his throat.

Edwin turned his head with a cut off growl and saw the Eterian standing in the entrance watching Edwin stand over his clothes. “Looking for something?” He said, clearly not amused. Edwin noticed the Eterian changed his socks and cleaned himself up. The man set a device down on a nearby drawer before walking around the room staring at Edwin. His muscles were defined and toned. His large feet and the way he wearily kept his distance told Edwin that he was clearly ready to strike.

“Don’t bother with the excuses. I already did a scan in the other room, you aren’t Mark. Why are you here.” He said, clenching his jaw. Edwin slowly stood up with a slight smile. His suit was so tight now. Edwin thought about how to handle this, but knew there wasn’t much of a chance of there not being a fight. “You forgot about the cameras downstairs. That along with the things I observed while you fucked me made it clear before the scan. Whatever you are, your skills in disguising yourself need work.” He finished with a smirk.

An insult? Edwin didn’t care for the Eterian’s tone. Edwin responded not showing any reaction at all. He thought the cameras were disabled before they arrived. The Eterian finished Edwins' thought. “They were. I saw someone hacking the system and overrode it. Nice try.”

Frustrated, Edwin started to take in moisture from the air. He clenched his jaw as a ripple formed across his mask. His skin wrinkled a bit and began to tighten even more as Edwin began to shift and expand his true form. “Where is the key Eterian? Give it to me and you won’t die.” Edwin said through clenched teeth. He stepped forward, his muscular body looking absolutely shredded and bulging now. You could now hear a deep cracking noise from within. Edwin tried to maintain the form as much as possible, just in case the Eterian listened. He only had this one suit to wear after all.

With blinding speed the man crouched down low, his wide toes spreading out within his socks before his powerful legs launched him in the air. He came down and kicked Edwin right in the jaw forcing him to stumble back and fall over the bed with a loud thump. The Eterian laughed, before jumping over to Edwin before he could react, kicking him hard in the back with a loud crack, sending Edwin flying across the floor. Edwin let out a deep inhuman squeal as the Eterian cracked his chitinous back.

Edwin’s body made a cracking noise as he sat up with a growl. The Eterian laughed, his claws now protruding from his socks. His muscular naked body was toned and perfect by human standards, but it did start to tighten around the Eterian’s body. “It’s sad really, I like these human disguises. Your’s wasn’t too bad either, until the end there when I got off. Clearly you’re a big boy, whatever you are underneath.” He walked forward now, two of his teeth elongated showing a pair of sharp fangs dripping with venom. “How dare you threaten ME!” The Eterian said with a sadistic laugh. He closed his mouth, reaching up to his handsome human face. With a groan he ran his fingers over his jawline as the claws from his left hand began protruding from the fingertips. “I’ll give you the secret. Sythnoid material. It’s the newest technology for any species looking to take on a human disguise. It’s stretchy, durable, and comes in all shapes and sizes. You can remake as many as you want and it’s customizable. No need to steal a human hide anymore.” He said, winking at Edwin.

His fingers pulled a bit at the jawline, stretching his face out a bit as his eyes changed color to yellow. He let go of the mask with a snap, still smirking. Edwin was going to kill him. “Best part, it’s easy to remove and you don’t ever have to reuse it!” He said sarcastically with a smirk. That’s when the Eterian reached up to his cheek and dug his fingers into his handsome human face. He pulled the skin away, warping his features for a moment before the skin tore in his grip, revealing a strip of reptilian green skin.

He laughed as he continued to pull the human face away from his true Eterian features. The skin came off in strips. He grasped handfuls of tan human flesh, pulling it away from his body and legs, letting the human skin fall to the floor in pieces. Before long, the Eterian was completely revealed. His larger muscular reptilian form would have been menacing to any other species, but Edwin could care less. The Eterian stood before Edwin in his true form, it’s muscular body ready to attack.

Edwin slowly got up with a low laugh. Eterians were fearsome creatures for sure. Known all around the universe as fitful assassins and arms dealers. That being known, Hiveworld has never feared them. They couldn’t impersonate a bug, and their weapons were never needed since Hiveworld specialized in conquering other planets, taking their technology each time. If the Eterians were feared, Bugs were harbingers of doom.

Edwins suit, now strained to the point where you could see the exoskeleton within shift and move, bulged. His smile stretched wide as a deep rumble emanated from his growing body. The cracking and shifting of his true body got louder as the air in the room got dry. He reached to the back of his scalp as he had done so many times before and dug his now clawed fingertip into the human skin.

The Eterian hissed as Edwin’s skinsuit ripped. At the same time, Edwins stinger exploded from his ass and struck out towards the spy with such force it tore a chunk out of the wall as the creature leapt away. Edwins true form continued to emerge from the back of the torn human skinsuit. His once handsome features sagged and wrinkled down as the skin wrinkled and slid off the growing body within. As his limbs shrugged off the husk, they unfolded with a cracking noise as his body continued to grow. The Eterian hissed again, backing away towards the door.

Edwin let out a deep laugh as he stepped out from the old wrinkled human suit, letting his stinger flit about behind his massive body. The Eterian realized what Edwin was and his fear was apparent. He tried to turn around to leave, but Edwin shot his tail out at the door, slamming it shut by impaling the metal with a loud clang.

Edwin stepped forward, his menacing form towered over the Eterian who was looking around desperately trying to find a way out of the situation. Edwin smiled as his tail flicked in front of the Eterians now terrified face. “Tell me where that key is.” Edwin said in a deep grumble. The Eterian started to breathe hard, looking at the stinger that moved right by his neck. Edwin grasped the Eterian by his shoulder with such terrifying strength, green blood emerged from Edwins grip.

“IT’S THAT THUMB DRIVE YOU PULLED OUT OF MY PANTS BEFORE!” The Eterian stammered between a shrill hiss of pain. Edwin looked behind him and without even looking jammed one of his other arms up against the Eterians neck, lifting him up off the ground. The Eterian struggled and hissed as Edwin, with his long reach, picked up the pants. He lifted the pants up to the Eterians face. “Grab the key and open the safe.” Edwin said between a low gravley growls.

Edwin released the Eterian who coughed on the ground before him for a moment before taking the pants with shaking hands. He staggered up to his feet, pulling the drive out and walked towards the closet with Edwin close behind, his stinger ready to strike at any moment. The Eterian pressed a button on the thumb drive, transforming it into a glowing blue key before inserting it into a statue’s eye in the spacious marble closet. The wall opened, revealing a larger show room full of all sorts of weapons you can’t find on earth.

Edwin immediately spotted the softball sized bomb in the corner, letting out an excited chittering laugh. The Eterian put his hands up and backed up out of the way so Edwin could enter. Edwin laughed and without even looking, struck the Eterian in the neck with his stinger as he walked past him before grabbing the bomb. He continued to laugh as he walked out and towards the front door. That’s when Edwin heard a raspy laugh.

Edwin slowly turned around and looked down at the Eterian, who was prone on the floor grasping his neck. Usually the poison was instantaneous, but in the case of the venomous Eterian . . . it wasn’t surprising to see him holding out a little longer. Edwin’s clawed feet made a clicking noise on the marble floor as he approached the dying lizard. He lifted the Eterian up in his clawed hand, staring him in his dying face. “What may I ask are you laughing at?” Edwin said in an annoyed voice.

The Eterian, floating in and out of consciousness let out another laugh before slowly muttering three letters. “M . . . I . . . B”. Edwin growled and tossed the lizard aside before turning towards his empty human suit lying on the floor. He pulled out his communicator, and sent Moe a message to get ready to leave. He also needed some more pills, which Moe had. He picked up the old suit, looking around to see if there were any other options. Edwin thought about looking for a disguise the Eterian used, but he didn’t have time.

“Uuuugh, I guess this would have to due.” Edwin said lifting up the torn empty skinsuit and shaking it out. This was bad, if the MIB were notified, that could put this whole operation in jeopardy. He threw the empty wrinkled suit over his shoulder, grabbed some of the Eterians clothes, and made his way towards the elevator. He had to get out of this building with the bomb as soon as possible. “I may need Moe after all.” Edwin said with a toothy grin as he opened the back of the old damaged skinsuit just as his body began to morph and shrink in size again.

To be continued . . . .


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