Edwin's Plan- Story 2
Edwin could barely breath as he slipped the old skin over his newly compacted humanoid bug form. He grunted and wiggled as he pulled the skin on tight, pulling the worn human features over his own. He secreted the chemical, which allowed the skin to seal around his body. All the old tears were gone from his trip to earth a month previously. He sucked in a little air as he knelt down, trying to stretch out the suit a little bit.

“Ugh, these human forms are so TINY!!!” Edwin groaned as the cracking noises emanated from his body echoed in the empty ship, which just landed behind the targets favorite gym. He slowly stood up and stretched out his arms. An inhumanly low voice echoed over the speakers.
“Edwin, remember that this is temporary. You will need a new suit, and quickly. We don’t want you wasting the final serum we created until you have the targets identity.”
Edwin groaned and raised his arms up as his back shifted beneath the skin. He pulled on the back of his scalp to smooth out his human face a bit before releasing it with a snap. “I know the plan . . . I came up with it. Get the last piece of the serum from that undercover MIB agent, then take his identity . . . I KNOW!” He yelled.

The suit made a stretching noise as the doors to the ship began to open. He pulled on some underwear and stepped out of the ship. “God I hate humans.” He mumbled as he walked with some difficulty out of the ship. As the ship door closed behind him an illusion popped up of an old warehouse, completely masking the ship from view. Edwins started to smile, but his mandibles popped out from within his human lips for a moment. He pulled his lips back into place and frowned. “Ugh, this is so uncomfortable.

This would be so much more comfortable with the new serum!“ He said to himself. He tried it once before with this very suit, and he could have stayed in it for a year if he wanted to. He had full functionality, and could revert back to his true form any time he wished. He looked down at the small green vial in his hand and sighed. The serum still needed to be mixed with some Zaren Dust in order to work . . . and we are gonna need a lot more in order to fulfill our future mission. He sighed and popped the vial in his mouth before swallowing it. His neck wrinkled and bulged for a moment as the vial moved down his throat.
Edwin heard a noise and slowly turned around in apparent discomfort as his target for the temporary suit emerged and walked towards him in a red jacket. He was a muscular man who looked to be larger than Edwin was currently. Edwins body swelled up in excitement, creating a rubbery stretching noise. He sucked in his bug-like form and stretched his human face back into a smile as the human approached him with a look of . . . amusement . . . no curiosity? Edwin was unsure. The man just stopped, giving him a once over, his expression not changing.

Edwin admired the man for a moment, maintaining a strained smile on his human face. The suit was so tight against his newly compacted alien body. Since he had kept the skin from over a year ago, it has not aged well, even with the chemicals his kind uses. The skin was wrinkled and stretched out, making him look much older than the human actually was before he was turned into Edwins new onesie. Lines formed around his lips, forehead and neck, however he hoped not enough to raise suspicion at this point.

“Ummmm . . . can I help you?” He said with mild sarcasm and concern. He had no idea what to make of an almost naked muscular man in the middle of the ally like this. The man knew there was a gym across the street . . . that’s where he was headed . . . but this was weird.
Edwin looked around carefully, then down at his communication device. Nobody around. His smile grew wider as he allowed his body to relax. “Actually . . . “ He said as his body began to crack and expand as it started taking in water from the atmosphere. “YoU CAn!” Edwins said through gritted teeth as his body began to swell, the muscles began shifting and unfolding within his human suit. His chest bulged widley as he seemingly flexed in front of the man.

His neck and shoulders wrinkled and grew wider as his back also began to bulge. His body shook as he began growing in height. The man stepped back wearily. Edwin felt the skin tighten around his back as he looked down at his misinformed human looking feet, which had a strange claw poking out of his big toe.

Edwin arched his already bulging back as he let out a low growl. One of his pincers began to poke out of his lower back area and the rest wrinkled and stretched awkwardly within the flesh suit, making it almost transparent in certain places. He was close now, the serum was weak enough his inhuman form could easily take on its original shape. All he needed was a little . . . help before Edwin would be free.
Edwin let out a sucking noise as he slowly raised his now disproportionate arms towards the back of his head. There was a familiar cracking noise that became louder as he dug his fingers into the scalp with a tight groan. The human backed up, a look of concern slowly turning to disgust. Edwins wrinkled face was slack for a moment before he slowly pulled the skin apart.

Just as he did many times before, he pulled the skin apart revealing a sickly slimy inhuman surface beneath! His face folded and stretched as the back of his scalp was scraped apart at the same time his bulging muscular back ripped apart revealing that same slimy writhing surface. Edwin’s body popped as it unfolded from within the skinsuit, allowing the flesh to sag and fall away as he stepped out, now at his full monstrous height.

The man screamed and started to run, however, Edwin snatched him up with inhuman speed and carried him away behind the back of the building. Within moments the man was silent. After some rustling and cracking, Edwin emerged from behind the building in the fresh suit. He picked up the old wrinkled skinsuit he had for so long and threw it in the trash casually. He put on the man's jeans and his black undershirt with some discomfort. He hated clothes on top of the suit. Made it even more uncomfortable.
Edwin massaged and pulled at his human face so that it fit better, however he could already feel the skin tighten around his compact form. The skin looked strained and veiny since he didn’t have any sugar to help contain his inhuman form in the humanoid shape. “This IS gonna suck!”

He mumbled as he pulled at his neck skin again before slipping his almost human looking feet into the black and white shoes. One claw poked out from the right foot just as he stood back up with a loud crack. “I gotta find this guy fast” He said before walking awkwardly towards the gym.
Edwin snuck into the back door of the gym, which was open and he scanned the main gym area. The target was nowhere to be seen. He looked out of the window, letting out a low growl as his shoes curled and spread out wide and his arm expanded. “He should be here by now.” He said through gritted teeth.

He looked into the reflection of one of the nearby mirrors. He could see some of his exoskeleton and sinu pushing against the suit, looking like veins. These helped dehydrate Edwin's body while inside, and secrete the serum, which he was quickly running low on. His back and shoulder shifted beneath the skin making a cracking noise. Edwin cocked his head and massaged the skin to smooth it out. Just then he saw his target getting out of the car. The man wore a full suit, just as all MIB members typically did, and just like MIB members, they sometimes take a little break for lunch . . . or in this case, the gym.
A devious smile stretched on Edwins new face as he walked over to the men's locker room, hoping not a lot of humans would be around. He peered inside from the entrance and spotted the muscular human. He noticed a briefcase that the man slipped into the locker. Edwin smiled and remembered the report proving there was no tech or secret cubby hold for this MIB agent to hide his stuff in or weapons to use against him. The dust would be in that suitcase.

Edwin flinched as he noticed 5 other humans in the room. A few started to notice him, so he backed out and went into the main workout area. He would wait for him out here and follow him in the locker room when the human finished with his workout. Edwin rolled his thick neck and, with some difficulty, took his shirt off, revealing his thick muscular body. The others noticed, a few smiled. Edwin delighted in how easily humans were tricked into thinking he was one of them.
He maintained a tight controlled measured look stretched on his face as he hobbled over to the workout machine. He felt his body shift and inflate a bit, creating a meaty stretching noise. He cleared his throat, hoping no one would notice. People turned and stared, he looked down and saw the tight suit was starting to show more of the sinu around his real body. He may need to go with a more . . . destructive plan if time runs out. He looked around, his stomach rumbled at the thought. He was a bit hungry.

Edwin adjusted his exoskeleton so that they pushed against the suit like abs, making him look more defined and intimidating. Finally the target came out of the locker-room in his gym gear. Edwin began the long hour long journey around the gym, trying to look normal, casually lifting up the most heavy weights in the room. He sat down and watched the human work out. He was about the same size as Edwins current suit. Edwin did recon already, knew the current guy he was wearing was a drug dealer and this guy . . . the MIB agent, was a spy for the Aquilians, which MIB didn’t know about. Him being a spy isn’t what made him important to his plans. This guy was also head of security for the holding facility in district 14, where they stored Zaren Dust.
Edwin and Edgar aren’t the only ones planning a visit to Earth. With the Zaren Dust, which is a compound that helps with molecular regeneration and reformation, they will be able to complete the serum, allowing them to take on human form for as long as they want with fewer side effects than before. This way we can invade earth’s highest echelons of power quietly right under MIB’s noses.
The thought of this made Edwin shift his body causing his skin to stretch out a bit at his shoulders. Damn, he thought. It’s gonna be harder to suck in at this rate. My sugar is low and it’s starting to show. Edwin looked in the mirror. His rugged handsome human features were now starting to look worn and wrinkled. The skin was starting to sag around his neck and his sinewy body was starting to push out against the suit. He wiggled his toes within the shoes, and could tell another claw popped free. This wasn’t good.

Edwin looked back at the agent and notice him staring at Edwin now. There was a stretching noise emanating from Edwins body. “ShIT” Edwin mumbled as he tried to look casual.

He sucked in as hard as he could and tried to look inconspicuous. If he had to, he would shed the suit and just go on an all out assault. His kind wanted to make as little noise as possible and were much more selective about which identities they took on since Edgar’s . . . mishap. They sought humans who didn’t want to be found. The morality of this planet didn’t concern Edwin, however taking the form of someone who didn’t want to be found who was somewhat attractive and large was a tactic that seems to have worked for Edwin.
He looked around and saw many of the humans leaving for lunch. ‘Good’ Edwin thought as a wicked smile stretched across his tight human face. However the MIB agent just went back to putting away the weights, not even caring about Edwin. Edwin shifted nervously as the agent walked by towards the locker room. This was it!
Edwin slowly got up and lumbered towards the locker room. His body began to grow slightly in anticipation. The suit felt wet and heavy . . . he couldn’t wait to get out of it. Just as he was almost to the locker room, one of the gym staff stepped in front of him with a frown.
“Sir, you did not check in. Can you please come to the front desk and do that for me? Customers shouldn’t use the back door . . . “ the little human started to say. Edwin didn’t care. He didn’t have time for this. He lashed out. With inhuman strength, Edwin grabbed the human by the back of the shirt and lifted him up with one arm, letting out an inhuman growl.

Edwins pants started to rip and his shoes widened even more, barely able to contain his inhuman clawed feet. The human shrieked in terror as Edwin’s muscles shifted unnaturally. He accidentally let his mandibles slip out for a moment and seriously considered slipping the humans head into his mouth as a quick snack.

Edwin stopped, this was going to draw too much attention, so he instead allowed for his tail to rip free from his thick toned ass and stab the human in the neck, silencing him. He tossed the now unconscious body aside, continuing his approach into the locker room. He stopped right before entering the main dressing area for a moment. He pulled in his sharp stinger tipped tail with a grunt, back within his suit. He was never sure what to expect from any agent from the MIB, so he had to be careful.
This was it, either way, he was not going to be able to stay in this skin. His chest and shoulders began to swell and his shoes were so wrinkled and stretched out, you could see the inhuman claws outlined in the fabric. His face tightened, smoothing out somewhat. He cracked his neck and sighed. “Finally, I can get out of this thing and get the completed serum.”

Edwin stepped into the main changing area. His large imposing tight body cast a shadow over some benches by the lockers. He saw the agent sitting there, putting on his clothes. His face would be considered handsome by human standards, and he clearly took care of himself. This meat sac would keep him full until later tonight for sure, Edwin thought coyly.

Edwin just smiled and began to relax his body. He let out a deep low inhuman growl as the skin continued to stretch and fold in awkward places. The man looked up confused. Edwin couldn’t help but smirk now.
“Alright meat sac, time to die MIB scum!!” Edwin said between fits of low laughter. His wrinkled face was pulled back into a wide grin as he reached up to the back of his neck with one hand and grasped some of his suit at his lower back with the other. He felt his true form begin to absorb the moisture in the atmosphere again, leading to the familiar tightness he felt before.

Just as Edwin was going to tear himself free, the handsome agent smirked and pulled out a small gun. Edwin knew what it was and the danger he was in. MIB had a huge arsenal of weapons from all over the galaxy, and Edgar already learned the hard way on how well trained MIB agents can be with them.
“OH SHIT!” Edwin screamed as he took an inhuman bound out of the way just before the small gun let out a huge explosion, blasting the wall apart. His thick muscular body slammed into the lockers. Edwin quickly got down in a low crouch as his shoes broke apart revealing a semblance of clawed . . . kinda humanoid looking feet. The cracking from deep within his body continued as his back muscles shifted. He let out a roar just as there was a sharp ‘riip’. His tail lashed out at the agent before he had the chance to turn to face him. His stinger stabbed the agent in the neck, however the agent was able to let out another blast, shredding the tail apart and blasting another hole into the lockers. Edwin reared up in pain and shock before letting out a deep roar again. His muscles and body bulged and shifted beneath the human flesh suit as it tightened around him. He rose his thick arms up as the skin and sinu made a rubbery stretching noise before letting out another deep growl, dropping his arms and flexing every muscle he had.

With his sugar depleted and the serum almost completely worn off he was able to break free now with ease. His true form pushed against the skin with such force, pulling in the moisture from the air so fast, the agents lips dried up as he stumbled back. I guess he felt the poison now! Edwins back bulged just as his legs and ass split apart. Two massive legs unfolded from the once toned human legs, tearing the rest of the jeans like paper. At the same time, his arched back tore apart at the shoulders revealing a familiar slimy inhuman surface beneath. Edwin grunted as his claws unfolded, shredding the human gloves and arms. His face was pulled back so tight, it was unrecognizable. There was a moment when the skin just stretched and made a rubbery noise before the lips and forehead split apart and the human face peeled away. Edwins true form slide free of the remaining skin as he let out a deep triumphant laugh.

Edwin stretched out his body before picking up the poisoned MIB agent and setting him aside near the lockers. He let out a series of gagging noises, holding out his claw, before the vial he swallowed before tumbled onto his palm in a vat of goo. Edwin wiped it clean with his claws, and the man's old suit jacket on the floor before peeling the agents locker room door open like plastic.
Edwin took out the briefcase and sawed it apart with his claws. The case came open, and there were 3 pink vials of powder. Edwin let out a hiss before setting it on the ground and picking out one of the vials. He let out a snicker as he uncapped it and poured the fine sand like substance into the green serum.
“Ahhhh, at lasssst!!!” Edwin said as the serum turned a shade of purple now. “Now the tricky . . . painful part.” He said as he looked back down at the agent. “But first, let me prepare you, shall we?” He said with a devious hungry look.
Within moments, Edwin consumed the agent and left his skin, using technology and brawn. Edwin shook out the caramel brown skinsuit and dropped it to the floor in a wrinkled empty heap. He snickered again before pouring the small vial into his mouth. He stood there for a moment hearing sirens in the distance. “Well, I won’t have too much time now.”
Edwin doubled over in pain as his body began to crack and fold in on itself. Within painful awkward moments, Edwins body became a strangely sleek compact slimy green and brown in a muscular humanoid shape. He clicked and growled, testing his range-of-motion in his new form, before holding up the empty suit. Within minutes, Edwins had slipped his body into the empty skin. He now stood in front of the broken mirror massaging his new human suit and flexing.

Edwin pulled on the humans gym sweats, found what he could of his old skinsuit and anything else conspicuous, put it in the agents suitcase, before walking out of the locker room. The skin fit nicely over his new form and he noticed that the tightness he felt before was much less, and he was able to move a little better. The human looking movements were smooth and natural looking. Although still a little tight and would require periodic adjustments, Edwin knew he could stay in this suit all year if he wanted to. He looked down at his suitcase then held up the agents MIB badge with a smirk. He walked out of the gym, past the police and onto the sidewalk. Edwin was now free to complete the hard part of his mission . . . infiltrating the MIB.