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Releasing The Cold One: Part 1

There was a loud rusty metal click that echoed throughout the empty gym as a door slammed open in the back. It was early morning, so the light was just starting to enter the building’s cloudy windows as a large muscular man entered the room. The owner of the building had a slow purposeful walk. His thick muscles shifted and flexed with each movement that could be seen under his tight black shirt and dark sweatpants.

He looked around slowly, his jaw clenched, which caused his wrinkled worn facial features to ripple. The dim lights flickered for a moment as his shoes creaked and wrinkled as he wiggled his toes in anticipation of . . . something. He casually walked over to the window and looked outside at the early morning sky, then down at the dark wet parking lot as a car peeled in with loud music.

The man's lips stretched back into a tight smile for a moment before he got up and walked towards the front desk of the gym. Every morning, like clockwork, Sam worked out at this gym. The man was special and of keen interest to the owner. As he approached the front desk, he flexed his thick arms, allowing for the veins underneath the skin to shift and slide around as his neck cracked. He stopped and looked into a massive mirror wall in front of a weight wrack, and admired his rugged face in the mirror.

You see, the man wasn’t human. Far from it. He slipped on this human skin in order to get close to Sam years ago, specifically targeting him for his unique psychic abilities. HIs eyes glowed for just a moment with a dark, purplish light. It was so quick, no-one, even near him, would have been given time to process the change. It had been some time since he had taken on this form. He reached up and massaged his wrinkled facial features. There was a slimy shifting within his face and body that made a wet slurping noise. His shoulders jerked and rolled as he stretched his lips wide, allowing one long wet slimy tentacle to emerge from his now distorted stretched lips, his eyes rolling back as he let out a low groan.

The tentacle was otherworldly, the slick slimy skin seemed to sheen with many colors and moved in an otherworldly motion. Anyone in that room would have cried out in madness at the sight. The thing stood there for a moment, the skin sliding down a massive tentacle, the face wrinkled and sagged back as there was this noise . . . a sound of a million screams and cries, emanating from the partially emerging creature.

“The TIME has come Azathoth!” The creature started in a deep alien voice. The noise didn’t come from an orifice or mouth that could be seen, rather it was an immaterial voice, one that seemed larger than the room and sky, one that could be heard around the world, breaking the sky itself . . . but it wasn’t. To anyone else, it would just look like this creature was standing there . . . . sliding and moving around in silence, with nothing but the wet sloshing sound of whatever was in the skinsuit moving around. “The human approaches, today we open the gates!!!”

The lights seemed to dim and a bulb in one corner of the hallway popped before there was a response. The air seemed to thicken and the pressure built before there was a low grumble like thunder. The tentacles writhed and slid further out of the stretched face, the throat and jaw wrinkled as his eyes became misaligned with whatever was within the skin. “YOU have done well Nyarlathotep.” The entire room seemed to have the color fade for a moment before the otherworldly rumble ceased. Nyarlathotep seemed to bow within his human skin in reverence.

That’s when the inhuman creature slid back into the stretched lips of the human suit, which he pulled and massaged back into place as he continued his approach to the front desk. His eyes glowed again for a moment as the worn wrinkled skin around his body seemed to shift and smooth out into a more presentable form. His calm deadpan expression was the last thing to slide back into place as he rounded the corner, unlocking the front doors before making his way behind the front desk.

Nyarlathotep has worn this tight human skin for years engaging with this human. Suppressing and confining his greatness within such a small suit hurt the great being, but it was all necessary for his greater plan to release Asathoth onto this world. Nyarlathotep fed on distress, sadness, depression, betrayal, and every other negative emotion these humans possess. He thrived on it, making the fleeting amount of time taking on this form almost precious as he preyed on the small, short-sighted minds of these humans. But even to an outer-god there were limits. Cosmic power aside, the human skin wouldn’t last forever, and he was fast approaching the end of its ability to contain the being, and Nyarlathotep knew that.

He slowly looked up, sensing two humans outside. This was unusual. Usually Sam came to the gym alone. Of course Nyarlathotep set up a psychic field subtly deterring anyone to come without psychic abilities. Just yesterday the – said he would meet Nyarlathotep here at the gym for an exercise in psychic training. You see, the owner revealed to the human that he too had some unexplained psychic powers. This admission allowed them to get close, and since then, the two have been practicing their powers in order to grow them together. This of course was all by design. Nyarlathotep maintained this facade, acting as a guide or teacher of sorts, pushing Sam, unwittingly, into using and expanding his powers.

Recently, Sam has been close to connecting to the cosmic power of this area, an area that this gym was built on. An ancient gate, deep underground. Nyarlathotep knew, with a little more prodding, Sam would be able to connect and open the gate soon! That’s why, with Sam coming to this place with another unknown human, Nyarlathotep was concerned.

This gym was near Sam’s home, and the gym wasn’t popular, with most members able to enter in the later afternoon hours, if at all, just to keep up appearances. This area of town wasn’t known for it’s . . . . health conscious population. Due to the natural energy surrounding this area, Sam was drawn here, with Nyarlathotep patiently waiting to make contact. But with the nature of power Sam was using, it tended to have effects on any human's ability to connect and make friends, which is why Sam bringing a friend raised many red flags. Nyarlathotep was not scared or threatened of course, just annoyed that this could cause a delay in his plans.

Sam came into view smiling as he opened the lobby doors. His sneakers made a squeaking noise as he approached the lobby. Sam himself was quite handsome by human standards. His bright blue eyes brought a certain level of calmness to the area, even though his size would be intimidating to most other humans. That’s when Nyarlathotep saw the other human enter the building, both of them laughing as if in mid-conversation!

“Sup Rick!” Sam said smoothly, his teeth flashing brightly, not noticing the look of absolute betrayal on Nyarlathotep’s face. He scanned his membership card before pulling out a protein bottle and taking a swig. Nyarlathotep looked at Sam with a node and what he hoped was a warm smile. Sam seemed to admire him for a moment, like a student would a master, before gesturing behind him towards the approaching man.

“Oh, this is Jake, he wanted to come to the gym with me today!” Rick . . . as Nyarlathotep was known to the humans as, eyed the large approaching man, who looked him up and down with a certain level of mistrust. He was larger than both Sam and Rick in stature, and carried himself in a very imposing way. He was handsome, with large muscles, wearing a black shirt, some tight shorts, and worn black workout boots. Rick subversively read the man's mind before Sam had a chance to notice. This human wanted Sam sexually. Interesting. Of course Sam did not yet know how to fully read a human mind. That ability would likely require years of additional training to master. He more or less can see glimpses of memories or thoughts, both past and present, which were almost impossible to understand. Luckily Rick didn’t need Sam's full potential, only a willing idiot capable of turning a key.

Rick gave the handsome newcomer a nod and a smile, trying to casually type some information into the computer. “I thought we were going to do our meditation yoga again today?” Rick asked smoothly, trying not to look bothered or annoyed in any way. Sam looked up at Rick and blushed. “Oh yaaa, i’m sorry man. You know what, I actually wanted to talk to you about that!” Sam said. Rick raised an eyebrow as he looked over to Jake. The man stood there silently, studying Rick. That’s when Rick realized the man also had some psychic abilities! Weak . . . very weak, even compared to Sam, but he did have some ability to manipulate psychic energies.

Sam casually mentioned the weird weather before he continued into the gym, motioning Jake to follow. “Just put him on my guest pass.” Jake stood there for a moment as if he didn’t hear Sam, and just stared at Rick. Rick could feel the man try to wash his senses over his mind. Oh what a cute little human. He smiled a bit, locking eyes with the man, batting his psychic attempts to read his mind aside with ease. Jake tried a few more times, but was unable to sense anything else from Rick. Rick watched as the man eyed him with some uncertainty before slowly continuing into the gym behind Sam.

“If you wanna join us today, I think you will want to hear what Jake has to say!” Sam said as he dropped his workout bag on the floor next to a bench machine. “I think you will find we have a lot in common.” Sam looked back and made eye contact with Rick with an almost pleading look. “Apprentice and master . . . right”, Rick mumbled to himself. The human wanted to bring another into the fold. Form a little book club for psychic preschoolers. Rick had to stifle an eye roll, and instead turned it into a smile and a nod. With that Rick walked over to the front doors, flipping the “open” sign to “closed”. He ground his teeth, his muscles shifting a bit under his face before heading back into the workout area.

Jake, who was now ignoring Rick, took off his hat before taking off his shirt, his large muscles rippling from the movement. Rick noticed Sam admired the man's body for just a moment. Rick couldn’t help but to casually scan Sam's mind for confirmation that he was attracted to this man. Rick wasn’t sure why he didn’t think to try to romantically pursue the human. This casual relationship was fruitful, but Rick forgets how humans and hormones work sometimes. Rick shook his head and looked over to Jake, who only to stare daggers at Rick.

“What’s going on Sam?” Rick asked innocently, ignoring the brooding man. He didn’t want to scan anyone’s mind again, not while Sam was focusing on him now. Whoever this Jake guy was, he didn’t like Rick, and that in combination with knowing about psychic abilities could derail his plans.

“Jake also has abilities!” Sam said, with an expression and in a tone that suggested that Ricks response should be that of excitement and joy. Rick stood there for a moment, feeling the pressure on his mind from Azathoth. He had to hurry. Not just so he could finally shed this skin, but because his lord was impatient. Even as an immortal God, there was a hunger that made every moment agony in waiting.

Rick adjusted his facial expression to what he hoped came across as wonder to at least Sam. He couldn’t care less about Jake. “Oh wow . . . . I thought . . . . I thought we were the only ones!” He tried to say while shifting his features so he seemed shocked. Sam nodded and put his hand on Ricks shoulder, almost as if to console him. This insult was almost too much to bear, his form bulged for a moment within the tight human skin, which he tried to hide by pretending to cough. Although Sam didn’t seem to notice, figuring it was from shock, Jake did notice something off about Rick at that moment. His mistrust was palatable now.

“And he knows a lot about this stuff! More importantly, he says that using our powers like this here could be dangerous!” Sam continued. That’s when Rick perked up. Nobody knew the true nature of this place. For millennia humans were exposed to little of the outerverse, much less knew of the existence of an Outer-God Gate! “He said that his family has known of powers like ours for centuries, and that people with abilities like ours disappear in this area! He thinks we shouldn’t be practicing here, there is too much evil!”

Ah, so Jake and his ancestors only knew of circumstantial stories. Rick stood there silently considering the situation. Rick was a millenia old being of immense power, a few more hours or days, or months or years were but a blink of an eye. He could take a few days to warp this mans mind into telling Sam exactly what he needed to hear to get him to use his power here, he knew that. Maybe he could torture Jake’s mind on the way out just to be spiteful, but the impending pressure on his mind from Asathoth made it clear. He didn’t have time.

Rick looked over to Sam and shrugged, in an almost pleading way. “Bro, what the hell are you talking about? I’ve been using my powers at this gym for years with no issues. I own the place, we have privacy, that’s all. You could both practice here, I don’t see what the big deal is!” He said in a light but firm tone. That’s when Jake stood up.

“Don’t listen to him Sam, there is something about this guy I don’t trust! Wasn’t he the one pushing you to use your powers? Maybe he is purposefully playing you! You told me yourself that you sensed something dark here once . . . did you ever think it was Rick?!” Sam stood there, uncertain, not looking up to meet Rick’s eyes. There was something about Sams body language that signaled to Rick that he was losing his influence. Should he warp his mind now . . . or wait? Asathoth pressed against his consciousness again. Rick began to seemingly breathe hard. Sam finally looked up with a look of realization.

“You know . . . he’s right. I only ever feel that darkness when i’m here with you! We have been out plenty of times using our powers with no issues. He looked around the gym. Of course Rick knew of the foreboding presence, which wasn’t coming from him. . . but from Asathoth himself. The Outer God was angry and impatient. These humans were perceptive enough to feel it now . . . or at least Sam was. Rick took a moment to compose himself, tightening his humanoid shape so the suit didn’t look abnormal.

“Sam, that isn’t darkness you feel, that’s you pushing past your own limits! Maybe it’s just from you being around 2 other people with abilities. I sometimes feel it too, but it’s not necessarily bad?” Rick started, but Jake cut him off.

“No, that’s how I know you aren’t on his side, if you knew what Sam felt . . . what he witnessed in his dreams, you wouldn’t be pushing for him to be using his powers here. It would be no loss to you to go somewhere else.” Jake paused and looked back at Sam. “Dude, we should get the fuck out of here, I can tell you are feeling something bad right now.” Rick looked at Sam and noticed him rubbing his temple. Jake looked back at Rick with a menacing almost threatening stance. “FUCK this guy, lets get out of here!”

Rick's muscles shifted as he bared his teeth in anger. His veins pulsed and his skin stretched, his feet widening as there was a meaty groan within his body. Sam looked around the room in confusion hearing something before Rick slammed his hand on a nearby machine forming a loud dent, “DON’T FUCKING LISTEN TO THIS FOOL!” He yelled in an almost inhumanly gruff growl. His facial expression was wild and his features stretched wide as his forehead creased into a twisted frown. His muscles bulged under his tight shirt, as there was a slight tear from behind. Sam snapped his attention to Rick as both men backed off.

They all just stood there a moment, and that's when Sam stumbled into Jake’s arms, grabbing his head, letting out a soft cry in pain. Jake held him up as Rick composed himself before taking a step towards them to help. Jake put his hand up to block Rick’s approach, turning Sam in his arms away from Rick. “Get the fuck away freak!” Jake spat before starting to carry Sam towards the front doors. Sam was panting now, rubbing his forehead, his eyes rolling around his skull. The energies of the gate were affecting him now. Sam was stronger than Rick realized.

“Dude, you look like shit. Just take the keys and rest in the car for just a sec. I’ll talk to Rick and get him to come with us ok? You just need some AC, it’s kinda stuffy in here!” Jake said to Sam, rubbing his back a bit. Sam nodded absently, taking the keys before they walked out the door without even a glance Rick’s way.

Rick paced for a moment, his shirt ripping some more around his shoulders. He let out a low growl before peeling it away from his muscular body. He watched as Jake comforted the human, opening the gym doors for him and helping the man as Sam stumbled towards the car. He let some of his own energy lose, causing some of the weight machines to move away from him. He needed to get Sam to make contact with the gate here today. He didn’t have time for this! He glowered at the two men outside, his suit wrinkling as his true form writhed and pushed against the skin.

A slimy tentacle slowly emerged from his lips again, forcing his face to misalign and stretch back. He needed quick decisive action. He sent his mind out and connected with Jake. He saw into his mind, confirming that the man was mad and was going to come back inside to confront him. “Perfect!” He said in a muffled deep rumble. The black and brown otherworldly almost holographic tentacle straightened as he used his power to strengthen the existing psychic barrier around the gym. He made sure to disable the gears of the car Sam was entering so that it couldn’t be put into drive. His tentacles shifted underneath his human skin for a moment in anticipation before the tentacle was sucked back into his face with a wet sucking noise. If Sam was trusting this human, then Nyarlathotep would obliged this new found romance! He pulled on his face so that the features aligned before his eyes glowed a disturbing dark purple color. His skinsuit smoothed out instantly looking more natural than before.

Nyarlathotep was going to need to make some drastic changes if he was going to make this work today. He saw Jake walking back to the building from the car. He looked angry, clearly willing to fight Rick physically if he had to. He cared for Sam, that was clear.

Rick walked to the back of the gym, his eyes fading to his normal dark green color. He smiled slightly as the doors slammed open, with Jake calling out his name. “How amusing!” He muttered, making sure he was out of sight from any window facing the parking lot.

Jake himself still had his shirt off and ditched the hat, his muscles flexing as he yelled again for Rick to come out. Rick stayed calm, standing there, as if waiting for his prey. When Jake saw him, he gave Rick a once over with his eyes. The man had a moment's attraction for this suit? Rick was somewhat surprised, since this skin was close to failure. He rolled his neck and nodded towards the man. “You wanted to talk?” He said mildly, his inhuman tentacles wiggled within his tight running shoes, making his calves flex.

Jake walked up to Rick warily. He knew something was off about the man, and he knew he was also strong enough in power to have blocked his attempts to get some sort of psychic readings off the man. Jake didn’t waste any time. There was a look of concentration as he lashed out towards Rick with his mind. His body flexed and he clenched his jaw with effort. Rick smiled, “Ok, not a talker, got it!”

With the impending pressure from Azathoth increasing, he knew he didn’t have time to play with this human. He dismissed the psychic attack with ease, making the man stumble back, his eyes wide with shock. That’s when Rick made his move. He opened his lips and allowed for a form of pheromone to escape his suit. This was both biological and psychic in nature, since all Outer-beings possess some combination of cosmic and physical form. The air rippled and struck Jake, causing him to stumble from the impact.

Rick smiled wide, his mask a face of concern for a moment as the human tried to regain his composure. Rick sent out an intense feeling of arousal to the human, laughing as his cock pushed against his shorts as Jake breathed hard. He grabbed his cock and fell to one knee in both pain and ecstasy. “Whaaa . . . . what are you . . . how did . . . ughhhh . . . “ Jake said, moaning in pleasure, his cock leaking a bit through his workout shorts. His back muscles twitch as his massive quads flexed, a failed attempt to get back to his feet. It didn’t work. Rick watched intensely as Jake began to crawl towards him on all fours!

Jake lifted his head, salivating and eying Rick with a mix of hunger and disgust. He wanted it, he wanted it so bad, but he didn’t know why. He admired Ricks now smooth muscular body. Jake somehow found the strength to launch his body at Rick, wrapping his arms around his neck and kissing him deeply.

Rick didn’t even try to hide the mass of tentacles under the human face. They caressed and massaged the inside of his mouth, making the psychic attack even harder to resist. Finally Rick rolled his eyes and gently pushed Jake back down to his knees, his still human looking cock snaked out, moving on its own, sliding against the mans soft wet lips. Jake looked up with pleading eyes before Rick slowly slid his cock deep into his face with a low raspy hiss.

Rick concentrated, wrapping his own mind around the man, caressing and clouding his senses so that all he wanted was Rick. A slight smile stretched on his older distinguished face as his body rocked in and out of the mans mouth. He didn’t need to do this, but he did love to play with a human mind. It was a form of arousal for him . . . as close to what arousal is for a God anyways! But this charade was almost at its end, he wasn’t going to be needing this suit much longer!

Rick's eyes rolled back as the sky outside darkened. The energy was growing, to the point where it was affecting the physical world now. Car alarms were going off, lights flickered, the whole City was starting to feel the effects. Dogs barked, and there was a smell in the air like the calm before the storm. Rick's body started to ripple and bulge. His mind now blanketed the area, he could see Sam outside trying to hold off the darkness running through his mind. Those who have been touched by the gift would be more aware of the effects.

His chest and abs wrinkled as he began to crouch over the man, groaning now in an otherworldly voice. His face started to wrinkle and sag, as whatever was underneath was squirming and shifting. Jakes mouth slide up and down his human looking shaft, his eyes now looking completely white as the psychic energies wrapped around his mind and soul.

Rick let out a long soft growl as his face shifted into that of relief as there was the sharp rip of fabric. His shoes slowly tore apart, the fabric wrinkling back as long brownish/gray slimy tentacles emerged from his feet. The skin and fabric tore further, releasing more of the bound tentacles surging within the human skinsuit, which spread out over the floor.

The slug-like appendages wrapped around the knees of Jake, pulling in him further against Rick’s cock. That when a large tentacle ripped free from Ricks thick ass, sliding out with a wet slap on the floor, wrapping around a nearby lifting machine for balance. He let out a low croaking laugh as he hunched over the man, eyes glowing madly with dark purple energy now.

“Ahhhahahaaaaahahaha, AT LAST!” Rick said in an inhuman voice as the windows shook from the wind outside. HIs face was crazed now, pulled back in a wrinkled manic grin. His worn old skinsuit was shifting and bulging, the tentacles could be seen underneath sliding around. His neck was bundled up into fold of skin as his shoulders grew, groaning again in almost a pleading way before there was a wet tear. This time Jake began to choke. Rick’s cock split open as goo and skin were surrounding the humans mouth now. A bunch of smaller tentacles slide down into Jake’s body, both physically and psychically connecting and displacing Jake’s insides!

Rick’s whole body shuddered as he looked up, his purple eyes fading as there was a sloshing, slimy, choking noise coming from Jake as his “cock” took root inside the man. His calves and thighs began to rip apart, as more tentacles, once bound into the shape of a muscular human leg, unfolded themselves beneath the skin, forcing the suit to break and slough down onto the floor with a wet slap. His lower body was a mass of writhing, slimy tentacles, which spread out over the floor, with seemingly no end or limit. Some wrapped around Jakes whole body now, which was silent and motionless. There was a crack of lightning outside, illuminating the sky and Rick's now very wrinkled and worn out body.

As if trying to maintain some control, he looked down at the mass of tentacles wrapped tightly around Jake’s body, then looked up, taking in all the psychic energy from the man. His thoughts, fears, desires, memories, all came flooding into him. He then looked up at a mirror nearby, admiring the skin he currently wore. He had been in this thing for so long. He let out a low laugh. “Oh you were so handsome when I slipped you on . . . Rick.” He said to himself with the barest hint of a smirk on his wrinkled stoic human face.

With that, there was a release of what sounded like a wet burp from the man, and a loud wet rip. He stretched open his mouth, lips peeled back to reveal a large tentacle as his thick back bulged and ripped apart at the same time. Then his jaw stretched unnaturally wide, his human features now indistinguishable from the rest of his wrinkled tan flesh as a large hideous inhuman maw emerged from the skinsuit. The abs wrinkled and sagged as the creature tore the lips and neck area of the face apart to allow for the rest of his inhuman bulk to emerge!

Goo dripped and slid down the wrecked skinsuit as the creature crawled out of it like an octopus from a small hole. The skin deflated and fell to the wet slimy floor in a meaty heap as the tentacles began to enter and disappear into the writhing mass surrounding Jake’s body.

The sucking noises continued as there were screams echoing through the air. Screams that weren’t here in this world, but somewhere else. Thousands and thousands of other ethereal screams and cries of terror. Like ghosts in the wind. Nyarlathotep's true form was a writhing mass of almost holographic black flesh that turned to shades of gray and brown at times. At its center were small and large limbs and a massive toothy maw. It all moved and squirmed in such a disgusting otherworldly manner, any human witnessing this first hand would go mad at the sight.

Although only for a moment, it felt good for Nyarlathotep to have shed the confines of human flesh to emerge in his true form. Of course his actual form was a bit more. Think of it as part of his true form. Outergods existing between the real world and that of chaos. They could take any shape they desired. Nyarlathotep himself took on this shape for one simple reason; it terrified and disgusted mankind.

As the tentacles disappeared, it was finally clear that they were entering Jakes now deflated empty skin. The massive creature slowly slid into the skinsuit, folding and adjusting it’s massive bulk so that it was compact and humanoid in shape once inside. Squeals and wet sucking noises could be heard as the massive alien god finished sliding into Jake’s skin, taking on his likeness and mind. Slim dripped from his lips as the tentacles slid across them. The empty skin seemed to suck in parts of the massive creature into all manner of orifices, like his ass, ears, and eyes.

The goo on the floor began to dissipate, as if it never existed, as the creature finished slurping inside Jake. Finally, the human form of Jake was on all fours, his skin finished shifting and rippling as it settled around the gods humanoid form. Each tentacles, although now squeezed into a compact shape, made up every tendon and shape of muscles that was Jake before. Jake rose up onto his feet. The goo all over his body began to dry as he massaged and pulled at the skin over his body.

Jake finally walked up to the mirror and lifted his massive arms and flexed. The skin wrinkled a bit awkwardly for a bit, but his handsome features and smooth skin soon settled back into a presentable form. “If Sam wouldn’t come to reason talking to Rick, then maybe, he would listen to Jake!” He said in Jake’s own voice with a slight smirk. He let out a deep laugh as he pulled on his tight black leather boots and some tight shorts from a nearby locker. He scanned the outside, the psychic energy still raging in the area. Sam was still waiting in the car, although this time he was looking around, concerned as to what was taking us . . . no Jake . . . so long. He looked at himself in the mirror again and laughed before walking towards the lobby. This ritual was going to happen today, one way . . . or another.

To be continued . . . .

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Beto Sanchez
Beto Sanchez
Dec 24, 2022

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