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Edwins Move- Story 5

Chapter 1:

The Queen looked at Dung’s inhuman form standing before her in reverence, holding up two empty human skinsuits. He had made quick work of the two lowly humans who tried to attack him. He was a good protector. The queen’s massive pale body and midnight black eyes casually looked around the back room as if inspecting a new home.

“Edwin mentioned that this building has access to the city’s sewer system, which intersects with an old unused underground transport system?” The Queen said in an deep otherworldly voice, her pincers clacking, struggling to get the words out.

Dung nodded towards a small door off to the side of the room. “Yes my Queen, through that door.” He said without hesitation.

The queen looked and let out a croak-like sigh. “Well we aren’t going to access that in these forms. I suppose it’s time.” She said in an almost bored tone. She was intimately aware of what needed to be done, coming up with most of the plans with Edwin and Edgar, most of which failed. This plan however was her true objective, one she felt had to be done while the MIB were distracted.

She pulled out a large silver canister, placing it on the floor with a metallic thud. Her claws tapped the top of the vessel with practiced, surprisingly quick, motions making small symbols glow. There was a hiss before the canister opened up with a blue light. The sides fell revealing row upon row of these small little glowing blue pills.

“This is what we wanted to produce with the Zaren Dust. The Final product Edwin failed in providing us with enough resources to create for the whole hive.” She said, her massive clawed feet made a clicking noise on the wooden floor as she circled the canister in almost reverence. “One pill is capable of keeping any from our hive in a humanoid form for a year!” She looked at Dung and nodded, acknowledging his presence. “We were able to create only 1,000 of these little pills, which is just enough for this mission.”

Dung looked up at her with some confusion. If these pills lasted as long, each of them could stay in human form for over 300 years. He looked down at the canister again, staring at the glowing liquid within each pill.

“Well that is true for you and any other subject of the Hive. However, that is not the case for me. Her massive form shifted as her head craned over the canister. Even being here for 300 years would not put into action the plans I have for earth. You see, our species is dying. I am laying fewer and fewer eggs every century, and soon, within the 300 or so years allotted to us with these pills, our species would still die.” She caressed the canister in her clawed hands, seeming to bow her head at the thought. Dung followed her lead, doing the same.

“We need a new start. We need to be proactive in our survival, which is why i’m here.” She looked at Dung, chittering with her many mandibles, her black eyes reflecting the blue light. “I plan to make use of these human meat sacs, as a catalyst for a new species. A hybrid of our kind and theirs, taking on the best of both species to create a new breed of Hiveswarm!” She finished in a deep impassioned voice.

Dung knew of the plans of course, so this was no surprise. He still wasn’t sure why they needed so much of the new serum in order to make that happen. He shifted, eyeing the serum before looking back up at the Queen.

“You see, I am only able to produce eggs every century or so. This is one of those centuries. Unfortunately the hormones my body produces plays havoc with the serum we created, meaning I require much more in order to maintain a humanoid shape. We have to be effective in seducing the humans to produce the amount of sperm needed, so we cannot settle for less than the serum’s full effect. I require almost 50 pills to start, then another 5 pills every 3 hours in order to maintain this form.”

She pressed another button on the top allowing for the glass opening to the pill canister within to open up. She pulled out a hand full of pills, each of her many eyes counting out the number she needed. “That only gives me less than a few months to carry out the mission, not including the pills you and Moe will take of course.” She eyed the handful of pills before popping them into her massive maw. She turned around and nodded at Dung to take his as well. “We still don’t know how exactly me producing the eggs will further affect the serum's effect on me.”

Dung walked over to the canister and grabbed one pill, tossing it into his maw. Within moments, both the queen and Dung doubled over in pain as their bodies began to expel moisture. The familiar sound of cracking with both of them letting out a screech or deep groan as their bodies shrank. She reached down to her belly with one clawed hand as her massive swollen tail, where the bulk of her eggs were, began to shrink. She had made sure the eggs were unaffected as long as they were not in the later stages of fertilization.

Dung was long done, standing there in a deep red humanoid form, devoid of human features, just folded sinu and chitin shifting into what looked to be human muscle and bone. He rolled his shoulder and head as the claws retracted into his fleshy humanoid form as he watched the queen transform. Her powerful pale form shrank and seemed to fold in on itself. Her howls of pain shook the ceiling, concerning Dung. Seeing his queen in such a vulnerable state was hard, however, eventually the shrieks and cries ended as her body finished contorting into the same humanoid form shared by Dung.

Their true forms were now unrecognizable. Warped into muscular male forms with vague human features. The queen looked pale in contrast to Dung, holding her hands before her, moving her new fingers open then shut as if for the first time. Dung had taken the old serum for the first time not too long ago, which was just as unpleasant to say the least. This time however, he did not feel the constant pain nor as much of a struggle to maintain his humanoid shape. He cocked his head, looking over to the empty human skins nearby. The queen nodded before they each picked up a wrinkled empty human husk, which sagged in their hands. They both opened the tears in the backs of the skin and began the process of sliding the empty disguise over their new bodies.

There was the familiar sucking and stretching noise as they squeezed their still large bodies into the slightly smaller human skins. Clearly the serum was not an exact technology. Before long Dung stood before the Queen, who was still struggling to pull the skin up her torso, stretching his new human facial features into place. His face was strong and considered to be handsome by human standards. His body looked lean and muscular as he admired his naked form in the nearby mirror.

He wiggled his human toes and rolled his thick shoulders as his true form shifted slightly from within. The skin automatically began to seal and change to more of a natural human color, the regenerative properties of the serum taking effect. It seemed to move and affix itself to his true form within, making it look more natural. Dung smiled at the results.

The queen admired her now human looking hands before grabbing the deflated empty human face that hung in front of her muscular human chest. She opened the tear in the neck and stretched the human mask up and over her pale head with a sucking noise. She let out a deep sigh as she pulled and massaged her human features into place. Due to her larger than normal size, it took time since Dung and the Queen had to adjust the suit more meticulously in order for the skin to interact with the serum coating her true body. They pulled and pushed the stretchy skin so that there was enough slack in the back to allow the skin to seal itself.

Finally, she walked up to the mirror and admired the human form she took, running a hand over her smooth handsome human features. Her muscles seemed to shift and push against the suit, as the serum clearly took a bit longer to take effect with her than it did with Dung. She cocked her head and ran her hands down her chest and abs. Her thick arms pulsed before the cracking became more muffled as she settled into her human husk. She admired herself, turning her head as she admired her human features.

“You are sure these humans were attractive enough to homosexual males?” The Queen said as she rolled her shoulders while forcing her face to stretch and contract into various facial expressions she was taught humans made.

“Yes my Queen.” Dung said, holding a bag full of clothes. The Queen casually looked over at the clothes and rolled her eyes.

“Clothes. Why do humans need more coverings?” She asked in annoyance. Dung just shrugged his shoulders. She of course knew why, she was just as keen on gathering and learning about the humans as Edwin had been. “I suppose it can’t be helped.” She looked back at the mirror and flexed. “As soon as Moe gets here, it will be time for us to commence phase 2.” She said with a wicked smile stretching across her now handsome human face.

Chapter 2:

Feeling the humans fleshy hand in his, Moe pulled him inside the room and shut the door with an eager grunt. He was so curious to know what fornication with a human entailed. He turned and smiled at the human, who was looking around, admiring the suite. Humans judged each other not just physically, but based on what they owned and how much currency they had. Hopefully the spacious, although slightly messy place, didn’t turn the human off.

To avoid the human making any further judgements about the place, Moe walked up behind him and pulled the human into his thick arms. He then stretched his smile wide with his mandibles to show no ill intent, before allowing his mandibles to release the smile with a wet snap, relaxing the lip before coming in for a kiss. He produced a wet slimy sound from his throat, allowing the wet insides of his esophagus to slide out and cover the many teeth he hid within his mouth. There was a wet snap as the two muscular men started to kiss passionately. Moe allowed the humans wet tongue to slide in and out of his lips as he attempted to do the same. It made Moe hungry more than anything.

Tired of maintaining the illusion of kissing by painfully sucking his mandible in order to not injure the human, he broke it with a grunt. With a smile stretched across his face again, and the human struggling to catch his breath, he led the man into the room. Without even thinking, he walked forward and pulled down his tight pants, revealing huge sculpted legs and ass covered by small undergarments.

“Whoa, you don’t mess around!” The human said with a smile as he kicked off his shoes and began to undo his belt.

Moe took this opportunity to fill the empty sleeve of his cock with a claw before turning around. His body screamed for release from within the suit, but he managed to calm himself down. He turned around, looking at the man with an inquisitive look. He was sucking in a lot in order to make his muscles look toned and natural to the human, however, his massive limbs folded into the human equivalent of legs was very uncomfortable. They were pushing against the suit, making them look almost unnaturally large.

“Do you not want to fornicate with me?” Moe asked, confused by the man's statement. He watched as the human took off his shirt with a smile. All of his body movements and facial expression did not match the statement or tone the human just made, confusing Moe.

The human was staring at Moe for a moment before smiling. “Of course I do, I wouldn’t have left my post just to help you move.” He said with a smirk and a gentle laugh. Moe forced another smile to stretch across his face before grabbing his shirt and ripping it away. The man just looked shocked and smiled. Moe took that as a good sign.

Moe walked over to the bed and stood there making sure his true form was tight and all claws were fully retracted so he looked tight and muscular to the human. It was a hard balance to make, and he was starting to think he may need another dose before the day was over after sexing this human. He kinda stood there, staring at the human’s now almost naked body, unsure how to start. He just waited, so see what the human did.

The human began to stroke his cock before slowly approaching Moe. Moe just stood there trying to make an enticing facial expression. He had to shift some of his exoskeleton as the human looked at the bed to ease some of the pressure building within the suit. “Your legs are incredible!” The human said lustfully, placing a hand on Moe’s shoulder. “Relax, it’s ok, I won’t bite.” The human said, leaning into Moe’s ear in a whisper.

He began to massage Moe’s skinsuit, which felt good, but he was worried the human would mess up his suit. That’s when Moe noticed the human’s cock harden, pushing against his underwear. The human looked at Moe and smiled. “Are you a top or a bottom?” He said coyly as he began to kiss Moe’s thick neck and shoulder. He squirmed a bit, but knew this was a good sign.

Moe stretched his lips wide into a smile again, allowing the human to rub the skin on his neck and shoulders. It was very loose, but the human didn’t seem to mind. Moe cleared his throat and responded in a somewhat louder and harsher voice than intended. “I would like to receive your seed please.” Without hesitating, Moe turned around and bent over, knowing that the human would deposit his seed into his ass. He wasn’t sure how it worked, but he knew they inserted before sharing the sought after liquid, which Moe was prepared to take and store in his body until meeting with the Queen herself.

The act of bending over, was actually quite hard to do in Moe’s current state. The skinsuit was already tight, and his body wasn’t exactly spry in this form. There was a cracking noise followed by a wet stretching noise, which was soft enough, Moe hoped the human wouldn’t notice. Clearing not expecting Moe to so suddenly bend over like that, the human laughed with a more puzzled look on his face. “Okaaaaaay.” He said with a puzzled but intrigued expression.

Clearly the human wasn’t that bothered, since his cock seemed to get even harder at the sight of Moe’s human looking ass, especially when he reached back and tore away the underwear, revealing his muscular ass. Moe struggled to keep his mandibles within his human mask. The suit was already starting to show its age, and it was getting harder and harder to maintain his humanoid form.

The human smiled with a nod, stroking his own cock with a smirk, running his hands down Moe’s thick muscular back. He gently pushed Moe so that he stumbled towards the bed where he propped himself up still bent over. The human kissed his back while running his hands over his thick hard ass. The skin moved and wrinkled under the mans touch, but he didn’t seem to mind. “Low body fat percentage man, I like that!” He said, none the wiser. Moe had to smile at this, letting out a low grumble of a chuckle.

The human spit on his own hard cock as he began to move his hands up and down the shaft with a sigh. He clenched his jaw and slowly eased the cock into Moe’s ass. Moe’s body tensed, not because it hurt, because it didn’t, but because he had to shift his insides so that a special organ that collects sperm was where the cock entered. Wrinkles formed around his human features as he let out a deep grunt. The human patted Moe’s shoulder thinking it was the size of his cock that did it. “It’s ok, i’ll go slow.” He said in Moe’s ear.

Moe just rolled his eyes. The skin around his neck began to sag as his shoulders bunched up. The position was what was painful. “No, please, quickly!” Moe said in as light of a voice as he could muster. The man frowned, but obliged. Moe didn’t react as the man began to pump. Realizing that Moe was serious, and could clearly take a dick, he smiled and began to pick up speed. Moe clenched his jaw as he lifted his ass up higher. His abs wrinkled and sagged and his cheekbones seemed to push against his human face. “FASTER!” Moe said, this time in a deep inhuman tone.

The human began to pant and groan as Moe continued his struggle to maintain control of his true form. The slapping of flesh on flesh and the smell of sweat made Moe even more hungry. He was enjoying this sex thing. He tried to move his ass to the rhythm the humans body pulsed to, however, his joints were just too stiff to really make it work. The serums effects seemed to be wearing off. He could feel the pressure build in his hands, legs, and back, his claws itching to escape the confines of his disguise.

Soon the human shuttered and let out his own weak growl before slumping over Moe’s body then on the bed. Moe stretched his lips wide since the human could see him again before standing up. He stood there before the human who was breathing hard, shifting his true form to make sure the cum was collected. For a moment, the claw that filled his cock retracted. Realizing what happened, Moe quickly sat down on a nearby couch as the human sat up to look at Moe.

Moe tried to contort his face into another smile, but it looked like a self-satisfied smirk instead. He used his big arms to hide his now deflated looking cock. His body was tense and the pressure almost unbearable now. The suit was quickly starting to become more worn out looking. Portions of the skin were wrinkled with blemishes starting to appear all over. Moe ground his mandibles together in frustration. He needed to take another dose of the serum.

“Well I hOPE that was satisfying for you. Please leave NOW, I have work to do.” Moe said before stretching his lips wide, trying to seem pleasant by human standards. The human frowned before standing up and walking towards the dresser. Moe didn’t notice before, but the human set up his communication device on the dresser without him knowing . . . he was recording their sexual encounter!

The human grabbed some pants and pulled them down as he let out a knowing laugh. Again, the tone was different than how Moe expected a pleasured human to sound after sexual intercourse.”Actually . . . . Joey, I’m happy to leave, and thanks for the subpar sex.” The human said with a grin. He grabbed his tight shirt and threw it over his shoulder before pulling out his phone again. “You see, I know who you work for.” He paused and looked around. “You tend to learn a thing or two about the neighbors, especially when you are the only tenant in this building we share access with.” He began to pace, this time grabbing his shoes and slipping them on. “You may have noticed my phone. You got me!” He said with a mischievous laugh. “I recorded us.” The human said darkly. Moe was starting to understand this humans motive.

The human stood before Moe, who was still sitting calmly on the couch. “You see Joey, your wife isn’t going to like you fucking around . . . with a man. Something tells me that would be very bad for you in the middle of such a nasty divorce case. I also don’t think this is going to look good to your boss.” The man said in a cheeky tone, all pretense of kindness gone.

Moe didn’t know what Divorce was to humans . . . or what a wife for that matter, however, he did understand the idea of blackmail. Given the humans underground affiliations in human society, Moe assumed this was as good as a death threat. Moe hated death threats. Moe slowly stood up allowing a low inhuman growl to escape his human lips. He looked the human up and down and decided it was time for a new suit. The man before him looked a little more roomy and he was technically threatening his life.

The human stepped back, a bit nervous now as Edwin started to take in moisture from the air, allowing his body to shift and expand. Edwin slowly made his way around the room blocking the doorway with a tight wide smile etched on his human face. He seemed smaller than the human, but the way his muscles seemed to grow clearly made the human nervous. There was a loud crack as Edwins back seemed to widen, the muscles shifted and bulged as he let out a low laugh, his chest and arms bulging widely now. Some of the small tears in the suit allowed the sweat with serum to leak out, casting a watery sheen over his body.

“Hey man, don’t try anything, I already uploaded it to the cloud, it’s set to automatically send unless I input a code.” Moe let his mandibles release his human face so that his expression snapped into a serious frown. The movement made it look like he tensed his jaw, making the human even more nervous. “Let me out man, all I want is a little cash, I know you are good for it. $100,000 and we are square, I’ll delete it in front of you, just make the transfer.” Edwin didn’t move.

The human put the phone in his pocket and quickly pulled out a switchblade before settling into a defensive position. “You don’t wanna fuck with me man, I’m no punk. I was raised on these streets, now MOVE aside asshole or I'm ending you!” He yelled, starting to breathe hard. Clearly Moe was making an impression.

Moe could feel it now. The moisture was interacting with his internal organs and bodily fluids. The serum was quickly being burned out of his system. It was finally time! Moe began to shake, his claws began to push against the fingertips and toes of the skinsuit as the loud cracking started. The human paled at the sight of the muscles all over Moe’s body shifting and moving in inhuman ways. Wrinkles formed around his joints and neck as his body seemingly grew in size, now at least matching the height of the human, but double the size. Moe let out a low growl and rolled his eyes back as his stinger shot out of his human ass down into the concrete floor, shipping the wood and stone. That was the moment when the human also noticed his empty deflated human cock, which now filled again before breaking apart as another stinger emerged. Edwin opened his mouth wide and let out a horrible inhuman screech as the skin around Moe’s still human looking body tightened and wrinkled!

That’s when there was a wet tearing noise. The loud deep screech abruptly ended as his teeth fell out and his cheeks and lips wrinkled wide allowing for his thick mandibles to emerge from the wrinkled human face. Claws pushed from his fingers and feet as Moe shifted and bowed his back and shoulders, allowing for the torn flesh to slide apart revealing a dark green bumpy back. His chest and abs wrinkled and stretched before another set of arms tore free of his lats. Slimy goo dripped down the skin before Moe grabbed his stretched out human mask and pulled it apart while wiggling and continuing to unfold his body. The wet skin sagged and dropped as the creature pushed the skinsuit down his tall massive inhuman body like an old onesie.

Soon Moe stood before the human in his true form, the wrinkled empty tan skin he once wore was at his feet in a heap. He cracked his joints and opened and closed his mandibles lined with sharp teeth as the human cried out in terror, dropping the knife and falling next to the bed. Moe’s red eyes seemed to almost glow as they focused on the terrified man.

“I aPPRECiate the sexual INTERCOURSE, but now I’m HUNGRY!” Moe said in his deep otherworldly voice before letting out a clicking hiss. Moe pounced on the man in one quick motion, knocking the bed aside with ease. There was a quick scream and it was all over.

As Moe enjoyed his meal, he looked down at his communicator and noticed the time. Edwin should be done by now, he thought. I have to get back to base fast and leave Edwin to do his work . . . or at least serve as a distraction should MIB come. He pulled out his last dose of serum and swallowed. That’s when he heard a loud knock at the door. Edwin would not have knocked.

Chapter 3:

Agent F sipped some coffee as he and Agent T rode down the street responding to an SOS from a contact. “So when did this signal go off?” Agent T asked as their invisible car flew over the many skyscrapers in the big city.

“About 20 minutes ago.” Agent F said as he pulled out a newspaper. They both sat there for a minute. Agent F always looked so relaxed while Agent T couldn’t stand to be alone or sit for too long.

“So this Eterian is a known weapons dealer . . . how did MIB get him under their thumb?” Agent T said as they continued their approach of the target's position.

“MIB made him a deal he couldn’t refuse.” He paused and looked at Agent T knowing that wasn’t enough. We had and still have the ability to take down his entire network, and let him know as much. Usually when we shut down a weapons ring like that, the competition takes over. It’s a never ending race. It makes sense to keep this guy in charge so we can at least get information from him. It was a deal he wouldn’t want to refuse. He can stick with arms dealing, with some restrictions of course, as long as he fed us needed information. He also had the full backing of the MIB for any matter threatening his network.”

Agent F turned a page and took another sip of coffee before continuing. “This has made him invaluable as an asset, saving more lives than he could possibly have a hand in taking. Not to mention, his ability to buy dangerous weapons and give those weapons to us at a price of course, has just increased his wealth. Two birds with one stone. We gave him a transmitter to use if he were ever in physical danger at his various safe-houses.”

Agent T clenched his jaw. “That would explain the urgency. Agent H was adamant about keeping a low profile, but told us to prepare for anything.” He paused and thought about the situation. “We were due to pick up a very dangerous weapon from him this week, weren’t we?”

Agent F nodded slowly before taking another sip. “This is a big deal T, we have to get that bomb from the Eterian, or whoever the Eterian is having trouble with. This will be a galactic nightmare if we don’t.”

They both sat in silence as they began their descent towards the Eterians safe-house. It was a large condominium, which he owned the entire top floor of. It was full of high tech weaponry and vehicles. Every Agent in the City was on their way. Hopefully they weren’t too late.

Chapter 4:

Edwin pushed and pulled at his wrinkled human features. The suit was stretched out and torn in places, since he had to remove it earlier. He would have to find a replacement here soon. He growled and thought about pulling out another dose of serum . . . his last dose. He had to pace himself, especially if he was going to need another suit soon.

With a grunt, Edwin put on a black and white tank top with a lattice design. After struggling to put on some sweat pants the Eterian had in his closet, and some old Freebird running shoes, he couldn’t imagine being able to stay in this long enough to escape the building. His shoes creaked from the pressure, basically acting as the skin itself since he could feel his claws already shred the feet. He would need a guest at this condo or hopefully Moe hadn’t taken that guard's skin yet. Moe could use his current disguise a bit longer. Long enough for Edwin to send the MIB his way that is.

As the slow elevator descended, he moved his wrinkled facial features into various expressions. His muscles already looked like they were bulging, and he could feel a stinger ripping the skin above his ass. He sucked the bulk of his body in and began to pant in discomfort. That’s when the Elevator doors finally opened with a ding. Edwin stepped out with his arms crossed as he saw a human at his door. He was larger than Edwins current host. “Perfect!” Edwin mumbled with a smirk.

Edwin looked around. Moe hadn’t sent him anything indicating that he was finished, so if he wasn’t answering the door, he must be in the middle of something he wanted to make sure no human saw. This could be bad. His mandibles shifted in annoyance making his face stretch for a moment. If Moe is taking that guard as a disguise, and Edwin had to take this human, that would be a lot of bodies laying around for MIB to pick up their trail. At this rate, with what the Eterian said, the body count was unavoidable. Edwin slowly walked forward with a forced smile.

The human barely paid Edwin any mind, which was aggravating in itself. He clutched the bomb in his hand for a moment before setting it gently on the table next to the elevator. He walked forward until the man noticed him.

“What are you doing?” Edwin said in a dull deep voice. The human looked his way in apparent annoyance finally noticing Edwin.

He looked Edwin over with a look of confusion that bordered on disgust. “There you are.” He said in a deep almost threatening voice.

Edwin wiggled his toes within the tight confining shoes and stretched his lips into a wide smile. “And you are?” He asked, not really caring about the answer. His body was starting to retain water. Edwin sized the man up and worked out how he was going to do this without making a mess in the public area.

The man squared up on Edwin and pulled out a gun. “You fucked up Mark. The Boss wants you and your boi Joey dead. Now open the door so we can have a talk.” He said in a dangerous relaxed tone.

Edwin’s smile became almost predatory. “Gladly!” He said as there was a meaty stretching noise and a deep growl in his throat. His muscles tensed up as there was a rip from behind him. The skin, which had just re-sealed itself, tore easily to release the stinger, which lashed out and stabbed the guy through the neck. Edwin grunted with a laugh as his shoes began to tear. “OhhhHHHH ugh. LoOK WHAT you MaDE me DO!” He said as his wrinkled abs began to sag again. That’s when he noticed the elevator lights moving up from the first floor.

Edwin let out a growl and quickly grabbed the large man in one hand and opened the door in the other. He tossed the dead human into the Condo without even looking into the dark room. The man’s hand got caught in Edwin’s shirt, tearing it off of him, making him stumble to one knee. His mandible slipped out of his wrinkled face as he let out a growl as he ripped the remaining shirt away and kicked the body into the room. Edwin ran over and grabbed the bomb before practically jumping into the condo and slamming the door behind him.

He stood there shirtless looking around the condo. It was dark, but there was a low growl from the other room. “It’s me.” Edwin yelled as he set the bomb on the counter. That's when Moe walked out of the room wearing a new skin. He smiled at Edwin before raising his arms to the sides and looking up, rolling his shoulders. The suit wrinkled then smoothed out, clearly having just slipped it on.

“DAMMIT MOE!” Edwin said as he looked around the suite then down at the body. “Now I have to use this one!” Edwin said, his face sagged and the wrinkles became more apparent, making him look older.

Moe looked over Edwin. The suit looked stretched out, but almost hung off Edwin’s humanoid form. He must have shed upstairs when engaging the Eterian. Moe looked down at his hands then shrugged. “It was necessary. He was threatening me.”

Edwin rolled his eyes, but kinda wore a knowing smirk on his face. His body shifted and he rolled his neck. Moe admired how Edwin really had all the control in the world when it came to wearing these suits. Using the old serum, after shedding the suit once before, he was actually able to reuse it! That was impressive by any Bugs standards.

Letting out a deep low laugh, he clearly had no need of that disguise anymore. “Well we don’t have time for this. The Eterian signaled the MIB somehow, they are on the way.” He said through gritted teeth. Moe watched as Edwin began the process of taking in moisture.

This could actually be good for Moe. With the MIB on their way, this was the perfect chance for Moe to come up with an excuse to abandon Edwin. As Moe looked around for clothes, he noted the bomb on the counter. Edwin was actually able to find the weapon! Could he actually pull this off? Moe was actually impressed. Wiping out the MIB wasn’t really the Queen’s primary objective, but it definitely wouldn’t make her unhappy if Edwin were to succeed.

Edwin growled as his body began to morph and twist under the human flesh suit. His haggard face seemed to widen as his body grew in size. Before long, the skin wrinkled and stretched as various parts of Edwins true form unfolded within. He groaned as the pressure built up within the human husk.

It didn’t take long, the suit was so worn and old that the skin was basically like paper at this point. His face tightened as his dry lips stretched wide, revealing a large inhuman toothy grin. Deep wrinkles formed around his eyes, neck and jawline as his body shook. There was a wet tear before the skin over his body wrinkled and sagged, sliding down Edwins large torso, which quickly unfolded and grew in size. The bits of human skin fell to the floor with a slap just as tight sculpted legs and shoes ripped apart, releasing his real clawed extremities.

Edwin let out a long “Ahhhhggggggghhhhhh” as he was able to stretch and unfold his body for the second time today. His human face hung like a broken piece of cloth around his thick neck, which he quickly pulled away and tossed in a nearby waste basket.

“We have little time, we must head directly to the MIB headquarters. Grab some clothes while I put this on.” Edwin said in a deep gruff inhuman voice.

Moe was looking at himself in the mirror, making minor adjustments to his how human looking face. “Edwin, I think it may be better if we split up and I meet you at the Base. The Agents may have already looked at the footage of both of us walking in. We don’t want to risk this mission, so splitting up seems like our best chance.” He said trying to sound as casual as possible.

Edwin already had the dead humans skin in his claws, having already consumed his meal for the day. He let out a burp before looking at Moe. He knew that was the best course of action, and Edwin, unlike his twin brother Edgar, was no idiot. Moe’s logic was sound. There would be MIB agents making their way up here at any moment. Sneaking out separately would throw MIB off a little bit if nothing else.

“Fine!” Edwin snapped. He didn’t like not being the one with the ideas, but they didn’t have time to debate the subject. Edwin knew there was a chance that Moe would be the one caught, and that was good enough given the circumstances. “Clean up as much as you can, we don’t want them finding anything suspicious right away. That will give us . . . “ Edwin paused, narrowing his eyes for a moment. “ . . . gives me . . . more time to plant the bomb.” Edwin wanted to do this job himself. He didn’t trust the others, and taking out Agent H would be his top priority, never mind Agent L.

While Moe cleaned the apartment, Edwin took that time to slip on his new disguise. It was much roomier than the first one, and that helped due to the fact Edwin had to use his last dose of the serum to fit into it. With a deep growl he stood up straight with a loud crack, trying to suck in his bulk so the skin fit more naturally over his body. This would be the final time, hopefully, he would have to wear one of these damn skins!

Edwin stood there naked, shifting and moving so that his true form settled into the skin and looked more natural. Moe came back wearing black sweats and a black sweatshirt. “We need to hurry.” He said, holding a bag of clothes out for Edwin to take.

Edwin rolled his massive shoulders and let out a low growl before taking the bag. With some effort and a modest amount of cracking, Edwin slipped on some shoes and sweats. As the Serum took effect, Edwin was able to better shift his body into a tighter humanoid form, which made him seem and move more and more naturally with each minute. Before long he looked muscular, but definitely more normal. Finally, with only his shirt left, he raised his hands looking at them before flexing one arm. “Ahhhh, ok, let’s get out of here Moe!”

Edwin threw on the shirt and opened the door into the hallway. Moe threw the trash full of empty skinsuits into the trash shoot of the hallway before following Edwin to the Elevator. That’s when Edwin noticed the elevator lights blink, but not from the elevator they intended to use, but instead the elevator coming from the upstairs suite. They both knew that the Eterian was dead, so it had to be someone with the means to unconventionally access the roof from the outside. Either way they didn’t have time for the elevator.

Edwin and Moe both looked at each other before breaking into a lumbering run to the stairwell. Their massive muscular bodies shifted and pulsed as they strained from the movement down the stairs. “They got here quick!” Moe said with a grunt. Edwin’s jaw clenched hard, his face an impassive mask of anger. Edwin hoped this wouldn’t affect his mission. With the MIB alerted, this may be harder than expected.

Lucky for their inhuman amount of stamina, they made it all the way to the ground level. Lucky for them, nobody knew how many stairs they leapt down, sometimes with inhuman bounds, because they didn’t show a drop of sweat on their handsome faces. Their massive muscular bodies moved through the lobby quickly. Moe was able to make his way towards the parking garage entrance, as Edwin made his way through the emergency exit, which thankfully, didn’t have an alarm.

Edwin made it, clutching the bag that held the bomb to his chest as he walked towards headquarters. He would have to take the cab since his car has probably already been identified. “Either way, MIB, here I come.” Edwin said with an evil grin as he walked down the street.

Chapter 5:

Moe made his way through the parking garage, towards the car they used to get here. The MIB base was close enough to walk, which is where Edwin was headed. Moe had a different mission, to get back to base. Edwin pulled out a pair of sunglasses he stole from the apartment before leaving. That’s when he noticed three men approach him in black suits.

“Shit.” He mumbled to himself, trying to walk a little more smoothly. The MIB probably didn’t have an idea that the hive had anything to do with what was happening, yet, but Edwin didn’t want to take any chances. They were observant and knew what to look for when it came to anything inhuman posing as a human. He clenched his jaw, his shoes tightening as his body accidentally . . . likely due to nerves . . . took in just a bit of moisture. “Keep your shit together Moe!” He mumbled again.

As they came into clear view, all three of them looked towards Moe with black, stoic curiosity. He continued to walk, prepared to release his stinger at a moment's notice, however, was surprised when one of the men pulled out a communicator while the other two reached up to their ears, obviously receiving new direction. They stood around each other muttering in low tones as Moe walked past. Moe didn’t look back, however, heard their footsteps as they all began to run up towards the condo’s entrance with renewed urgency! A smile stretched across his face as he turned the corner into the alley about a block away from the garage and saw the car still parked there.

It took him about an hour to get back to base since Edwin was the one who had experience in driving over the others. After a number of close calls and many frustrated humans, Moe finally arrived at the gym. He pulled his massive body out of the small car with a loud crack before letting out a deep growl in relief. He walked into the gym, careful to close and lock the door behind him. He looked around taking off his sunglasses and with a new eagerness, his tight sweatshirt.

He looked in the mirror to see how he looked. His skin still looked good, just a bit wrinkly around the chest and abs than before. Probably from sitting in the car for so long. That’s when he heard a noise coming from the back of the gym. He let out a low nervous growl before slowly walking towards the noise, weary of what he might find.

That’s when a large human emerged from the back room. He was handsome by human standards, dressed in what Moe assumed was stylish attire, although he wasn’t sure what the point was. In order to have intercourse, they had to take the clothes off anyways. The man stood in the doorway to the back room with a metal workout bar in his hands, held like a weapon. Imposing and guard-like in his manner, Moe easily guessed who was underneath.

“You look good Dung.” Moe said, allowing a smile to stretch across his face. Dung relaxed and nodded before moving out of the entrance to the back room. That’s when another human emerged from the darkness. This must be the Queen, Moe realized, bowing his head in reverence. She took on a typical human form, however, the way she held herself made her seem even more imposing than Dung. These forms they took needed to entice and seduce other humans. That was the point of this mission. When selecting a host for this stage, they had to make sure all the factors humans in the United States found attractive were included in their pick of disguise. This suit fit that criteria perfectly.

She stood there in the entrance to the dark room with a canister in her hands. With her being much larger than any of them in her true form, Moe was surprised at how well the human suit fit her. Moe expected her to wear a much larger human skin. With what she lacked in bulk, she made up for in height, about an inch or two taller than Dung or Moe.

Dung and The Queen had clearly already taken the newer serum based on how natural and easy they each moved. Moe was already starting to feel the tightness return with every movement he made. The queen opened the canister, revealing many bright blue glowing pills. “Take one.” The Queen said. Moe eagerly grabbed one and put it into his mouth without hesitation.

He couldn’t wait for the pain to go away, as he was doing all he could to maintain his bulk inside of this new disguise. He shuddered as pain radiated through his body. There was a slight cracking noise as his shoulders bulged and shifted slightly. His body shrunk and tightened in such a way, the skin over his body just seemed to loosen just a bit, relieving the pressure all at once. That when he noticed the skin tighten around his body in a way that didn’t feel confining as much as . . . weighted. Moe turned to look at himself in the mirror. He could move now, with no pain or effort in keeping his humanoid shape. It felt easy, almost as if this was his form.

He raised his arms in the air and flexed. He wiggled his human toes within his black leather boots and smiled in the mirror. “This is so much better!” He frowned then bared his human looking teeth. “How do we get out of these forms? I don’t feel the constant need for release as I did before.” He asked, rubbing his jaw and cheeks, trying to wrinkle the skin, however, it just snapped right back into place.

The queen walked behind Moe, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Just as you did before. You may not feel it, but you have complete control of when you want to free yourself of these skins. Just take in moisture as you did before.” She paused looking at herself in the mirror next to Moe, rubbing his chest now. “You shouldn’t feel the negative effects of being bound in these skins until close to a year from now. The regenerative properties of this serum are instantaneous. It must engage with your natural sweat in order to work. If you do reveal a portion of your true form, just put the skin back against your body and it should reseal itself.”

Moe ran his hands down his chest and abdominals, looking at Dung, who looked down at his own hands. The queen walked to the back room and pulled out a shirt. “It is time.” The Queen said, running a hand over her handsome cheek one more time before slipping on a shirt. Dung walked forward, dropping the barbell on the ground with a loud clang.

“I found a place where homosexual males congregate and are known to engage in sexual activity. They refer to it as a BathHouse. We have a limited amount of time, so we must go there tonight and collect samples for fertilization. I am in cycle, so we must not delay. As soon as we get at least ten samples . . . “

Moe broke in meekly, turning around and facing The Queen. “Your highness.” He said with a low inhuman rumble. “I have already acquired one of those samples during my mission with Edwin.” He said almost apologetically. Dung looked shocked. The queen eyed Moe for a moment, her human face settled in a mask of indifference.

“Did you leave behind any evidence?” She asked in a smooth low dangerous tone. Moe looked embarrassed. “No, my queen. Edwin and I cleaned the rooms before leaving, it will be some time before they catch on. One of the reasons why we chose this facility is that the crime family who operates it owned many such facilities all over the city. If MIB does catch on, we should be finished with our plan.”

She stood there for a moment. Her arm flexed and Moe watched as she stretched out her cloth workout shoes. She was not happy, but she looked to be considering how to move forward with the plan, not how to kill Moe. “ . . . nine samples then. Once those samples are collected, we will instead rendezvous at our secondary underground base.” She said sharply towards Moe before she rolled her neck and shoulder in apparent discomfort.

The serum clearly worked differently on her than for Moe and Dung. Moe looked down at the canister, with many pills already missing. She needed to be very careful at this stage of the mission, so this change of plans made sense. Moe hoped Edwin would be enough of a distraction to the MIB so they could get this done, but him taking another suit outside of the base was a mistake. “We must assume this building is already compromised. Let us go quickly, I don’t want anymore delays. My babies . . . are coming.” The Queen said with a smirk before making her way outside with Moe and Dung Close behind.


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