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Edwins Last Stand- Story 6

Agent H calmly crouched down as the other MIB agents surveyed the entire rooftop compound. Futuristic machines and invisible spaceship-like cars landed on the rooftop, which was decorated like a large garden of sorts, centering the entire roof was a large modern mansion of sorts. The penthouse suite. The dead Eterian lay in his exposed true form on the ground . . . impaled by the looks of it. Agent M was holding up an empty part of the Eterians known human disguise, which was littered around the room, torn away in a hurry it seemed. “What the hell happened here!” Agent H called out with a puzzled expression.

Agent M dropped a wrinkled piece of human face into a ziplock bag and walked up next to Agent H to look down at the body. Other agents walked into the room now, taking scans and photos of the building. There was clearly a struggle, the furniture was a mess, with gashes in the walls and scratches in the floor. There didn’t seem to be anything left behind from anyone else other than some clothes . . . humans didn’t have the technology to break in, and most aliens we know of would be hard pressed to enter uninvited . . . we are talking about a seasoned arms dealer. Whoever came up to the Penthouse suite was invited in.

For a moment, Agent M took a call. Although stoic, Agent H knew the new information was concerning. After hanging up, Agent M pulled up her handheld computer showing Agent K hacked surveillance. They silently watched as a man walked into the compound from the penthouse elevator, referred to as Mark, meeting the Eterian before heading inside.

Agent H looked up with a frown. “Interesting. We knew the Eterian had interesting . . . . involvement with humans before, but he is usually pretty careful to verify anyone he spends time with. This must have been a repeat customer. Question is, who is that and are they human?”

They both continued to walk around the room, looking at the marks on the wall, then down at the Eterian, poison leaking out from his neck, green blood everywhere. “A venomous sting?” Agent M nodded, kneeling down. “I was speaking to Agent L on the phone. This was done by a bug”.

Agent H closed his eyes. “Not again.” He said under his breath. He knew Agent L’s history with bugs . . . specifically a violent confrontation with one of the Princes a few years ago. She had killed him, saving two agents in the process. One of the main reasons for her acceptance into MIB as a new recruit. Ever since then, she has been a valuable asset to MIB. He looked around then back down at the handheld computer. He looked at the man's profile. The human seemed to have a checkered past, mostly involved with the mob and interestingly lived below the Eterian. He had lived here for years with no issues.

Another agent came up with another computer. “Agent M, after reviewing more footage around the compound and building, we noticed that the Eterian had a human bodyguard posted at the entrance to the elevator. Footage shows another human going into the condo below with him, but never re-emerging. The suspect also enters that same condo with another human who seemed to have confronted him in the hallway. The suspects never leave, only the man related to the mafia and the Eterians bodyguard. Scans show no signs of life currently in that condo.” Agent H and L exchanged glances.

“We could be looking at multiple victims, both human and alien.” Agent M stood up with a thoughtful look on her face before continuing. “Judging by the wounds on the Etrian, and the Bugs propensity to take on a human suit, I would bet those two humans leaving this building are now bugs in disguise. The safe in this penthouse is open, so we think the bug stole a weapon of some sort. The Eterian has quite the collection, and although we have kept tabs on most of what he sold, there is a possibility we missed something.”

Agent H frowned, “You don’t think this is related to the bug we confronted a year ago do you? That chemical compound they tried to steal would allow them to take on a more natural human form. This would explain how the human who entered this rooftop didn’t look so . . . . well . . . Edgar-like” Agent H said with a shrug.

Agent M put back on her glasses and headed towards the penthouse elevator. “We definitely would have known if this Bug was pulling another Edgar.” She said with no hint of frustration. After searching the downstairs penthouse, they found a lot of human fingerprints, all seemingly involved with the mob family in one way or another. They were about to cut their losses when another agent came up the elevator from downstairs with a bag in his hand. The agents opened the bag and found two torn and empty human skins within . . . the suspects. They both looked at each other with a look of concern. “Not bug . . . bugs.” Agent M said in a monotone soft voice.

“We may be looking at another terrorist plot.” Said Agent H, running his hand through his hair with a sigh.


Edwin peeled into an alleyway driving a tan SUV he stole from some human along the way. His careful approach to this mission was limited since squeezing into this new skinsuit, forcing him to rush the mission. He let out a deep growl as he looked into the mirror that hung down from the passenger window. He reached up and slid his hands over his cheek and forehead, trying to caress the wrinkles back into the semblance of the human face since he drove here with his mandibles out. The serum he took, although waning, was still leagues better than using the older serum Edgar used years ago. Still, the constant pressure of trying to suck in his true form in order to maintain a humanoid shape was taxing. He kicked open the door and wiggle his way out of the car with a grunt. He looked around with a growl. He wore a green tank, tight green shorts and some tight black lifting shoes. Although the clothes usually annoyed him, he wasn’t sure how much time he had in this suit, so anything that can hide the failures of the skin was much appreciated at this point.

He grabbed the bag sitting in the back seat with the bomb and momentarily leaned against the car, making it groan in protest under his weight. His black tight lifting shoes widened and wrinkled as he rolled his shoulders in discomfort. He looked around the abandoned alleyway connecting two old factories. Rusted metal gates and boards over partially broken windows made the area seem abandoned. If it wasn’t for the sounds of industrial machines and a few humans on the other side trying to yell over the sound of a truck, you would think this part of the area was abandoned.

He growled to himself as he looked down at his communication device. Moe was not responding, however, his vital readings were fine. He was either late or caught by the MIB. This wasn’t good. Strange for him not to at least receive an SOS. They had planned and accounted for multiple scenarios and accounted for the confrontation many times. This behavior was never part of the plan. Edwin let out a deep growl and slammed the hood of the SUV, making a massive dent. His arms flexed and the skin folded on his furrowed brow and neckline as he thought of the implications. He has come this far, he was not going to back down now.

Intelligence last confirmed that not only was this site the front for a major MIB storage facility, Agent H was also stationed in this city. If he didn’t at least take out a few agents he cared about, much less the facility, Edwin would be grossly disappointed.

He looked down at the bag in his human looking hands, allowing for a slow smile to stretch on his handsome facial features. The bomb would already be enough to take out not just all the structures on the surface within 4 miles, but would also erase all matter within a sphere of influence, not just a surface blast. This bomb, if detonated, would prove disastrous to the city. Although it was impossible to know what sort of tricks the MIB uses for defense. Edwin guessed the facility was indeed a human operation used as a front for the MIB. He let out another growl. He whipped off his hat and sunglasses, his back shifting under his shirt for a moment before crouching down, his feet spread wide, before launching his massive body up and over the wall with a growl.

He landed with a thud, his wrinkled shoes buried into the gravel, his massive sculpted legs bulged as he sat there in a crouch, carefully looking around. There was one human in a hard hat operating a massive dump truck with another worker trying to guide him backwards into a loading area of some sort. They didn’t notice Edwin given all the noise. The entire operation, the way the humans were talking to each other seemed mundane, with little to no security that he could see. But he knew better than to trust that. Even if MIB was on to him right now, he just intended to get as close as he could, which is why he still kept up the disguise.

Edwin carefully climbed on top of a parked backhoe, spotting a large rusty balcony with an old fire escape. The latter was pulled up, so he again leapt into the air and landed on the grated metal ledge with another clang. Before anyone could see him, he quickly pulled open the door and dropped over the scaffolding down to the warehouse floor, where there were much fewer prying eyes. He could hear the skin stretch and the feel the clothes tighten as he stood up, pulling the tight shorts he wore back down over his massive thighs again.

His tail shifted underneath his suit, making a cracking noise as he tried to flex his claws within his tight shoes. He checked his human face in the reflection of a piece of metal before beginning to make his way further into the industrial building. He clenched his jaw trying to act as if he knew where he was going. If anyone saw him, he wasn’t sure what he would do. As he carefully walked to the back of the room, looking for any sign of an opening or doorway that could lead into the MIB facility, a human opened a door along the back wall of the giant industrial warehouse. The man jumped at the sight of Edwin before letting out a breath of relief.

“Holy SHIT you scared me.” He said, letting out a short laugh. Edwin stood there, forcing his mandibles to stretch his lips back into a smile. “Shit” he thought to himself.

“Hello!” Edwin spit out in a deep voice, coughing a bit so he could adjust the sound. “Sorry, is this the right building?” He tried to act casual, his neck wrinkling slightly as he walked closer to the human in what he hoped wasn’t a threatening manner.

The man just frowned at Edwin. “Ummm, can I help you? This is a secure site with lots of machinery, you really shouldn’t be back here without a helmet . . . “ The man stated with clear confusion etched on his features. After a moment of Edwin standing there with that forced smile, the man became slightly annoyed as he motioned for Edwin to follow him towards the exit. “Who let you in here?”

Edwin decided to shrug and pretended to laugh, putting his hands up. “Oh ya, they offered me the helmet, but Nick said I could just drop off this paper work here real quick.” He countered. When he did his research, he knew the manager's name was Nick. He was hoping this guy wouldn’t question him further.

The man dropped his voice, the fake kindness clearly evaporated from his tone as he turned towards Edwin in what he assumed was suppose to be a threatening manner. “Listen buddy, I don’t know who you are, but I know you didn’t get that from Nick since that’s me!” He said in an aggressive tone, jamming his clipboard against Edwins massive shoulder. In this form, Edwin was almost the same size as the man, although definitely not as fat. Edwins smile sagged a bit as his chest and arm muscles bulged.

Edwin quickly looked around to see if anyone other humans were around as his jaw seemed to clench and ripple, The coast was clear. Edwin let out a low grunt, allowing his lips to peel back as his mandibles slipped out of his human mask. He quickly grabbed the clipboard and slammed it into the neck of the human before throwing him up and into an empty shipping container. He moaned in frustration as he pulled his face back up and over his mandibles and continued to make his way into the back office out of sight. He hoped there weren’t any cameras, but just in case, he primed the bomb in his bag.


The Queen walked into the club as Dung walked over to the owner announcing their arrival. They would be closing this whole establishment down for a private event. The owner was nice enough to subtly keep an eye out for horny males, which he assumed needed to be attractive for such a group of high rollers. Not that any bug would care. Each man was hand picked by this human to entertain the three of them, by whatever means necessary. They all eyed Moe and Dung eagerly, but almost gasped when they saw the Queen in her human suit. She had to smirk at their hungry looks. They had no idea of the irony, she was starving.

The queen panned the room, looking up at the watch on the wall. She wiggled her toes within her tight white running shoes as her mandibles shifted, making it look like she was clenching her jaw. Moe and Dung had tight smiles on their handsome human features as they talked to a few of the humans. The Queen pulled out what looked to be a water bottle and began to drink. The cocktail of sorts was actually sugar and another dissolved pill with the new serum. Once she was inseminated with enough samples from these humans, her eggs would almost immediately start to grow, forcing her to retreat into hiding while she prepares for birth.

It was already hard enough for a being her size to fit within one of these meat sacs, but the process of becoming pregnant will almost assuredly make control quite difficult. She looked around the room at the 9 people who decided to stay behind. They were all attractive males, who looked eager to start, some of them already started to rub themselves. A smile stretched across The Queens handsome human mask as she slowly stood up, eyeing the bartender with a look of authority.

“We don’t want to be bothered.” She said using a clearly male voice. Moe and Dung looked at each other and smiled as they followed behind the Queen into the back room. The music was turned up to a low thumping beat as the door was shut and locked. She turned around with a slight smile, tossing the bottle off to the side as she rolled her neck. Moe flexed his chest and began to take off his shirt. Dung started to massage a human as he herded the men towards the beds in the back of the room.

The queen's shoes widened on the floor as she took off her shirt and slowly pulled down her shorts. It took a bit more effort then she preferred to pull the tight shoes off her large masculine feet revealing long white socks. Her perfect abs wrinkled and folded as she did this, but the men didn’t seem to mind. The humans started to massage and kiss each other as if to put on a show for their benefactor. The queen stood there with a blank, almost hungry look on her perfect human features before pulling down her underwear to reveal her large human perfect looking cock, which was actually her stinger slipped into the sleeve of the suit.

She let out a groan as one of the men walked up to her and kissed her neck just as she let the underwear fall down her sculpted legs to her feet. The human tried to start some small talk, as he sensually massaged her strong tight shoulders completely naked. She rebuffed him by grabbing his head and kissing his lips the way she learned from her research. She could feel the pressure of the human working his lips and body in response. It was a strange feeling, those soft fleshy tongues gliding in and out of her mouth. She let her own inhuman tongue slide up against the humans without them being the wiser as she moved the lips on her human face, sliding them across the humans own soft pair. Her human face wrinkled slightly around the lips and jaw area as they became more passionate.

The Queen eagerly pushed the human down on the bed with a soft growl before looking around at the others. Many of the men were already kissing and licking various parts of each other's bodies, including Moe and Dung, as they finished stripping from their human clothes. She despised having to hide and mingle amongst these humans, but there was no choice now. Their race depended on it.

“NOBODY cums except inside one of us. That’s the only rule for tonight boys. The ONLY rule.” She said in a strong deep voice. That's when she slowly eased her seemingly human looking cock deep into the mouth of the nearest eager human. Although she didn’t feel anything through the human skin, the end of their stingers enjoyed the pressure for sure. She knew this foreplay was necessary in order to make them provide their samples.

This will be somewhat enjoyable at least! Hopefully I don’t accidentally release any venom tonight, she thought to herself.


Edwin lifted the desk and threw it across the small cramped office in rage, hoping to find a trap door or some sign of a secret entrance. He walked around the main floor with no luck, so he knew it was somewhere in this office. His time was running out. At this point, he didn’t care if the humans outside heard anything. He was about done with this charade! His muscles shifted and slid under his human skin, a claw emerged from his wrinkled distorted shoes already. That’s when he noticed an exposed light coming from under the plaster in the old office wall. Edwin limped closer, the pressure building within the skin, and let out a gurgling grunt as he leaned down taking a closer look. The paneling of the wall, the plaster itself surrounded the room in sections. He was sure there was some sort of button or something that likely revealed a doorway. This was it!

Edwin let out a triumphant laugh, his face wrinkled into a crazed smile as he began to tear away the plaster, revealing a large metal door with a futuristic lock on it. As he threw pieces of wall aside, he heard a noise outside the broken office door. The clearing of a throat. Edwin tried to compose himself as he slowly turned around, expecting to see one of the human workers outside. He was wrong. Standing in the doorways was Agent H himself, with that stupid smirk on his smug ugly face.

“Hello there . . . are you here to help with the interior decorating?” The agent said, with a gun raised and pointed at Edwin.

Edwin snarled, wanting to use his claws to rip into the human, but he needed to play this smart. Edwin looked around, trying to control himself so he looked a bit less threatening. “About time you arrived!” Edwin said, stepping slowly next to the bag sitting near him on the overturned desk. He just needed to distract him enough to set off the bomb. The anger built up within Edwin, he was so sick of these humans, and this skin! His body seemed to flex and grow in size as he sized up the agent.

“Now now, let's not get nasty!” The agent said, lifting his gun up and stepping further inside.” He smiled, his expression changed to that of recognition. “I get the sense I almost squashed you before . . . maybe a year ago?” He said in an annoyingly playful tone. Edwin sneered at the Agent, his anger growing again. He was going to enjoy the taste of this humans bones. He let out a deep growl, his shoulder blades pushed against his skin unnaturally. Edwin lifted his arm as he began to take in moisture in the air.

The agent didn’t back down, he primed his gun, stolen alien technology of course, which now seemed to glow with menacing power as he kept it aimed right between Edwins eyes. Just then, one of the humans from outside entered the side door of the building to the main floor outside the office. Agent H for just a moment shifted his eyes from Edwin towards the human outside the office. That was all Edwin needed.

Edwin quickly crouched low, his claws emerging further from his shoes as his ass puckered up before a wet tearing noise sounded from his tailbone area. His pants stretched down as a massive tail shot out, the stinger aiming right for the MIB agent's neck. Everything happened so quick, but to the humans credit, he was able to jump aside just as the tail crashed through the window.

Edwin leaped in the air with an inhuman growl, right through the office window. The shards of glass tore bits of his human skin around his calf muscle, revealing the tightly wound slimy alien form underneath. Edwin used his tail to help regain his balance as he went right after the human, grabbing the shocked and confused man by the back of the shirt and dragging the man to his knees beside him, his tail stinger aimed right for the back of the man's neck. He looked at the office door, the lights now flickering on and off, and saw the agent standing there, gun raised again at Edwin.

“DROP YOUR GUN OR THIS MEAT SAC GETS IT!” Edwin yelled, in an inhumanly low voice. One of his shoes tore apart, revealing inhuman claws that seemed to unfold within like spiders. His human skin seemed to wrinkle around his thick muscular neck as his arms bulged. There was a deep growl from within his body as he started to take in more moisture, not caring about the skin anymore. “I’m TrYING to BE ReasONABLE HUMan.” Edwin said through gritted teeth, making his handsome strong facial features ripple.

The agent clenched his jaw for a moment, clearly realizing the situation. “Ok calm down roach, calm down!” The agent said, lowering his weapon. He maintained his distance from Edwin and his human hostage. “What do you want! Why are you here!” The agent said through gritted teeth.

Edwin almost had to smile. Humans were so weak. “Not SO SMug NOW are you!” Edwin said, one eye flashed to and from a human green color to an inhuman yellow color. “I’M HERe as a little payback for the last time we met MEat SACK!” He said with a little gloat in his voice now. The end of his stinger dripped a bit of the green venom on the humans neck, making him cry out in fear as he tried to pull away to no avail.

Edwin reached down to his communication device and signaled the SOS signal. No one responded. Not Dung and not Moe. The agent began to walk just out of his stingers range. “STay STILL humAN!” Edwin yelled, pulling the human up by his neck using one arm. He threw the phone down on the ground in anger. “WhAT did YOU DO WITH THE OTHERS!” Edwin yelled, his true form beginning to push and shift under the human skin, which seemed more apparent now that the serum was burning off.

For just a moment, the human frowned. Edwin would have missed it if he hadn’t been watching so intently. Edwin stepped back with realization. This agent didn’t know what he was talking about. He ground his teeth as his mind raced, squeezing the human's neck subconsciously.

The MIB yelled, throwing his hands up, “Wait wait wait! I don’t know what you mean. I mean we figured there was more than one of you, but you are the first we have encountered so far! Just put that man down!” He pleaded. Edwin looked down at his hostage . . . his face was purple. Before Edwin could react, he felt a shock of pain emanate from his tail just before a blast of distorted air hit him square in the shoulder, blasting him into the office, smashing through the window and the fake wall, causing the rest of the fake plaster to fall from the metal beneath.

From the entrance to the side door the hostage used, a female human stood with a raised weapon. Her stoic almost bored expression made her look calm and collected. The human hostage Edwin once had in his hands screamed and ran for the front of the big factory door, the severed stinger wiggling on the floor behind him. Both agents walked towards the now dark broken window of the office. The glowing light from the now revealed metallic wall within showed a figure limping out from the dust.

Edwin stumbled from the broken doorway, glass falling from his muscular exposed chest. His shirt was torn off his body from the impact. “It’s tOO LAte!” Edwin mumbled, his cheek bones seemed to protrude a bit as his lips widened into a menacing smile. Wrinkles and what looked to be veins or . . . something inhuman shifted and moved under the tan human fleshsuit. He let out a low laugh before tossing the bag to the ground between the agents and Edwin, the metal canister glowed red as it beeped. “ThiS IS the END FOr you!!! I’vE aLREADY activated it!”

Both agents looked down at the bomb in horror. This was Edwin's chance. He let out a grunt as his body seemed to swell. Muscles bulged so much that his shorts rode up, revealing the shifting seemingly sculpted legs. There was a moment when Edwin let out a strangled coughing noise as the sounds of wet cracking emanated from his body. The writhing alien body from within the tight human skin seemed to strain, the shifting stopped for just a moment. Like a muscular statue of perfection.

That moment of humanity was quickly lost as Edwins true form lurched from within. His bound inhuman clawed feet violently tore apart what was left of the tight gym shoes. He let out an inhuman growl of satisfaction as the claws emerged from his fingertips along with one antenna, which protruded from his scalp. The skin around his lips and eyes wrinkled and sagged as he dug his clawed hands into his scalp, rocking his head side to side so he could grasp a good portion of the skin before peeling it apart. His now yellow eyes rolled back as he crouched down in an animal-like crouch with his back arching as he continued to pull the scalp apart. At the same time, his back split open with a wet slimy rip, revealing more slimy brown chitin. The skin around his abs folded and sagged as Edwin pulled the fleshsuit from his shifting shoulders, which then slid down his slimy massive alien body. Before long, Edwin stood up to his full inhuman form, looking down at both of the humans. Even without his tail, his speed, strength, and sheer size was enough to freak out the two agents.

Agent H dove for the bomb as Agent M fired that shockwave at Edwin again. Edwin jumped up and slashed at Agent M with a growl, forcing her to fall backwards on her side. He meant to lash out at Agent H with his stinger, but the severed tail spewed green blood at his face instead, causing him to reach for his eyes, dropping the bomb. Edwin took the shot, launching his entire body with a growl at Agent H. That is when he felt the gut punch of energy swat him aside into the wall of the factory with a crack. Agent M was standing there, a new weapon drawn in triumph.

Edwin was completely paralyzed, unable to move as he looked at the two agents walking towards him, casually brushing the dirt from their stupid black suits. Edwin growled . . . or tried to. It didn’t matter, the bomb was going to go off and take them all out, his mission was OVER! All he could do was watch and mentally laugh at their unavoidable deaths!

Agent H walked up and knelt down with a calm smile on his face. “Hey there, I noticed there is a bomb here . . . a big one at that. What can we do to get you to turn this off for us?” He said with such a carefree tone, it almost unnerved Edwin. Agent M began to lock up each of his limbs so that they were all connected and unable to move. He was completely trapped. That’s when his body sagged, the paralyzing effects of the weapon disappearing. “FUCK YOU HUMAN! YOU’RE BOTH DEAD!” He roared, trying in vain to get out. The futuristic cuffs seized him tight as he struggled.

There was an awkward pause before Agent M spoke. “Listen, to make this go faster, here are our cards. We know you and another bug were at the condo with the Eterian. We know you were sent here as a distraction for some other plot with this other bug. We intercepted communication between at least 3 bugs besides you. Just tell us where your base is and we’ll do the rest. That’s it. No countering, No negotiations. This is the deal, take it or leave it”.

Agent H leaned in, “Pretty good deal . . . we don’t usually do free these days.” There was an awkward silence as the three stared at each other.

Edwin wanted to scream. The realization that Moe and Dung were alive and well and WEREN’T engaged by the MIB, as well as the idea that there was an alternative mission this whole time with someone else from the Hive INFURIATED him. He was a FUCKING PAWN?!!! He wanted to tear into Moe and Dung personally for answers. Them not responding all made sense now. HOW DARE THEM! He thought to himself, trying to act calm in front of the agents. This whole scheme . . . was a front for another mission! Who else was involved in this mission from Hiveworld? He sat there thinking for a moment.

Edwin was furious. Bugs don’t do emotions, but wearing these skins for as long as he had . . . furious was a default on the best of days. “FUCK!!!” The bug roared. He wasn’t going to lose this battle for something out of his control. Why would they betray me? There was another moment of silence as Edwin looked at the bomb, which let out a soft beep for each minute that passed.

“Let me go, and I'll deactivate the bomb.” Edwin said with a look of defeat and anger. He wanted revenge, and agreed to come to this shit-hole of a planet to further the Hives' cause . . . but instead HE was betrayed? All those resources wasted for what . . . a distraction? Moe and Dung will pay. He looked up at the agents with what passed as a smile for a bug. “I’ll even give you a hint on where you can find the two idiots that helped me.”

The agents kept his legs bound, but allowed for one claw to deactivate the bomb, which he did with a few failed attempts now that his true claws weren’t as nimble as they were inside his human suit. Although he knew he was going to get locked up, he smiled at the idea of Moe and Dung getting caught or killed by the MIB. Both agents used another device to lift the bug's massive bound body into the air and float him out of the building towards a cargo vehicle. Agent H looked sideways at Edwin with an expectant expression.

“YOU GET AN ADDRESS AND THAT’S IT.” Edwin said in a low bellow. He didn’t even bother trying to break free as Agent M called in more agents on the scene. Agent H smiled up at the bug.

“If it’s a trap, we won’t hesitate to get rid of you. I’m sure the Hive will miss a gorgeous mite like you.” He said with such an infuriating tone, Edwin regretted his decision to deactivate the bomb.

Edwin rolled his eyes. He lived a lot longer than any human, he would eventually get broken free. His kind wouldn’t stop until Earth was theirs. A vast source of food. He let out a low laugh and gave Agent M the address. As he was loaded into the futuristic vehicle, he leered at the agents. They would pay for this. With that, the door slammed shut and the van floated into the air soundlessly.


Dung slammed one of the humans up against the wall as they kissed. He kind of enjoyed the feeling. He pulled the meat sac in close, his flesh covered stinger sliding across the man's thighs as he pushed and sucked at the man's tongue and lips. He was very worried about his skin, so he kept taking glances in the mirror. He noticed the mans rock hard penis sliding up against his lower abs, which made his suit wrinkle from the pressure.

Dung looked at his Queen on the other side of the room and smirked as he broke the kiss. He gently pulled the human towards one of the beds where two other human men were sucking each other off. As he approached the two men rolled on the floor with a groan. His suit was tight and glistening in the ever changing light, which went from natural light to dark purple or red depending on the beat of the song. Dung stroked himself for a moment, looking at the human. He was so hungry. He shook his head, allowing his mandibles to stretch his lips wide in a smile as he sat down on the bed. The man looked down at Dung’s perfect human looking body with admiration and awe. Dung flexed his chest muscles, which was really just him adjusting his true form within the skinsuit, before motioning the man to come join him. Just then one of the men on the floor tossed a scarf of some sort up on Dung in the heat of passion.

The human slowly approached Dung, who now wore an expectant look, breathing hard in anticipation. Dung had never done this before, so he was curious to know what Moe experienced already. He looked over at Moe, who was in the process of kissing two other humans on another bed. Dung made his skin look like muscles were shifting as he pulled the human in for another kiss, wrapping his thick sculpted legs around the man as he did this. His abs wrinkled as the human, assuming Dung was ready, slowly slid his cock into his ass. Dung let out a low growl for a moment as his senses seemed to explode.

The human clung over him with a groan of pleasure, wrapping his thick arms around Dung's neck. Dung’s true form shifted again, his abs wrinkling as his chest rippled for a moment as he fought to maintain control. The human came in, grabbing Dung’s human face and kissing him passionately as he thrust his cock into Dung’s thick human-looking ass. The human thrust faster and faster, each thrust making Dung’s senses go crazy. His mandibles started to push out his jaw and made his forehead wrinkle as he let out a low growl. His human toes curled and flexed as the pressure started to build. Dung wasn’t prepared for this. He shuttered and sucked in his inhuman form so that his chitin was tight and shapely under his human suit.

Apparently that’s all the human needed. They both were breathing hard, Dung looking down at his own body to make sure it looked normal. He noticed his human form began to bulge and shift, when the human let out a loud moan. The human man looked at Dung’s face, grasping it in his hands and kissing him as he cried out in pleasure at the same time his body began to convulse. Dung rolled his eyes back, smoothing out the wrinkles where his abs were as he felt the warmth within him. He also shuttered, letting out a low growl again as his legs pulled the human hard into his ass. The human cried out loudly one more time before slumping over on Dung’s chest with a grunt.

Dung reached up and rubbed his face, making sure it was still in place before rolling the man over on the floor with a satisfied smile. The human barely stirred as Dung was able to subtly sting the man, just enough to cause him to pass out. That’s when the other two men rose up from the floor, staring at Dung’s glistening body. All three of them smiled as the two men began to climb up on top of Dung.


Moe checked himself in the mirror cautiously as the two men continued to make out on the bed. Their movements were so smooth, Moe was kinda jealous. His first time with a human was definitely not so smooth. His true chitinous body shifted a bit as he tossed his clothes aside. He stood before the two men completely naked. He needed them to both cum inside him quickly if he was ever going to get out of this suit. He looked again, pulling a bit at his abe skin before eyeing the two men expectantly.

Honestly . . . . Moe thought he looked kinda good as a human. Although uncomfortable, he felt pride in the way the humans stared at him now. Much better than the skin he wore before. Moe subconsciously cracked his neck before slowly crawling on the bed over the two men, who quickly began to massage and kiss his nipples. Although Moe didn’t feel anything, he morphed his facial features and moaned, giving them the show they wanted.

One of the men grabbed his face, which he had to stifle a growl for, and began to gently kiss his human lips. Moe had become accustomed to this, but didn’t like it much. He gently broke the kiss and slid his lips and part of his human tongue down the man's thick neck. His true form quivered as he felt the pressure from the other human sucking his stinger. His back bulged a bit as he tried to regain control. He sat up and fed his cock into one of the humans mouth as he pretended to kiss the other human again. Their bodies rubbed and slid across one another. The feeling was actually arousing Moe now, which was going to make it much more difficult to stay within this human suit.

Their bodies writhed and pulsed in each other's grasp. One of the humans grabbed the skin on his chest so hard, it wrinkled and slid over his true form for just a moment before the human became distracted by the other man's kiss. Moe needed to speed this up. He grunted, sliding his cock out of one of the mens mouths, before getting on all fours, sucking his his true form so it was more compact. His back shifted a bit in anticipation as he looked back, presenting his smooth big ass for the human to admire. A smile stretched on his handsome face, neck wrinkled a bit as he nodded to one of them.

Moe focused on control as the men began to massage his thick human looking ass. One of the men knelt down and began to slide his lips and tongue over Moe’s asshole. The feeling was interesting. The bugs had their sexual organs closer to the back of the suit, so this was far more intense then Moe had expected. He buried his face into a pillow as soon as he realized one of his mandibles had slipped out of his human lips. The man took that as a sign to continue, this time easing his cock into Moe’s ass. Moe’s body quivered as he seemed to breathe hard. His muscles shifted and tensed up as the other human massaged and kissed the human who was fucking Moe.

Moe eagerly moved his ass around so that the human could get in deep. With a groan of pleasure, Moe curled his socked toes and clenched his jaw, trying to fight the urge to expand his form to break free of this confining human skin. He heard Dung let out a groan of pleasure as well. He pulled on his face to make sure his mandibles were within his mask before looking back. The man was sweating and close to completion, working the lips of the other human with such vigor, in time with each trust, it was arousing to watch.

Soon the man shuttered and let out a groan, before practically falling out of Moe’s ass. The human sagged, breathing hard before falling on his back next to Moe. The human tried to make eye contact, but Moe didn’t have time for that. He immediately turned around and began to kiss the remaining human. Their faces wrinkled as lips and tongues snapped, their bodies pulsing against each other, their cocks sliding across each other's muscles.

Moe pulled the human down on top of his body with his legs, a look of hunger now etched on his handsome features. This time the human let out a dominant growl before coming down and sucking on Moe’s stinger again. Moe could feel his claws starting to stretch his suit as he breathed harder. As the man continued to work his human looking cock, Moe looked down and could see his abs wrinkle and fold. He looked around, and seeing the human was not paying attention, he quickly pushed the human off his cock and face planted on the bed with his ass up.

The human was surprised by the quick and smooth movement, but he understood what Moe wanted. He wiped his chin before straddling Moe’s thick smooth ass. Moe grasped the sheets as he let out a low growl into the mattress at the same time the human eased his own cock into his ass. This human was far more aggressive, which made the sensation that much more intense.

Moe seemed to stretch and bend his legs as the man went to town. He was actually larger than Moe’s human form, which was surprising. The warmth and the pressure was so intense, Moe ran his hands through his own hair just as one of his claws poked through one of his socks as he flexed his feet. He quickly dug the claw into the mattress as his lower back wrinkled from the pressure of the man fucking him. There was a slapping noise as the human began to sweat and tense up. Moe’s eyes changed for a moment as his forehead wrinkled as he struggled for control. He was sweating within the skinsuit now as his stinger pressed up against the mattress. Finally the human began to cum within Moe as his ass pressed further against the man in anticipation. Moe let out a deep rumble as he also shuttered.

The human pulled out of Moe and fell next to the other human who was fast asleep. He looked up at Moe and frowned. “Baby, you look dehydrated!” He said with concern, raising one hand to caress Moe’s worn wrinkled human mask. Moe slowly got up in a kneeling position. He smiled down at the human, climbing over on top of him, trying to suck in his true form so he looked more natural. Without a word, he leaned in and kissed the human while sliding his cock over the man's leg. With one quick movement, Moe’s cock peeled open as a stinger slipped out and poked the man's leg. The human’s eyes went wide for just a moment before passing out. Moe smiled as he sat on the bed, looking down at his wrinkled human suit. He began to stretch and pull at his skin as he watched the others with keen interest.


The queens human looking body quivered and shifted for just a moment under the skin as she rode the cock of the human beneath her male human looking body. Her toned abs and chest flexed and bulged as the human continued to sweat and groan loudly with pleasure. The queens skin was slick with sweat . . . and not from her. She slid her hips back and forth as she could feel the sizable cock inside her throb and pulse from the action.

She picked up her vigorous movements as she clenched her jaw in frustration. She wanted the human to finish, but it was taking so long. Her own socked human feet spread wide and curled on the mattress as her own cock seemed to swell. She let out an inhuman growl, she didn’t care at this point. The human was so close, she could sense it. Her eyes were inhuman as she looked at the human’s face, eyes closed as he panted, almost cried out with pleasure.

The queen clenched her jaw, which made her whole face smooth out and shift as she adjusted her true form to look tighter. Her chiseled abs and thick arms flexed as she grasped the man's neck with one human looking hand. He panted now with overwhelming pleasure as she squeezed his body with her thick sculpted thighs. That’s when the human FINALLY began to cum inside her ass, allowing his legs to squirm and kick as he did so. His face was red as she choked him. For a second she thought about snapping it, but thought better of it, releasing him with a disgusted look on her handsome features. She pulled her ass off the mans still hard cock and turned to look around the room. Dung had just finished up with his last human and Moe seemed to be finished already, looking at himself in a nearby mirror as the other two men gathered their clothes.

The naked Queen breathed in and rolled her shoulders, now completely in control again before clapping her large hands twice. Everyone looked up with a dazed almost possessed look on their faces. A few of the men didn’t get up. She eyes Dung and Moe carefully as they looked down in shame. “Go ahead and grab your friends there . . . looks like they had a few too many poppers. Speak to the owner for your payouts.” She said in a very sexy deep masculine voice. Without a word, the men gathered their things, carrying the two that were still passed out, likely stung, and left the room. The queen slowly walked to the door and locked it, resting her hand on the door frame before turning around to look at Dung and Moe. “Now I need those samples.” She said, a wide smile stretched on her handsome human features.

The queen rolled her massive shoulders, looking at her human suit, pulling at her face for a moment to realign the skin with her compact humanoid features before sitting on the end of the bed. “Keep the suits on, we need them a bit longer until we get to the rendezvous point.” The queen said in a low raspy voice. Her jaw rippled in anticipation as Moe and Dung approached the bed.

She slowly inhaled, letting out a deep low growl, her cock/stinger getting larger as she spread her legs, her socks widening as she braced herself. She slowly cracked her neck as the skin around her abs wrinkled a bit as she positioned herself. “Moe, you have had your samples the longest, you first.” The queen said in a demanding eager tone. Her eyes were bright black and blue now.

Moe approached the queen. His suit was wearing out, but he was still very handsome in his human form. His cocked looked rock hard, and longer than before. He ran his hands over the thick legs of the queen as he positioned his cock next to her hole. He clenched his jaw as his muscles shifted within his human suit, letting out a guttural moan. That’s when his cock split apart revealing a long slimy green and black stinger. Moe reared up as his body quivered before inserting the stinger deep into the queen's thick toned ass. His human feet curled before there was a sharp tearing noise as one claw jutted out from one of his toes. His true form pushed and shifted on his thick back muscles as he rolled his eyes back in apparent relief. He breathed in hard, sucking in his true form to make sure the skin wasn’t stretching too much.

The queen let out a loud deep squeal as her thick human looking legs pulled Moe in closer. Her cock leaked with green goo as Moe deposited the samples deep within her quivering human form. Her face rippled and jaw looked almost as if it unhinged as she opened her mouth wide, her features misaligned. After a minute, the queen pushed Moe out of her with a growl with one massive foot. Moe stumbled back, his massive slimy inhuman stinger sliding across the floor leaving a trial of green goo. He was breathing hard, but had a satisfied smile on his worn out human features.

The queen looked down at Moe with a satisfied smile, “Good boy!” She said through gritted teeth, her male human form expanding a bit as a wet cracking noise emanated from her body. It was very hard for her to keep control. That’s when she sharply nodded to Dung, who was standing completely naked nearby.

Dung quickly approached the bed, finishing wiping some sweat and cum from his body from his bout with the humans. The queen eyed him eagerly as she opened her massive thighs again, her clean white socks wiggling with anticipation as her perfectly smooth toned human ass pulsed.

He couldn’t wait to get out of this human skin, but it was somewhat amazing to witness the queen fitting within such a small disguise. He tossed the towel, revealing his massive cock, which was already ripping apart to reveal a slimy green sharp stinger. The skin around his abs sagged a bit as he crouched over the queen's massive muscular human body and inserted his stinger within her with a short grunt and growl. The queen reared back, letting out an inhuman wail as Dung shifted his ass so that he could get deeper inside. There was a sound of set sucking and slurping as the two embraced each other before Dung reared up and let out a loud growl of his own. His body swelled and his features shifted as his body shook. It was such a relief to deposit the samples within her rapidly shifting form.

Dung didn’t have to be pushed away. He clenched his jaw and practically stumbled back away from the queen as she let out another squeal. She was breathing hard, they all were, trying to muster control as their human forms shifted and wrinkled their human suits. Their revealed stingers swung and slide around their legs as they pulled and stretched their disguises back into a more natural position. The queen slowly stood up, whatever beneath her skin clicking and cracking as her body seemed to double in size. She let out a moan as she stumbled towards the bathroom where she stored more of the serum.

Her arms swelled up as her back shifted. The skin around one of her once humanoid feet was clearly broken since there was a muted clicking noise as her bulging socks landed on the hard floor. That’s when her human face peeled back violently as her mandibles slipped out, drool dripping down the front of her human suit.

“UuuuUUUUggggh these skinsSSSS” She moaned in a deep inhuman voice as she tried to pull the human face over her inhuman features. There was wet cracking and moaning as she entered the bathroom out of site to take more of the drug. Moe and Dung began to get dressed, smoothing out their human suits the best they could. It wouldn’t be much longer now. Soon the queen emerged with a growl, renewed focus etched on her human looking mask as she pulled herself upright into a strained proper posture, her shoulders shrinking and shifting as she did.

Dung, go get the car. We need to head back to base. Her body shifted and gurgled a bit. Her underwear tightly bound around her thighs and stinger. “The eggs are taking. It won’t be long before they fertilize.” She said in a tight controlled deep human voice. Moe and Dung looked at each other before hurrying to put some clothes on. Dung stamped on the ground with his new leather boots before unlocking the door and heading out.

As Moe and The Queen emerged from the room wearing some clothes, although not as much as Dung had. They were both shirtless. The queen wore black running shorts that clung to her thick muscular ass, knee high white socks and bright white running shoes. Moe on the other hand had on gray sweats, which you could see his stinger hanging between his legs through the fabric, along with tight black and white tennis shoes.

Moe looked a bit larger than when he walked in, a size change enough to make the owner do a double take. The two massive muscular men walked with stern looks of intent on their handsome human faces. The bartender held up a hand and stopped the queen, who barely was able to stifle a deep growl from within. The Queen looked at the man, towering over him. “Can I help you?” She said in an inpatient tone. The man frowned and shook his head.

“You guys need to pay up, you said the remaining 50% is due once you were finished with whatever you were doing in there. I take it I’ll need to clean up, so I’m tacking on another 5%.” He finished, with his hands on his hips. The queen didn’t even let him finish. Her body immediately shifted and tensed up. It looked as if every muscle under her skin adjusted and shifted as she let out a growl. There was a muffled tearing noise before her stinger shot out of her ass, stinging the man right in the neck.

She rolled her eyes, sucking the pale appendage back into her ass area before the man even hit the ground unconscious. Without a word, both The Queen and Moe left the building, jumping into a car with Dung.


Agents H and M pulled up to a somewhat run down gym, stepping out of their futuristic vehicle with a suave cool movement common among MIB agents. They both looked up at the dark empty building. It wouldn’t be long before they were able to get the information and collaborate with other surveillance. This was where the other two bugs met up with Edwin earlier in the day.

“So you think they are here?” Agent H asked casually as Agent M continued towards the building with her gun drawn.

Agent H casually looked over his shoulder as more agents arrived on the scene. One agent walked up to them, pulling out a laptop. “Let's set up a perimeter. I’m sure these two aren’t going to go in quietly.” He said in an almost bored tone. Agent L was already unlocking the front doors with some nanobots as the other agent with the laptop held up another device to interrupt all surveillance in the area. Before long the door was unlocked and the agents were able to enter. Agent L flipped on the lights and looked around at the empty gym. The agent with the laptop, otherwise known as Agent C, immediately walked towards the office area to hack the computer systems and nearby security and surveillance.

They both looked around and saw some destruction along with some torn clothing. “They were definitely here.” She said absently. Agent H went behind the counter, picking up a few empty vials.

“Well Edwin wasn’t lying to us. Question is, why are the others here? I think Edwin was shocked to hear that these two bugs were here without him. Obviously this battle and secrecy over the serum is a means to an end. Edwin wasn’t exactly forthcoming with all the information we needed. We know what the hive wanted when Edgar was here a few years ago, but that was foiled. Why are they back?” Agent H asked, looking at a nearby destroyed workout bench along with some bullet holes in the walls.

Agent C came back into the main gym area with his computer and pulled up video feed in thin air . . . or at least that’s how it looks to anyone not familiar with the technology. Agents H and M watched as the owner of the gym went to the back to throw out trash, only to be killed and worn by Edwin. There were two others in the gym that arrived and footage of the bugs Moe and Dung entering the back of the gym. Although not as clear as Edwin, the agents assumed those humans weren’t going to walk out.

They witnessed Moe and Edwin leave the gym in their new disguises, but Dung stayed behind. That’s when the indoor footage became interesting. Agent C fast forwarded the video until two humans arrived at the gym with guns. There was a fight where Dung shed his human suit, killing the two intruders, likely also associated with the human crime group. Dung took on the form of one of the men, while another bug, that wasn’t clearly seen, took on the form of the other human. This was interesting, as this bug was clearly calling the shots. One of the bugs, assuming it was Moe, arrived later wearing another form and also took orders from this new bug.

Agent H frowned and looked up at agent M. “I’m assuming the period of time Moe was out was when the Eterian was killed.” They watched as Moe, Dung, and this new unknown bug left the gym earlier today. The agents looked around uneasy. Agent L looked into the back room and came back with another case of serum.

“They are gonna want these at some point.” She said mildly. “I’m not sure about the ranking among those from the Hive . . . but Edwin and Edgar are princes . . . one many sure, but still princes. Who would rank so high that the other two would turn on Edwin like that? She asked.

“This needs to be a covert mission. Have the other agents stand down. We need to hide . . . and wait.” Agent H said with a smile as Agent C relayed the message to the others. Agent L looked up, and for the first time, smiled. They found a good spot to stay low as they waited. They had some exterminating to do.


Moe and Dung slowly approached the building. They walked slowly with heavy footsteps, the morning sun highlighting their worn human forms. Dung let out a growl and kicked open the door with his massive boot. They both looked at each other before entering the building, scanning the space with menacing stares. They both knew the MIB infiltrated the gym, so they had to modify the plan. Dung and Moe’s eyes flickered from human to inhuman for a moment.

Dung walked over to the back and peered into the office, not seeing any of the agents the Queen mentioned. “Do you think they left?” His hulking form quivered within the tight human skin, his features looking more rugged and worn than before when he was having sex with the humans. His black tight tank and shorts were starting to stretch.

He noticed the left behind tech was moved from when he placed it there earlier. Moe came in behind Dung with a growl. “I smell humans.” He whispered through a clenched jaw. His human form was holding up much better than Dung’s. He almost seemed to admire his disguise, every time they passed a mirror he couldn’t help but to check himself out. His chiseled lean body was smaller than Dung’s, but the human form should have still been a struggle to maintain, especially after their engagements with a few humans before.

“This is a human gym, it always smells like a human.” Dung said, slamming the desk in frustration. That’s when a signal went off on their communicators. Moe’s face seemed to ripple with an eagerness. Dung pulled out the phone and nodded for Moe to check the back for the rest of their serum. The queen demanded they maintain these forms until she laid her eggs, but with the potential infiltration by MIB, it may not be necessary much longer.

There was a calm voice on the other line, a deep raspy male voice. “I’m assuming they aren’t shooting at you.” The Queen said in her human, male voice. She was reacting to the samples, it was clear. Bugs manifested their young quite quickly, especially with genetic engineering. The Queen knew this, which is why she needed a safe place to lay her eggs. Dung looked around dangerously, as if expecting an attack any time. He hated feeling like prey.

“They likely hacked our systems. Moe is checking for the remaining serum, but I wouldn’t hold your breath.” His jaw clenched as his worn work boots stretched and wiggled. The disguise was so uncomfortable, and now without another pill, it seemed to become more and more uncomfortable with each passing minute.

“Hold them off as long as you can, by whatever means. If you wish, you can turn yourself in, but waste as much time as you can. It won’t be long now.” She said with a viscous hiss. Dung’s lips spread wide. He wasn’t particularly keen on giving up his life, so the queen showing mercy by allowing them to turn themselves in was welcome. They wouldn’t be able to give her up anyways since they had no idea where she would hide now that their base was compromised. Without a word, the Queen hung up on Dung.

Dung stood there for a second frozen when he realized the sound of a weapon getting primed. Dung calmly put the phone down and turned around to see an MIB agent with his gun up and pointed right at Dung. “Hi, I’d like to sign up for a membership please?” The human said with an annoyingly calm playful tone.


As Moe walked around the back areas of the gym, he scratched and pulled at his suit. Although he knew he looked more human than his other forms, this serum was quickly wearing off. He really hoped Dung had some good news, allowing them to get out of these things. He thought of the queen's words earlier, and how they had to stay in these things for as long as possible. He wasn’t sure what possible meant in this situation.

He let out a deep clicking growl as he turned the corner and peered into the little office where the canister of serum was. They were gone. He slammed the concrete wall with one of his human hands as his back shifted, making a cracking noise. “Ugh, THEY TOOK IT!” He yelled in a deep inhuman voice. That’s when he heard it. A click followed by a few footsteps came from behind him. His body froze in mid-stride back to where Dung was.

“Don’t . . . Move.” A female's voice said, in a tone that suggested there would absolutely be consequences if he did. Moe’s true form pressed against his human skin. His muscles bulged and his pants tightened. His shoes creaked as his feet wiggled and grew within. His face wrinkled into a wide smile. This was it, this was finally a reason to shed this skin! “Move up against the wall and put your hands . . . your human hands, behind you. Don’t even think of losing the disguise now, we don’t want any messy business. It’s over.” She said with absolute control.

Moe smirked. Control was exactly what he had enough of. He slowly walked, his massive muscular legs flexing with each movement as his massive feet seemed to press up against the shoe and writhe within. There was a cracking noise as wrinkles began to form around his skin. His face, although unseen by the MIB agent, was contorted into a wide inhuman almost eager smile.

There was a loud crack as his back muscles began to shift and bulge against the skin as he tried to maintain his posture. His organs were moving around underneath so much, he doubted the agent would be able to kill him clean if he . . . just . . . was able to . . . Moe let out a deep gurgling growl as his ass puckered and the pants tore apart. A massive green tail shot out, the stinger aimed right at Agent M’s forehead! She immediately fired off a shot, but the tail came forth with such speed, it caused her to jump aside, making her shot miss, hitting the wall to the left of Moe’s head.

Moe jumped up, lashing again out at the agent’s gun, causing her to drop the weapon. Moe kicked the gun away with his still human looking foot before collecting himself enough to laugh as he slowly walked towards her. “NoW . . . THAT felt good!” He said, his human features settling back into a handsome mask of perfection. “NOW . . . LeT ME FINALLY . . . “ His muscles flexed and rippled as his body seemed to grow. “GET OUT OF THIS THING!” He said in a deep inhuman voice as he began to laugh, his body cracking and shifting.

Agent M watched as Moe’s entire body bulged, his perfectly toned muscles and human skin began to wrinkle and tent as his true form expanded within. His facial features warped and sagged as his shoes burst apart revealing massive claws! The skin over his bulging arms and hands split apart revealing a chitinous green surface just as another set of an identical inhuman set of arms burst free of the sides of his wrinkled torso! He squealed with pleasure as his lips peeled back revealing massive inhuman pincer-like mandibles! There was this wet stretching noise as his human face snapped apart revealing a bulbous eyed bug-like visage. The human flesh suit slid off and down his slimy shifting armored body as his true form crowded the room.

With a wet slapping noise, Moe kicked away his empty torn human suit up against the wall before slashing down at Agent M. She quickly and calmly rolled away. The impact from his swipe chipped the concrete floor as he again tried to lash out with his stinger. She quickly rolled over, picking up her gun and fired a massive bright bolt of energy, which lanced up and severed one of Moe’s many arms, showering her with green goo!

Moe staggered back screeching in pain. Agent M immediately fired another shot, with Moe just barely being able to throw an old dumbbell in the way of the energy beam towards the agent. The dumbbell blocking the blast, and narrowly missing the MIB agents head as it cratered the wall behind her. Moe stumbled into an empty corner of the room as Agent M again trained the weapon at his forehead. There was nothing around for him to use against her, and now she was pissed.

He growled, knowing the agent had him. He reluctantly raised his three remaining arms and knelt on the ground. “OKaAAAY Okaaay! I was just getting comfy! I give UP!” Moe said in an otherworldly deep voice. Agent M frowned before with an almost disappointed look on her face. Moe knew that if he hadn’t given up, her next shot would have incinerated him. In one smooth quick motion, she changed the setting on the weapon before firing it. Moe was completely frozen. With a practiced ease, she cuffed the creature with futuristic bondings before pulling out a communication device, keeping her eyes on Moe the entire time.


Without hesitation Dung launched his body up in the air right over the Agent. He tried to fire a shot, but Dung was too quick. He grabbed the massive metal ceiling fan and with a growl, planted both of his booted feet against the metal beam and pulled. The metal groaned and his leather boots stretched and widened as his muscles seemed to strain. The bolts popped one by one before there was a massive groan of bending metal. Agent H backed up and tried to fire a shot off, but bits of old plaster from the rest of the ceiling made it hard for him to aim.

Dung let out a wet deep inhuman roar, his eyes bright yellow slits as the skin around his face wrinkled into a leer as the fan broke free. Dung pushed down, breaking the fan free of wires and flipping his massive human form around so that he was able to fling the massive metal structure like a throwing star right at Agent H. The fan spun and almost sawed the agent in half had he not jumped out of the way.

Dung landed in a crouch, letting out a deep growl of annoyance. He slowly stood up menacingly, his facial features misaligned so that he could only see out of one eye hole. His shorts were torn, revealing more of the smooth tan skin of his massive sculpted leg. He reached up, grabbing a fist full of his handsome face and stretched the features with a wet stretching noise before letting it go with a snap. His handsome features settled back into place as he continued his approach.

“I’m SO SICK OF YOU HUMANS!” Dung yelled in his deep inhuman voice! His eyes went from human to inhuman. “ALL YOU DO is SCamper around and sneak!” He said as Agent H tried firing off another shot. Dung leapt to the side, his boots wrinkled as one claw began to emerge as he skidded to a halt next to a weight rack. Before H could fire off another shot, Dung picked up a 45 pound weight like a frisbee and threw it at Agent H. The disk narrowly missed him as he dropped down on his stomach, dropping his gun in the process.

Dung took that opportunity to bound over and kick Agent H right in the stomach, launching his body away from the weapon with a crack. Dung continued his slow approach towards Agent H as he worked fervently to breathe again after getting all the wind knocked from his lungs. Dung’s massive form began to expand, making it look as if his muscles were growing in size! He ripped away his shirt with a growl, revealing his entire torso.

Agent H started to crawl away from Dung up against the wall. Fear laced his features now. Dung reveled in it as the light popped a bit, making the gym dark. His eyes almost glowing with malice as he stood over the agent. His boots were wrinkled and the leather made a stretching noise as more claws began to push free. His lips stretched into a wide smile as he looked down at the MIB Agent.

His muscles shifted and pulsed beneath the human disguise. The skin around his neck folded as he looked down, his forehead wrinkles deepening. There was a cracking wet noise emanating from his body now as claws began to emerge from his fingertips. “It’s about time I finish this . . . MY WAY!” Dung said in a raspy roar.

Dung's eyes rolled back as his body lurched. His facial features tightened so that they were unrecognizable just as his back bulged. There was a shutter before the skin began to rip apart. The tan and green inhuman form within began to emerge as his human face tore apart. His legs seemed to split and unfold as the human flesh peeled away, dropping to the ground in wet pieces. He let out an inhuman roar as his true form tore free of the human suit, pulling large hands full of the wrinkled empty flesh away in quick violent motions. Soon Dung was standing over Agent H completely revealed!

Dung let out what sounded like a cicada’s rattle as his many limbs rose up in the air. Agent H supposed that’s what passed as a laugh. Well he wouldn't be laughing long. As the creature kicked the remains of the boots from one of his many legs, Agent H pulled out a small gun, and with a little wink, he fired that weapon right into Dung’s crotch! Dung’s body flew up into the air and fell right on top of the front desk with a crash and a squeal of pain. The creature didn’t move, but it let out a low moan of pain as Agent H got to his feet.

“Yaaaa, sneaky. Take your own observations to heart next time!” He said with a short laugh as he winced in pain from the kick earlier. He definitely broke a rib. He quickly ran over and cuffed the nearly unconscious alien bug with his set of futuristic cuffs just as Agent L walked into the room.

“Ah, I see you survived!” Agent L said lightly, pressing a button as there was a squeal in the back room. Agent H rolled his eyes as he stood up and admired his catch. “Two bugs down, one to go!” He said lightly as other agents started to pull up front. Their plan worked. Allow them to catch wind of their intrusion and place a tracker on the mystery bug's vehicle.

Two agents paraded Moe past them as the giant bug let out a roar of annoyance. “DAMN you MIB! WE’LL be back!” It screamed. His severed arm leaked green blood on the floor. Dung was already being loaded up into an MIB containment vehicle.

“Let's get this last bug.” Agent H said with a satisfied look as agent M tracked the signal on their vehicle.


2 hours before . . . .

The Queen pulled out her device noticing the alarms had been triggered at base. She knew MIB purposefully triggered them. She looked at Moe and Dung, who were scratching their skin suits. Dung screeched to a halt about one block away from the gym. “The gym has been compromised.” She said through gritted teeth as her abs seemed to shift, wrinkling the skin.

Moe and Dung looked at each other in silence as she thought about their next move. Her deep masculine human voice came out quivering. “You two go to the gym and distract the agents. I need to go to a backup location.” Her ab skin wrinkled as she crouched over, her back shifting a bit in discomfort. “Hurry!” She barked.

Dung and Moe got out of the car without a word. “Good luck boys” She said in her deep voice. She looked over at the driver seat and winced. She hated driving these primitive death traps. “I’ll contact you in a bit! Stay in those suits until it’s absolutely necessary. I don’t want to take any chances!” She nodded at the two and they started to walk off towards the gym.

The queen let out a growling burping noise as her inhuman form shifted underneath her smooth skin. She slowly got up and went along to the driver side before putting the car into gear and driving to her next base. Her features stretched out a bit as her stomach skin folded over her pants, her massive arms bulging now as she grabbed the steering wheel. Her massive feat stomped on the gas, her white tennis shoes making a slight tearing noise as she wiggled her toes.

“Not long now my babies!” She muttered to herself as she pushed and wrinkled the right side of her human mask in a vain attempt to scratch her true face. She looked around, ignoring the screams and looks she got from the humans. She pulled into an old abandoned part of town and screeched to a stop in the middle of the road. She crawled out of the car, her handsome human face a calm mask of concentration. She quickly walked away from the car further into town. There were some homeless humans that gave her strange looks, but they didn’t approach. There was something about the way she walked, her stiff limbs cracking, and her expression that must have scared them off. Finally after what seemed like all day, she stood before an old warehouse.

She stood there for a moment, looking around. Her shoes wrinkled as she spread out her toes within the tight shoes and rolled her massive shoulders. She stumbled forward and, with one hand, grasped the chain around the gate, and tore it apart with inhuman strength. She quickly jumped forward up through the window of the building above the entrance and landed in a borderline superhero pose in the center of the old work hall. She slowly stood up with an almost coughing growl as her muscles shifted and slid beneath the skin. “Oh MY babies are coming now” She yelled in a deep voice as she walked to the back of the building. Her toned muscular body looked worn out and almost sickly now. She clenched her jaw as she was clearly in pain as she flipped on the lights.

Taking one last glance around, she slowly knelt down on one knee, her massive foot stretching the shoes now, with one claw poking out. With a wet stretching noise one of her mandibles partially slid free of her lips for just a moment as there a loud cracking noise emanated from within her body. The skin on her chest and abs were wrinkled and out of place as her arms bulged and her back continued to grow. Her eyes changed into an inhuman black color with blue glowing spots. Wrinkles formed around her perfect lips as she smiled evilly and couched over with a deep inhuman groan.

Her cock seemed to grow within her tight pants just as a few claws began to break free of the fabric shoes. Her eyes went back to human for a moment as she smirked. Her ass began to bulge as her pants tore away. Every muscle in her body pushed up against the human skin. There was a straining stretching noise as she seemed to flex, her body bulging all at once.

That’s when there was a wet slimy satisfying rip! A large bulbous pale dome-like part of her true insectoid form emerged from between her ass cheeks, crowning about half way as her spine began to shift and change underneath the skin. The skin began to tear apart from her ass crack, slowly climbing up her massive muscular back. At the same time the skin around her cock split apart as a giant stinger slid out. Her once massive sculpted human legs flexed once before the tight wrinkled tan skin split apart violently to reveal many massive white sharp legs with claws spread apart from within. She reached up to her handsome wrinkled facial features and dug her now emerging claws into her forehead with a deep laugh just as her back again bulged, whatever was underneath the skin pushed the torn skin further apart. Her true form lurched out of the human suit just as she slowly peeled the human face down into a wrinkled mass, revealing her inhuman insect face with multiple otherworldly eyes.

As her white chitinous body continued to emerge from the wrinkled skin suit, a massive fleshy end lurched out from between her many her, kinda like an ants butt. Within you could see glowing round eggs within the almost translucent fleshy parts of her emerging body. The human skin around her arms fell down along with her wrinkled sagging human torso revealing her full inhuman form, which was continuing to rapidly grow in size.

When the transformation was finally complete, she stood over her empty skinsuit fully revealed with her massive fleshy body full of eggs. For a moment, she just stood there silently, looking up into the moon filled night sky! It was almost as if she were dreaming, weird sounds across between a crickets song and a growl emanating from her.

Then she crouched down in apparent pain and let out a massive screech! Her entire torso folded over in pain, lifting her ass up as it began to move and pulse on its own! That’s when there was a wet burst, and all the eggs and slime within that part of her body surged and flooded out onto the factory floor with a wet slimy ripping noise! She collapsed onto the ground with a weak screeching noise as the eggs began to take root on their own onto the ground floor. She had done it, one of the Hive Queens finally had her eggs on this human planet! It was only a matter of time before they would hatch, wreaking havoc and domination! Oh the feeding! She let out a dry cackle of sorts before pulling her massive body into one of the old dysfunctional furnaces. It would take some time for her to be back to 100%, but she was here with her babies. All she had to do was protect them with her life until they hatched. She rummaged through the skinsuit she wore and pulled out her communication device. The Queen thought it was time to bring in more of her vanguard!



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