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Game of Faces

Sirus breathed softly as he laid on a metal futuristic table for a moment. After such a long journey, and with such a fast paced mission ahead of him he took refuge in the silence. Sirus had the look of a well muscled man with smooth tan skin that covered his tight defined muscles and an almost shiny bald head. He stirred a bit, allowing one leg to move as he started to flex his muscles, putting his hands behind his head.

Sirus heard a beep as a sensor picked up his movement, forcing a light to flicker on above the nearby mirror. This was his temporary home base, and would be used as his primary base of operations until the mission was over. His eyes flicked open as he slowly raised his head to look around. He smoothly got up and stretched before making his way to the mirror. A smile stretched across his handsome thin features. He raised a hand up to his face as he admired his reflection in the mirror. He flexed his arms and chest before turning around and looking at his butt.

“OOooooo I like this one!” He said to no one in particular as he continued to move his body and abs in different directions, watching his body at every angle to make sure everything looked perfect. He turned to face the mirror and winked before he dropped his small briefs, revealing a long perfectly shaped cock. He let out a whistle and noticed some leftover serum on his lower back. He grabbed a nearby towel to dry his ass and thighs off before slipping on a newer more fashionable pair of white underwear. That’s when he heard a voice seemingly coming from nowhere.

“Did you sleep well Sirus?” The smooth deep monotone voice said. Sirus looked at the mirror with a smile and nodded.

“Like a baby!” He said with a smirk, still admiring his handsome scruffy facial features. Such contrast with the bald head. “I’m assuming it’s time to get started?” He continued matter of factly.

“Affirmative. We require four samples from the four targets within 48 hours. Please rendezvous back at this pickup zone by hour 47 for transport. We will need you to be very discrete and careful. Please change your suit after engaging with each target. You are permitted to use the Memory Manipulator if necessary. Do you understand Agent 9?” The voice finished smoothly.

Sirus just smiled and nodded before walking out of the room. The lights went out as the voice finished with a “Good Luck Agent 9.” He looked around the room. It was a nice condo along the picture perfect beaches of Honolulu, which drew thousands of people around the world each year. Sirus threw open the doors and looked out over the sea. Such beauty. No wonder why his superiors took interest in this place.

He walked outside feeling the sun through his suit and smiled before looking down at the city street, which was crowded with people. “Perfect!” He said happily looking around the area. “Everyone is all nice and close to each other!” He said to himself before inhaling the fresh air one more time leaning back against a stone pillar. “This is going to be fun!” He said before turning towards the door. “I just wish I had more time to enjoy it.”

He headed inside to change into some clothes before heading out into the streets. He was usually trying to dress to impress, but he knew his first target was more of an ‘acts of service’ kinda guy. A hopeless romantic. Sirus has been collecting information on each of his targets for years now. Everything from their favorite color to the kind of guy they fantasize about at night. Everyone in this day and age makes it so easy. Posting their likes and desires for everyone to see on a daily basis. Even their purchase history tells you a lot about a person. The added benefit of technology mankind could only dream of is the icing on the cake.

His mission was simple. Entice each target to sleep with him. He would take a sample then move on to the next target. He even wore cologne that gives off hormones specifically catered to each target's DNA! He was tailoring himself to be the perfect match, on paper anyways, for each each of them. It was Sirus’s expertise and experience that would close the deal.

He smirked as he walked down the street wearing dark gray joggers, black running shoes, and a tight black shirt. Simple, yet flattering. Made him look . . . approachable. He planned to meet the target at a local coffee shop to strike up a conversation with him. Each person he hunted had minimal to no plans for the next two days, especially since it was during the work week, so he knew he had a chance. It was just a matter of getting through any potential moral or ethical reservation they may have in sharing a bed with a stranger. People these days are so . . . untrusting. “Smart.” Sirus mumbled to himself as he approached the road where the target walked to and from work everyday.

As SIrus turned the corner about 1 block from the coffee place, he was surprised to see a small dog with a leash dragging behind it bounding down the sidewalk. Sirus recognized the animal immediately and grabbed the leash with inhuman reflexes. He looked around trying to spot the owner, knowing exactly who the owner was. Just then a handsome man breathlessly came running up to him in sheer panic. His eyes were wide and there were almost tears in his eyes. He knew this dog meant a lot to the handsome man.

The man slid to a halt as Sirus held out the leash as the little dog licked his shoes. He put on a warm smile with a comforting, “It’s ok, I got him, he’s safe!” The man was so happy to see Sirus holding the leash he threw his arms around him without even saying a word. Sirus smiled and patted him on the back knowing this was unusual behavior. This was almost too easy! Sirus laughed as the dog tangled them both around the legs, which took them a playful minute to get untied from each other.

The man was very cute, but not in a way that screamed overdone. He was of average height and build, with a kind face. He wore a striped button up that was opened up top and some sunglasses and some casual shorts. By the time the leash was back in the owners hands, the man looked at Sirus with red cheeks, clearly embarrassed, backing up to what everyone would think was a respectable distance.

“I’m so sorry man, I just . . . lost control of this little guy at the crosswalk and thought . . . ” He paused for a moment as he almost choked up. “I was so afraid he would run in traffic. Thank you SO much. SO much!!!” He said, putting a hand on Sirus’s shoulder. Sirus smiled warmly and put his hand on the mans upper back and rubbed softly in a comforting way.

“Listen, I’m just glad I got the little guy. He is so cute! I wouldn’t let him get hurt!” Sirus said before bending down and petting the little animal. He looked up with a warm smile. “My name is Matt!” Sirus said squinting up at the man as the little dog licked and danced around his fingers.

“Justin!” He said with a smile, holding out his hand. Sirus embraced it while still playing with the little dog. He looked down at the dog, “this little guy is just as cute as his daddy huh!” Sirus said in a playful baby voice! “Yusss, just like your daddy!” As the little dog wagged it’s little tail in excitement.

Justin smiled, blushing as he looked down at his feet for a second. “Listen, I was just leaving work early, letting this little guy out. Did you want to ummmm . . . “ Just said sheepishly looking towards the coffee shop with an almost pleading look on his face.

Sirus stood up with a smile stretched across his handsome features. The pheromones were working, drawing Justin in. He could see the man taking bigger breaths as casually as possible. Sirus looked into his eyes intensely, trying to act coy. “I’d love that actually!” He said with a smile.

Justin looked excited as they both walked over to the coffee shop. Sirus offered to grab the coffee as Justin waited outside with the dog. The two talked for almost 2 hours. Sirus made it known the kinds of things he liked, which just so happened to be things Justin liked. The two talked about favorite movies and games, and even flirted with topics of what they liked in a man, clearly talking about each other. Sirus had Justin hooked. Finally, Sirus looked down at his watch and sighed, seeing that both of their 3rd or 4th cups of coffee were now empty.

Sirus looked up at Justin longingly grabbing his hand over the table. “Listen . . . I don’t usually do this, but . . . “ He sighed and looked down, breaking the grip on Justin's hand. “Ugh, nevermind, i’m so embarrassed for even thinking this.” He said schemingly, knowing that Justin was just as interested, as his tenting pants would suggest.

Justin eagerly grasped Sirus’s hand. “No, it’s ok! What is it? Listen, i’ll be honest, i’ve never had a connection with anyone like this . . . “ He said, not really finishing the thought. He was nervous but he wanted more of Matt. Sirus smiled as he looked back down the road towards his place a few blocks away. “Listen, this may be forward and kinda . . . rude honestly, and please no pressure either way . . . but would you like to get out of here and go to my place? It’s right down the street!” Sirus said quickly with a meek smile.

Justin grasped his hands tighter nodding. They both got up with smiles on their faces. Justin looked down at the dog with a frown. “Don’t worry, I love the guy, he can come! He probably needs some water anyways. I have tile floors, so it’s no biggie if he has an accident, I swear!” Sirus said quickly, grabbing Justin's hand and leading him towards the sidewalk. Justin smiled and followed with his little dog close behind.

They walked to Sirus’s condo, which was a large modern condominium building along the beach. Justin was impressed, which Sirus tried to rebuff so as not to seem too full of himself. Finally they made it up to the top floor suite, where Justin just looked around in amazement. Sirus walked him around the living and dining area, then back to the private pool on the terrace. He forgot how expensive everything seemed. They had unlimited resources to make their missions successful. Sirus forgot that many people don’t have the means for such things. Honestly, they did this so a lot of their secret tech could be hidden in plain sight.

Sirus looked at Justin’s ass as he took the leash off the dog to let him roam around. As he stood up, Sirus made his move. Justin turned around and Sirus embraced him, enclosing the man into his muscular arms, looking down into Justin's eyes. That was it. The two started to kiss passionately. Justin pushed Sirus up against the wall, mashing his lips against his as he massaged his shoulders and bald head. Both could feel each other's cock hard against each other's body.

Sirus groaned and pulled Justin into the primary bedroom as they kissed passionately, taking off each other's clothes. Justin looked around and smiled before pushing Sirus on the bed. Sirus kicked off his shoes before falling back on the bed, arms and legs spread wide in complete surrender. Justin admired him for a second as he pulled down his pants slowly.

Justin then carefully crawled on top of Sirus and began to rub his abs then chest before licking and kissing his neck. Sirus really liked this part. He caressed the man's chest then slid his arms around his back, pulling him into another hug so they could kiss. Their tongues and lips stretched and folded as they rolled around on the bed, a tangle of muscles and flesh. Justin began to breathe hard as Sirus’s cock basically extended out of his small tight underwear. He winked at the man as Justin looked down at it with a smile.

Sirus spread his legs, wrapping them around Justin's waist as he rotated his hips in preparation. He nodded towards the nightstand where he had some lube and a . . . specially designed condom. Justin eagerly applied both to his own hard surprisingly thick cock. Within seconds, Justin slowly began to insert his member into Sirus tight toned ass with a groan. Sirus used his legs to pull the man deeper into him with a shutter and a smile.

Justin looked down at Sirus with a worried look, as if he was afraid of hurting him. Sirus just winked and nodded as a sign that he was fine. Justin smiled before he slowly started to move his hips back and forth. Sirus shuttered with pleasure as he kissed the man again, massaging his chest and caressing his face. The two began to grind up against each other as they fucked. Justin started to pant as Sirus watched the man's face, gauging when he thought Justin was going to release.

Justin began to groan as he put his hand on the top of Sirus’s head and began to squeeze and massage the skin so that it wrinkled and moved around awkwardly. Sirus was not expecting this and kept reaching up to his face, making sure nothing was out of place when Justin wasn’t looking. Sirus squeezed the sides of the man with his legs and rotated his hips more vigorously until eventually, as both men began to grunt and moan out loud, Justin began to cum. That’s when Sirus released, allowing a flood of cum to burst from his own cock.

Justins eyes rolled back for a moment as he finished before falling off of Sirus in a heap, breathing hard. Sirus quickly got up, pulling out some towels to clean both of their bodies off. He peered down at his watch, it was already quickly approaching sundown. Justin looked up at him with a smile then nuzzled a pillow. This wasn’t good. Sirus smiled down at the man before pulling on another pair of underwear. He needed this man out of his place soon. He sighed and laid on the bed next to Justin, stroking the man's hair.

“That was amazing!” He said cooly as Justin stroked the side of his face. They both sat there on the bed for a moment just giggling and stroking each others body before Sirus finally sat up as if remembering something. “Oh shit, I am so sorry! I totally forgot my family is coming tonight!” Sirus got up pretending to act rushed, gathering some clothes and walking around the condo looking for something. “I still gotta go shopping and get the air mattress from my brother. Oh and towels, I need a few more towels!” Justin frowned but got up and started to get dressed as well, sensing the urgency from Sirus.

“I am so sorry! I was so caught up in . . . well you, I totally lost track of the day!” Sirus said with a warm laugh, winking at Justin. Justin smiled and continued to get dressed.

“Oh no worries! I’m sorry for distracting you from your day!” He said as he found his little dog asleep next to the sliding glass door to the patio. “This little guy needs food anyways, so I should be going too!” He said, trying to pull himself from the post sexual haze. He looked back to Sirus, who was pretending to go through his clothes in a nearby closet. “Will I see you again?” He asked hopefully.

Sirus turned to the man with a smile before walking up to Justin one more time to give him a kiss. “Well I will be leaving tomorrow for a business trip, but I would love to see you after that if you want?” Sirus said warmly. He needed to let this man know he wouldn’t be available the rest of the week, but let him know there was the possibility so he would leave feeling fulfilled. He of course would be gone forever by then, but he didn’t have time to create permanent ties to anyone.

Justin gathered his things, asking for Sirus’s cell phone number before leaving. Sirus gave him one that was tied to a special machine that would auto respond to any texts he would receive from the man over the next few days. It would cover his tracks perfectly since it was a form of advanced AI. He wished Justin well and walked him down to the lobby before kissing him one more time goodbye.

Soon Sirus was up in his condo again alone. He smirked as he looked around the condo then back at the bedroom. He cleaned up a bit then walked into the living room looking over at the late afternoon sun. He took off his shirt and pants again as he walked into his bedroom to put them away. He won’t be needing those again. As he stood in the hallway, he grunted and rolled his neck in discomfort.

He stopped and groaned as he massaged his scalp and pulled at the skin around his chest. “Ugh, it’s definitely time to change.” He said to himself as he rubbed the back of his neck while also pulling at his forehead. The skin stretched and wrinkled under his grasp. He reached down to his special watch and activated sequence #2 with a small beep. That’s when his body began to tense up as the muscles shifted and moved under the tan skin. He groaned, rolling his eyes back as his skin shifted and moved as if something was underneath, then it stopped.

He then turned and looked at himself in a nearby mirror, admiring his reflection silently. He still looked just as handsome as before, but there was something off about his form now. The skin was a bit more wrinkled and tight in certain places it shouldn't. Like the skin was confining now. That toned look now seemed uncomfortable and worn out. He continued to rub his handsome facial features and bald head as he turned to look towards a mirror in the living room. He rolled his eyes back and let out a low sigh as he dug his fingers into an invisible seam around the back of the neck and lower scalp area.

He let out a groan as his fingers rocked back and forth under the skin so that the seam widened, revealing new flesh and hair within. Sirius slowly pulled his scalp and neck area apart with a rubbery stretching noise. Folds of skin were bunched up in his fists now as he began to pull the skin apart, allowing for the seam to release all the way down his back to his ass. His face became slack as his bald head wrinkled and folded. He pulled the skinsuit down away from his face revealing new features within. He shifted and rolled his shoulders as the skinsuit slid down his true body within, which was much larger than Sirus’s current form.

The man within had brown and blond hair with a bit of a beard and bulging large muscles. His massive arms and chest seemed to expand in size as he pulled the wrinkled empty skin of Matt down and away from his body as he shrugged his massive arms up and out of the skinny arms of the suit, allowing the now hallow arms to fold empty down to the floor with the rest of the skin with a slap.

The new man continued to push the skinsuit down his massive legs until eventually he was able to kick the wrinkled mass of skin off his foot and onto the empty bed. The empty skin sprawled out on the bed like a onesie. Sirus slowly began to stretch and test out his new bodybuilder-like muscles, feeling his face and chest. Satisfied, he began to look around the floor to make sure nothing ripped free of the disguise. Not seeing anything, he bundled up the empty skin on the bed into his arms and threw it into a futuristic container in the corner of the room. It glowed a bit before it closed tight. Sirus’s new body was covered in a thin layer of sweat, so he had to shower before going out. He massaged and pulled at the new skin, making sure it fit perfectly as the water cascaded off his large muscular form.

Soon he was out with a towel around his waist, finally able to get a decent look at his new disguise. The muscles were much larger in size than before. His face was ruggedly handsome and he had a few tattoos that he knew his next target would like. He ran his hands over his face, purposefully causing wrinkles that cascaded over his fingertips before releasing, watching it snap back into place. “Oh you are a cutie!” Sirus said aloud to himself.

His next target likes his men a bit on the buff side, and had a thing for short beards and tattoos. Sirus ran his hands over his chest and abs, making faces in order to smooth out some of the wrinkles forming after he had spent a considerable time massaging his mask in the shower. He smirked as he dropped the towel, looking at his large cock. His next target likes his boys big too. He quickly got dressed to go back outside. He was supposed to have a chance run-in on the other side of town, so he had to hurry.


Sirus walked along the beach park looking around at the passing people, many of which eyed him up and down. It was close to sundown, casting a golden/red light over the many beach goers leaving the park. Men and women eyed Sirus as they walked by. He allowed the water to splash across his feet as he enjoyed the approaching night air. Tide was coming in, so he found himself walking further and further into the beach towards the skate park. He clenched his jaw as he approached the end of the park eyeing a nearby outdoor workout area and some benches. This was where his next target typically hangs out at this time of day.

Sirus made sure to flex and pose in the fading sunlight in order to attract the eye of his target. His eyes widened as he spotted the shirtless man finishing up some pullup at one of the equipment stations. Sirus smirked as he stood there eyeing the man, hoping to catch his eye. It worked. The man was walking away from the pullup bar when he caught sight of Sirus standing at the beach looking at him. The man couldn’t help but to lick his lips. Lucky for Sirus, this man was anything but shy. The man was very upfront with his intentions and often somewhat aggressive with his pursuits. The man nodded his way, signaling Sirus to come over.

Sirus couldn’t help but to smile as he made his way over. He watched the man as he dabbed himself off with a towel and drank some water, the whole time eyeing Sirus. “Hey man, sorry about that, I thought you were someone I knew . . . “ Sirus said calmly as the man stood up looking him over. He needed to act somewhat aloof of what was happening, that’s what the guy liked, the chase. Sirus made a point to look the man over with his eyes but then look away as if he were actually looking somewhere else. The man smiled at Sirus, a smile saying, “game on”.

The man held out his hand with a wink. “Oh no troubles mate, I get that a lot. Average looking block I guess.” The man said with a confident Australian accent. Sirus smiled and looked down, kicking at some grass.

“Oh no bro, that’s not what I meant. And you? Average looking?!” Sirus said with a short laugh as he looked at the mans body, which the man was clearly flexing.

The man smiled and looked around. “You strike me as a guy who likes to pump iron eh?” He said as he felt Sirus’s arm. Sirus didn’t back away, instead looked the man into the eyes longingly. “Ye, you do, I can see that!” He finished, looking up at Sirus. “So you here by y’self, or with a girlfriend or somethin?” He finished, backing away to pack away some of his workout gear. Sirus looked around, the park was emptying out.

“Definetly not a girlfriend, not quite my type.” Sirus said with a smirk. “Just did some swimming for cardio.” Sirus finished, watching the man work. He was handsome, surely, but Sirus noted the sense of entitlement. “The name is Blake.” Sirus said as he held out a hand.

The man looked up with a smirk of his own. “I didn’t ask you what your name was.” He said, surprisingly aggressive, given the situation. Sirus frowned and put his hand down. For a moment the two stared at each other. Finally the mans face cracked and he began to laugh. “Oh man, sorry bout that, I’m just messin. My therapist says it’s a defense mechanism for when i’m nervous . . . “ He was holding out his hand now. Sirus took it, but before he finished his sentence he grabbed Sirus’s wrist and pulled him in closer so that his lips were almost touching Sirus’s. “. . . or turned on.” He finished, looking lustfully at Sirus’s lips. “The name is Andrew,” he finished with a wink.

Sirus looked down at the man with a puzzled expression before allowing himself to smile warmly, shaking the mans hand slowly. He looked over the mans face, acting intrigued by his upfront attempt at flirting. It was honestly terrible, but he assumed it worked based on his online presence. Andrew laughed and picked up his bag before starting to walk away. Sirus frowned again thinking his chances at seduction just failed. The man even started to whistle! Then he stopped and turned around with an impatient look on his face. “Well . . . you comin? You’re smokin and I’m rear'n, let’s do this aight?” He said with a light laugh before continuing towards the street.

Sirus frowned and stood there for a moment kinda stunned. He looked around as if looking for someone to comment on what just happened. He was surprisingly turned on by the idea of it all. He shook his head and started to walk after the man. This was going to be interesting he thought as he struggled to keep up with the smaller man. He didn’t even have a chance for small talk. The man just kept looking back with a smile and a wink.

“Here, I live right up here mate! You in fo a good time then?” He said with a smile, walking backwards down the street. A wide smile stretched across SIrus’s new face.

“Yes please. I dig ya!” Sirus said in a deep voice. His bare feet pounding down the sidewalk.

Andrew looked down with a frown. “No shoes for ye?” He asked in a playful tone. Sirus looked down, flexing his toes and shrugging.

“Well you didn’t really leave me much time. It’s all good, I can pick up my sandals later.” Sirus said with a wink. This was going better than he thought.

The two walked up to another apartment building. It was nice. Sirus knew the man traveled for exotic dancing all over the world, but he didn’t think he made this sort of money. Some reports suggested the man also may be selling marijuana. Sirus smiled as they both made their way to the elevator. As soon as the doors shut, the man practically jumped on Sirus. He locked his arms around his thick neck as they both kissed passionately.

Sirus’s cock grew within his small swim trunks as the man ground up against him. Then with a grunt the man jumped down and slammed the elevator stop button with his hand as he pulled Sirus in for another kiss. The two went at it. Sirus dropped his shorts revealing a massive cock. Andrew winked up at Sirus and nodded. Sirus licked his neck then kneeled down before the man. With a smirk he swallowed the mans salty cock down to the balls. Sirus’s face stretched awkwardly as the man began to face fuck him.

Sirus reached up to his face to make sure it wasn’t becoming misaligned a few times, but worked the cock hard, making sure his saliva coated the massive cock, but not drip unpleasantly anywhere. Andrew began to groan as his chest flexed. “oooOOOooo ok ok ok wait, i’m gonna pop off if you continue like that mate! Easy easy!” He said, gasping for air. Sirus stopped with a smirk as he wiped his lips. Andrew slammed the elevator key to continue up to his floor as the two began to kiss again. Andrew ran his hands through Sirus’s styled hair and tugged. Sirus gasped and pushed at his face to make sure it didn’t sag before kissing the man again. Just then, the doors to the elevator flew open causing both of them to stumble into the hallway.

Andrew eagerly led Sirus a few doors down, failing a few times to open the electronic keypad before finally gaining access. He slammed the door shut behind them breathing hard. Sirus flexed and looked over his shoulder with a smile before looking around. “Show me the bed.” He said in a demanding deep voice. Andrew smiled and like a child ran into the next room, opening the door to his room. It was a nice place, but you could tell there were some . . . exotic design choices, mostly of half or fully naked men. The man was a sex addict!

Without hesitation Sirus walked inside as he peeled off his speedo, revealing his massive cock. Andrew eyed it eagerly before slapping Sirus’s ass as he walked by. Sirus jumped naked on the bed with his muscular legs open wide as he watched Andrew get undressed.

Andrew crawled onto the bed, kissing Sirus’s massive calves before slowly moving on to his thighs. When he got to his cock, he looked up eagerly with a “holy shit” kinda look. For the next few minutes, the man rocked his head back and forth, only coming about half way down Sirus’s thick cock as he almost gagged. Sirus really couldn’t feel much, so he moaned and rocked his hips back and forth making it seem as if he were enjoying himself. Finally Andrew got up, stretching his jaw a few times before walking over to the other side of the room to shut off the lights. He looked over his shoulder with a lustful expression as the moonlight cascaded into the room.

“You ready mate?” He said in what Sirus assumed was his attempt at sounding sexy. The guy was honestly kinda bad at the whole seduction thing.

Sirus soon learned that what the man lacked in tact he made up for in talent. The man came down carefully, dragging his cock along Sirus’s leg. He flipped Sirus over on his stomach, caressing his thick back muscles and ass. Andrew carefully breathed on his ass, caressing the cheeks like someone would breasts. Then he buried his face deep into Sirus’s thick toned ass. Andrew’s face wrinkled as he pushed and moved his head and tongue around the smooth, perfectly clean hole. The tongue moved in ways that Sirus never felt before, and it was . . . amazing.

Sirus groaned and flexed his toes, his back muscles shifted as he propped his head up from the pillow so he could breathe. Andrew groaned with a series of soft “fuck ya’s” as he continued to work his ass. Finally, as Sirus’s face was smashed into the pillow, back arched and ass exposed, Andrew got up and slowly eased his cock inside him. Sirus let out a deep groan of pleasure as the man carefully and easily pushed it in all the way. He bent over Sirus’s thick back, wrapping his hands around so he could caress Sirus’s massive thick chest muscles.

Sirus let out a deep groan as he rested his forehead on the pillow. The pleasure was so intense, he looked down at his wrinkled chest and abs, admiring Andrews thick legs behind him. At one point, Sirus thought maybe Andrew ripped something, but the pleasure masked any negative thought that could have come up. As both men's bodies squirmed and flexed against each other, the slapping of balls on ass was increasing in pace, Andrew let out a yell. Sirus felt the warmth fill his ass. He smiled wide as he allowed himself to cum on the bed. That always made the person feel great. He shuttered and collapsed on the bed heaving for air. Andrew pulled out and fell onto the bed beside him.

The two laid on the bed in silence just catching their breath. Finally Andrew sat up with a smile and smacked Sirus’s ass. “Well that was great mate! Thanks!” He said, getting up and starting to pull out clothes from a nearby closet. “Listen, you can stay here all you want, but I have a gig tonight I’ve got to make.” Sirus smiled and stood up and looked around for his swim trunks. “Oh no need mate, here, I’ve got a new pair for ya. I think you’ll like it!” He said with a wink, tossing him a white pair. Sirus went ahead and slipped them on then laid on the bed watching Andrew get dressed.

Sirus looked down and saw the underwear. They weren’t something he could wear outside. Hell at this point, wearing a speedo at night would look just as weird. Andrew looked at Sirus on the bed and bit into his knuckle playing up the idea of wanting to go another round. “Oh fuck me mate, you are so fucking howt!” He said as he pulled on a leather vest. “Listen, don’t worry, I can drop you off at your place so you don’t have to go walking around in that mess.” He said with a laugh. Sirus smiled and admired the mans outfit for tonight's show. What a strange man.


Not even 20 minutes later Andrew dropped Sirus off at his condominium. The man talked about his gigs and tried talking Andrew into maybe working with him. Sirus noted how Andrew didn’t ask for his number or anything. He just slipped Sirus a card for the stip club he worked at. This guy was a player through and through. Sirus waived as the Lexus sped off. He made his way up to his room, with only a few people catching sight of him in his Ballistic underwear. Not subtle at all.

As he walked back into his suite, he passed his mirror and stopped. He admired his facial features and ran a hand down his chest and abs. “A stripper huh?” Sirus said to himself as if considering the idea. “That would be fun to try sometime!” He leaned in and looked closely at his face and noticed some wrinkles forming around his neck and around his ears. He reached up and pulled at the base of his jawline, stretching the skin before letting it go with a snap. His face settled back into a knowing smirk.

“Maybe i’ll use this one again and try it!” He said at last before pulling the scandalous underwear off and making his way back towards his dark bedroom. He continued through the bedroom, back to the futuristic dark room with the metal bed. He looked up at the mirror where the voice spoke to him before and admired himself again. He reached down to his watch and initiated sequence #3. “I thought this suit would be too big, but it actually fits just right!

He began to massage his abs and chest, pushing his hands hard against the skin so that the skin wrinkled and stretched awkwardly over his body. He flexed his arms and chest a few times, stretching his muscles out with a grunt. Sirus had to loosen the suit up before taking it off. Soon his face and body wrinkled and moved as his muscles underneath shifted again. It was minor, but it was as if something underneath his skin was changing! Sirus rocked his neck and rolled his shoulders and the wet sounding noise coming from his body stopped. His skin looked a bit more suit-like now. Finally, Sirus reached up behind his head with a grunt and dug his fingers right into the back of his neck as that familiar seam ripped open along his spine.

He pulled his scalp apart revealing black hair underneath. The skin folded around his ears and his neck as Sirus continued to pull the fake flesh apart. He groaned, rolling his eyes back as he continued to pull the suit apart. Finally, as if something gave, the seam in the suit opened up down to his ass revealing smooth brown muscles underneath. The figure within shifted and rocked his muscles so that the tan skin slipped off and away from the skin underneath. As Sirus pulled the skin apart, it sagged, his face becoming slack and empty as he pulled it down like a reverse hoodie.

Another handsome face was revealed. He had a darker complexion and short curly black hair. His deep chestnut eyes were piercing as he pulled the skin down his chest with a wet rubbery stretching noise. The man had handsome broad features and a tight muscular chest. He was more athletic than Blake, tighter and less . . . bulky. His lean athletic frame surged out of the old suit as Blake fell to the floor in a wrinkled heap. The handsome black man stepped easily out of the skinsuit before picking it up and tossing it again in that futuristic hamper.

Sirus looked up at the mirror and admired his new form. He was quite pleased with the new look. His next target would love this. He ran his hands down his tight abs before bending over to pull up a pair of black underwear. He looked at his new handsome face, running a hand over the mask. “Perfect!” Sirus said to himself with a wink.

Sirus grabbed a pair of running shorts and a bag he had prepared. His next target was on the other side of the city at a park. The man would be reading alone at the park at this time. He always did, clearly a creature of habit. Sirus smiled as he left the condo and stepped onto the sidewalk. He would have to Uber over if he wanted to make it on time. He pulled at his face one more time before he started off. He was almost done! Two more targets with more than 8 hours on the clock.

About 30 minutes later, Sirus stepped out of the Uber and looked around. The park was massive. The forested park layout emptied right into one of the largest beaches in the city. It was a beautiful collection of tropical trees and flowers. There were walking paths all over the park, so this wasn’t going to be easy. His target tended to switch things up often.

Sirus made his way onto the park paths. He liked that the beachside city never had the expectation of wearing shirts. There were all sorts of pretty people walking along the beach or running along one of the many paths. Sirus got a few winks and stares from a few people, male and female, which he secretly enjoyed. He definitely didn’t get this much attention where he came from. Sirus began to lose hope when he made his way towards the last walking path with benches and seating that was empty. It was such a big park, so he was afraid he could have missed the man.

Sirus started thinking of a backup plan, rummaging through his bag to find his handheld computer when he accidentally ran into a park trash can! He stumbled, almost dropping his bag. That’s when he heard a snicker from a man sitting on the other side of the trash can on a park bench. It was him! Sirus smirked pretending to limp a bit as he slowly came around to stand before the man. Sirus was amused to find that the man was looking around innocently at nothing, avoiding eye contact with Sirus. Clearly this was a game, and the perfect transition to an introduction.

The man was very handsome. He had dark hair and olive skin. He wore a white T-shirt and a long sleeved jean coat! In this heat, the man was wearing a jean coat! Sirus couldn’t imagine. He wore enough as it was. Sirus eyed the tight pants and tan leather boots. Curious. The man continued to look around until finally, after a few moments of silence, with Sirus smiling with a hand on his hip, he looked up.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself!” The man said with a wide mischievous smile. “I didn’t mean to laugh, but it was cartoonishly funny!” He finished, letting out a giggle.

Sirus laughed and relaxed his stance before sitting down next to the man, pretending to stretch out his knee. The man admired Sirus’s toned sexy body, trying to be as casual about it as he could. Sirus squinted up at the man and laughed again between gritted teeth. “Oh my god that hurt!” Faking a wince. “But honestly . . . I would have laughed too!” He said with a wink at the man. The man looked down, blushing.

“I’m sorry, are you ok?” He asked, putting a hand on Sirus’s leg. It wasn’t in a suggestive way, more of a relaxed, concerned way. His warm brown eyes washed over his leg for a moment before looking back up at his eyes.

Sirus looked back and smiled, leaning back and staring at the man longingly. “I’m fine now!” He said with a grin. The man stared for a moment before looking around.

“So what are you out and about for? A run?” He said smoothly. Sirus looked at the man and still didn’t understand how he could be in a long sleeve coat in this weather. The heat was getting to him, although he would never show it.

“Apparently running into things and meeting you!” Sirus said smoothly. They both laughed. “So how are you out here with a full coat and long pants!?” Sirus asked as he set his bag down. The man smiled and looked down at himself.

“Oh right. Honestly, I run cold. I don’t know what it is . . . but the heat doesn’t bother me at all! I just wear what looks good. Always had!” He said smoothly with a shrug. Sirus nodded and shrugged.

“Alright Alright, well it works!” Sirus said as he put his hand on the back of the bench behind the man.

The man looked up and eyed Sirus. “The name is Billy by the way.” He said, holding out a hand to shake.

“Ronnie” Sirus said as he took it. Billy’s hand was soft and firm, yet so cold. They stared at each other, feeling the sexual energy. Sirus looked down and saw that the man was aroused. Checkmate, Sirus thought to himself. Both of them continued to ask each other probing questions, and before Sirus knew it, they were laughing and talking about all sorts of things. All of which Sirus made sure to learn as much as he could before the chance encounter. What surprised him was how little the man actually knew of each subject. How did Sirus know more about Pokemon and the Wheel of Time series than the guy that spends his days reading it everyday! How strange.

Finally Billy got up and awkwardly looked around. “Well I’m . . . . getting hungry so . . . “ He said meekly. Sirus quickly stood up, placing his hands on Billys shoulders.

“Or or or . . . and just hear me out, before you grab some food, maybe we take a detour to the best sandwich place in town and maybe . . . stop by my place?” Sirus said with a pleading sky look? He couldn’t let this guy go about his day. He didn’t have enough time. Sirus hoped the expression on his handsome face didn’t portray desperation.

Billy eyed Sirus for a second before quickly saying yes. He gathered his things and they both began to walk towards the main street to catch an Uber. The man was blushing and holding Sirus’s arm now. Well this was almost as easy as Blake, Sirus thought to himself. He casually glanced down at his watch. Perfect timing.


By the time the two got back to Sirus’s apartment, they were kissing like new lovers. Sirus pressed his thick perfect lips up against Billy’s, making both of their faces wrinkle. He practically inhaled Billy, drawing him into his clutches. That’s when he started to take off his clothes. Billy was almost animalistic as he stipped and kissed Sirus, almost ripping his black shorts away! Sirus led him into the room before pushing the man on the bed in nothing but his white underwear!

The man ran his hand through his hair and pulled the covers up and away from Sirus as if to invite him in. The once meek playful man now held himself like a king in his bed! Sirus laid down next to Billy, admiring the mans sexy smooth form. The man was surprisingly muscular, which was hidden under the layers of clothing. Sirus gently ran his hand down Billy’s big arm, as they looked at each other with wanting eyes. The man looked down at Sirus with a smirk before coming in for another slow passionate kiss. That’s when the familiar sound of heavy breathing and the smacking of lips started.

Sirus was surprisingly turned on by the man as he pulled Billy on top of his naked form. It was much more intense than the others for sure. Sirus flexed his body as the two entangled each others limbs around the other, making sure as much skin on skin contact was happening. The two began to rub their cocks up and down between their smooth sexy muscular bodies. The friction and body heat, although mostly one sided it seemed, since Billy really was colder than anyone else he has been with, built up as the two embraced each other, kissing the whole time.

Soon Billy reared up, breaking from the embrace, breathing hard. His eyes seemed to glow with anticipation. The chill, level headed man seemed to change before him, now a hungry animal. Sirus loved it. He leaned over the side of the bed as Billy caressed his legs and swallowed his cock for a few minutes. With a snap and suck, the man raised his head, pulling Sirus in closer. Sirus wrapped his thick muscular legs around the man and pulled him in close, nodding with a devilish grin stretched across his face before leaning his head back and letting out an eager groan.

It was like an explosion. The feeling of ecstasy and intimacy Sirus had not experienced in a long time! Both of the men were massaging and kissing each other while Billy trust himself deeper into Sirus. Their lips popped as their bodies continued to writhe together in a mass of tan and brown flesh. Muscles flexed and toes curled as both men noisily groaned and moaned with pleasure. This time, Sirus clenched his jaw, having a hard time controlling when he orgasmed.

Billy wrapped his thick arms around him as he massaged his brown smooth skin. It moved and stretched over his finger tips. Sirus hardly noticed as he did his best to hold back. Billy looked down at Sirus’s face as his muscles tightened with each thrust. He smiled wide as he began to pile drive Sirus’s tight toned ass. He gripped Sirus’s back so hard, he actually grasped two full fists full of his flesh and pulled. Sirus’s eyes went wide feeling the suit tighten. This was bad. At the same time he lost control and began to spew cum between them. His body shook as Billy let out a loud growl-like moan also cumming deep within his ass.

The men just froze up, their bodies quivering as they both began to ejaculate. Billy’s grip on Sirus’s suit was strong, but Sirus could tell he was pulling on only one side of his seam, not both sides. He still hoped the suit didn’t tear as the man continued to hold his grip. Sirus let out a sigh and became limp, hopefully signaling to Billy that he could relax. Billy did.

Sirus just laid there smiling, staring up at the ceiling. He didn’t want to sit up in fear that his suit was compromised. He watched as Billy grew silent, trying to catch his own breath. Billy was rubbing his neck as he propped himself up on his elbow to look at Sirus.

“Ronnie . . . that was . . . beyond amazing!” He said with a grin. Sirus just nodded breathlessly. Billy got up and without even asking, got a towel and helped clean up before sitting on the bed again, staring at Sirus. “Best lunch break ever!” He finished. Sirus let out a laugh, but still didn’t sit up. Billy looked around then back at Sirus awkwardly. “Did you want to join me for lunch?” He asked innocently.

Sirus gritted his teeth before smiling warmly. “I wish I could man, but I actually have work to do today! I leave tomorrow for a business trip and won't be back until next week unfortunately.” He said calmly, an excuse he had memorized at this point.

Billy sighed but nodded his head. “Oh no problem man, I get it. Will I see you again hopefully?” He said with a slight look of worry.

Sirus lifted his head up with a concerned look. “Oh of course! As soon as I get back from my trip! I’d love to go on a proper date if you’ll have me!” He said smoothly, not meaning a word of it. Billy seemed satisfied. They exchanged numbers, Sirus using the fake AI, before Billy left. Sirus made sure to keep his back always facing away from Billy the whole time they got dressed.

As soon as Sirus watched Billy exit the building through a monitor in his closet he relaxed and walked outside on the patio. “I can’t believe it! He really had me going!” He said to himself. He looked at himself in the inside mirror, trying to turn his back so he could see the damage, but couldn’t see anything. Finally he gave up, reaching up to the back of his neck. He tried pulling the skin apart, but it didn’t budge. The skin stretched with that rubbery sound, but he couldn’t find the seal anywhere. “DAMMIT” Sirus raged as he tugged and pulled at the hidden seam. Nothing. His body already finished morphing within, he looked down at his watch. He was running late for a meeting with his next target, which was an actual scheduled Grindr date!

Sirus gritted his teeth, still pulling at his skinsuit, but the skin didn’t break. He stumbled around the house, even breaking a small vase! He walked out on the patio and let out a deep scream. “How the FUCK did I get myself in this mess!” He said in a deep voice, already changed from his previous Ron voice. Whatever form he took underneath was waiting to get released. Sirus was angry now. He reached up to the top of his scalp and tried to pull at the skin, which shifted and stretched in his hands, misshaping his features for a moment, but the skin didn’t tear. He relaxed his grip allowing the skin to snap back into place and let out a frustrated sigh.

He looked around then walked inside looking at his own reflection with a frown. With a growl he reached up to his lip and violently pulled in a last ditch effort to shed the skin. The skin wrinkled with a rubbery noise as his features misaligned, revealing a new pair of lips and part of a scruffy jaw. He yelled as he continued to stretch the chestnut colored face, which began to fold and wrinkle back into a wide smile revealing more of the face within. Finally, as if it were a battle of wills, the handsome Ron features began to slide back up and over the new pale scruffy features within. The black stretched facial features finally tore apart at the corner of the lip and neck areas. Sirius grunted as he continued to pull the old Ron suit down his neck and chest as he moved and shifted his new body within. Finally there was another tear and Sirus was able to pull the skin down to his waist, which bundled up and hung limply around his waist. Silently and with a look of triumph on his face, he shifted his hips so that the skinsuit fell down to his ankles in a wrinkled brown mass.

Sirius breathed hard as he stepped out of the suit and walked over to a nearby mirror in the kitchen. He looked up at his new face, which was a redhead with green eyes and thick muscles. His skin was pale and smooth, drenched with what looked like sweat. He smiled in triumph and flexed his new massive muscular arms and chest. He flexed his massive toes and rolled his neck. “Very handsome!” Sirius said with a wide grin stretched across his new sexy features.

He ran his hands through his hair and looked down at the wrinkled mass of brown skin at his pale feet. Just then, he heard a knock at the door. His date! He quickly picked up the empty suit, running into the bedroom to throw it into the bin before pulling on a pair of shorts. He slipped on a pair of socks then a pair of tight running shoes before quickly running to the front door. Sirus gave himself one more look in the mirror before opening the front door.

The muscular bearded man before him wore a tight spandex blue shirt with some tight jeans. He smiled and winked as Sirus moved aside to let him in. The man looked him up and down with a slight frown as he passed. “Sorry, just came back from a run!” Sirius said, looking down at his still wet skin. He didn’t have time to shower. He closed the door and followed the handsome man into the room, admiring his sexy ass and arms. The man gasped as he approached the large balcony window overlooking the bay before turning around with a smile.

“Duuuuude this place is nice!” He exclaimed innocently as he continued to look around the place awestruck. Sirus couldn’t help but to blush. Even if he had nothing to do with getting the place, or even how his superiors got it, he couldn’t help but to feel a sense of pride. Seeing the kinds of homes most people on this island lived in, he wasn’t surprised by the reaction. The man then looked Sirus up and down. “Everything in this place is beautiful I guess.” He said with a smile as he walked over to Sirus and placed his thick arms around his equally thick neck. “I’m glad you made this happen today.” He said before softly and quickly kissing Sirus’s lips.

Sirus kissed him back lightly before breaking the kiss with a smile. “I’m sorry, I know I'm a mess, you probably want me to take a shower!” Sirus said as he began to walk towards the bedroom and bathroom areas. He could feel the suit tighten over his true body. This wasn’t good, he had to hurry since this was his last disguise before time ran out. Not hearing a response right away, Sirus turned around and saw Mike standing completely naked, against the wall. The man was clearly waiting for Sirus to notice.

“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about it. I’m hoping to get you sweaty here soon!” Mike said with a mischievous smile as he bounced both of his chest muscles up and down.

Sirus squirmed, wiggling his toes within his tight running shoes. The skin he wore now was very tight and uncomfortable, and since this was his last one, he didn’t have a backup. Sirus smiled, walking up to the half naked man and kissing him passionately, pushing him up against the wall. Sirus hungrily sucked on the man's lips as he was pulled into his thick arms. The man groaned as he pushed Sirus up against the other wall. A picture fell down to the floor with a crash as the men groaned and started to breathe hard. Sirus let out a short growl as he picked the man up into his arms and dropped him on a nearby couch. He looked down at the man with primal hunger. “You’re a feisty one aren’t you!” He said menacingly.

Mike looked up at Sirus in awe. Sirus looked jacked, especially as he flexed his massive chest muscles in anticipation for the fun to come. His face was serious with fierce hungry eyes. His arms grew as his massive cock pressed against his shorts. Sirus watched Mike carefully as the man began to pull his jeans down his thick legs. Mike kicked them off, flinging them up at Sirus’s face with a laugh. His large cock fell down his legs as he sat up.

Sirus crawled over to Mike and started by kissing his chest and neck before caressing his face and pulling him in for a nice long kiss. His thick cock pushed against Mike’s thick chest as the two rolled off the couch in a ravenous embrace. Sirus’s neck wrinkled as he moved his head from side to side as both their lips slid over each other's open mouths. His ass perked up in his tight running shorts. His cloth running shoes curled and widened as he pushed his body and cock up against Mike on the floor, both groaned and moaned with pleasure.

Sirus began to pull his cock out of his pants when Mike stopped him with one hand, taking a moment to catch his breath. His chest heaved as he caressed Sirus’s handsome face. “Let’s take this to the room shall we?” He said with a wink as he began to slide his body from under SIrus. Sirus clenched his jaw and forced a smile, rolling his neck as Mike got up. He glanced down at his watch, his time was running out. He quickly got up with a warm embrace around Mike as he laughed, gently kissing the mans thick neck as they both walked toward the bedroom.

Sirus could feel his suit loosen around him, causing a few more wrinkles to form as he walked by the mirror. He took this opportunity to roll his shoulders and turn his head to try and smooth everything out as they made their way into the bedroom. With a playful eagerness, Sirus jumped onto the bed and posed for mike, admiring the Mike’s naked body. He hoped this would do the trick as he eyed the man.

Mike shook his head and bit his knuckle as he watch Sirus flex his abs and legs on the bed, just waiting for him. “Shit man, you are so sexy!” He said before jumping besides SIrus and planting him with another kiss. Sirus took this opportunity. He wrapped his thick legs around the man and kissed him back, wrapping his thick arms around Mike’s neck. They were a tangle of muscle and libs as they both practically fought each other for control. Sirus let the man pin him to the bed with his own cute little groan. Sirus looked down and back up with a devious smile, noticing his thick cock tent his shorts. Mike looked down and quickly began to pull them off. As he did, Sirus’s cock popped out almost striking Mike in the face.

Mike started to reach for Sirus’s shoes, but Sirus just shook his head, beginning to breathe hard. “Leave em” he said breathlessly as he began to stroke his own cock. He was afraid the suit within may have sloughed off already, so he didn’t want to take the risk. Mike stood up and admired Sirus’s form and smiled before bending down and jamming Sirus’s entire cock into his mouth. Sirus looked over at his watch while he made pleasurable noises. He had to hurry this up. With an eye roll he began to pant hard as he rotated his hips in a tight circle as the man sucked him off.

Sirus’s neck skin was wrinkled and folded as he looked down at Mike’s head, bobbing back and forth, however, his body was tight and smooth. Eventually he got bored. “Omg, I’m gonna cum already, I want you in me baby!” Sirus said, hoping this would speed things along. He couldn’t help but to spread out his true toes within the shoes as he breathed hard, trying to maintain control.

Mike came up and pulled Sirus’s thick muscular legs up and over his massive shoulders before slipping a condom on. Sirus gritted his teeth and smiled tightly before mumbling again that he needed Mike inside him now. The man obliged. He pulled Sirus up and rolled him on his stomach. Sirus grasped the pillows in his hands and prostrated himself before Mike. His tight round perfect ass flexed before the man, eagerly awaiting what was going to happen. Finally Mike ran his hands down Sirus’s thick back muscles before gently inserting his 6’ inch cock into his ass.

Sirus let out a groan and buried his head into the pillow, muffling a low growl. Mike rolled his eyes back and slowly began to thrust back and forth. He flexed his chest before reaching around Sirus to massage his chest muscles with his hands. Sirus groaned and turned his head back so that Mike could kiss him again, forcing the man to go deeper and deeper into the tight clear almost plastic looking ass. Mike noticed how the back of Sirus’s neck wrinkled with folds of skin as he reared back, pushing his thick ass further up against Mike’s rock hard cock. With a frown, he ran his hands up Sirus’s thick back muscles and over the deep folds of skin.

Sirus could sense this, so he arched his back, pushing his ass out in a seudo cat pose, hoping this would smooth everything out. Mike continued without a word, letting out a groan again. Soon Mike’s balls slapped against Mike’s pale thick ass in a steady fast rhythm. The two men groaned and let out gasps of pleasure for what seemed like hours. Sirus let out a deep frustrated growl as his eyes momentarily changed color for just a second as he clenched his jaw and began to grind his ass further and harder against Mike’s throbbing cock. He felt the condom break, which is what Sirus wanted. His own cock was sliding across the bed as Mike stroked it. Sirus’s body was so thick and muscular, it was hard for Mike to get a decent grip.

Mike began to pant and let out a high pitch groan. Sirus knew he was close. He kept up the pressure, yelling out, “HARDER!” Mike’s face was slack as he practically jackhammered Sirus in the ass. Sirus let out a low screech just as he felt a claw pop out of one of his shoes. That’s when Mike started to cum within him. He couldn’t take it either, his own cock began to throb and pulse before spewing cum all over his chest and stomach area as Mike drove him chest first into the bed with one final thrust. It was glorious as both men began to shutter and jerk before Mike fell out of Sirus in a heap.

They both laid there for a second, Sirus rolled on his back, pulling at his face to make sure it was aligned still. His chest and stomach were slick with cum, which he tried to clean off with his own shorts that were laying right near the edge of the bed. He looked down and with some effort, retracted a thick black claw into his distorted tight running shoe. He felt the skin tighten around his body and knew he didn’t have much time.

He looked down at his watch and let out a fake exacerbated sigh as he got up, careful to check himself in the mirror to make sure nothing else was out of place. Mike got up too, clearly not expecting their night to end so soon. “I’m so sorry Mike, I totally forgot I have to work late tonight!” He said as he helped Mike gather his things. His naked body was glistening with both cum and sweat from Mike’s body.

Before Mike could even respond, Sirus shoved the clothes into his hands before guiding the shocked man towards the exit. “Again, I’m so sorry I have to do this to you! You have my number tho, I will be back in town next Tuesday ok?” SIrus said quickly as there was a little tear from somewhere on his body. Mike nodded his head with a frown as he pulled on his clothes. Sirus opened the front door, making sure the front of his naked sexy body was facing the man, who didn’t even have his shirt on yet. His muscles shifted as a smile stretched wide on his face. He stood there expectantly.

Mike frowned, pulling on his shirt and walked past Sirus. “I hope I didn’t offend you, I had a great time.” He said with a concerned look. SIrus stood there smiling for a second, letting out a soft shutter.

“I swear you didn’t do anytHING, I’m just freaking out a bit because I’M late for work. Nothing more.” Sirus said with some control as he tried to twist his features into an apologetic face. The look on Mike’s face wasn’t promising. Mike nodded with a look of concern and left, not even saying goodbye. Sirus had no choice but to shut the door and lock it. He stood there for a moment listening to make sure Mike made his way down the stairs before slumping against the door.

Sirus let out a low sigh as he was finally able to relax. His body seemed to ripple slightly as the muscles shifted underneath his smooth wet skin. His massive legs flexed and he began to wiggle his toes within his running shoes. He stumbled forward in a half crouch as his feet grew, his toes widening within the wrinkled fabric of the shoe. As his eyes rolled back there was a soft tearing noise as 5 black claws began to tear free from the wrinkled shoe with a satisfying popping noise.

“Uuuuugggghhhhh, I thought he’d never leave!” Sirus said to himself as he stumbled into the kitchen with a relieved smile stretched on his handsome face. His newly emerged claws clicked on the tile floor with a “click, click, click”. He pulled out a futuristic device from a kitchen drawer as that monotone voice came from speakers around the condo.

“It’s time Sirus, extraction will commence in 20 minutes. Please step outside for transport.” The voice said calmly as Sirus continued to gather devices from a nearby hidden drawer. “Understood. Please transport those previous suits to home base.” Sirus said absently. There was a glow from the room presumably where the hamper was where he stored the other suits. Sirus looked up at a mirror and smiled at his own handsome human reflection.

He closed his eyes for a moment and could feel the samples within him. His body was acting as a vessel of sorts for each sample he collected. Rather than use some sort of device or technology, his people found that their bodies were the perfect internal temperature to store the samples. Collecting the samples was easy enough when your body was it’s own container. Sirus could feel the suit start to fail. His skin sagged and wrinkled around his eyes as he pushed against his face and pulled on the skin of his neck in a curious attempt to smooth it out.

He was excited to finally get out of these monkey suits once and for all. Sirus smiled wide as he admired his slick human looking body in the mirror. He reached up to the back of his head, like before, he dug his fingertips into a seam that would have been unnoticeable to anyone not looking for it. He paused for a moment, feeling the suit loosen a bit about his face and neck area. He tapped his exposed clawed toes on the floor, enjoying the cool air on his true skin. Sirus let out a grunt and pulled at the scalp. He watched as his handsome human features wrinkled as he continued to pull the skin apart. Beneath the skin were green slimy scales. His face went slack with a wet sucking noise before he pulled the skin down and away from his true face. He watched as the skin stretched and the facial features fall and bundle up in front of his chest.

Sirus let out a gasp of relief. He ran his still human looking hands over his bald reptilian features as he sagged against the counter. “Ohhhhh ssssso much better!” Sirus said to himself. He shook his head as his ears seemed to elongate and a short muzzle-like mouth pushed out from his face. Fake human teeth fell out into his hands. Sirus stood there for a moment, the empty human mask dangling from his neck as he put the fake teeth away in a bag with the other tech. FInally he stood up, his wrinkled chest and abs smoothing out a bit as he stretched. He kicked off the broken torn shoes around his lizard like feet, empty torn pieces of the human foot hanging around his ankle as he threw those into the nearby trash.

He then reached up to his neckline with one hand and grasp a fist full of the pale human flesh over his chest with the other. He grunted and shifted his shoulders as the seam began to break apart along his spine, revealing more of the scaly lizard skin underneath. The pale skin slide off his shoulders and sagged around his chest as he continued to shift his body out of the back of the suit. Soon the smooth muscular human torso fell as he pulled his toned, noticeably smaller arms, from the skinsuit in one swift motion.

Sirus’s true form was slick with sweat as he pulled the skin down his thinner scaly body. The skin made a rubbery slapping noise as it fell down around his waist like a fleshy skirt. He paused for a moment, letting out a hiss and rolling his neck. “I hate these things.” He mumbled to himself before pushing the skin down his toned legs like you would a pair of tights. Soon the reptilian creature stepped out of the empty mass of human skin like you would a onesie.

SIrus cracked and stretched his body as he walked around, making sure nothing was left behind in the condo. He looked down at the empty human suit one more time with what could be called a smile on his reptilian features, before grabbing the empty flash-suit in one clawed hand. He shook it out and threw it over his shoulder before grabbing the bag. “I’m ready when you are.” He said to the omniscient computer as he opened the door to the daylight. The condo was high enough into the sky, no one would be able to see him anyways. His claws hit the concrete with a tapping noise before he stopped and looked up. There was a low moan in the sky and then a quick flash of light, like a mirrored surface catching the sun, before Sirus just . . . . disappeared. The condo was completely empty as if no one ever lived there.


Billy smirked as he walked down the cliffside beach looking up at the city skyline towards where Sirus’s condo was. As he walked he began to take off his clothes until he was in nothing but his underwear. Being here was fun, but it was time to go home. He looked around, making sure no one was around, although it wouldn’t matter if there was. His time here on land was over. He looked up at the sky, breathing in deep before looking around again. His perfectly toned sexy body flexed in anticipation.

Billy looked up at the city skyline and saw a bright flash on top of one of the skyscrapers. That was SIrus, he noted silently to himself with a smirk. His mission was complete. He knew about Sirus and what his mission was, which his kind couldn’t let him be successful at. His job was to give Sirus a special kind of “sample”, one that would render the other samples inconclusive. This would throw the Reptoids off his scent. Soon the Reptoids would leave, and that would allow his kind to continue their experiments on the humans of these islands . . . and soon this world.

Billy rolled his neck and smirked. His bout with the Reptoid was fine, he had to admit. The fact that he was able to control himself for this long was actually a miracle in itself. He looked down at his sexy human body. This suit served its purpose, preventing him from drying out was not easy. He walked up to the edge of the water, which was a shallow alcove from the main bay area.

He looked back up at the sky with his eyes closed for a moment. The sun was nice, but he preferred the cool water of the ocean himself. He slowly raised his hands up, flexing one arm in the process, before grasping a fist full of his forehead in one hand and grabbing the back of his neck with the other. His hands bunched up the tan smooth skin, causing deep wrinkles to form. With a growl, Billy pulled at his skin.

The skin stretched and twisted in his grip, causing his eyes to misalign from whatever was underneath. He bent over, arching his back, forming large thick folds of skin to form around his once perfectly toned abs. At the same time the muscles under his back bulged and tightening as he pulled at the skin behind his neck. There was a rubbery pop as the skin split apart, revealing smooth dark blue and green wet slimy flesh underneath. He sighed in a deep bubbling voice as his face became a wrinkled mask. He continued to pull the scalp and upper back skin apart, causing his facial features to slurp away from his true face. He pulled the skin down as he shifted his body, similar to how Sirus freed himself from his disguise earlier. Billy began to rip the skin away from his true slimy form by the fist full. Skin sagged and drooped as it slid off the slender amphibious form of whatever Billy truly was. The creature kicked the deflated empty skin off its webbed feet into the Ocean weeds before letting out a high pitched shriek of pleasure.

The creature started to wade into the ocean water before looking back at the city. It admired the primitive structures for a moment before continuing his long trek back home. It would be soon that the human would find themselves changing. Developing new abilities never conceived of before. When that happens, his kind would strike, gaining control of these humans and thereby their new abilities, so they would be able to take over this planet once and for all! The creature disappeared under the surface, leaving behind the empty human skin as a few bubbles crested the water's surface.


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