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Edwins Escape- Story 3

Edwin watched with a smirk as a soldier under his command from the Hive, wearing a human suit, lifted the last of the Zaren Dust into an old pickup truck with a thud. He was a massive shirtless man with tight jeans and work boots. The worker shut the truck gate and slowly lumbered over to Edwin. His work boots stretched wide and creaked loudly with each step, and he grunted in discomfort as he cracked his back so he could stand up straight. He had to use the old serum, so his human skin was not holding up well. His disguise was wrinkled and haggard. His true form had started to take in water, causing a stretching popping noise with each movement. His right eye started to become milky, making his once handsome strong face look even more aged. His suit stretched in places it shouldn't and his abs were starting to sag. It wouldn’t be long before parts of him would slip out of the skin.

Edwin knew the discomfort the soldier was feeling, since he has gotten in and out of so many of the skins over this past year. That being said, what he saw before him was still leagues better than what Edgar did, but definitely not good enough to maintain human form and still look good for more than a few days.

He looked down at his own muscular human suit. His tight black polo, dress pants and shoes fit nicely over his tight human form. He pitied the soldier, however there was nothing Edwin could do without refining more Zaren Dust. That wasn’t something he could do on this planet, he had to get to the mothership.

Ever since he was able to take the new serum, he could compact his body into smaller and smaller humanoid forms with little of the discomfort and complete control over his size than he did before. This serum could not be possible without this Zaren Dust. All he needed to do was get it to the mother ship so they could create more of the serum for the others. That was Edwin's mission. These 5 containers could supply enough of the stuff for his entire colony.

“Hurry up and get to the ship with that shipment, you haven’t much time.” Edwin said with a concerned look before turning around and heading back towards an old commercial building. The soldier nodded without a word before staggering into the small truck with an audible groan and a small rip. The soldiers neck and chest wrinkled as he crammed his massive body into the human vehicle. With a jerk of the wheel and a heavy foot on the gas, the bug sped off towards the freeway out of the city towards the old warehouse district.

Edwin watched as the truck turned the corner before he went inside. Edwin looked into the mirror and ran a hand over his smooth handsome human facial features before continuing into the back. He was not allowed to go with the precious cargo due to the extra risks associated with him impersonating a MIB agent. He had to take on this form to get into the storage facility; and even though he only spent 10 hours in the facility, carefully trafficking the dust container by container, there were always risks when dealing with the MIB. They will catch on soon enough, so Edwin had to lose this suit and rendezvous to a seperate pickup point in order to draw attention away from the stolen Zaren Dust.

Edwin walked into the back room overlooking a nearby basketball court. He could see some humans playing the game, one of which was Edwin's next target. Edwin couldn’t wait. He couldn’t wait to get out of this suit and into a new one . . . finish this mission and get off this stupid planet! With that he reaches up to his tight shirt and tore himself free of it.

He stared at the young man as his friends left the basketball field. He would continue to practice for 2 more hours. Edwin began to laugh as he allowed his body to take in moisture . . . allowing his true alien form to grow within the skinsuit. His back muscles shifted and began to bulge a bit as he let out a low inhuman laugh.

“I can see the finish line, I'm almost done with all this sneaking around!!!” Edwin said as his face began to wrinkle and look more worn. His body emitted a low growl and a crack. He let out a laugh, still staring out the cloudy window. His tight dress shoes began to curl and wrinkle before spreading out on the floor revealing the outline of his curled claws. His pants tightened and he let out a grunt as he slowly raised one thick arm to the back of his scalp just as his back began to tighten and bulge unnaturally.

Edwin dug his fingers into the skin at the base of his skull as he stared at his next pray. There was a wet ripping noise as he slowly pulled the skin up the back of his skull, his back muscles shifted and inflated before the skin split apart. Edwin rolled his eyes back as he clenched his chiseled jaw. His lips curled and his face began to fold and sag as the suit slowly split open and his face was pulled forward like a reverse hoodie, away from his true inhuman face beneath. His massive insectoid form began to slide out of the now stretched torn suit as it wrinkled and slide down his massive unfolding body.

The now empty tan human skin fell to the floor in a heap as Edwin cracked and stretched his body. He looked down at the empty skinsuit and lifted it up. The wrinkled mass of brown flesh sagged in his claw and he held up the wrinkled empty face to his own. He let out a dry inhumanly low chuckle before tossing it aside with a slap against the wall.

“Time to slip into something new” Edwin said with a laugh as he slipped outside into the shadows.

----- -------------

Agent T, we tracked the truck!” Agent F said casually. There car was speeding through the air invisible to all eyes as they tracked its location near Northern New Jersey. Agent T smiled as he read the scanner. “We will be able to cut it off any minute now. We know whatever is driving that van is using a suit, so let's get ready for whatever reveals itself. I’m assuming it will be big judging by the other suits it left behind.

Agent T lowered the car in the middle of the rural freeway and nodded at F. “You ready?” He said in an almost bored voice. With a quick nod F got out of the futuristic vehicle and walked to the trunk. It opened in a bright blue glow revealing many different weapons. Agent T smiled as he approached and picked up the largest of the 5 different weapons. Agent F pulled out a smaller weapon and put it in a holster to his side. The two walked in front of the vehicle blocking the road just as headlights appeared in the distance.

As the truck came into view Agent T raised his other arm and pressed a button on his watch. A light glowed and a blue laser spread out wide over the entire roadway. Suddenly an entire blue barrier showed up blocking the road. The large rusty truck slammed on its breaks and rumbled to a stop before reaching the newly erected barrier. Agent T left his watch floating in the air like a small drone as Agent F checked another device to see if anyone was nearby and if there was any unseen tech. The scanners still showed the area was clear.

The truck stuttered and turned off with a metal groan causing the lights to dim for a moment. Both agents cautiously walked around the barrier and approached from both sides. Agent T saw a massive shirtless muscular man. He just stared straight ahead with a strange worn bored looking expression. His face was worn out and wrinkled, but not as an old man should look . . . like his skin was stretched out and used. His sunken cheeks and wrinkled neck made him look unnaturally sickly and Agent T noticed a thick antenna of some sort protruding from the back of his balding scalp.

“Get out of the car and put your hands on the hood!” Agent T yelled firmly from passenger side.

Agent F approached the drivers side. There was an old concrete building behind him . . . an old rest stop? He didn’t care. Even if the thief ran to hide in there, it would just delay the inevitable. He looked at the man, his skin was so wrinkly yet tight in awkward places. This was primitive, but no mistake that this was a human disguise . . . a bad one. Some of his fingertips were torn open to reveal a long black claws. He slowly turned his head, his one good eye focusing on agent F, while the other milky one stared past him. His thin lips stretched back into a smile as he opened the door. The man rocked his massive body until he was able to put his worn leather worker boots on the ground. It had a long nail protruding from the stretched leather already.

He stood up to his full height, his massive muscular body make a meaty wet noise as his spine cracked. There was a deep growl as he looked down at agent F. His pants tightened and his boots widened. Suddenly there was a rip and his pants fell away and his boots broke apart revealing a mix of broken human flesh and gnarled claws. Agent F turned away in disgust. The wrinkled mass of muscle and skin was one thing . . . but the . . . manhood was just revolting.

Agent T started walking around the car from the other wide. “I said put your hands on the roof of the car!” He yelled.

The man opened his mouth, his lips sliding wide as a brown set of mandibles emerged, stretching his worn face back as he launched his large body at Agent F, knocking him over as he ran towards the building. Agent T was too quick. “Freeze or I shoot!!!” He said as man stopped, his back shifted and his thick muscles tensed up.

“Put your hands on your head and turn around!” Agent T said again as Agent F got up, brushing off his suit.

There was a deep inhuman growl as the man slowly turned around. His lips were stretched back into place, but his face was skewed to the right, revealing the brown flesh under the skin around his wrinkled eyes. He pulled his thin lips back into a wide inhuman smile as he slowly raised his hands to the top of his scalp close to his forehead.

Agent T interrupted him by holding up his massive gun. “Oh nooo no no no . . . I don’t think so. Stay in the suit for right now, we don’t want to make a scene out here! If you want to live, let Agent F here put these cuffs on ya.” He said, still calm and cool. The man frowned, his jaw flexed as he slowly lowered his arms with a grunt. He let out a deep growl as his body began to shift again under the skin. “I said keep it on!” Agent T said a little annoyed this time. The massive gun glowed brightly now.

The alien glared at the men, then he cleared his throat, his neck now rolls of wrinkled folded skin ever since his human face was skewed. “I can’t HELP it . . . “ He said in a deep grunt. Agent F looked at Agent T for a moment as he held up the gun taking aim. The alien began to laugh.

“Haahahaha, relax, I just mean the cracking noise. I’m not as young as I use to be.” He said with a smile. He took one step towards them and held out his massive hands. Agent F warily approached him and put on the handcuffs. Agent T still aimed the gun at the man. The handcuffs clicked and Agent F slowly lead the man towards the MIB vehicle. As the muscular man got closer to them, his sagging face stretched back into an inhuman crazed smile as he began to laugh.

“Oh, and THESE . . . “ A deep growl emitted from deep within his massive muscular body. “Don’t prevent me from . . . GEtTing COmfortABLE!” He said as his back bulged and his chest swelled up.

His neck wrinkled and his face tightened before his mandibles slipped out of his lips. His back arched with a loud crack and the skin burst apart as the man let out a screech. He pulled apart the handcuffs, scraping the skin off his hands like old gloves. His legs split apart and from his ass a giant tail emerged with a sharp stinger at the end. “WhaAHAHAHAHA” He roared as his wrinkled tight face stretched back before tearing apart revealing a bug-like massive head. The rest of his human flesh fell away as the massive creature blasted Agent F in the chest with the back of his claw, slamming him into the truck.

Just as he did this, he lashed his tail out at Agent T with a defiant roar. Agent T was prepared, he dodged to the side, rolling on the ground and coming out of it crouched on one knee. He smirked at the newly revealed creature who stumbled out of the remains of his human skin to turn towards him before firing. There was a bright blue light that almost knocked Agent T off his ass. The creature reared his head back in surprise before his entire body evaporated in a loud explosion that knocked the truck back. Agent F was standing behind the barrier with his glasses on, expecting a spray of guts, however the bug was truly evaporated by the powerful blast. Nothing was left.

Agent F deactivated the barrier and approached the now steaming truck with agent T close behind. The two walked over to the back and opened the tarp. Sure enough the missing dust was back there. Both agent nodded to each other knowingly. Agent T pulled out a communicator as Agent F started making the calls.

“Agent H, We found the missing Zaren Dust, you are clear to approach the target.” He said before closing the communicator. A massive black van came into view with the clean up crew. “Well . . . there isn’t too much to clean up!” He said with a laugh.


Edwin admired himself in the reflection of an old stainless steel piece of metal, flexing his tight muscular chest. This skin was not as muscular as his last one, but the human was much taller. His skin was smooth and soft and the serum allowed him to easily fit within it. He ran his hands over his abs and smiled. “I wish I had time to try that sex thing one more time before I have to go. “He said to himself.

A cocky smirk stretched on his smooth handsome face before walking over to an old rusted door. With inhuman strength, he opened an old deadbolt and slide the door open, something a machine would have had to do if humans were here. He smiled, looking around one more time before heading into the narrow corridor by himself.

He couldn’t wait to get to the ship and take this suit off. The serum lasted for a year if he wanted, and he didn’t have as much pain as he had before when slipping on a human skin . . . but he still didn’t like it. It was still tight and confining. He picked up his pace, his shoes tightened as his claws pushed against the fabric. He hated human shoes the most, they made an already confining suit even worse. He let out a growl as his mandibles pulled the young smooth lips back into a smile.

As he got closer and closer to his destination, he felt the skin tighten. He was almost free from these human confines! He ran to the end and approached what seemed to be a dead end. He rubbed the back of his neck and rolled his thick shoulders with a crack. “Almost time!” He said through gritted teeth.

“Time for what?” A mans said behind him. Edwin turned around startled and saw a human in a suit! His spine cracked and he almost let himself go, but he saw that the man was armed, holding a high powered high tech gun . . . a gun no mere human shouldn’t have. This was an MIB agent.

The bright light from the end of the corridor told Edwin that there were more agents out there. Thinking fast, he decided to buy himself some time. He was not going to go out like his brother. He stretched a playful look on his young smooth face and backed up a bit. “Whoa whoa . . . easy, I was wondering when you guys would catch up!” Edwins chest shifted as his body tightened up.

The MIB agent smirked and continued his approach carefully. “I see you know who I am . . . I’m assuming you were the one who wore one of our agents for the day?” He said with a serious almost angry expression on his face. Edwin already typed the code, but he needed to scan his eye in order to open the door . . which he couldn’t do in this skin. He was going to need to play this out very carefully.

Edwin smiled, “Well I mean . . . he was so adorable and lean, such a good cut of meat!” He taunted coyly. Maybe if he frustrates the man, he will get his opportunity to get the upper hand. The Agent did not like this. He raised his gun with a frown.

“Or maybe it was because you wanted that Zoran Dust.” He said sternly. “Zaren Dust that we were able to intercept and take back!” That hit Edwin like a physical blow. Edwin’s face tightened into a scowl as he backed up further towards the door. He let out a low growl. All this planning, all this hard work . . . all this sneaking around in these stupid skins . . . and we lost the dust! Edwin thought, his disbelief and anger growing.

“Yup . . . should have hired better help. Your little bug buddy . . . barely put up a fight. He is a spec of dust now by the way.” The MIB agent slowly walked closer. “You didn’t think we wouldn’t find out did you? I mean . . . you broke into one of OUR facilities. Did you honestly think we wouldn’t know something was up?” A sneer was now etched on his face, emanating triumph. Edwin wanted to destroy this human. He was going to pick his teeth with his bones!!! “The big question is . . . why? Why go through all this trouble to get the Dust?” He finished.

Edwin considered his options. He obviously wasn’t going to give him any information. He had one last contingency plan . . . but he had to get out of here. Maybe the best option is to just go for it. He clenched his jaw and allowed his body to start taking in water. He felt the human skin tighten around his true form as he looked at the MIB agent.

“Do you honestly think I . . . “ Edwin started as his toes started to spread out and his joints pop, “WOuld TELL yOU ANYTHING?” Edwin said in an angry controlled tone. He let out a gasp as his muscles tensed up. The human skin was very very tight now, his skin was barely keeping it’s humanoid form now. He looked at the MIB agent with pure hatred. All this time skulking around in these pathetic skinsuit . . for what?!!!

“YOU WILL DIE MEAT SAC!!!” Edwin yelled as every muscle shifted and pushed against the smooth human flesh. His clawed feet burst from his shoes along with the tips of his fingers. He bent down as his thick toned ass became misformed just before a spiked tail shot out towards the MIB agent as his back arched wildly. His human face stretched back into a wide sneer, wrinkles forming at his thick neck and jawline. He flexed his muscular body as his true form expanded under the suit. The skin made an almost rubbery noise as his true body was held back within the suit for just a moment, his face frozen in concentration. Then Edwin let out a low groan just as his thick wide back split apart with a loud “rrrrrrrrrriiiiiiip”.

Edwins human features tightened, the brown flesh and teeth showing around his eyes and mouth as his slimy back started to emerge from the skin. His human lips stretched wide as his mandibles slipped out. His wrinkled human face tore apart from his mouth as the skin curled and slipped back around his neck. His true alien face emerged before he reared back, pulling his upper body out of the human husk.

The MIB agent backed up a bit, not expecting something so large in a human disguise so small. The massive alien monster unfolded his limbs as the once toned chest and abs wrinkled down, sliding off Edwins slimy body. Soon the empty skinsuit was a wrinkled mass of tan flesh at his feet.

Edwin launched his tail at the human as he quickly turned around and let the scanner read his eye and biometrics. With that the doorway opened and he quickly ran up towards the ship. The MIB agent fired off one shot in his general direction, but he was caught off guard by the tail strike.

Edwin got to the top of the landing where a ship was hidden and looked down. The MIB agent was climbing a nearby latter quickly. He snarled and quickly ran up and ripped the top of the latter so that he fell away. ‘That would slow him down at least!’ The bug-like creature hissed before heading into the ship. Edwin wasn’t stupid enough to think he would actually be able to fly a ship out of here without MIB shooting him out of the sky like his brother. Instead, he went to the holding bay and opened a special case. A mechanical ring unfolded itself and filled itself with light . . . a silvery bright light.

Edwin looked behind him and saw the human climbing over the ledge. Edwin laughed bitterly towards the stalking human before jumping through the portal with a snap. The portal sparked before snapping out of existence with the MIB agent firing needlessly towards the useless ship.

Edwin landed on a familiar metal floor with a loud thud. He got up and stretched and looked around. Hundreds of other members of his Hive surrounded him expectantly. Edwin was furious and began yelling. The queen would not like this . . . but . . . Edwin was smart enough to know that something could always go wrong. Edwin stopped and looked down at the ground. He then started to cough and gag. His body lurched and soon a whole metal canister slipped out of his mouth and landed on the floor with a ‘Clank” noise. Edwin picked up the container and smiled, his teeth gleaming in the ships light. He may not have gotten enough Zaren Dust for the entire colony . . . but he did have enough for a small army.

Edwin clicked and screeched as he rose up the can in the air with a triumphant squeal. The other bugs swarmed around him, soon making the same noise. Edwin would be back someday . . . this time with friends. He would have his revenge. He may not be able to destroy the galaxy like Edgar wanted . . . but he sure as hell could try destroying MIB. They would pay for killing his brother and embarrassing him.

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