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Edwin's Experiment- Story 1

Edwin peered through the trees behind a rural commercial building with a low growl as a car peeled into the gravel parking lot. It was early morning and it was a car full of young human males, one of which got out of the car with a smile on his face. His claws gripped a nearby tree, causing the bark to crumble in his tight grasp. He had been gathering intelligence on this particular human for months now. His body shook in anticipation, for this is the day his species would see if a new serum would make it easier and more effective to impersonate these meat sacs. He looked down at his own large bug body, flexing one claw, and looking at the other, which held a small green vial of liquid. How he was going to fit into something like . . . he looked up at the human approaching the rear of the building near the tree-line . . . that? The human turned his back to Edwin and flexed his large muscular arms as his human friends drove off.

“Later dudes” He said in an obnoxious low voice. His muscles relaxed as he put down his arms before turning around and walking towards the woods. Edwin smiled and backed further into the shadow of the trees. This is too easy! This early, nobody would be around. He watched as the small meat sac slowly entered the woods taking off his hat and wiping his brow. ‘What was he doing?’ The bug thought with an amused toothy smile.

The human was close now, undoing his pants and looking for a place to piss. Edwin knew this human lived in the upper apartment of this warehouse turned gym. ‘How lazy” Edwin thought. Edwin clicked his lower jaw, which was his way of giggling.

This target was perfect. Young, attractive by human standards, and larger than average. Edwin knew this human has been working hard over the years to make sure he wasn’t found by law enforcement. Armed robbery, theft, and even murder. No family and few friends since he moved every month to a new city. MIB won’t be the wiser. As a master assassin and intergalactic terrorist, Edwin was mildly impressed with how resourceful this human was at avoiding the law. But his luck would run out today!

With superhuman speed Edwin launched his body with a growl at the human. The wind picked up, muffling the small yelp that escaped the man before the wood fell silent again in the morning heat. There was a loud rip and some rustling. Edwin took the time to consume what was left. No need leaving behind evidence. He then looked down at the serum and emptied the bottle into his massive throat. What followed was unimaginable pain wrecking through his body as his limbs and joints cracked and folded. He practiced maneuvering his massive alien body to fold in on itself so that he would take on a compact humanoid shape. After the painful experience passed, he lifted up the empty skin and began to stretch it over his now humanoid insect-like body.

The serum made his body secrete a special sweat that helped seal and preserve the skin so that it would fit more naturally over his body. He had to make sure he consumed almost 100 lbs of sugar within 12 hours or he was gonna bust out of the suit. He rolled his thick neck and massaged his face. He had to grab a fist full of skin around his, what were suppose to be, abs and yanked it up while moving his legs and hips so the skin tightened around his new ass before smoothing it down. His joins and claws settled into the humanoid shape and he rolled his shoulders, allowing for the skinsuit to conform to his still larger alien body. He clicked and choked as his maw worked. His lips curled back into a smile, momentarily letting out his mandibles before he pulled at his smooth soft human face and sucked them back in. With a loud grunt he bent over and pulled on the humans clothes . . . with much effort. He looked down at his cloth shoes with a frown. These weren’t going to last long. He took his first few steps with some effort. His limbs shifted and bent awkwardly, pressing against the suit for a few steps. He wiggled his claws within the shoes in discomfort. The skin was not going to last around his feet, even tho his claws were folded in. He was going to need a leather pair to help contain them. He would get that later.

He continued to walk, stumbling a few times as he approached the back door of the gym. He massaged his face and pulled at the skin around his neck a few times before entering the human building. His next objective? To try and seduce a human. His species wanted to see if these suits worked, and this guy was known for working out at a homosexual gym. Not that it mattered to Edwin, he didn’t care for how these primitive creatures looked or worked no matter who he took the form of. He focused on his walk. His handsome face shifted into a frown as he struggled to move. He entered the main workout area eagerly.

He folded claws in so it looked like he was making a fist. His body screamed in pain, but the tight human suit held. “Not bad” he mumbled through gritted teeth. He slowly looked around, then down at a workout machine. He pulled his mandibles back so that his human mask stretched into a smile as he approached the machine. His muscles bulged and shifted as he tried to maneuver his body into the machine, when he heard a loud “rrrrrrriiiiiip”. His eyes went wide and his heart stopped as the 5 men in the gym stopped what they were doing and stared at him. He just stood there sensing the suit around him. He didn’t feel anything cold . . . did his skin tear . . . or these human clothes?

A human approached him with a smile as he slowly backed away from the machine and looked for a mirror to inspect the damage. His pants tore. He noticed his true body expanded the suit and it made him look muscular . . . a lot more muscular than before. The human walked up to him with a giggle.

“Gains gains gains” He said in a bro voice. Edwin stretched his face into what he hoped was a smile. The human smiled, looking down at Edwins disguise. He tensed up, sucking in as much as he could so that the skin looked more toned. “Here man, lets go to the back and get you out of those things.” He said with a wink. Edwin knew this was a good thing, but didn’t know why. He slowly walked back taking large awkward strides. He let out a few deep inhuman grunts a few times, forcing the human to look back with a questioning look. “I’m the manager on site, so you can come to the back if you want.” Edwin smiled wide as he followed what his research told him was an attractive male. His body was lean, which Edwin knew was attractive to humans, although he didn’t understand what body fat was since he was an insect. They didn’t have fat. They just grew. Fat looked and had a gross slimy consistency that made his stomach churn. Edwin shuttered and was glad this human didn’t have any. He looked down at his arms and knew this human didn’t have much on him either . . . or at least he didn’t taste much.

They stopped in a storage room. Edwin stiffly took off his shirt with a grunt and sat down looking at the human with a wide smile. His true body shifted awkwardly within the suit making it expand and wrinkle in weird places.

He didn’t have a mirror, but he knew his suit looked a little awkward. He quickly stood up straight again to help smooth it out before carefully bending down and ripping the pants away. The human eyed him with a raised eyebrow. Edwin grunted as he tore it away revealing nothing but what humans called underwear. He wasn’t sure if this was acceptable attire, however he knew the human wore them and flexed a lot in front of people. He wasn’t sure why, but it seemed to please many humans.

His rubbed the skin over his chest and abs to both look seductive and to smooth out any remaining wrinkles. He looked down at the human with pleading eyes hoping his expression was attractive. He allowed for his legs to crack and stretch the suit a bit so it looked like he was flexing. He settled his exoskeleton body into the correct humanoid positions and sucked in. There was a meaty cracking noise, which hopefully wasn’t too noticeable to the human. The human did frown for a second, but maintained his stare at Edwin with lustful eyes. ‘Perfect’, Edwin thought.

He maintained the pose, which looked as if he was flexing to the human, which from what he learned is where they tense up their soft muscles to they look larger in size. In reality, Edwin was sucking in, trying to contain his insectoid form within the suit. He felt his body start to grow and the skin grow tighter. He needed sugar soon if he was going to do this. The human winked before turning around and walking towards the hallway leading to back to the main gym.

“Do you need pants or . . . are you going to rock those trainers?” the human said casually.

“These are fine.” Edwin said in a deep croak.

“It’s my first day here, and I have to say, I like what I see so far.” the human continued, not seeming to take notice of Edwins voice.

Edwin knew that was a good response. He looked at the humans tight ass and the way he walked. Edwin tried to emulate this. His feet cracked and began to stretch out the shoes with each step. He stumbled against the wall as his large back shifted, forcing him to crouch a bit. One of his claw pushed against the suit in the back.

He let out a low growl and shifted his body back into place, popping up in an erect stance again. The human pushed open the door just as he did this, so it masked some of the noise. The gym was still pretty empty with no one paying attention. Edwin was afraid he would look weird to the humans. Edwin grunted and cleared his throat, pulling his human face back into a forced awkward smile. His lower mandibles and antenna shifted beneath the skin for a moment, but he pulled it back together so his human face would smooth out just as the human turned around.

The human frowned and smiled with a raised eyebrow, clearly unnerved by the look Edwin inadvertently gave. The smile was more amused than anything else. Edwin knew this was was good . . . but not great. He stiffly walked by the man, sucking in his abs and chest as he cleared the doorway. The man let out a giggle and winked. Edwin had to make his move as he felt the pressure increased.

“Do you . . . “ He let out an accidental grunt. He widened his smile a bit and turned towards the man. “Find me pleasing?” Edwin finished with what he hoped was a hopeful look. The human smiled and walked up to Edwin, putting his arms around his thick neck and considered Edwin. Edwin relaxed his lips so that they would look more, what humans called, kissable. “I have an apartment upstairs if you WANT TO HAVE INTERCOURSE WITH ME?” He said in what he hoped was a seductive hushed voice. In reality in came out much louder than he intended. The human raised an eyebrow and let out a laugh.

“You are an eager one aren’t you!” He said lightly, backing up and looking around, slightly embarrassed. When he saw no-one was looking, he turned back, blushing and smiled. “Ya why not, you are a stud!” He said as he rubbed Edwins thick muscular arm. Edwin took this as a sign, grabbed the humans meaty hand and pulled the human towards the door in a much quicker walk than he had managed previously. The human laughed and allowed Edwin to lead him out of the gym towards a back stairwell. Edwin stumbled again against the side of the building. The human frowned and stepped in front of Edwin with concern on his face.

Thinking fast, Edwin straightened his back again with a crack. The man backed up in confusion, so Edwin smiled and made a pose again, hoping this would be pleasing to the human.

The skin stretched and wrinkled as his size increased a bit, but he hoped it would draw attention away from him stumbling. The human smiled and laughed staring at Edwin.

“Whoa dude, your flexing is amazing!” He stared and admired Edwin, but he started noticing the strange wrinkles and stretch marks. Edwins human face slacked as he looked down at the skin, which made his neck wrinkle awkwardly. This wasn’t good. He shifted his body so that he could move into another pose, sucking in his body again. The skin shifted and wrinkled only for a moment before smoothing out. He allowed his arms to expand a bit and crossed his legs so he could adjust his tail and arms. There were small cracking noises, but the human just clapped and smiled. Edwin sighed in relief allowing his handsome human face to relax a bit.

The human walked up and ran his hands over Edwins shoulders arms. “You are so fucking hot!” He said as he came in close to Edwin. “And unnaturally hard man.” He said as he massaged Edwins now bulging traps. The skin slide easily over the hard pieces of exoskeleton and flesh beneath. Edwin pushed his human lips up against the humans lips like he studied and waited to see what would happen. The human was somewhat startled, then smiled, raised his hands on each side of Edwins human face, closed his eyes and locked his lips over Edwins.

It sealed the lips and the human pushed his tongue into Edwins mouth. It was warm and slimy, but kinda felt good to Edwin. He relaxed his jaw so his lips softened. His face wrinkled and stretched as the human smashed his lips and face over his own while trying to push Edwin back, however Edwin forgot to allow the human to make the move.

The human broke the kiss with a laugh and began to pull Edwin up the stairs. “I’m assuming you are in the apartment up here? He said with amusement. Edwin nodded, clenching his jaw as he bent his limbs so he could move up the stairs. His body was growing more, wrinkles and lines began to show up on his human suit. His face tightened and his shoes began to wrinkle and widden strangely.

Edwin picked up his pace, almost shoving the human aside as he slammed his body into the apartment door with a crash. He let out a grunt and walked into the kitchen. He paused and breathed, trying to calm himself down. “THE DooR geTS JAMMED HUMA . . . “ Edwin rolled his eyes as a mandible slipped out of his lips for a second. He reached up and pulled his human lips back over the aliens jaw, shaking his head in annoyance. “Ummm WHAT was Your NAme again?” He said, barely paying attention to the answer.

He flung open the cabinets, revealing a shelf full of sugar. He started pouring the sugar into a large bucket next to the sink, looking over his shoulder. The human walked in slowly, admiring the messy place. “Just gIVE ME a SECond” Edwin grunted. “I’ll MeET YOU IN THE BEDROOM!” His deep rough voice yelled. The human peered in the kitchen and frowned at the shelves of sugar.

“Is that your secret? Sugar?” He said mischievously. Edwin stretched his lips back into a smile as he emptied the bag he was holding before turning around.

“YES SUgar IS GoOD for GAINS” He said as he struggled to keep his body tight. The flesh was straining now. “LEt me finish here and I’LL MEET YOU IN THE ROOM OK?” He said in a rather loud growl. The human looked at him suspiciously but nodded before turning away and walked towards the room.

“Ok man, I gotta use the bathroom anyways bro!” He said with a dismissive laugh.

Edwin watched the man until he wasn’t in eye sight, then let his stretched smile relax a bit and his muscles shifted with a stretching noise. He quickly lifted the bucket under the sink with a grunt and filled it with water. His skin shifted and wrinkled. The lines around his lips and eyes creased as his body began to push against the suit. “Dammit” Edwin said as his claws began to uncurl and push against the shoes, causing them to stretch and rip a little.

With the bucket full of water, he used his hand to mix in the sugar then hungrily began to gulp it down. His lips stretched unnaturally wide and his mandible emerged again as he began to gulp down the liquid. His wrinkled and stretch neck shifted with each gulp as it spilled over his wrinkled human face. The suit began to shift and shrink again as he was able to suck in his body to better fit the suit. His muscles shifted and smoothed out. He dropped the bucket as the human called from the room.

“Hey man, what are you doing?” He yelled. Edwin turned around, his neck wrinkled and his lips were pulled back revealing the inhuman mandible still. He grabbed his human lips and stretched them back over them and rolled his shoulders.

“This will have to do I guess” He said as he looked down at his muscular now better proportioned body. The pain was reduced a little bit, proving that the serum was still working. He wiggled his toes, looking down at his worn shoes and looked around. “Grrrr, I don’t have the time . . . I guess I’ll just stick with these for now.” He walked slowly towards the bedroom, pausing in front of the mirror to check his skin one more time.

He pulled back on his forehead and jawline to adjust the human face and stretched his back so that the wrinkles towards his waist smoothed out a little more. He looked down at his crotch area, he forgot that the humans cock was still empty. He growled before looking up at the ceiling with an annoyed look. He shifted his alien body beneath the skin, causing him to look haggard and tight for a moment, allowing one of his appendages to slip into the empty cock sac so it looked like he had a rock hard cock. He groaned and rolled his neck one last time before walking into the room.

The human lay on the bed completely naked. He was smooth and lean. Such a good cut of meat Edwin thought as he loomed over the bed, staring at the human. He knew what to do, but unsure how to engage the human.

The man smiled and wiggled his toes, nodding for Edwin to approach. Edwin tensed his mandible, pulling his face tight and approached the human. He tore away his underwear, revealing his cock. ‘This should express roles’ Edwin thought, thinking about how he was going to have to move to get this to work. The human pulled Edwin over his body, wrapping his legs around his thick waist. He put his hands on either side of Edwins human face and pulled him in close so they could start kissing.

Edwin opened his mouth . . . perhaps a little too wide and pushed his human lips over the mans face. The human laughed and tried matching him, kissing back hungrily. He began to pulse his body up against Edwin and his makeshift cock. The body heat was pleasing to Edwin . . . he was hungry. He could feel the pressure again. He wouldn’t be able to maintain this too long. He hungrily grasped the humans shoulders and began to rub his thick cock over the humans ass. The movement was a bit jerky, his thick body pulsing and the perceived muscles shifted with each movement. The human groaned. He backed away from Edwin before turning around on his stomach, puckering his ass and stared back at Edwin. “I’m already lubed up!” He said with a wink.

The alien stretched the human face back into another smile as he slowly began to insert his appendage into the human. It was so warn, and the human smelled so good. He began to pump, like he saw in the human videos and various other works of art. At least that’s what he was hoping he was doing. He actually looked like a stiff mannequin making large humping motions with his hips . . . but with his cock the size it was it worked. The human shuttered and groaned, moving faster and faster.

Edwin looked down at his muscles as they tensed up and shifted beneath the skin. The sugar wasn’t enough. The pressure was building up again. His toes curled and flexed within the cloth shoes. There was a stretching noise as his muscles once again began to pulse and bulge. Edwin let out an inhuman groan in discomfort, which the human took as pleasure.

“Faster . . . harder!” The human moaned.

Edwin rolled his eyes and began to pump harder. His thick legs flexed as he maintained a wide stance off the side of the bed. His ass shifted and pulsed with each movement. Wrinkles began to form on his lower back and that one claw began to push against his suit again. He accidentally let out a deep inhuman moan as his shoulders bunched up and his neck wrinkled.

Edwin knew he wasn’t going to be able to keep this up. His true form began to swell and shift beneath the skinsuit so that it rippled and pushed, making weird shapes beneath the flesh.

He continued to pump, wondering how long humans had sex. He looked down at the humans ass, seeing sweat on his lower back. He grunted as he reached around and grabbed the humans cock gently with his right hand. He began to stroke it while pushing into the human harder. His skin continued to tighten, feeling like he was suffocating now. His shoulders and arm skin was so tight, you could start to see the shifting alien body beneath as he tried with all his might to maintain the humanoid form with a meaty cracking noise. The human didn’t seem to notice through his groans of pleasure. Edwin looked down at his body, and saw the rope like sinew and limbs shift uncomfortably beneath his chest and shoulder area.

He felt one claw rip through his wrinkled tight shoe on his right foot. He groaned now, wanting to break free from the human skin so bad. ‘If this fucking human doesn’t cum soon, i’m gonna eat him’ he thought as his face tightened, his pillow lips stretching back in a tight line. Just then the human began to pant harder and his cock started to pulse in his hand. Edwin accidentally relaxed his tail, which pushed against his tailbone area before there was a loud rip and the tail shot out.

Edwin slammed his cock hard into the human while letting out an inhuman bellow. His lips pulled back as his entire mandible began to emerge again from his human face with a stretching meaty noise as the human shot a huge load all over the sheets and his hand.

It shot with such force, it splashed back from Edwins hand onto his thighs as the human collapsed with a loud scream on the bed and shook. Edwin quickly reached up to his face and stretched the skin over his jaw again, while pulling in his tail with some effort and a pig-like grunt. He pulled out and backed away from the human, keeping his thick bulging back away from his line of sight. The human rolled over with a smile dripping with sweat. Edwin had a tight smile as he too seemed to be breathing hard. He couldn’t do it anymore. He quickly backed out of the room and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

Edwin almost tripped as his large feet widened and the shoes began to split apart revealing large claws. He gripped the sides of the sink and stared at the mirror. His human face was pale and his eyes sunken in now. One eye was now turning milky white. ‘Shit, I can’t take this skin off until the human leaves . . . . plus I can’t ruin it. He stared at the door behind him with a serious look. He looked down at his suit and the cum stain on his leg. “Fucking meat sac made a mess on me”. He sat down on the toilette and gripped the walls, breathing deeply.

HIs suit began to show stretch marks as his body continued to grow. His handsome face looked worried as he tried his best to hold back. ‘I can’t . . . I didn’t do all this research to potentially alert the MIB’. He let out a low growl as the human knocked on the door.

“Dude you alright in there?” He asked. Edwin clenched his jaw as his back began to bulge.

“YOu MAY LEave NOW.” He responded in a shaking voice. He was trying to keep his tone calm.

“You sure? I was noping . . . “ the human started to say when Edwin lost it.

“LEAVE MEAT SAC!!!!” Edwin inhumanly low voice boomed, shaking the door. He heard the human gasp and gather his things. His face was serious and his neck wrinkled as his shoulders bunched up even more as he looked, with some effort, towards the door.

“Whatever you freak, you kiss like a cannibal anyways.” He said out loud before stomping out of the room. Edwin’s face wrinkled as he frowned deeply until he heard the front door slam. WIth a sigh he got up and walked to the shower.

“Fucking humans!” He said in a loud inhuman deep voice. The claws that emerged from his wrinkled empty toes clicked on the tile. His cock began to grow and wiggle as he rolled his thick neck. “At last I can TaKE THIS Off!” Edwin said in his normal voice as he clumsily turned on the water. He watched the white cum fall off his tight skin and fall to his ruined feet. He stood there, letting the pressure build. He began to shift his body within the suit, trying to figure out the best way to take it off without ruining it. He let out a grunt as his upper back began to bulge and stretch.

His body shuttered and the meaty cracking noise grew louder. His upper back continued to stretched as he hunched over. His ass shifted and his tail emerged as he let out a low moan. His tail rose behind him before striking his upper back. The tail dug into the tight human skin and slowly sliced the suit down along Edwins spine. The skin quickly split apart revealing a slimy brown surface beneath with a meaty stretching sound. Edwins slimy flesh cracked and billowed up and out of the opening forcing the tan skin to wrinkle and stretch apart. He pulled on his lips and forehead, stretching his face down and away from his true features beneath as the skinsuit wrinkled and fell off his shifting cracking shoulders.

The huge wet body emerged from the wrinkled worn skinsuit, allowing Edwin to unfold his limbs as he continued to grow in size. The human skin sagged and fell to the bathroom floor with a slap as the creature stood up as much as he could in the cramped bathroom. Edwin had to hunch down to avoid hitting the ceiling, his sickly yellow eyes and massive toothy maw let a steady stream of drool escape and fall over the sink.

His tail lashed out at the door handle, blasting the door open with a thud. The massive alien squeezed its massive body out of the bathroom with a clicking growl as it scanned the apartment. “Ahhhhhh muuuuch better” Edwin said in a raspy deep voice. He cracked his body and stretched its many limbs out as far as it could within the apartment. It was just about noon now. He leered down at the wrinkled empty skinsuit. Edwin knew he had to take another dose of the serum and get back into that suit as soon as he could and get to the ship to make his report. “Fucking suit. I don’t know how the hell Edgar did it!” He snorted, picking up the empty skinsuit and held it up. “Probably why he died . . . not good for the joints.” Edwin said with a laugh. He walked over to the front door and shut the door with a claw and locked the deadbolt. He quickly looked out the window to see various humans entering and leaving the gym. With the loud music, he hope it hid the noise. He drew the blinds shut and went to the cabinets. He pulled out another serum. He looked down at it and sighed. He looked at the empty skin in his hand and growled before tossing the whole thing in his mouth.

He tossed the skin on the stove and let out a low screech as he began to crack and dehydrate again. His body shrunk and shifted back into a strange insect-like humanoid shape. This time Edwin picked up the massive bucket dumping 6 more bags of sugar in it and filled it up with water. He guzzled the whole thing down before setting the empty bucket on the counter. He let out a burp before picking up the empty skin and pulling apart the back again. He cocked his head and clicked before sliding a strange clawed leg into the suit.

Edwin's body began to sweat again, which allowed for the skin to slide up his body with ease. He wiggled his claws into the feet and emerging where the toes broke apart from earlier. Edwin let out a hiss and pulled the skin up and over his shoulders. The suit stretched and made a meaty rubbery noise as he pulled it up and over his head. His antenna slicked back and he pulled the empty human face over his own. Within moments he was pushing and massaging his handsome human face in front of the mirror completely naked.

He flexed and pulled at his face so that his neck skin smoothed out a little bit and pulled the lips back into a smirk. Edwin was growing fond of how the disguise looked, but couldn’t stand how uncomfortable it was. He pulled on a pair of tight jeans and a blue tank. He growled and flexed one more time for fun remember how this pose turned on the human.

He looked around the room for some new shoes since his old ones were ruined. He felt a little better this time around since he was able to consume a lot more sugar. He found an old empty pair of leather boots. He smirked and slipped them on. He wiggled his claws and nodded. They would be able to confine his feet if the serum began to fail again.

He walked up to the mirror one more time before heading out the door. He had maybe an hour to get back to the ship and make his report. He found it easier to walk as he made it down the street, however he felt that tight feeling again as his body began to grow. “Not again! It’s almost like the serum is less effective each time you use it!” He said between gritted teeth. He looked down at this hands and saw the skin begin to stretch and wrinkle again . . . this time a lot more aggressively.

“SHIT!” Edwin gripped his arm and ran into the woods. He found an old trail and walked with determination towards a clearing. His hulking muscular human form was tight and toned. His face stoic and slack. It was going to be a hike, but he had to get to the ship in his human disguise. He could not chance being seen. The anticipation was almost arousing.

His one eye was starting to get milky and his skin worn. He hated the confines of this suit, but loved how he looked. He smiled as he stepped into the clearing. His boots stretched and wrinkled and there was a cracking noise coming from his body. He heard a beeping noise from something nearby. His ship. He made it.

This was it, he could finally take off this skin! He felt the pressure building as his true form began to absorb moisture from the air. His body pushed against the confines of the human suit as he did before, begging to be let free. With a grunt he reached up to his shirt and tore it away. His neck was wrinkled as his shoulders grew as Edwin let out a deep inhuman growl. He rose his arms slowly as there was a rumble under the ground.

His muscular back began to shift and churn again. The skin stretched and wrinkled as his body grew. His perfect ass seemed to inflate in the jeans as jagged claws pushed against the leather boots before they began to tear free. His jeans began to tear as he let his jaws pull back his lips one final time into a smile as he rose his arms higher, flexing his arms.

His belt snapped apart and his abs elongated as he grew taller. The ground behind him broke apart as a large metal ship rose up from the earth. The thick metal door opened revealing an industrial white and red interior with glowing lights. Edwin closed his eyes as the skin stretched and wrinkled around his armpits and began to stretch up around his waist. There was a hiss and a deep growl from within his body as he dug his fingers into the back of his head with a sharp inhale.

“EDGAR DIED . . . BECAUSE HE WORE THE HUMAN SKIN FOR TOO LONG.” The skinsuit around his neck wrinkled and his human face became slack as he closed his eyes with a smirk. “HE SHOULD HAVE TAKEN IT OFF SOONER . . . LIKE . . . THIS” Edwin said through gritted teeth before tearing his scalp apart with a sickening ripping noise. Suddenly the skin failed as his upper back bulged, with a wet tear the smooth tan flesh split apart revealing the wet slimy brown and green flesh of Edwins true form.

This time Edwin didn’t care what happened to the skin. He pulled the back of the face apart pulled it down away from his monstrous insect face. The flesh wrinkled and fell down as Edwin shifted his shoulders so the tight suit could fall off in one piece. His jeans and flesh split apart as the wrinkled worn boots almost made a popping noise before shredding apart, making way for the sharp inhuman clawed feet. The creature unfolded as he did only hours earlier with a sigh. He stretched his body and roared up at the now night’s sky.

Edwin was surprised. He expected the suit to only last an hour, but the walk here took him almost till night time. He picked up the empty skin and sniffed it before throwing it over his shoulder and walking to the ship. “Maybe I’ll find a way to re-use this one. The sex experiment will need to be tried again with better technology and maybe something so our kind can enjoy the sexual encounter. Who knows!” Edwin growled before the door shut behind him. The massive ship began to rise into the sky before disappearing into the night.

The End


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