60 Minutes With Al
I sat in the massage chair and rolled my shoulders before looking around. The room was plain and white, with blue curtains all around. I spent over $2,000 for an hour with this therapist . . . a very special therapist. It is said that these synthetic droids are very attractive and allow for you do do anything . . . and I mean everything.
The curtain slide open and a very attractive man walked in. He had perfectly styled short sandy blonde hair, a chiseled lean face and muscles for days. This was all accented by a thin blue skin tight outfit and black boots, which formed nicely over his perfect large feet. You could see his toned abs through the suit. A thin smile stretched across the man's perfect face before he raised his thick arm towards me for a handshake. I grasped his smooth hard hand and blushed. His flesh was so . . . realistic.

I got up out of the chair and walked around him. I admired his toned perfect bubble butt, while running a hard over his hard smooth shoulders and back. His muscles were thick and hard to the touch. I noticed a tattoo like design on his neck, but the design seemed put there for a purpose more than for the look.
“How may I please you today?” The man said in a smooth masculine voice. It was pleasant and confident, yet seemed somewhat unemotional. I watched as his lips stretch, creating perfectly symmetrical laugh lines. I reached up and touched his face. The skin felt so smooth . . . and tight. I pushed against his cheek, rubbing the skin slightly so it wrinkled slightly under my finger tips.
“You look so real!” I said. He just cocked his head and smiled.
“I am real, as I am here.” He said plainly, without a hint of sarcasm.
I was erect now. I ran my hands behind his back, pulling his thick muscular body close against me. I looked into his greenish/blue eyes . . . they were so bright . . . so realistic, except for a slight almost turquoise glow from deep within. I kissed him while running my hands up his tense back and into his hair. His lips opened and allowed me to slip my tongue into his tasteless mouth. His tongue was wet and smooth . . . but it tasted like water running over a rubber of some sort. It was soft and cool to the touch. His tongue massaged against my tongue as I slide my lips over his.
After a minute I broke the kiss and smiled. “Not bad!” I said with a smirk. Then I looked up at the clock, 48 mins left. With a smirk I sat down on the chair and undid my belt. I allowed for my cock to pop out and leaned back with a smile.
The man paused for a minute with a stoic look of contemplation before slowly . . . and smoothly lowering his body to his knees. His muscles barely shifted and it was so smooth, the only noise that could be heard was a slight electrical hum and the rubbery wrinkle of his tight leather boots. His back muscles and arms shifted as he gently grasped my cock. He looked up at me with a smile before smoothly sliding the cock into his mouth.
He swallowed all of my cock right down to my balls. His smooth teeth began to glide over my cock as the now warm liquid in his mouth seemed to create an exhilarating warming sensation over my throbbing cock.
“No teeth.” I said with a smirk. He paused for a moment before there was a robotic noise from his face. Then he continued. Now all I could feel was the smooth warm soft feeling of his tongue and cheeks around my cock. His tongue seemed to massage and pulse on its own as I watched his lips stretch and his cheeks wrinkling as he worked his thick neck back and forth over my cock.
I groaned and flexed my muscles. This was amazing, no judgement, no pressure, complete submission. I looked at his handsome face and ran my hands through his hair. I wonder what he looks like under his human skin.
“You can stop now . . . um . . . what was your name?” I said. He slowly pulled my thick cock from deep within his throat and began to stand up. Before he closed his mouth, I noticed his perfect white teeth start to push out from his seemingly normal gums. The robot actually retracted his teeth!
“You may call me Al”. He said with a blank expression.
“Al, take off your human face mask please.” I said with a smirk, to see if he would do it.
He paused for a moment with a emotionless stare.
“As you wish.” He said. Without hesitation he raised his hands up to his smooth handsome face. His arms flexed ran his fingers over his cheeks. His fingers curled as he grasped the smooth skin, which bundled up into his grasp. The rest of his features began to tighten and wrinkle as he smoothly closed his grip and began pull. His eyes misaligned revealing bits of metal and his lips pulled up in an awkward sneer. There was a rubbery noise as his neck began to wrinkle around his defined jawline. Al’s face was unrecognizable as he pulled the wrinkled mass of blond hair and flesh away. A seam appeared at the based of his neck and began to widen, revealing the metal and wires as he slipped the soft thin skin up and off his metal skull. He held his empty, once lifelike, face in his hand and looked down at me with glowing turquoise eyes.

I was stroking myself as he held his handsome face in front of his still human looking body. Only the metal and wires of his true face was revealed. He cocked his head. “What would you like to do now?” I looked up at the clock, 27 mins left. I smiled to myself.
“This was worth every dollar.” I mumbled to myself.