The Cynoid
Tibby entered the huge glass building and gawked at all of the attractive humans dancing and grinding up on each other under the dark cool blue and purple glow of the lights. Periodically there was a flash of laser lights being shot up onto the ceiling, which casted an almost sinister light over the crowd as they mindlessly pulse and grind up against one another to the sharp low thumping hum of electronic dance music. The beat made Tibby quiver within his human exosuit, the feeling humans described as making their guts jiggle was magnified within the hollow confines of his human looking exosuit. He looked into the small screen and could see and even feel, depending on if he activated the synergistic synapse modes on the suit, which he did. The little green alien smiled and kicked his feet playfully within the little compartment. Tibby’s human mount moved smoothly through the crowd, the suits huge muscular frame towered over others. Men and women winked at him as he walked by. A smile stretched on his strong handsome face as he cooly continued to the elevators.
He did feel kinda awkward since everyone else in the building dressed up in their finest night clothes. Tibby . . . did not. He was asked to come visit his friend and leader last minute while he was at the gym. Tibby looked into the reflection of the elevator doors as they shut. His human suit was very handsome. Once a hardened criminal caught up in the human justice system, and now a skin suit for his massive exosuit. He reached up to his slightly scruffy strong face and pushed against the skin with a smile. He wore a backwards baseball cap, a tight white v-neck short sleeved shirt, black running shorts and a pair of massive tight black workout basketball shoes . . . which almost looked like black low cut swat boots. HIs massive sweaty feet wiggled within the leather shoes.

Tibby smiled and lifted his little arm as if to smell his own armpit. The massive human bot did the same, lifting his massive muscular arm emotionlessly and turned his head so that his nose was up against his slightly sweaty armpit. The muscular bot inhaled deeply and the human stench wafted into the compartment holding the alien.
The little alien breathed in with a smile, quivering with excitement. Human pheromones are like . . . smelling freshly baked bread or brownies to humans . . . but even more so. It’s energizes the little alien in a way that makes the process of smelling humans similar to snorting coke. It gives the little creatures a high . . . and it’s addictive. That smell is even more potent when humans work out . . . and Tibby’s race has figured out a way not only to create a human suit that looks realistic, but smell realistic. They take a skin of an evil human and integrate their technology into it in order to maintain its likeness and connect it with their systems.
Tibby smiled and allowed for the hunky suit to lower its arm. He ran his hands over his thick chest and lifted his shirt to reveal his defined abs. Tibby and others like him loved the male human form . . . it was attractive to them for some reason. Sex to them was not as binary and limited as humans here on Earth believe. Tibby sighed as the doors opened into a huge penthouse suite that most likely took up an entire floor of the building . . . or two floors . . . it was hard to tell.
Tibby walked out of the elevator and looked around, amazed by how grand everything was. The floors were cast in marble and all of the fixtures were silver and glass. It was a blend of modern and rustic furnishings. There was a wooden barn door and some leather fixtures, and even some old rustic looking bookcases. The place was amazing.
Tibby wasn’t surprised . . . their king had the technology and knowledge to successfully wrack up as much money as he wanted. His race has single handedly gained control over most of the world with a varying array of power and influence. Arquilians have infiltrated many different worlds . . . but this was home base after the destruction of their home planet. They just loved smelling and looking like humans.
Tibby walked around admiring everything when he heard a mans distant voice from upstairs. Tibby’s head slowly looked up to the top of a glass and steel staircase. “Tibby, is that you? Common up man! I’m in the office!”
Tibby smiled and smoothly made his way up the spiral staircase. His smooth arms flexed as he ran his thick hands over the clear rails. He walked down a well lit hallway, and to his right, he saw his friend Rich sitting on a green plush sofa in his boxers. Tibby smiled and walked into the room. Rich’s suit was a handsome man with light brown hair and a sexy toned body. His dress shirt was left open, revealing his smooth toned abs. He wiggled his feet, forcing his calf and leg muscles to shift and pulse as he stared down at a human looking MAC computer intently, clearly in the middle of something. It may look like a mac computer, but it was probably an Arquilian supercomputer designed to look like a Mac.

Tibby noticed Rich’s nice new watch and top line clothes. Everything in the room was kinda dated, but super expensive. Some of the items were one of a kind. He studied RIch’s handsome smooth features as his eyes glowed green and moved back and forth over the data at impossible speeds.
TIbby pretended to clear his throat before speaking. “A newer model I see!” He said lightly as he walked further into the room to look around.
For the first time, Rich looked up with a smile on his handsome features. He closed his laptop with a slap and stood up. “Tibby, how are ya!” He said as his lips parted, revealing his white perfect teeth. He rose his arms and approached me before wrapping his thick arms around Tibby’s hunky exosuit. Rich looked at Tibby’s suit with a wink before coming in and kissing him right on the lips! This wasn’t just a kiss . . . this was a kiss. The men inhaled and his handsome facial features creased as his perfect lips slid over Tibby’s strong features. As the lips connected, his jaw opened extra wide.
That’s when you could see his cheeks pushing out, and as their lips moved, you could see a little green alien crawling out of Rich’s mouth and into Tibby’s!
Tibby was surprised that their leader wanted to dock and board his suit! It was such a mess. Tibby scrambled to pick up a few small meal containers as he fumbled with the restraints to make room. The little green alien, with smooth cool confidence came crawling down the dock, each little foot making a soft metal noise on the latter. He let out a little “rrrrribbbit” as he jumped down on the seat before turning to Tibby and smiling.
“Welcome Tibby!” He said before embracing the little shocked Arquilian. “I’m so glad you made it on such short notice!” He said as he looked around at the various little computers. “This is a nice suit!” He said, trying to act casual. “I could spell his amazing stench before you even made it up the stairs. Did you work your unit out before coming?” Tibby blushed and nodded. “Ya, I was at the gym when you sent summons.”
Rich just smiled and nodded. “I’m getting kinda hungry for a pheromone kick myself.” There was a pause as he noticed the small bundle of trash in the corner. “Ummm . . . Tibby. The real reason why we called you in tonight's that we are getting a major upgrade to our suits, and I knew that you haven’t gotten an upgrade in some time.” He smiled fakely as he tried to pull his eyes from the trash. Tibby looked down at his feet . . . horrified. “Tell you what, let’s get you that upgrade and then maybe we can enjoy a little smell session huh?” He said with a little eager squeak before he started up the ladder. Tibby looked down and kicked at the trash, shaking his head.
“Of course my liege!” He said as he rubbed his balled little head, kicking himself for leaving it such a mess.
Rich crawled back through his sexy bots’ lips just before Rich broke the kiss and stepped away. You could see a little bulge stretching down his neck as the little green alien crawled back into his own command room.
“Now” Rich continued in his deep human voice. The once still looking hunk now moved more naturally around the room. He walked over and opened his laptop with a smile as he set his large smooth sexy feet on the coffee table. “Go ahead and pull that mask back so I can access your primary drives.” He said casually as he began typing on the computer again.
Tibby nodded before reaching up to his handsome facial features. His fingers hesitated a moment before grabbing his soft smooth lips and pulling them apart. His face stretched awkwardly as he pulled his lips unnaturally wide so that a metal-like skull was revealed beneath. There was a rubbery stretching noise as he continued to pull the face back, and with a snap, the wrinkled empty face fell back behind the skull in a fleshy mass of skin and hair. The robotic face leered back at Rich with a lipless smile. Within moments, you could see the little green aliens body behind the metal panels along the neck before he emerged into the mouth, pressing a few buttons on the roof of the mouth. With that a few panels opened up on the top of the metal skull.
Rich smiled before standing up with the computer. He pulled a wire out from the back of the computer and connected it to the skull. Tibby’s exo-suit shuttered for a moment before it stood still with eyes glowing bright red. The little green alien jumped out of the mouth and sat on the shoulder, kicking his legs playfully, admiring Rich’s human suit.
“While I wait for everything to sync, do you mind if I play with your suit? The pheromones are so strong . . . and you aren’t even activating your synth-sweat!” Tibby let out a little “ribbit” as he jumped up, hanging onto the wrinkled skin of his robot’s face and hanging so he was closer to Rich’s bot, taking a big sniff.
Rich smirked before setting the computer down on the coffee table. “Sure!” He said as be started to take off his shorts and dress shirt. “Let me take these clothes off for ya. This skin is from a horrible human who committed white collar crimes that are responsible for the deaths of thousands of humans.” He dropped his shirt to the ground and kicked them aside, standing completely naked in from of Tibby. He smiled and winked before continuing. “So now I use the money he amassed to create a few very generous charities to make up for his crimes . . . all with no-one the wiser.” He finished as he reached up to his cute handsome face and pulled a bit, stretching the face before letting it go with a snap and smiled.

Rich flexed every muscle wearing nothing but a pair of black underwear. He was gorgeous and cocky, as a King generally is. “Obviously we took some initiative to make improvements to the human . . . this is also our latest bot. Do you like what you see?” He said as he ran a large smooth hand through his hair, clentching his chiseled jawline and winking. “Better yet, check this out!” He said before he flexed his smooth muscles again, this time small beads of sweat began to permeate all over his skin.
Tibby squealed with glee. “Yummmm . . . that smell!” He said admiring the suit. Without having to be asked, Rich walked over to the little alien and lifted his massive muscular arm. Tibby eagerly smashed his little face deep into the wet armpit and sniffed. The little alien hung off of the arm with such glee.
Just then there was a beep, and Tibby’s suit moved on its own to unplug the cord from its skull. With a snap, the cord retracted back into the computer. The robot looked down at Tibby with its eyes now glowing green before reaching back to its’ human mask and slowly pulling the handsome face back over his robotic features. The bot took several minutes to take care in massaging and pulling at his face so that it looked just as normal as before. The skin actually has limited ability to adjust itself to make sure everything looks natural. Tibby activated a sync mode from a little wrist watch, which made the robot reach out his hand so Tibby could hop on and be lowered to the floor.
Rich looked down, his neck slightly wrinkled a bit as he stared at the little alien with a smile. “Could I play with your suit?” Tibby asked eagerly as he stepped onto Rich’s large bare feet. With that, Tibby input more commands into his watch and watched as his suit began to undress. The human looking robot tossed aside his hat and pulled that tight white tee off of his toned muscular body. Although not as handsome as Rich’s suit, Tibby had no complaints. He smiled as the bot stripped before them.

Tibby watched as the bot, with perfect balance, pulled each tight leather shoe off of his smooth large sweaty feet before tossing them aside. He stood there in nothing but a pair of tight damp ankle socks that were stretched over his large feet.
Rich smiled before his mouth opened wide again and the little green king crawled out and commanded the bot hold out his hand so he could jump on. With that, the bot carried the king to the couch, where he sat down, his muscles slick with sweat. Tibby’s bot sat down on the chair across from Rich, with his muscular legs spread wide, his cock was massive and stiff. The king slid down the sweaty chest of his suit with an eager smile as the robot lifted his large feet up on the table and wiggled his toes. The king walked down those thick muscular legs right up to his toes and grabbed them as if he was in a cage.
Tibby giggled and did the same, his suit smoothly raised his feet up on the table with a thud as Tibby ran up the legs and onto the table. The musky smell emanated from the robots large feet. Both aliens sighed, Tibby began to slide his face along the bottom of his bots feet. The damp fabric slide and wrinkled against the smooth foot. Tibby inhaled, allowing for the sweat to wet his face. He then slowly, and with great effort, pulled the confining socks off the bots perfect feet.
“Oh that’s another thing, part of the upgrade I just installed allows you to utilize a new nutritional dispenser . . . which means . . . “, he paused with a smirk towards Tibby, “you don’t have to store food in your control center anymore.” He stepped away from the bots large foot as the toes wiggled again playfully as he ran up to the his bots thick large cock. He smiled and wrapped his arms around it. “. . . and you access that the same way you inseminate females.”
Tibby knew that Arquilian technology allows for us to impregnate human females with synthetic sperm, and that allows for us to integrate our technology into a humans’ very DNA. Not only do we create a human that we have the ability to control, they also allow us to record and see everything they see throughout their entire lives. It has allowed us to build a massive spy network, which maintains our control on the world.
Tibby smiled and began to climb towards his bots thick cock. Rich smiled and ran his hands down his chest and abs at the same time Tibby’s bot did. They both had glowing green eyes. Tibby looked behind his shoulder at his king who smiled before grabbing the tip of the massive cock and putting it into his mouth.
Rick’s suit began to rotate his hips and his abs rippled just as the cock began to twitch. Soon the kings mouth began to fill and spew white liquid from the sides of his mouth. Then the cock stopped and the human suit relaxed. The king turned to Tibby with a mouth full of liquid before swallowing and wiping his mouth. “It’s a nutritious and perfectly designed so that we always will enjoy it completely.”
Tibby smiled and eagerly began to suck on the tip of his suits massive cock. His little hands massaged and stroked the cock, even though it did not actually need stimulation, before he was able to swallow a large load himself. The two little creatures began to make ‘ribbit’ noises excitedly before the King climbed up the abs of his suit and began to lick the nipples. The bot twitched and began to groan, his muscles slide and pushed against the perfectly smooth tan skin. They both laughed again as Tibby joined in the fun, climbing his suit so that he was perched on the shoulder and began to massage its very thick muscular arms.
Tibby activated the new feature, and within minutes his suit began to sweat on command. He smiled and grabbed the suits lower lip, pulling it excitedly as he licked his thick neck. Then he climbed up the arm and pushed his face up against the sweaty armpit. The pheromones were intoxicating. The king watched the excited Arquilian and smiled. He jumped on the hand of his suit, which allowed him to jump on his broad shoulder.
“There is one more thing you should know Tibby.” The king said with a smile. “The other reason I called you in today is to tell you that you have a new assignment.” Tibby looked up, surprised by this news.
“A new assignment?” Tibby said.
“Yes, we are going to have you take on a new identity. We need you to take over a new political position that just opened up in Florida.” The king smiled and pressed a button on his wrist watch.
Suddenly one of the book cases opened up, and inside, there was a deflated wrinkled human skin suit.
Tibby jumped up with a smile. “I get a new skin?!” He squeaked excitedly. The king nodded, his suit crossing his arms arms in front of his thick muscular chest with a cocky smirk. Tibby was so excited he began to pull on his suits handsome face. It stretched and stretched, but he didn’t have the strength to tear it away.
“Wait!” The king said as he peered down at his watch. “Someone is coming!” He said as he scurried into his suits’ mouth. The skin stretched as he wiggled down the throat. Within moments, the bots eyes turned into a normal human color and he smiled before standing up. Tibby smoothed out his suits slightly wrinkled face before crawling into his mouth. Both bots smiled at each other with their normal eyes before approaching the living area.
Tibby looked over at Rich, who smirked for a moment. “I had another appointment tonight, he too needed an upgrade.” He frowned a bit and looked down at this watch. “Strange, he’s 2 hours early.”
“Is it possible that a human made it up here?” Asked Tibby, who casually walking after him. His large feet spread out wide over the hardwood floor.
The king smirked. “No way. Our security systems don’t let anything human get on that elevator. Whoever is in that elevator is piloting a suit.”
The elevator opened and for a moment nobody came out. As they finally made it down the stairs, a man finally emerged from the silver elevator. He was very attractive and large. He had reddish/brown hair and sported a slight amount of scruff, which accented his handsome stern facial features. He was strong looking . . . not like Tibby’s suit, which looked a little more . . . corn fed farmer . . . where this man looked more . . . criminal or cowboy. He wore a tight white T-Shirt along with tight jeans and some old worn combat boots. He was gorgeous. Rich eyed the man carefully and smiled.
“Hello . . . Ned?” He said suspiciously. Tibby watched Rich’s ass shift before him. They were both still completely naked. The man didn’t say anything. He just stood there and smiled strangely. Then he started to take off his shirt, revealing his toned sexy muscular body. His skin was so smooth and perfect, it almost looked fake. Tibby had a tinge of jealousy . . . the suit looked new.

Tibby and RIch looked at each other with confusion and . . . interest. The man silently posed, his muscles shifted smoothly beneath the skin and formed into the rippled knots of flesh that could embarrass a Greek God. Then, they noticed a powerful wave of pheromones as the man's body began to glisten. Tibby and Rich inhaled and smiled, their cocks becoming rock hard and their muscles tensing up.
The smell was . . . intoxicating. Without hesitation, Tibby approached the man, his eyes glowing green. He reached his arms out towards the hunk, and he in turn smiled and walked towards him, make an obvious move to admire Tibby’s suit.
Rich smirked and swayed, but remained back. Something wasn’t right here. He looked over the man. The skin was clearly synthetic and . . . there are small hints that an Arquilian could pick up in a suits’ movements that can give it away . . . except for the newer models. They get better and better every year. Problem was, Rich didn’t notice those hints the older Arquilian suits give off . . . and the problem with it being a newer suit where detection becomes harder is . . . Rich was in the only newer model created. So . . . how did this Arquilian get the latest advanced suit?
Tibby ran his hand over the mans’ smooth toned chest and came in for a kiss. The stranger hesitated for a moment . . . a slight change in his expression projection confusion or uncertainty, before he went along with is. Their lips met. Tibbys handsome face wrinkled as he pressed his thick lips against the strangers perfect face. The man began to passionately kiss Tibby . . . but something seemed wrong. Usually when Arquilians kiss, they want to dock with the other suit . . . as Tibby’s jaw opened wide . . . the strangers did not.
Suddenly there was a small squeak from within TIbby’s mouth. The suit shuttered for a moment as the strangers continued to press his slightly wrinkled face up against the now still Tibby suit. Then as he slowly pulled his face away, Rich saw a bunch of metal tentacles connected from the strangers mouth deep into Tibby’s suit!!!
Without hesitation, Rich set off the alarms and crouched down into an attack posture. His muscles were tense and his large feet curled and spread out wide on the floor before he leaped up with inhuman speed, tackling the stranger with a loud crack. The kings eyes glowed green and he began to scan the intruder. System alerts popped up everywhere on his control panels.
“It’s an Cynoid!!” Rich screamed as he raised a fist and punched the man right in the chest so hard the ground cracked beneath him. The man's eyes turned bright red and an evil smile stretched wide across his handsome face. His muscles pulsed before he kicked Rich off of his body with such force, Rich slammed up on the ceiling before falling to the ground with a crack. His head bounced off the floor so hard, sparks flew and bits of his scalp was scraped off to reveal the metal beneath. The Cynoid slowly stood up with a smile, and menacingly walked towards Rich. Rich looked up at Tibby, whose suit was still not moving and its’ eyes were blinking red. That means there are multiple system errors. He smiled to himself as he pushed a few buttons within his control chamber.
“If you think you’re gonna be able to take on a King and live to tell the tale, you have another thing coming!” He said as his suit quickly jumped up, sliding back on the smooth hard floor in a crouch. Rich’s muscles flexed and primed for another strike. His eyes glowed bright green again before he launched his suit towards the Cynoid with inhuman speed. Rich’s shoulder slammed into the thick body of the Cynoid so hard, he was literally lifted off of his feet before being launched into a wall of glass separating the kitchen before landing on a table, which broke apart in several pieces. Rich smiled and stood up straight, walking in a cocky manner after the intruder. A smile stretched on his face and he reached up and touched the broken skin at his forehead.
“Oh, and I’m gonna have fun doing this.” He said casually, his thick cock swung between his legs as he walked. He stepped on the broken glass, but didn’t react as it cut into his human skin.
The Cynoid slowly got up again, red eyes blazing in apparent anger. His strong facial features settled into an impassive leer. He looked up and every muscle on his body began to swell and bulge. His pants tightened and his button popped off. He seemed to be growing. Veins began to emerge from under the skin and there was this rubbery stretching noise. Rich looked down at the mans tight leather boots . . . his toes wiggled and spread out wide so he could almost make out the outlines of his feet beneath the leather.

Suddenly the boots wrinkled then broke apart revealing a writhing mass of metal tentacles. The tight jeans covering the mans’ legs began to split apart. Skin and fabric tore as metal coils began to emerge and unfold from within. The tips of his fingers popped open just as his thick cock broke out of his pants and split apart as more tentacles spilled out of the skin suit. The man was smiling now . . . his face wrinkled and his lips pulled back revealing his white perfect teeth. The metal ropes continued to push and tear apart the skin covering his thick arms. The fake flesh fell away from the writhing metal cords like an empty shirt. These metal coils seemed to be bound in the shape and form of muscle strands. Rich could see a simple metal skeleton beneath the mass of writhing tentacles as they unbound from around it. His smooth tan abs and chest began to wrinkled as the muscles shifted unnaturally before pushing against the skin and tearing apart. More and more tentacles emerged from the torn skin suit.
Then his face, which was the only remnant of human flesh left on the creature, smiling evily at the two Aquilians. He now looked like a human head was atop a twisted writhing pile of metal coils. His handsome features were pulled back into a tight smile before his face began to tighten and wrinkle as a few tentacles pulled the mask back while others slid under the neck underneath the mask. The once handsome features wrinkled and folded up and over a metal skull with bright red eyes.
This massive mechanical creature unfolded its many metal limbs from around this simple metal headless skeleton, allowing it to fall to the ground with a clang .This menacing skull seemed to float in the air as the many tentacles coming from the base of the skull slide and supported the skull like spider legs.
Rich stepped back. He had heard of Cynoids before, but never saw one up close. Cynoids were mechanical based life forms that were each connected, like a collective, to a master computer, their leader. But that leader . . . that master program was . . . created by an Arquilian named Creol. Not purposefully, it was an accident. Originally Arquilians wanted to create a fully mechanical sentient being to pose as humans, but the experiment failed and soon these fully mechanical bots found ways to escape our control. Ever since then, that program has been sending its minions to infiltrate and assassinate high profile Arquilians. But the advantage we’ve always had is our ability to adapt and create newer technology. Last year, there was an attempt to kill our Supreme Leader, but that failed miserably, as their technology wasn’t no match for his raw power . . . literally, he is stronger and larger than any being on this planet. But that doesn’t mean he is invincible, and lately we have seen an increase in the amount of attacks, and their technology has become more advanced. As a king, and there are many regional Kings within Arquilian culture, Rich was privy to this classified information. However, most Arquilians don’t know the relationship between the Cynoids and our kind.
The Cynoids red eyes glared down at me as its snake like appendages slide towards Rich and TIbby. Then suddenly, the Cynoid shot a mass of tentacles out towards Tibby’s suit. The tentacles seemed to slither down Tibby’s perfect lips and up into his ass, entering the body through any access port it could find. The handsome flesh over Tibby’s suit stretched and bulged as the tentacles did their work to infiltrate and take over the suits systems!
Tibby shrieked from within the suit before the sutis abs tore apart and an escape bod shot out and hovered over the ground with Tibby inside. Tibby manually controlled the pod so that it hovered next to Rich.
“Dammit!!!” Tibby yelled as he wiped his brow. “I was trying to reboot the system so I could help, but I guess I’m too late now!” He squealed in obvious anger. Rich’s jaw pulsed as he watched the suit twitch as the writhing tentacles pushed themselves into the cockpit. You could see the metal weave within every empty crevice within the suits control center through the hold in the human skin where the escape bod exited. Then all the connected tentacles from the Cynoid disconnected from Tibby’s suit. The suit’s handsome facial features were twisted in an evil grin and you could see some of the metal cables under the human skin pushing out like black veins. The suits’ eyes turned red as it walked towards Rich and Tibby just as the original Cynoid started its approach.
Tibby and Rich backed up, Rich looked back behind them as the two Cynoids cornered them back against the outdoor balcony. Suddenly the Cynoid launched two large tentacles so that they coiled around Rich’s sexy waist. They tightened so that the skin awkwardly wrinkled from the pressure. The screens within Rich’s suit started to crack as the cockpit was squeezed.
“Dammit, I can’t use the escape pod.” The king abandoned the cockpit and climbed up to the bots’ head. He spoke into his little watch as he opened a secret hatch to the skull from the inside of his suits’ mouth. “Tibby! Get out of here. Use your pod to go to our safehouse in Queens. I’ll meet you there!!!” Tibby started to object, but Rich asserted his authority as his King. “That wasn’t a question TIbby, NOW GO!” He squealed as he jumped into the skull and activated the escape system.
Tibby’s bod raced out of the building and out into the night as a coil tried to grab him from the Cynoid. Rich smiled as the suits eyes turned bright green. He could hear the metal coils starting to bend and crush his droid waist. He smiled one more time and pushed a big red button. Rich’s handsome face became slack as there was a hiss from within his neck. The skn twisted and bulged before his face tightened and wrinkled awkwardly before his head broke free from his body! The Cynoid screeched before launching a few new tentacles up towards the hovering head! The little green alien made the suits green eye wink before speeding off into the night. The King giggled to himself before pressing another button. As he sped off into the night, there was a violent explosion of glass and dust on the top floor, taking out the Cynoid.
As the dust cleared, the menacing Cynoid slowly stood up on its many snake like tentacles, its red eyes blazing. It disconnected the ruined arms that were around the Arquilion droid’s body before turning to Tibby’s suit. He stood up from behind the staircase, with only a few tears on his tight tan skin. The coils of infected metal was now fully integrated into the systems, so now he looked more normal than he did before, with the exception of his red eyes.
The Cynoid calmly stretched its arms up to the top of the stairway and hoisted itself up to the second floor. From there it slowly slithered down the hall and into the study. It turned and looked at the open wall with the empty skin hanging up. The creature lifted the skin from the hooks and opened it wide, admiring it. It was a tan wrinkled mass of skin that he could wear. Tibby came up behind it with the simple skeleton-like structure the Cynoid wrapped itself around before.
The creature stood up the metal frame and began to wrap it’s many metal tentacles around it. The Cynoid did so in a way so that it looked like a humans muscular skinless body. It finished by settling it’s robotic terminator-like skull on top of the support structure, then smaller fine snake like tentacles made up the muscle around the skull so that it could manipulate the skin in a way that would convey natural human emotion.
Then the humanoid Cynoid picked up the skin casually like you would a shirt, opened the back and began to slide its’ large muscular body into the wrinkled tan skin. It took several minutes with the Tibby suits’ help to pull the skin up and over its metal body. Soon it slide the handsome human face over it’s metal skull before it began to massage its’ features into place. Then it went to the bathroom and looked at itself in the mirror. It’s naked muscular body was perfect. Just then a man came up on a screen in the bathroom mirror. A handsome man on a live feed.
“Hey Rich, you having any trouble up there? We’re getting reports of an explosion.” The Cynoid grabbed a towel, wrapping it around its waist and smiled up at the camera before pressing a button to respond.
“Ya, I’m sorry about that, that was my fault. I was working on my suit and there was a huge malfunction, Hence why I’m in this. I’ll send over the report as soon as I finish it.” The Cynoid responded calmly as he ran a hand through his hair as he looked in the mirror.

The man frowned slightly but seemed to buy it. “Ok, well it’s weird because our systems were out for the last two hours and we aren’t getting outside communication from anyone else, so I’ll keep you posted while we figure this out. I’m gonna send up a guard just in case”, The man said as he typed something in a laptop. The Cynoid frowned then motioned for Tibby to come into view.
“Oh there is no need, I have Tibby here to keep watch. I’d rather have you guys patrol the surrounding area and start covering up the explosion ok? I don’t need to deal with that right now.” The Cynoid said with an eerie calm. The man in the screen nodded, after glancing at Tibby, who found his clothes and put them on, hiding some of the torn bits of skin.
The screen went black and the Cynoid smiled at his new skin. He pushed against his smooth facial features, smoothing out the last of the fine wrinkles before smiling. He walked over to the Kings huge closet and began to pull out clothes. He pulled out a pair of black briefs and pulled them on over his thick cock. It rode up a bit because of how thick his legs were, but they worked. He stood in front of another mirror, admiring his smooth sexy muscular body.

Then he began to try on a few different outfits as Tibby watched emotionlessly with red eyes. The man pulled on a pair of sexy tight slacks and a white button up before receiving another call from the Kings phone. He pulled it out and answered.

“Yes?” He said as he looked at himself again.
“It seems we have a regional black out, so I’m gonna put the building on lockdown sir.” The Cynoid clenched his jaw in annoyance.
“You are more than welcome to do that, but I’m headed out to visit the New York chapter for unfinished official business.” He said with a smirk.
“But sir you . . . “
“That wasn’t a question. I’m leaving tonight, and no I do not want an escort. This is in the interest of . . . Arquilian security.” He finished before turning the communication device off. He looked up at the mirror one last time with a smirk before his eyes turned bright red, as did Tibby’s.
“We are finally going to end this.” He said with a smile before he walked out of the room . . . then out of the building. Tibby’s suit stayed behind to act as a spy for the Cynoids. You see, it was him that was jamming communications, and with his new position within headquarters, it would be a very very long time before the Arquilians caught on. Tibby in the meantime, would work to infect other Arquilian suits. A war was brewing . . . and i’m not sure Rich knows that the Cynoids are well on their way to winning it.