Ryan heard a steady loud knock on his front door just as he finished brushing his teeth. He quickly spit and dabbed his face with a towel. He just got out of the shower and realized he took a bit more time than he meant to. He ran his hands through his dark brown hair looking at himself in the mirror one last time. His smooth cute features were accented by a bit of scruff around his jaw and he had a skinny smooth toned body. He gave himself a wink before he ran out of the bathroom and bounded down the stairs with excitement. He paused, looking down at his naked body.

“Just a sec!” He yelled at the door as he picked up a pair of old jeans and smelled them. With a shrug he pulled them on. He could hear some wind outside . . . “Oh great, he’s gonna love that” he muttered to himself, as he picked up a black shirt by his feet. He did another smell test, before throwing it on over his body.
Today his buddy John was coming by, and he couldn’t wait to hang out with him. It’s been such a long time, and he . . . kinda missed hanging out with one of his best friends. Ryan was openly gay, and the only person who was there for him when he came out a few years ago was John. Since then, they have been super close. If Ryan was being honest with himself, he had developed feelings for John, but he never shared his feelings. He knew it would never work because John was straight. Although they never really talked too much about his love life. He knew he dated girls, but it was discussed so casually and infrequently, he didn’t really know more than that. Feelings aside, he always enjoyed his company regardless.
He paused for just a moment to check his hair in a nearby mirror before opening the door with an eager smile. That smile quickly faded as he saw the rain, which he did not notice before now. John stood before him soaked to the bone, eyeing him with a pleading smile.
“I’m soooo sorry!” He said before stepping aside to let John inside.
“It’s no big deal man!” John said warmly as he quickly entered the living room in one stride. He was completely soaked. His feet sloshed within his black running shoes and he slicked his blond hair back with his hands as he scanned the room.
Ryan couldn’t help but to stare at Johns toned sexy bubble butt as he walked past. His wet gym shorts conformed to his ass and legs perfectly now, and the tight striped pink and white tank top clung to his shoulders and back muscles. For a moment, Ryan watched the back of John's thick neck twitch and his head jerk to the side, as if he was trying to get the water out of his ears.
He turned to Ryan with a casual smile before looking down at his wet clothes. He wiggled his toes within his tight black and red running shoes before looking up at Ryan with an expectant look.
“So your friend comes to visit, and you leave him out in the pouring rain! I see how it is.” He said with feign disappointment. He smirked at Ryan with his arms spread wide, revealing his wet firm chest muscles and winked. Ryan rolled his eyes and started up the stairs.
“That’s what the weather app is for dummy!” Ryan said playfully. He turned back with a shrug. “Seriously tho, I’m so sorry. I just got out of the shower when you knocked.” He said as he led John into one of the two rooms. It was a bit messy, but surprisingly spacious given that this was a campus townhouse. Ryan kicked a pair of briefs under the bed before making his way to his dresser. “This place almost reminds me of the dorm we stayed in for a bit doesn’t it?”
John scanned the room just before his hand started to spaz, opening and closing at an impossibly fast rate before relaxing normally. “It does! And don’t worry about it, a little rain never hurt anyone.” He said casually as he walked around the room by the bed and peered outside at the dark sky. He ran his other hand through his blond hair as he flexed his arm, looking at his other hand as if he touched something sticky. He wiggled his fingers a bit before casually leaning against the wall. “How has it been? It’s been forever since we’ve hung out!”

Ryan turned around with a set of clothes in his hands and tossed them at John. John caught them without even flinching and set them on the bed. Ryan began to look around for a towel just as John began to take off his wet shirt. His perfectly defined muscular body slide out of the tight shirt easily, revealing his smooth tight abs. With perfect balance, he kicked the soaked running shoes off of his large smooth feet and turned around.
Ryan nervously pretended to search through a nearby laundry basket full of clean clothes for a towel. He kept casually glancing at john as he peeled his long black socks off of his feet and then, to Ryan’s surprise, John just dropped his pants boldly in front of him. His perfect ass almost shined in the warm lamp glow, and his calves shifted as his friend stepped out of his wet pants completely naked. Ryan stammered a bit as he watched him slowly pull on the black sweat pants and turn around.
“Oh . . . um . . . me? Ryan stammered as he focused on getting that towel. “Well nothing really. I’m finishing up classes. I moved to this place about three months ago and i’m currently looking for a roommate . . . It’s been boring really.” Ryan stammered quickly before he miraculously found the towel and tossed it as John. John caught it and quickly dried his head. He picked up his wet clothes and looked at Ryan with a nod. His body was so muscular and beautiful.
Ryan stood up, crossing his legs in an attempt to hide his growing member, and leaned in the doorway trying to focus on anything other than John’s half naked body. He cleared his throat and nodded back towards John, opening his hands.
John flexed his arms and wiggled his bare toes smiling mischievously. He pretended to wind up before whipping the wet clothes at Ryan’s chest, which hit him dead on with a wet slap. “That’s for old times sake!” He said with another wink.
With a laugh, Ryan drops the clothes and launches himself at John, playfully tackling him to the bed. The two wrestle a bit before John, clearly able to better Ryan at any time, allows himself to be pinned to the bed. He wasn’t even breathing hard from the effort, unlike Ryan, who sat on top of him with a playful exaggerated pant. Ryan looks into John’s bright blue eyes for a moment, remembering where he was, before those thoughts were interrupted with John looking up at the ceiling for a moment with a jerking movement. HIs eyes blinked at different times and his muscles flexed and rippled as if he was shocked, then his movements became natural . . . his . . . moment of seizing just . . . stopped.
“You ok?” Ryan said with a concerned frown. John’s far away expression ended as he focuses back on Ryan with a smile returning to his perfect face. Ryan felt John’s body relax beneath him.
John just frowned and lifts up Ryan’s shirt, revealing his abs, and seems to analyze the fabric. “Well now we are even. Looks like I got your shirt all wet.” He said with a grin. Then with another jolt, he stiffens up again, this time his crystal blue eyes, for just a moment, glowed red! Ryan’s stomach went cold with concern as he placed a hand on the side of John’s smooth perfect face. As soon as he did John relaxes again, this time, raising his own hand up against Ryan’s face.
“Dude . . . you are so beautiful.” He says with surprising calm. The way John stared at Ryan changed the mood into something sexual. His gaze seemed to peer into Ryan’s soul! Ryan was speechless. He just . . . he was just frozen, staring at John as if for the first time. With a knowing smile, John slowly took off Ryan’s shirt, revealing his thin toned body . . . and Ryan let him. As John smoothly stripped the clothes from Ryan’s body, John pulled both of them further onto the bed, grabbing his ass and pulling him over his thick cock, which was hard now. Without hesitation, Ryan kissed John.

Time seemed to stop as lips met lips. He was kissing his straight best friend?! His tongue searched within his cool mouth . . . a mouth that tasted like . . . nothing . . . so fresh? Like cool spring water fell on Ryan’s tongue as he pushed his cock up against John. John’s body was so warm as Ryan ran his hands over his smooth chest and shoulders. His skin felt so soft, but his muscles were so hard! Like metal covered with silk. His hands reached around his back muscles as hips began to pulse against each other. Ryan felt John’s muscles shift under his fingers with each movement.
Then, John just stopped. His jaw hung open and his eyes were clearly bright red again. Steam began to come out of his ears as his entire body flexed. His toes spread wide and his arms and legs spread out wide on the bed.
“What the fuck?” Ryan said with concern. Was he?
Just then John relaxed and his eyes fluttered back into focus and changed back to their original crystal blue color. Ryan jumped off of John thinking that he hurt him somehow. A wide smile spread on John’s handsome facial features before sitting up, kinda stiffly. “Best of three?” He said as his movements became more athletic and smooth. He jumped off the bed with a mischievous look, wrapping his arms around Ryan’s waist before he lifted him up and tossed him on the bed with a laugh. Then he crouched down, his eyes red again, like an animal, before springing up in the air landing on top of him. John pinned Ryan to the bed just as two of the bedposts broke and the bed collapsed!.
“Holy crap!” John said as he looked around in disbelief, releasing his hold on Ryan. “Dude, I’m so sorry! I’ll pay for that!” He said as he began to laugh. Ryan was just so shocked. As john laughed at what he did to the bed, Ryan covered up his hard cock with the blanket.
“Dude, what is wrong with you? I saw your eyes glow red!” Ryan said as he sat up on the bed and stared at John. There was something more to John, and Ryan had a good idea what. “Tell me the truth John, what is wrong with you? No, better yet, what are you? You can tell me.” Ryan was both afraid and excited about the answer. The friend who was there for him through the toughest parts of his life, the friend who was always supportive, the friend who . . . he loved, wasn't human.
John stood there for a moment with a frown on his face, then he looked down at his hand and sighed. He slowly sat on the bed with a serious look on his face. “You know, don’t you? You saw me malfunction a moment ago?” He said expectantly. Ryan just nodded solemnly.
John ran his hand through his hair and revealed his red eyes again. “I’m an android Ryan. I’m a XLR8 companion model droid created by . . . “ He flinched again, not finishing the sentence. “Well, I don’t have any logs about who created me or why. All I know is that I am suppose to live my life as a human at this college in this life as normally as possible. I’m suppose to meet friends and lovers and create a life for myself. For what reason . . . I have no idea.” He said, his red eyes looking somewhat solemn, although Ryan couldn’t tell.
“What’s with all the flinching and stuff?” Ryan asked, as if assessing the situation before making a final judgement.
“My sim files were damaged from the rain I think. My friend logs are becoming corrupt and my intercourse logs are taking over. I’m trying to fix them as we speak, because I don’t want to mess up our friendship, but . . . “
“I cannot . . . believe this. John, this is my greatest fantasy come true!” Ryan interrupted. “I’ve always had a crush on you, don’t stop those logs from putting me in something more than a friend zone!” Ryan playfully pleaded, sitting up excitedly. “I think this is amazing . . . you are an android! This is so cool!” He stammered.
John just stared at Ryan with a puzzled look. “Are you sure you are ok with this? Humans tend to get weird about things like this, don’t they?” He said as his eyes turned back to his regular blue color.
“Yes . . . well true, but you just happen to be friends with the one human that really doesn’t care, and actually finds this incredibly hot.” Ryan said before pausing. He looked down at the bed with a far off look for a moment. “So ummm, did you mean . . . well could you mean what you said about finding me attractive? Has that always been a part of your code? Was that always a possibility?” Ryan looked hopeful, yet sad.
“My code always has the possibility to be affectionate and love someone I come in contact with. However, there are certain cues my sensors pick up on before I enact those files. You never seemed to show interest in me in that way.” He said simply. Then he walked over to the bed and placed a hand on Ryan’s leg. “But now that I know how you feel . . . “ He said with a soft smile before his eyes turned red again. “Initiating access files. Initiate intercourse logs, modify friendship logs.” His eyes and face became slack as his head shook a bit. “Recoding Ryan personnel files. Casual dialog and action files unlocked, file directives expanded. Initiating all affectionate interaction and support files.” For a moment he just sat there frozen. Then he relaxed and his eyes turned blue again.
Ryan was speechless, and grabbed John’s hand. “John . . . I’m so glad you told me about this. I want to be with you, something more than friends.” He said firmly.
With a smile, John leaned in with a kiss, drawing Ryan in. The two kissed passionately before John pulled off Ryan’s pants and dropped his own. He stood before Ryan completely naked. He was perfect. His smooth muscular god-like body moved and shifted as he pulled Ryan in for another kiss, his cock sliding up Ryan’s abs.
“I want to please you Ryan.” He stood up with red eyes again, his massive perfectly straight cock lightly tapped his lips. Ryan eagerly swallowed the smooth cock whole, down to the smooth balls. It was so soft . . . yet firm. It slide easily down his throat before John smiled and began to rotate his hips back and forth, pulsing his cock in and out of Ryan’s mouth.
“Error logs found. Self regulatory systems compromised. Initiating self diagnostic and repair mods.” John said in a monotone voice as his body momentarily shuttered. “Oh fuck, Ryan!” He immediately said in his regular voice as he began to run his hands through Ryan’s hair as he pumped his thick soft rubbery skinned cock in and out of his mouth.
Ryan’s cock throbbed as he heard him speak like a robot. He loved how the cock tasted and felt as it massaged the back of his throat. He began to stroke his own cock as he stood up, grabbing John’s perfect face and pulling him in for another kiss. He groaned as John grabbed his waist and pulled him up against his body in a hug as they kissed. Ryan noticed how warm John was. He was getting hotter!
John then lowered himself to the bed and spread his legs wide and wiggled his toes in anticipation. His abs flexed and his muscles slide beneath his warm flawless skin. He broke the kiss with a smack of his perfect lip and smiled. Then his eyes turned red again and his jaw flinched.
“Intercourse logs initiated. System override attempt failed.” He said in an inhuman monotone voice. John shook his head and his eyes went back to their blue color. “I want you in me Ry . . . . Ry . . . Ry . . . Ryyyyyyyyy.” His body froze again. This time his body flexed all over. Each muscle pushed against his smooth skin as he lay there with a wide smile on his handsome face and bright red eyes.
Ryan rolled his eyes before he shook him lightly. “John, are you going to be ok? You are glitching a lot.” That seemed to do the trick because John’s eyes returned to normal and his face relaxed a bit again. His neck was a bit wrinkly now as he shifted his shoulders as if to work out a muscle ache.
“I’ll be fine!” He said lightly. “This is all part of the defrag process. Just ignore my system prompts.” He said before wrapping his thick smooth legs around Ryan and pulling him close so that his cock slide up Ryan’s stomach. “But I really need you to fuck me right now . . . my system needs it!” He finished in a tight whisper and a wink.

He curled his toes and leaned his head back as Ryan slowly inserted his cock deep within John’s tight sexy ass as he kissed his chest. Ryan almost cam as John's tight synthetic asshole closed around his shaft, and his warm lubed insides allowed for his cock to slide within with ease. It felt so good! Ryan looked down at John’s slightly twisted face, as his eyes were bright red again and began to pump.
“To be honest . . . . uuuuugh .. . . . I . . . kinda”, Ryan said between thrusts. “Find this . . . whole error thing . . . hot!” he said as he increased the speed of each thrust.
John didn’t seem to hear him as he pulsed his body, his thick muscular legs clenching Ryan tightly as he rotated his tight ass over his cock for added pleasure. HIs abs pulsed and shifted as his core moved smoothly up and down. His arms were flexed as he grasped the sheets and opened his mouth and groaned. His eyes looked human in that moment, then again, they shifted back to a red glow.
That’s when his movements became more rigid . . . yet smooth. He pulled his lips back and his jaw shuttered, opening and shutting in a jerky manner, making his face slack. Ryan watched as his once smooth natural handsome facial features became tight and wrinkled a bit at the jawline and forehead as he groaned again in a monotone . . . almost metallic voice. Sparks began to fly from his ears and his smile looked almost sinister as smoke came from his lips and perfect teeth.
“Harder Ryan, I want . . . you . . . so bad . . . all of you. I want to please you!” He said desperately, his red eyes blazing. He flexed his feet and his arms as he smiled, looking up at Ryan.
Ryan pumped harder, sweating now. He heard the slapping noise against his best friends perfect ass. With each thrust, there was a mechanical moan from within John's body. Sparks flew, sweat fell, panting . . . . smoke . . . heat. Ryan looked down desperately just as he was about to climax, and he saw John’s abs begin to sag and melt! He cried out in estacy as he released a massive load into John. John opened his mouth and leaned his head back, letting more smoke out. Ryan watched as the skin on his lower abs melted down and fell away, revealing the wires and metal frame beneath. In the open cavity that was revealed, he could see his own cum shooting up within his mechanical body. He shuddered and fell out of John’s ass with a pop.
John lay there for a moment with a smile, looking at Ryan with his red eyes. His body flinched a few more times before he said, “defrag complete, systems normalizing. Core still at critical, need to initiate repair mode 6.” in that monotone voice he has been in and out of the whole time. He sat up, normally, with no twitching or errors, looking down at his revealed lower stomach.
“Crap, I’m so sorry about this Ryan, this must freak you out.” He said in a normal voice as he looked down at Ryan with his normal crystal blue eyes. “But I’m going to have to remove this skin, or i’ll overheat.” He looked ashamed.
Ryan sat up and put an arm around John, kissing him on the cheek. “I told you, I’m not like every other human you have met. I actually find this hot!” He said, trying to comfort him. “Here, I’ll help if you want!” Then he paused in thought for a second. “I’m sure this isn’t the first time you had to replace your skin . . . do you have a way of re-applying it?”
John smiled and nodded. “At my apartment, I have an applicator I walk through, that re-skins my entire body!” He looked at a mirror and pushed against his now slightly wrinkled face. “But you’ll have to help me get to my place un-noticed, because I can’t keep this on for much longer. I’ve got a critical shortage in my core. If I don’t hurry, my mainframe will overheat.
Ryan looked down at Johns abs, as it continued to melt away, revealing more of his metal frame. He looked over his naked human looking parts and his handsome face. He ran a hand over his back and leaned into him for another kiss. His body was very hot, and his skin was becoming soft now and stretchy.
John stood up before Ryan with his eyes red again. “Initiate repair mode 6.” He said in that inhuman cold voice. With that he reached down to the hole already forming around his abs. He grasped the opened parts of his smooth skin and pulled in apart in one smooth movement. His skin wrinkled and stretched as he pulled it away away from his metal body. There was a rubbery noise as he continued to yank it away until it snapped and broke from his body. He dropped the skin to the ground with a wet slap before reaching down to his legs. He grabbed huge fistfuls of the smooth tan skin and pulled it away from the cable like metal legs and calfs. His toes wiggled as he pulled his human looking feet away like old socks.
Ryan watched as he did this with curiosity. It was weird to see this metal . . . muscular humanoid body . . . with the human skin still on his shoulders, arms and beautiful face. John then reached over to his shoulder and began to pull the skin away. It stretched and rippled as he pulled at the smooth flesh. The skin left over on his muscular metal back slid off in one piece, tearing at his thick neck. He flexed his arms and wiggled his fingers before stripping the skin from his arms off like a pair of long rubbery gloves. All of the skin from his body fell to the floor in a big rubbery heap.
At last John was free from his human skin except for his handsome face. He started to reach up to his serious looking face when Ryan stopped him. “Wait!” He grabbed Johns metal hand just as he touched his jaw. John stopped and stared with his red eyes. Ryan ran a finger over John metal chest and looked up into his eyes. John stared back blankly until his eyes changed back to their human blue color. A smile stretched on his face and he nodded.
Ryan smiled and came in for another kiss. He flinched as John's cool metal arms wrapped around his still naked body. But the goosebumps came from the coolness of the metal and the heat from his chest. John’s lips were so soft, Ryan couldn’t help but to suck on his bottom lip, making it stretch away, revealing a bit of metal beneath his gums. He smiled and let go with a snap. He ran his hands through John's perfect hair and down the side of his high cheek bones before running them along his chiseled jawline. He could almost picture the metal skull beneath. “You’re so handsome John. Thank you.” He said with a smile. He was getting hard again.
John winked allowing his smile to stretch wide across his face. He pecked Ryan's lips one more time before nodding, now with a serious look on his face. His eyes turned red, and that was when Ryan reached up to his smooth cheeks, grasping the human mask. The rubbery skin stretched as Ryan also grasped his hair and started to pull. His eyes and lip pulled up, stretching out of place, revealing more metal beneath. Ryan watched as the facial features folded and stretched as the skull slide down the thick neck of John's handsome mask. With a final slurp, he pulled the face off with one quick jerk, revealing John’s true Terminator-like metal face beneath.
Ryan backed up admiring the android, now completely free of it’s human disguise. The robot's eyes turned back to a human blue color, and his rigid posture became more relaxed and natural, like a humans. It was weird, because his skull was terminator like, except he had human teeth, gums and tongue. Like the inside of his mouth was still very anatomically correct. John turned towards the mirror, raising a bare hand in front of his skull-like face. He wiggled his fingers and looked down at his body. His core, which could be seen between the chest plates, changed from a red color back to a blue color. The robot looked back at Ryan with a strangely human looking shrug motion.
“Thanks man . . . I’m back to normal!” The robot said in John’s voice. Ryan couldn't believe it. He loved this robot so much. He was still aroused by the whole thing. He peered down at the empty distorted face of his best friend in his hands. He ran his thumb and forefingers over the smooth mask before dropping it to the pile of empty skin on the floor.
“No, thank you John. Thank’s for letting me in on your secrete. Thanks for . . . everything. I love you.” Ryan said looking up at his best friends true form. John walked up to him, his feet now clicking on the wooden floor, in such a human . . . concerned way, before pulling Ryan in for another hug. “I love you too man.” There was a long pause before John added. “Now I’m going to need some clothes and an umbrella so we can get back to my place. I wanna put my skin back on so we can go to the bar and finish our day together.”
Ryan laughed as he helped John put some clothes on to cover his metal body. “Oh, you said you were looking for a roommate right?” John asked as he put on a sweatshirt. Ryan just laughed as he pulled out some jeans. “Yes John . . . of course you can.”
The End