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The Strippers

Matt sat down in front of the stage expectantly as the loud thumping beat of music played to no-one in particular. He was excited to be at one of the hottest gay strip clubs in Toronto, however a bit sad over ending his long relationship with his boyfriend. He definitely needed the release. Matt looked around the dark room, which was simple enough. There was a black bar with a white countertop, fancy colored lights embedded in the walls and futuristic lounge seating surrounding the large white and black stage. As he looked around the mostly empty room, he noticed there were a few older couples at the bar and some handsome guys at the other end of the stage, who were eyeing him playfully. Matt would admit that he was pretty cute guy in general, however he didn’t have the cut 8 pact that these dancers were supposed to have in this place. He blushed and pretended to concentrate on his drink.

“I guess this is about what you can expect on a Tuesday afternoon”, he mumbled to himself as he took another sip of his vodka-cran. He ignored the leers from the other side of the stage as the lights dimmed and the music switched over to the shows first soundtrack. Matt leaned back with his feet propped up on the lounge table ready to enjoy the show.

The music turned to a sultry version of “Feeling Good” before the curtain opened. Standing before him was the sexiest man Matt had ever seen. A Greek god stepped out on stage wearing a police uniform, complete with aviators and knee high black leather boots. His face was flawless, his smooth masculine features were accented by the jawline of an action hero. The man walked forward with his smooth large hands on his utility belt, complete with a set of handcuffs.

The music pulsed and the man began to rhythmically rotate his hips and look at the room expectantly. You could see the muscles under his shirt and tight navy blue pants shift as he moved his body to the beat of the music. The man took off his hat and tossed it behind him, at the same time tossing his large sunglasses aside, revealing his bright blue eyes. He ran his hands through his perfectly styled black hair as he began to move his hips again, spreading his legs wide revealing the large bulge in his pants.

Matt looked over and saw the guys on the other end of the stage engrossed in the show. They stared like animals without a word to each other. Matt swallowed and took another sip of his drink. “Fucker hasn’t even taken his clothes off yet.”

Matt watched the hunk move and dance with the beat of the music. Every movement was smooth and perfectly timed to the beat of the song. His large feet seemed to conform to his tight leather boots, which seemed to add to the hotness of the uniform overall. As the heavy beat dropped the officer reached down to his shirt, and in one quick smooth movement, he ripped it apart revealing his large smooth tan chest and flexed abs. His body rocked and rippled with the beat making every muscle bulge and shift under his smooth tan skin. Matt was fully erect now.

The dancer tossed the shirt aside before reaching down to his tight pants and pulling them off in one swift motion, revealing a tight red speedo. The man was completely naked now, with the exception of the red speedo and knee high black boots. His legs and bubble-ass were perfectly smooth and toned. His large thighs shifted and pulsed as he crouched down, pulsing his ass up against his boots before his legs flexed and he jumped up completing a full backflip, landing right in front of Matt. His facial expression was almost completely emotionless with the exception of a slight smirk on his perfect soft lips. The man lowered his body in a pushup position before gyrating on the stage floor. HIs ass puckered as it rhythmically flexed and pulsed with the music. Matt could see every single strain of muscles on his back, the muscles made the man's smooth flawless skin look like milky honey poured over hard smooth river rocks.

The stripper got up on his knees as the song began to slow. He raised his massive arms over his head as he shut his eyes. His body rocked and rippled with the beat, his large package taunted the floor. Matt eyed the flexed legs and the black wrinkled tight boots, as his toes were folded beneath his smooth perky ass. The man's tight narrow waist and abs abs flexed as he looked out over the crowd . . . or rows of empty chairs, without a change in his expression.

Matt felt as if the stripper’s body moved to the music too well . . . as if the routine was catered to a full house, especially since the stripper continued to make eye contact with invisible people. It kinda made the entire intimate experience seem a bit rehearsed now. Mat watched the man slide across the floor to his finishing pose as the music came to an end. The other guys clapped and laughed with each other before getting up and walking to the door, making crude drunk jokes to the dancer, who still stared ahead at the empty seats in his finishing pose.

Matt just shook his head with a smile. “Well, this is what Toronto was known for” he said to no-one in particular. Now was the time where Matt could drop his money on companionship, no matter how fake and unreal it actually will be, he needed this. Matt got up and walked up to the stage as the stripper smoothly got up and began to gather his clothes. He watched the man's tight ass shifted beneath his tight underwear as he bent over to pick up his glasses.

“Excuse me,” Matt said in a surprisingly high pitched voice. “Nervous much?” he thought. The man stopped and smoothly turned around with that same smirk that he had during the dance. “I’d like to get a private dance if I could . . . you guys offer that here right?” He said. For the first time the man's face changed to reveal full smile, which almost seemed to fight the elasticity of his handsome smooth facial features before fully manifesting! Also for the first time the man’s piercing bright blue eyes actually made eye contact with his own, which just added to the man’s sexiness. The man walked over and knelt down to one knee in front of Matt. His wide boots wrinkled, making a rubbery noise as he got down in position, close to Matt’s face.

“Absolutely baby, how many songs did you want?” He said in a deep smooth voice. The man's face was so perfect and smooth. There wasn’t a wrinkle or freckle anywhere, it almost looked as if he was wearing makeup . . . but Matt was so close, he was positive he would have been able to confirm that. The stripper cocked his head slightly waiting for an answer. Matt snapped out of his trance, clearing his throat. “Oh, i’d love to just go until I want to stop, I’ve got a lot of money to blow, and you are literally the best dancer . . . hell the best looking man I have ever seen in my life. I’ve got a bad relationship to forget, so let's make this happen!”

The handsome stripper just stared for a moment, as if processing what he said. “Sure, I would love to do that baby. Making people forget about their troubles is what I do. I’ll meet you back in booth #2. A few rules however, not mine of course, it’s the establishments you understand. No sex, however anything else is fair game.”

The stripper said it with such cool calmness that it just seemed like law, Matt didn’t question it at all, and of course didn’t expect anything like that, no matter how wonderful it would be. Matt nodded and the stripper got up, his entire muscular body so close to his face now. He winked and pointed to the hall to the left of the stage. “Ok baby, I’ll meet you back there in a sec, I just got to clean up here. Did you want me to put anything on in particular? That would be an extra charge of course.” He said with that same blank smirk on his face.

“What you have on now is perfect!” Matt said with a shy wink as he made his way to the booth, trying to look cool and calm. Matt looked back, the stripper was still staring at him with his shirt in his hand. He nervously turned away and opened the door to the hallway.

Matt made his way to room two, which consisted of a sofa with a table of mouthwash, lotion, lube, napkins, and hand sanitizer. “How . . . nice . . . “, Matt mumbled as he laughed to himself. He nervously sat down on the couch with his hands on his knees. “Why the hell am I so nervous. This is what the man is paid to do . . . it’s just a fucking lap dance Matthew!!” He whispered to himself with a giggle.

Just then the stripper entered the room with nothing on but that red speedo and those tight knee high black boots. He stood at the doorway with his feet planted wide, just staring at Matt with that same smirk as before. His muscles were flexed and smooth, his feet seemed to stretch the black leather boots. He was so large and muscular . . . so sexy. With that he winked before slowly walking towards Matt with a smile.

“Are you ready cutie?” He said with a smile as he softly pushed Matt down on the seat and raised his foot up on the couch with his hands at his hips. Before Matt could respond the music started, and the man began to gyrate right in front of his face. The perfect outline of his cock could be seen under his speedo, the muscles on his large legs moved and tensed up as his hips rocked to the beat. He raised his hands up to the back of his neck as he closed his eyes, then ran his thick smooth hands down his flexed chest and abs. He opened his crystal blue eyes before grabbing Matt’s hands with a smile as he slowly moved Matt’s hands over his smooth body.

He was so hot, and Matt was rigid with lust. His abs moved and pulsed under Matt’s hands as the stripper moved them down and around his body until Matt was able to grasp his supple ass. The strippers boots creaked as he removed his large foot from the couch and stood upright, pulling Matt in close up off the couch. The stripper put his heavy muscular arms around Matt’s neck as his butt puckered and rotated to the beat of the music. Matt looked into his eyes and blushed, however he couldn’t help noticing that something was weird about the man. He was . . . so hard . . . and his movement so direct, more so than a very muscular man should feel. His flesh was so smooth . . . but there was a stiffness to it . . . it felt . . . not clammy . . . but not dry. The stripper leaned in with that same smirk on his perfectly smooth face. “So what do you like baby.” He said in a soft deep voice. Matt looked into his eyes, they were bright . . . but so distant. Matt blushed and ran his hands over the strippers chest and abs again. So smooth and hard.

“How about kissing me.” Matt said with a grin. The man smiled before wrapping his arms around Matt and pulling him in for a kiss. Matt slid his tongue into the strippers mouth as the man pulled Matt in closer. He pressed his lips hard against the strippers smooth face, he felt it wrinkle a bit and slide over his gums . . . but there was that hardness again. Matt’s hard cock rubbed up against the strippers groin. Matt groaned and wrapped his arms around the strippers thick neck, and jumping up into his arms, wrapping his legs around the strippers toned tight waist.

As they kissed, Matt noticed how slippery the man's mouth was . . . no how cold and . . . his teeth were so hard . . . and his spit tasted like cool spring water . . . it wasn’t normal. He broke the kiss with a smack. He stared at the strippers gorgeous face, which was again looking at him with those distant eyes. Matt jumped down and sat on the couch with a puzzled look. The stripper smiled and continued to dance. His movements were smooth and his muscles were shifting perfectly with the beat of the music. He turned around and moved his ass up against Matt still erect cock, which made his back muscles flexed as his smooth round ass rocked back and forth. Matt watched and noticed how every movement was exactly the same . . . they were flawlessly repeated to the beat of the music.

Matt groaned as his cock throbbed. The strippers ass was so smooth and soft. He could feel the strippers hard glutes beneath, which offered a certain weight against his cock that was so hot.

“Are you sure we can’t fuck? Matt said desperately with a smile as he looked at the mans thick neck and the rear outline of his thick jaw. “I’m sorry baby, you know the rules.” The stripper said smoothly. Again, he didn’t change the way he moved over Matt’s body. He was crouched low, with his leg and ass muscles flexed . . yet he didn’t shake or waiver in his movements.

Can we have sex outside of this place? Matt asked again, curious if the man would get mad or show any emotion other than the accommodating smooth placid emotions he has shown so far.

“I’m sorry baby, you know the rules.” He said in the same tone and voice as before. The stripper got up and turned with a slight smile before straddling me, grabbing the back of the couch on either side of my head. HIs bright blue eyes were stunning, but again, seemed to look through me. Matt wondered . . . . he wanted to try to test this man.

“Can we have sex?” Matt asked again, this time determined.

“I’m sorry baby, you know the rules.” The stripper said without changing his facial expressions or skipping a beat.

“Can we have sex?” Matt asked a again, watching the man's facial expressions closely.

“I’m sorry baby, you . . “ The stripper started with a mirror reaction as before. Matt interrupted, “Can we have sex?”

“I’m sorry bab . . . “

“Can we have sex?”

“I’m sorry baby, you . . . “

“Can we have sex?”

“I’m sorry baby, you know . . . “

“Can we have sex?”

“I’m sorry baby, you know the rullllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Matt watched as the stripper’s right eye closed and his head shifted down and he turned his head to the right in a jerking motion. His lips pulled back slightly and his jaw flinched as he began to stutter on the last syllable of the word “rules”. The strippers smooth sexy body was above Matt’s, each arm blocking him in, yet it was completely still other than the twitching motion of his jaw. The man seemed frozen! Matt then noticed the strippers forefinger on his left hand twitched over and over again mechanically, and so did the toes on his left foot. The mans thick feet pushed against the leather boot in a twitching flexing motion. Matt squeezed out from under the stripper and walked around him. His entire body was tense and stuck in the exact motion as if time was frozen, with the exception of the few twitching appendages and his mouth.

Matt blushed and looked around. “What the fuck?” He said as he looked around for some help. “Hey . . . . SOMEONE . . . Help Me! Someone call 911!” Matt yelled desperately as he watched the stripper continue to stutter and twitch awkwardly in the same straddled position on the couch. WIth that a middle aged man burst through the door in some janitor-like uniform. He was actually very attractive, but he didn't’ look like an employee and was a bit too average for a stripper, although he wasn’t ugly either. He looked at Matt then at the stripper and sighed. He walked over to the stripper and snapped his fingers. “

“Dan, the session is over, you may retire for the night!” The man said as he snapped his fingers again in front of the strippers flinching face. With that the stripper finally completed the word “Rules” and opened both eyes, focusing on the man's finger in front of his eyes. He stood up smoothly and faced Matt, as if nothing happened.

“I’m sorry baby, but I’m going to have to cut our session short for the night. We have drink specials all night and of course we have any of our other dancers on staff for your entertainment should you want to continue. I apologize for the inconvenience.” Dan said smoothly with a smile and a nod before he walked out of the room without another word.

The man in the overalls looked embarrassed and walked up to Matt. “I am so sorry about that, Dan is narcoleptic and as you can tell, a little socially awkward. He has been struggling with some seizures recently as well. He’s fine . . . but it sometimes affects his work. I hope this hasn’t turned you off from returning!” He asked, watching Matt’s face closely for any other sign of distress.

Matt could not believe what just happened . . . he was so shocked it took him a moment to engage with the man. Something was not right here and now Matt had that confirmation. He eyed the man before smiling. “Oh that’s all right man, I was just worried that is was something serious!” He said with a fake sigh of relief.

The man looked at him with a relieved expression before starting out the door after the stripper who is apparently named Dan. “Thanks for worrying about Dan, oh . . . and by the way . . . drinks are on us for the rest of the night!” He said with a wink to Matt before heading out the door. As the door began to shut behind him, he poked his head back into the room, “Oh, and this dance was on us as well!” With that he finally left.

Matt looked around, as if someone would pop out of the woodwork and yell, “Gotcha!” He had to follow Dan to see what just happened, to see if he is actually hurt or on drugs or something. Without hesitation Matt quickly and quietly walked into the hallway in search of the janitor or Dan. As he entered the Lounge, he noticed a door behind the stage starting to close. “Bingo,” he said as he followed.

Matt slowly walked close to the back of the stage and looked around. The bartender was busy with the only other customer still in the bar and the bus-boy was nowhere to be seen. “Perfect” Matt thought as he went through the stage door. There was a long dark hallway with stairs leading down to a basement. He noticed the man in the overalls about halfway down the stairs. Matt cautiously crept up to the top of the stairs, hiding behind an old trash can and watched as the man entered “2, 3, 1, 7” into the keypad to the right of the surprisingly modern looking door. With that the door clicked and the man walked through, not noticing Matt.

Matt’s heart was thumping hard as he slowly walked down the stairs and peered into the door’s window. There was a long hallway as the man in the overalls entered the door at the end of the hall. The coast was clear. Matt hurriedly entered the pin into the keypad and opened the door. The hall was quiet and unusually . . . clean. The walls were futuristic and white, and there were little key pads everywhere. He slowly walked down the hallway, noticing that there were three rooms to the right of the hall, each with a window, and of course the room at the end, which did not have a window. He approached the first door and peered into the window. He saw a sexy young looking man with sandy-blond hair just pulling a dark gray tight shirt over his perfectly chiseled body. His muscles were perfect and toned just like Dan’s . . . almost identical to Dan’s . . . however his face and hair color was different. He didn’t spend too much time watching since he didn’t want to get caught.

Matt crouched down and moved on down to the next door, where he saw a sexy black man emerged from a mechanical looking door that led from the 3rd room. He was completely naked and just stood on a conveyor belt with his eyes shut. The man suddenly opened his brown eyes and stepped off the belt with mechanical precision. His dark mocha colored muscular body again looked almost identical to Dan and the other guy getting dressed, as far as physique, except his skin was darker and he had sexy tattoos on his body and thick muscular arms. He walked up to the mirror and began making faces and flexing his muscles . . . his facial features wrinkled and stretched with each movement, as if he was loosening them up for a night of fake smiles and sexual contact. The man was so hot, but his eyes seemed . . . distant, like a man possessed.

The man began to turn, forcing Matt to duck and make his way to the 3rd room. Matt slowly peered in and saw a bunch of mechanical parts on a few tables and the main half of the large machine in the room before. He typed in the same pin he used to get into this hallway as the previous door began to click open. He quickly slipped into the room just as the black guy emerged. Matt held his breath for what seemed like an eternity before he convinced himself that the stripper didn’t notice him. He looked around and noticed that the room continued out of sight. He knew the janitor looking guy was in the last room so he cautiously crawled further into the room before peering around the corner. There he could see Dan sitting stiffly upright in a chair. His face was smooth and motionless . . . he didn’t even seem to breath. His bright blue eyes just looked straight ahead at nothing.

As Matt continued into the main part of the room, he saw another sexy man sitting on a chair next to Dan. This hunk was again perfectly lean and chiseled, with thick massive arms and legs. Every muscle on his body could be seen, as if in a constant state of being tense. He was wearing nothing but some tight black briefs and there was a single tattoo on his right shoulder. His slender face looked tight with high cheekbones and perfect lips.

They both just sat, looking straight ahead with those dead eyes. Their perfect bodies sat unnaturally still in those chairs. Matt crawled behind a large steel shelf with all sorts off robotic parts just as he heard a man approach from another door further in the room. It must have been an access way from the main room at the end of the hall. The same guy wearing that janitor like uniform entered the room along with another man wearing a surgeon’s outfit! They were both talking as they approached the two strippers, who didn’t react at all to their entrance at all.

“What the fuck? Are these two dead or something?” Matt said under his breath as he continued to watch.

The janitor pointed at the two strippers as if presenting them as a prize. “These two units are malfunctioning.” He said so casually that Matt almost missed how weird that statement was. He walked up to Dan and put his hand on his head. Dan didn’t move or even wince. “Unit 271’s verbal response matrix is all jacked up, causing him to shut down on a client today, while unit 270 over here has a broken thermal core.” The man laughed a bit as he bent down and looked into Dan’s eyes. “I gotta tell you, 271 embarrassed the shit out of me today, we had to tell the client that the unit had narcolepsy!” He said with a laugh as he ruffled Dan’s hair before turning to face the surgeon.

“Oh Jesus Christ . . . that was close Rick. What about unit 270? How was he found?” The surgeon responded.

“Oh that was nothing. The client complained that the unit had a fever and should be looked at. The client had no idea, I told him that he must be coming down with something and that he should stock up on vitamin C. The guy was clueless.” He bit his lip and looked at Dan for a moment. “I think the real problem was unit 271 . . . a complete shutdown is bad. I will say, the client didn’t help.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well it was weird, he was repeatedly asking the unit if he would have sex with him . . . and not in the typical way most of our clients do . . . he was purposefully asking to see what his response would be. I was a bit worried, but he seemed to buy the story I gave him in the room . . . “

The surgeon began to circle the two strippers, looking into both Dan and the other guys eyes with some piece of tech. “Alright Rick, let's turn on unit 270 and see what’s wrong.”

Rick, who apparently was more of a mechanic rather than a janitor, reached down to the strippers belly button and dug his finger deep into it . . . looking like he punctured the man's stomach. He felt around a bit before there was a click the stripper came to life. He began to blink and there were slight movements in his posture as he wiggled his massive toes, spreading his large feet wide on the hard floor to stabilize his body as he adjusted his seating on the chair. He just stared at Rick with an emotionless expression.

“Unit 270, run diagnostic.” Rick said.

The strippers smooth face froze for a moment before replying, “motor function is at 100%, verbal function is at 100%, thermal Core function is at 15%, epidermal function is at 100%, social Function is at . . . “

“Unit 270, access thermal core files.” Rick interrupted.

“There are multiple error files, cannot access core encryption files, file corruption found”, replied the hunky stripper in the same even tone as before.

“Well it looks like his thermal core unit is down . . . although sometimes it can be fixed by initiating sim log 5. Putting the unit in motion forces the main system to interact with the thermal core unit directly, essentially defragging the unit.” The surgeon said as he looked down at a futuristic ipad.

Matt just gawked. “These strippers aren’t real!” Matt whispered to himself in disbelief.

Rick just stared at the stripper with his fingers on his chin. “Well, i’d like to avoid de-skinning it if we can. The epidermal machine is running low on the synthetic flesh formula, that won’t be coming in till next week . . . Let’s take a look at unit 271 here, he was having issues with someone requesting access to sim log 5, so maybe we can included both units in a test.”

Rick walked over to Dan with the surgeon close behind. He reached down and jammed his finger deep into Dan’s belly-button. He moved his finger around, forcing the smooth skin around his lower abs to wrinkle before there was a click and Dan came to life. As Rick pulled his finger out of his belly-button, Matt noticed how it stretched back to it’s original size. Dan looked more alive, The tiny movements that make someone look alive were switched back on. His looked up at Rick in a still very erect position on the chair.

“Unit 271, run diagnostic.”

Dan froze for a moment, as if considering what he said before casually responding in his smooth voice, although a little more monotone than when he spoke with Matt before. “Motor function is at 80%, verbal function is at 100%, thermal Core function is at 100%, epidermal function is at 100%, social Function is at 90%” Dan responded in an identical way as the other stripper . . . er unit.

“Damn, that’s a bad combination, motor and social. Lets initiate sim phases to see where the problem comes up.” Both men stood on either side of Dan, “Unit 271, initiate sim log 1.”

Dan froze for a moment, un-focused on Rick before he stood up slowly. He began to walk around the room. His movement were smooth and very natural, however he looked possessed, with a far away stare and no movement in his face at all.

“Initiate sim log 2.”

Again Dan froze for a moment before he stood straight up. He started to wiggle his toes first, one at a time, then his fingers. Dan rolled his neck and then his shoulders, then flexed his chest and abs. As the muscles all over his body began to flex and move, Dan started making all sorts of facial expressions, making little wrinkles around his eyes and forehead. He opened his mouth wide and stuck out his tongue, then clenched his teeth, causing the muscles in his neck to flex and the skin to stretch around his lips. Finally he relaxed every muscle on his body and stood still again, staring at Rick.

“Initiate Sim log 3.”

This time Dan crouched down and began to shake and move his ass. He began to move his hips and body in a sexual way, as if dancing without any music. That smirk appeared on his face again as he twerked and rolled his tight abs, looking into Rick’s eyes. Rick didn’t look amused at all, however Matt was rock hard again.

“Initiate sim log 4.”

Dan froze in the middle of doing a pushup for a moment before continuing to smoothly get up and walk up to Rick. “Hey baby, how are you doing tonight? Did you want a dance by chance?” Dan said in a very conversational way to Rick. His movements were so natural and smooth. He put his hand on his hips and shifted his weight from one foot to the other like a real person would. Then all of a sudden Dan’s face began to twitch. His right eye closed again and his lip began to flex and pull back on the left side of his face. Everything movement began to become more rigid and jerky. “I’ve seen you around around around around herrrrrrrrrre before haven’t I?” He said in a weird broken voice. Dan crouched down slightly rotating his hips, however his knees were bent and his toes were flexing within the boots, which wasn’t the smooth flattering dance he did before. It looked like Dan was trying to cum all over Rick’s work boots, however his cock didn’t look too erect under his speedo.

“Oh shit, this is going to require we replace the motor and social boards, which will require a de-skin. God damn it!” Rick said as he walked away from Dan, who was now flexing again, however his head was now jerking violently to the right, causing his entire body to shake in a very unnatural way. “Unit 271, deactivate all sim logs.” With that Dan just stood up straight in a smooth robotic way, staring straight ahead then froze like the other stripper. “Well, let’s just have them enter sim 5 and see if unit 270 overheats. If it does, then we’ll have to de-skin and repair both of them I guess.” Rick said casually.

The surgeon nodded and turned towards unit 270, “Unit 270, initiate sim log 5, target unit 271.” Rick said they same thing to Dan, however asked him to target unit 270.

Both units came back online and smoothly walked in front of each other. There movements looked very normal and smooth, with the exception of Dan, who still had a slight twitch on the right side of his lip. Unit 270 pulled down his briefs revealing his large thick hard cock as Dan bent down and began to pull the tight leather boots off each large smooth foot. Dan then grabbed his tight red speedo and pulled it down, revealing his own very large thick cock. For a moment, they both stared at each other and smiled before walking into each other's arms and kissing. The two began to pulse and touch each others bodies, making snapping noises with their lips.

Unit 270 began to slowly push Dan back up against one of the empty metal tables. Their lips slid over each others smooth handsome faces. Matt noticed how dan’s fingers kept raising up at an impossible angle in a twitching motion. Dan laid back as unit 270 positioned his cock up against his ass. Dan raised his large muscular legs up and to the sides, flexing the toes on his large smooth feet. Unit 270 slowly slid his large thick cock into Dan’s smooth ass. There was a very human groan that came from Dan as he shifted his head back, however now his right hand began to flex and awkwardly move into a fist over and over again in a glitching manner.

Unit 270 smooth thin facial features became slack as he began to pump his cock into Dan’s ass. Every muscle on his body was tensed up. Dans legs and abs were rippling, he smiled and rose his thick left arm to the back of his head as he groaned, making his bicep pop. The two fucked hard, their smooth bodies moved over each others as there was a meaty slapping noise, as unit 270’s groin slapped against unit 271’s ass. Just then, the two began to pant, and their movements became more rapid.

Dan’s face became tight as he smiled and opened his mouth in ecstasy. Unit 270 on the other hand had a very serious look on his now slightly wrinkled face, which was a huge contrast from his normal smooth tight facial features. As the two fucked, unit 270’s skin became softer, wrinkling and stretching as Dan rubbed his thick legs around his body. 270’s flesh started to look more wet before smoke started to come out of his mouth and ears. Their bodies rubbed up against each other as they were close to cumming . . . if robots could cum. Dan suddenly began to flinch and his hands began to twitch violently. His jaw popped open and shut as he spread out his toes. 270 was furiously fucking Dan now, however his body began to sag and parts of his abs began to bubble and melt away, revealing shiny gleaming metal beneath!

“Unit 270, shut down!” Rick yelled just as the strippers smooth handsome face began to melt and fall down. It’s smooth human flesh became wet looking before it wrinkled and slid off its’ metal frame, dripping and falling on top of Dan’s own tensed muscular body. As the unit stopped, Dan kept twitching and wiggling his toes, while his hand was flinching, grasping open and shut. “Unit 271, shut down.”

With that Dan relaxed, his handsome features became slack and motionless as a bit of melted flesh fell off of unit 270 and landed right on his smooth abs.

Unit 270 still had bits off tan melted flesh fall from its head and stomach, revealing a terminator-like face.

Matt leaned back and looked down at the floor. “I cannot believe this shit!” He whispered before looking back at the pair of robots.

“Well, this was a mess. So much for not ruining the skins!” Rick said as he shook his head.

“It’s a good thing we ran this test, unit 270 could have revealed himself to a client! Lets de-skin both and get them to the shop. We have to do a lot of work tonight if we are going to get them back online by next week.” The surgeon said as he helped Rick pulled unit 270 off of Dan. “Go ahead and have 271 take its own skin off and get on this table, I’ll work on 270.”

“Unit 271, activate.” Rick said to Dan, who was still on the metal table in a flexed position. His face was smooth and relaxed and he had his legs stretched out in a flexed position, his toes spread wide. With that Dan blinked and relaxed before sitting up, causing his abs to flex and wrinkle a bit. Bits of unit 270’s flesh fell off of Dan’s sexy smooth body to the floor with a slapping noise. Dan rose to his feet and stood in front on Rick. “Unit 271, commence self repair sequence 112.”

With that Dan stood up and walked to a grated area of the floor. He turned and looked forward towards Rick and Matt with a blank expression. His strong face was smooth and emotionless. Matt stared at his perfectly sculpted body and his slightly limp large thick cock. He knew what was going to happen now.

“Self repair sequence 112 initiated,” Dan said in a low monotone voice. With that he reached up to his smooth strong face and dug his fingers into the top of his scalp and pulled. In a smooth motion, he pulled his scalp away from his head. The skin stretched, causing the smooth human features to stretch and wrinkle. His cheeks and jawline became tight over his true metal skull-like face beneath. The smooth human flesh began to stretch unnaturally far before there was a rubbery ripping noise. The flesh became slack as he pulled his face from the shiny metal skull beneath, breaking away at the neckline with a snap before falling to the floor. The wrinkled empty skin was folded in a pile at the robot’s feet.

Matt sighed a bit as he watched. He was kinda sad to see the beautiful man ruin his face like that, but he was also super curious. He couldn’t look away. “God damn it Dan, I wanted one last lap dance before I left.”

Without hesitation, the robot dug his finger into his abs and slowly peeled the tan flesh apart, revealing the shiny muscle-like cables beneath. The skin parted and the tear continued to part up to the robots’ neckline. In a smooth motion, it rotated it’s shoulders so that the smooth flesh slipped off the robot's body, and fell back behind it’s back like a hoodie. It pulled its limbs up and out of the fleshy muscular arm sleeves like an old shirt. The rest of the flesh bundled up and fell behind the robot in one piece. The robot slowly knelt down and grabbed the flesh on either side of his large muscular thighs. It’s toes spread wide as it slowly stood up. It held onto the human flesh and pulled it up, ripping away at the knees. The robot raised the fists full of rubbery human flesh, causing his smooth ass to wrinkle and bunch up before it all tore away at its hips. The huge rubbery skinsuit fell to the floor in a heap. With all of the human flesh gone, with the exception of its large human looking feet, it bent over and lifted its right foot, with perfect balance, it grasped the break in the skin at its knee and began to pull the skin off of its foot like a long sock. It wiggled and flexed its toes to allow for the human skin to slide off in one quick motion. It did the same to the other foot. Soon it stood before everyone, shiny metal face plates connected by metal cables, interwoven into a skinless human-like form. It’s gleaming face and bright blue human looking eyes looked so creepy by comparison to what it looked like a moment ago.

Matt looked over at unit 270, who was lying on the floor, frozen in mid-hump, with a fully erect penis, which was now just metal. “Commence self repair sequence 112”, said the surgeon, not even bothering to look up from his ipad. The robot relaxed and slowly stood up. Even though its face and robotic abs were revealed, the rest of its body was still human looking, although a bit wrinkly. The robot began to grab fists of flesh from its chest and pull it apart in one smooth motion. The skin stretched and slide away from the metal frame beneath. It broke apart at the sides of the robot's’ body, causing the flesh to fold back behind the unit. It tossed the skin aside before grabbing a fist full of its human flesh on the large right shoulder, causing the tattoo to wrinkle to an unrecognizable shape. In one movement it pulled a sleeve of flesh from its once muscular away in one fluid motion. It raised it right hand and wiggled its’ metal fingers as it tossed the skin aside. The robot continued to grab bits of human flesh and toss it in the grates beneath it’s still human looking feet. It grabbed it’s own ass and pulled it apart, the skin from its thick muscular legs came away like a pair of strippers pants. The only thing left was the skin on its left hand, which still looked thick and smooth and the skin on its feet. It reached for it’s left hand, which was perfectly smooth. It flexed its human looking hand, making the thick fingers open one at a time before it pulled the skin away like a glove. It’s feet were spread out wide, it’s thick toes wiggled a bit before it rose each foot up and pulled the skin away from its metal feet like a pair of socks.

Both strippers stood in front of the surgeon and Rick completely free of their human disguise. They both had human forms, however instead of muscle, there were bright cables connected to shiny metal plates. They both stood there silent and still, awaiting their next commands.

“Unit 270 and 271, open all service ports.” Said the surgeon to both units. Suddenly, a whole bunch of compartments opened up in their heads and body, making the robots look even more naked and revealed than before. Matt saw all sorts of different wires and microchips. Strange futuristic lights could be seen where wires met little plugs. Rick walked up to unit 270 and peered inside. “Well 270 is going to need a complete replacement of the thermal core, which isn’t going to be easy.” The surgeon was looking inside Dan . . . er unit 271 head cavity. “Ahhhh . . . looks like unit 271 just needed a new fuse for the motor sensor, and the social drive here was only partially plugged in! We should have this unit back up in the lobby by tonight!”

The surgeon made a few clicking noises and pushed against the robots head. He then turned and began to walk towards Matt! “Oh fuck, Matt whispered, as he crouched back behind a box hear the shelf. The surgeon rummaged through some of the equipment on the shelf without noticing Matt before making his way back to unit 271. Matt watched as the man pulled something out of the robots head, before re-inserting a similar looking chip in the same slot.

“Alright, that’s should do it for this one. Unit 271, reboot!” He said as he stepped back. There was a clicking noise before all of the compartments shut and the robots Blue eyes grew dim and the robot stopped moving again. Then a slight beep sounded and the robot came to life again.

“Reboot initiated, full system restore commenced.” The bot said. It twitched a bit and flexed every finger and toe before it stood still again in its original position.

“Unit 271, go ahead and initiate self repair 113”, said the surgeon. The bot smoothly walked forward and stepped up into the large machine. Matt looked around and noticed the large conveyer belt moved the robot within the machine as it stood still.

“Well I’m going to get to work on 270, you check the floor to see how everything is going upstairs. Thanks Rick,” said the surgeon as he made his way back to the other room. Rick shook his head at 270 and walked towards where Matt was hiding. Matt held his breath as the man walked by him, exiting the room to the hallway.

“That was a close one!” Matt said as he slowly crept up to the door and peered out the window. Nobody could be seen. He slowly opened the door and peered into the hallway. Nobody. He walked out and approached the second room and peered inside. The futuristic door leading from the room he was just in, opened, and out came unit 271 . . . or Dan. He looked just as he did before. His smooth handsome face and sexy toned body looked human again. The bot activated, walking up to the mirror. He looked at himself as a nice wide smile stretched on his strong facial features. He flexed his muscles and posed before turned towards where the door was.

Matt ducked down and ran to the main door to the hall. He had to get back to the main floor. He quickly slipped out the door just as he heard the click from another door in the hall. He slowly peered inside and saw Dan in that sexy red speedo walk into the first room, Matt assumed to get dressed for his next show. Matt ran to the top of the stairs and began toe approached the door to the stage, looking behind him to make sure Dan wasn’t following. Just then the door flung open as one of the strippers almost ran into him.

Matt was face to face with that young looking hunk who as getting dressed in the first room earlier. He was speechless as the two stared at each other for a moment.

“Sir, I’m sorry, but this is a restricted area, I’m going to ask why you are back here?” It said smoothly. Matt stuttered before saying, “Well I was looking for another lap dance . . . and I thought this was the door I went in last time but . . . “ Just then the basement door opened and Dan emerged. This time he was wearing cargo pants and a utility belt with a yellow hard hat on his head. His sexy face was emotionless as looked at Matt.

“Oh god, I’m going to get killed by these two terminators . . . and not even getting off before I do!” Matt mumbled.

“Hello again!” Dan said smoothly. “I’m sorry, but this is a restricted area, I’m going to ask why you are back here?” He said in a similar tone as the other one. They both stared at him with slightly concerned expressions. They were both so beautiful, but he knew what was under all that human flesh.

Matt swallowed before continuing. “Well, I wanted another private dance, except maybe this time with . . . “ Matt hesitated after looking at Dan, picturing what he saw before. “with you!” He said as he turned to the younger looking bot. He simply smiled and took my hand, leading me to the main lounge area.

“No problem baby, I’ll take care of you!” He said as he turned to look at me. Matt noticed the fine wrinkles at his neck as he moved his head. “So realistic.” He thought. Dan just smiled, turned, and walked on stage to get ready for his next show. “My name is Nick by the way, I just want to remind you that that all personal lap dances are located over here, down this hallway”, as he motioned to the correct hall Matt spent time in with Dan before.

Just then Rick approached them with a confused look on his face. “Oh hey there, I thought you had left already!” He said as he placed his hand on both Matt and the strippers shoulders.

“Oh I was, but then I remembered that I was getting free drinks so . . . “ Matt said playfully, trying to act drunk. Rick looked at Matt carefully . . . he didn’t look like he was buying it, and he was pretty sure Rick saw him exit the back area with Nick. Rick looked like he wasn’t sure what happened, and Matt hoped he wouldn’t have an idea on how to respond to a hunch. Rick finally relaxed and looked more casual.

“Well you have fun with unit 272 . . . er . . . I mean Nick here. He’s good at his job!” He said quickly, clearly hoping I didn’t catch that mistake. With that he looked around and walked away.

Nick just smiled before continuing the lead to the back rooms. We entered one of the rooms and he shut the door. He turned towards me and smiled. “So what did you want to do honey?” He asked in a light voice. Matt thought for a moment then smiled. He eyed Nick's body as he took off his tight gray T-Shirt. “Unit 272, move to sim log 5, target me”, Matt said as he sat down on the couch, kicking off his shoes. Nick paused and stared motionless for a moment, with a far away stare. “Initiating sim log 5”, Nick said as he began to take off his pants . . .

The End

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