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The Association for Magical Beings

Jason slowly walked up the long driveway with a look of awe and caution as he approached the gate to a massive castle-like mansion. He looked down at the old iron gate and noticed a sensor light blink before a small latch switched open. Slowly the iron bars parted for the young man as he continued towards the brightly lit castle. Obviously whoever invited him here was tech savvy and extremely wealthy. Jason was invited to Lord Drogo’s residence as the leading member of the magic council. A title that was recently forced on him whether he liked it or not. Drogo’s history is long . . . and clouded in mystery, however as a mage, Jason was humbled by the invite to the demigods home . . . as Drogo was beyond the confines of a mere sorcerer . . . rather, he was the source of magic for them all, a living reservoir of power. Drogo has claimed absolute control over all magic . . . and all magical creatures. You see, Jason was going to the be the first human to personally attend tonight's meeting.

Nobody has ever seen Drogo’s in person, however over the past few years, he has shown himself by telecom-link. He and the entire Association for Magical Beings (AMB) have evolved over the years and are keen on using today’s technology combined with magic to create a uniform order for all mystical and supernatural beings.

Jason walked up to the door and looked at himself in the dark windows reflection. His handsome young features were set off by his smooth complexion. HIs thin body and broad shoulders allowed him to where anything and look good, this tight tailored suit was no exception. He smiled, running his hand through his dark brown hair before knocking on the large thick door.

Before he even finished, the door opened and a very handsome man in a suit answered. He had dark slicked back hair and a smooth pale complexion. He looked down at him with pale blue eyes that seemed to almost look past him, like a man possessed.

“Jason Todd,” he said in a smooth voice without even blinking. “Come in, the master is waiting in the next room.” He finished as he smoothly motioned down the hall with a small calculated smile. His eyes seemed to adjust and lock onto Jason's. The man’s perfect, still facial features didn’t give anything away, as if he knew everything he needed to about Jason’s arrival.

Without a word Jason walked into the house. “And what would you like me to call you?” Jason asked as he looked around the huge lobby with buttresses and two massive staircases.

“My name is Seven”, he said as he closed the door and stood with perfect posture off to the side, as if waiting for the next guest. He simply maintained that same simple slight smile as he stared at Jason expectantly.

Unnerved and without another word to the man, Jason nodded before he continued down the hallway to the next room. He casually looked back and saw Seven staring at him in the same pose . . . not moving a muscle. “What a weirdo!” Jason muttered to himself before continuing towards the end of the long hallway.

Jason continued out of the hallway entered an unnervingly massive room. This was a large living area with huge old paintings and old pieces of priceless artifacts and statues. There was even an old fountain and a garden surrounding a huge statue of an unknown man. The room had a few large chairs and two grand couches . . . one of which was occupied by a breathtakingly handsome man, who stared at Jason with a large smile stretched across his distinguished facial features.

“Jason I presume,” Said the man as he got up and walked around a coffee table, extending his large hand in greeting. “My name is Drogo, and it is a pleasure to finally meet you!” Jason blushed as he reached out for a handshake. The man was beautiful. His slight hand was absorbed into Drogo’s soft warm grip. He could tell the man worked out by the look of his arms and the firmness of the handshake. Drogo’s hair was perfect, along with everything else. His face was a perfect balance of heroic broadness and thin, angular features. His smile was enchanting, his perfect teeth and his succulent lips almost seemed to draw him in . . . and his eyes. His eyes almost glowed a light green.

Drogo pulled Jason in close looking down at him. “It’s ok Mr. Todd, take it in, as we won’t be in these human suits for very much longer if we can help it.” He said with a wink. Jason swallowed and looked at him quizzically. Drogo released his hand with a booming laugh and walked over to the bar to poor a double helping of fine Scotch for them both.

“Oh, the magic council members didn’t tell you? Wait . . . “ He looked back with a smile, “You don’t know? They were suppose to send me their greatest wizard . . . or mage . . . sorceror or whatever you call yourselves these days.” He corked the glass bottle and walked over to Jason again, offering him the drink. “Did they tell you why I requested you here? Why you are the first human magic user to meet me in over 1000 years?” Without waiting for a response he sat down crossing his legs and looked at Jason, casually taking a sip of the drink. HIs large feet filled stylish brown leather shoes nicely.

Jason looked down at his glass completely lost. He is the youngest high ranking Sorcerer in this hemisphere, and he never liked to walk into a situation without accurate or complete information. It’s how he has managed to stay alive for almost 30 years. He would have a serious discussion with the other council members.

“I’m sorry Mr. Todd . . . I realize you weren’t at that meeting due to another situation that required your attention in Dubai, but I requested that a powerful magic user come to my residence for the first time to officially meet the other members of my cabinet. You represent the human council . . . yet there are 3 others that you have never seen. Some of which you have been feuding with for centuries . . . well not directly . . . you have been dealing with those who have gone rogue from their leaders wishes.” Drogo took a sip and admired Jason with keen interest. His young features looked wrong as Jason stared into his ancient eyes . . . the eyes gave him away.

“Master Drogo . . . if you don’t mind me asking . . . who . . . no what are you? You mentioned that I was the only human . . . did you mean besides you and the doorman?” He said, however there was something about this man that portrayed something . . . raw, something . . . primal . . . something inhuman. Jason thought about the doorman and shrugged before taking a sip. He could see that guy being a magic illusion or a Familiar. Drogo’s thin features settled into a slight grin before the weird butler interrupted, entering the room with 3 other men.

“Sir, the others have arrived.” the butler said, again with that same blank expression.

“Thank you Seven!” Drogo said lightly. The butler, bowed before leaving the newcomers. The four strangers walked into the room with a look of impatience and slight aura of entitlement. Drogo approached the men with the same beaming smile he used when Jason walked in. They shook hands and exchanged pleasantries before everyone turned towards the young man.

They were all handsome . . . all sexy fit men. Drogo motioned to Jason as if presenting an award. “This is Jason Todd, he is the human council member joining us today for our annual AMB council leader summit.” They looked at him like a cat would look at a mouse. Drogo eagerly motioned for one of the men to step forward, a classically handsome man with black styled hair. He wore a white suit jacket over a dark blue shirt and tie with tight black pants and dress boots. The man had a thinner athletic looking body and smooth tan skin. The man simply nodded with a smile, looking at Drogo with uncertainty. “This is Drake . . . he is the leader of the ancient Vampire Council.”

Drogo motioned for a massive dark haired man with scruff to move forward next to Drake. The man hesitated before walking forward, rolling his shoulders in the process. This man was the largest of the strangers. His muscular body filled out a dark navy blue long-sleeved shirt, along with tight dress pants and a pair of worn leather boots. “This is Rex, leader of the Werewolf Council.”

A tall man walked forward without being told. A smile stretched across his strong distinguished features, which was accented by a light amount of scruff. The black fitted coat and white button down dress shirt fit his large athletic frame nicely, leaving his top buttons open to reveal a small amount of his toned smooth chest.

Drogo smiled, “Ah, and this is my oldest friend . . . the cunning Prince of lies, Damon . . . Leader of the Demon Council.”

Jason looked stunned . . . “Wait . . . you said I was the only human? I’m confused . . . why are humans leading these councils? I’m assuming Damon is a possessed man . . . but . . . well I guess Rex could be lycan and Drake a vampire I suppose . . . although his features would be more . . . “

All 5 of the attractive men interrupted his ramble with loud fits of laughter. Jason was humiliated. He forgot that each of these men equaled him in rank . . . no exceeded him since they have been here longer. He hated knowing less about the AMB then the others. Jason blushed and looked down.

“Oh I’m sorry dear boy . . . that was rude of us. I can’t believe they didn’t tell you any of this. Listen . . . we may look human, but these are disguises created with the help of magic and technology. Thousands of years ago I founded this organization after waking up from my . . . well lets just say it was a long slumber since all of you . . . unknown to me . . . were syphoning power from me without my permission. So I woke up . . . and yes . . . I had a stern talking to each of the leaders of Earth’s races.” He looked at Drake and Damon with a smirk . . . “Some of you remember that don’t you?” He said with a laugh as the others looked down with a slight look of embarrassment. That was clearly an untold story he would have to ask about later.

Damon stepped forward with a smile. “You see each of us represent magical races on this planet that were once rogue and untamed in history. Humans are a lot younger than most of us here, so you only caught the tail end of this time in history, however Drogo here basically took his power back and established order . . . in a furious display of power . . . Ya, you were angry old friend.” He said with a chuckle before continuing. “Establishing the original version of the AMB you know of today.”

Drogo looked at Jason with amusement. “You see, humans have been plagued from time to time by rogue mystical creatures. So you know that beings like werewolves and the undead exist, however, what you didn’t know is the vast majority of these beings are already contained and . . . for a lack of a better word . . . exist with humans and have for some time. It is only recently that I have finally brought humans into the fold, hence why you are invited. You know about magic, you eventually learned about me, but now we want to include you in a very powerful ancient order . . . the High Council of the AMB. You . . . or whoever is chosen to represent humans, will become the 6th member, including me, of the AMB.

Everyone stared at Jason for a moment as he processed everything. “So why am I here?” Jason asked.

“Well Jason, you are the first representative of the human race, and this is our official yearly council meeting . . . we want you to be included and of course see us in our true forms . . . all in the interest of transparency.”

Jason thought about that for a moment. He’s seen werewolves, vampires, and even demons . . . but not their leaders . . . and he’s still doesn’t know what Drogo is.

Drogo approached Jason slowly with a . . . mischievous smile. “There is one more reason why I specifically requested you Mr. Todd.” Drogo’s eyes glowed slightly green as he walked around him. His presence was heavy . . . he could physically feel the heat emanating from the man's massive body. “I know you . . . have desires Mr. Todd . . . I know you crave the male form.” He came in close against Jason’s ear now. The others just stared . . . with almost hungry expressions on their faces. Drogo then slowly walked over to the others. He slid a massive arm over the shorter muscular man he called Rex. “You see, we play a little game every year . . . an endurance game of the sexual kind.” As if presenting a grand opening he rose his hands wide over each of the others. “You see, I cast a spell on all of us, applying these human skins to our bodies . . . concealing our identities and my full power for a whole year. Every year around this time we . . . renew our lease so to say, on our disguises because they have become weak and . . . old.” Rex let out a low growl as he itched the back of his neck. You can tell the others were becoming impatient. “The game goes, whoever breaks free of their disguise last wins!”

Jason wheeled in confusion. He knew of certain mystical creatures changing their appearance to look human . . . even shapeshifters who shed their skin . . . but this was beyond him. He looked at the men . . . they were so handsome, and he was so aroused right now.

“You see, it’s harder for us to maintain our human forms as we become more aroused, especially when the spell is so worn. So last one out of their skin wins and we want you to participate . . . however since you are actually human, we only have to get you to cum.” He said with a wink as he walked over to Jason, looking down at him with those glowing green eyes. “So my question is . . . do you want to play?”

“If you don’t, you can just wait in the other room while we play . . . I don’t mind if you . . .”

“NO!” Jason said quickly. “I’ll join! I am curious . . . I want to see this!” He said as if possessed.

Drogo walked closer to Jason with those eyes . . . “Oh you’ll do more than see this . . . I . . . “ The other men walked up on either side of Jason and began to massage his shoulders. Drake leaned over and smelled Jason’s neck, his cold breath sent shivers down Jason’s back. “. . . want you to experience thisssss!” He finished as he came in and kissed Jason passionately.

Jason’s body went numb . . . his body exploded with arousal. He was rigid as he felt Drogo’s tongue slide into his mouth. He tasted so good! His body pulsed against Drogo’s hard massive body. Drogo reached down and grabbed his ass, pulling him closer. Jason shuddered and groaned before . . . cumming. Drogo broke the kiss with a smirk. Jason flushed beat red.

“Finished already?” Drogo said with amusement. The other men laughed at the sight of Jason’s wet crotch. Jason was mortified.

Drogo let out a playful laugh as he patted Jason on his back. “My dear boy, go ahead and strip, so you don’t make a mess of your nice suit.” He shakes his head as he looks to the others laughing as if feeling bad. “Don’t worry, I didn’t expect you to last long.” He said as he tried to calm himself down. “To be honest . . . I didn’t even expect you to play! I’m so sorry for teasing you like this . . . all of us. We were just having fun.”

He stood up straight clearing his throat as they all looked at Jason somewhat serious for a moment. “Your true purpose here is to funnel magic into our Sim Rune . . . you see, it’s quite annoying to only have these disguises last about a year. Even with my power I can’t extend it beyond that . . . until I figured out the missing component to the spell.” He smiled expectantly as if waiting for Jason to get it. He did not. With a slight frown he continued. “A human . . . we need a human to help us cast the spell that makes us look human.” Jason just stared at Drogo as if he spoke alien. “You see, each time any of us cast a spell . . . it comes out in a certain form that is similar to DNA . . . you mages have used this when tracking those who have broken your laws . . . right?” Jason nodded slowly, catching on to what the big man was saying. He has worked on a few cases when tracking a vampire or rogue magew, and had to detect the unique signature of the magic user in order to track him/her/it. “Well, that magic signature is exactly what our spell needs!” He said lightly as he pointed to Jason. “And you are going to provide us with that signature!”

Jason stared down at his cum filled pants and sighed. Without paying the men any mind he pulled down his pants revealing his still slightly hard cock. He took a few moments to strip from his clothes, tossing them to the floor. Out of nowhere Seven came by and picked them up before vanishing from the room. The men all stared at Jason hungrily as he sat on the couch and crossed his own legs unashamed.

“Well as you said, I’m out . . . let's get this show on the road so I can help you recast this spell and then be on my way gentlemen.” Jason said with as much confidence as he could muster. He knew when dealing with anyone of higher rank or power, that if you are put in a situation that was out of your control . . . like this was . . . he or she could always regain it by taking bold action unexpected by their opponents. Boldly undressing was his way to say, I get it, I understand, I don’t care, I don’t mind. But Jason didn’t get it, he didn’t really understand, he was scared, and he did mind. He had no idea what Drogo was talking about . . . and besides maybe Rex or Damon, he wasn’t sure why Drake, even as a vampire, or Drogo would need disguises. Vampires were typically human-looking to begin with . . . and Drogo . . . well he couldn’t think of another race that would require a disguise. Jason eyed Rex and could picture him transforming into a werewolf, although never really seeing the transformation in person before.

Drogo was impressed by this human. Bold words for someone so caught off guard. Although he could smell his anxiety, he played along. “Ok boys . . . you know the rules. You are allowed to do anything you want to get each other turned on . . . and the last one to remain his his human disguise wins. So far Damon has been the only one to beat me with Drake coming close last year . . . let's see if you can defeat the reigning champ!” He says with a wink, mouthing the words, “it’s me” to Jason. “So first up is whomever won the previous year . . . that’s me, and second is whoever came in second and so forth. Every 5 minutes the next person can join if he wants.”

The men casually lined up; first it was Damon, then it was Drake and last was Rex. Rex and Drake looked uncomfortable. Their skin looked tight and Jason noticed the fine laugh/frown lines etching their faces . . . that weren’t there before. Damon smiled as he approached his old friend.

“Oh Drogo . . . you know I will beat you again . . . demons don’t mind hiding among the humans . . . even in these tight . . . worn old suits.” He said as he cracked his neck before casually undressing. He was soon shirtless in nothing but his dress pants and dress boots.

Damon was a middle aged man, but his body was phenomenal. His tones muscles and abs flexed with every smooth confident movement. His long hair fell around his face as he took his shirt off. He looked at Jason and winked before turning his attention to Drogo.

Drogo walked up to Damon before eagerly kissing the man. His thick arms wrapped around Damon as the two made out. Damon began to shed the suit off of Drogo's thick sexy body.

Once both men were free of their shirts . . . Damon dropped to his knees, pulling down Drogos pants in the process before playfully pushing him onto the couch! He smiled up at Drogo before kissing his clearly thick cock through the underwear . . . then gently caressing his thick chest as he continued to kiss up his body before he ended the long slow journey to Drogo’s thick sexy neck! He licked the side of his smooth face with an evil smirk, revealing his now glowing red eyes.

With a laugh he got up off of Drogo’s toned body and dropped his pants, revealing his smooth sexy body and tight black underwear. His distinguished features seemed to settle on a serious sexy look . . . that both looked like he was admiring and threatening Drogo. His leather boots wrinkled slightly and widened . . . before he pulled them off of his large feet one at a time. He looked down at his own body and ran a hand down his abs before slowly pulling the small black pair of tight underwear away. His ass was perfectly sculpted and his thick legs and chest seemed to flex as he posed for Drogo.

Drogo just stared up at Damon with a smile as he began to stroke himself through his underwear. Damon approached as Drogo made a bit of room on the couch for the approaching demon lord. The toes on his thick feet curled in anticipation and his abs rippled with each movement. He looked so turned on, Jason thought he heard a hiss. Damon walked over to the couch and crawled towards Drogo with an evil smile. His thick cock brushed up against Drogo’s clearly tight white underwear before he positioned his thick body over Drogo coming in for another passionate kiss. His ass pulsed as he began to grind up against Drogo’s cock.

Just then an alarm sounded from Seven, who was creepily standing by the door, watching everything with a blank expression. ‘Was that a whistle?’ Jason thought. Drake smiled and quickly stripped from his stylish suit. Before long he was down to his underwear and almost ran towards the other two men. He stood behind Drogo for a moment as Damon was licking Drogo’s nipples. He sat on the other end of the couch and just watched, stroking himself. His body was leaner than the other two, but tight . . . and so sexy.

He slowly came up behind Damon and began to kiss his neck. Damon smiled and his eyes glowed brighter. He stopped kissing Drogo and slowly shifted his body so that he was facing Drake. Drogo smiled and moved himself on the other side of Drake. They both eyed Drake eagerly to see what he would do. Drake smiled and began to pull down Drogo’s underwear hungrily. Damon laughed and leaned over Drake to continue kissing Drogo. He messaged Drogo’s chest muscles as he kissed and licked his thick neck. Before long, Drogo was completely naked, his large cock fully exposed now . . . it was massive and thick. Drake smiled before he swallowed the cock whole.

Jason watched all of this fully erect again. Rex was stroking his pants. His muscles were so tense . . . the seemed to shift and slide beneath his shirt . . . no skin, as if trying to burst free. Rex looked a bit impatient now. He wore these worn black boots and tight dress pants. Finally the alarm went off again. With a smile, Rex ripped away his shirt with an animalistic deep growl and walked up to the men.

Drogo saw this as a challenge. He leaned forward allowing for the other two men to kiss each other and grabbed rex’s pants. With inhuman strength he ripped away the pants in one quick pull. Rex was wearing nothing but his tight leather boots and some tight yellow underwear.

Jason saw the small tattoo on his right hip, that seemed to caress his lower abs. The man was a massive hulking version of a greek god. His sexy face and perfectly shaped hair was accented by an even amount of dark scruff. His tan smooth body seemed to tense with every movement. Drogo slid the underwear down the man’s massive toned legs, allowing for Rex’s thick cock to fall out, almost hitting Drogo in the face. The other men smiled and began to caress and kiss Drogo’s neck and body. Drogo shuttered and smiled, his cock seemed to throb.

Drogo stood up with a mischievous smile at Rex and kissed him. There faces slide over each others before he positioned Rex so that he leaned over the couch in front of Drake and Damon. Rex’s thick arms flexed as his held his large muscular body up by gripping the back of the couch. Drogo ran his hands over his thick tight back muscles before he kissed his neck and began to grind up against the man’s thick tight ass.

Once positioned behind Rex, he ran his cock down his crack and gripped the sides his ass to position himself. Drogo slowly slide his throbbing cock deep in Rex’s ass with a low grunt. The other men watched with smiles on their faces while running their hands over Rex’s body. Rex’s eyes widened and glowed yellow as he let out a loud inhuman growl as every muscle seemed to bulge and tense.

Drogo let out a sigh before his abs tensed as he slide his thick cock deeper into Rex’s toned ass. Meanwhile, Drake took the opportunity to slide off the couch under Rex so that he could slide Rex’s thick cock into his perfect mouth. His face wrinkled as the thick cock slide in and out of his face. Damon began to jerk off while kissing the side of Drogo’s neck and messaging his shoulders. Drake grabbed Damon’s cock to take over the job, allowing Damon to run his hands over Rex’s back muscles and kiss Drogo.

Jason watched as the men’s sexy muscular bodies slide over each other. Their hands massaged and stroked each other's bodies at the same time allowing their lips, cocks, and tongues to explore each other's perfect bodies. It was like watching a writhing mass of tan muscular flesh almost seem to meld together.

Rex started to pant now as his body shook from Drogo’s consistent thrusting. His muscles seemed to grow and he had a crazed look of panic etched on his handsome face. His eyes looked inhuman now . . . yellow and wild. His jaw pulsed as he portrayed a mixture of pain and pleasure on his face. Jason watched as the man's body began to shift and there was a meaty cracking noise deep within. The others smiled and groaned with pleasure.

Jason noticed Rex’s large hands grip the back of the couch so hard, the ornamental wood broke in his grasp as long sharp black nails began to protrude from the tips of his fingers. His sculpted tight legs and ass flexed as he wiggled his toes within his tight boots. The leather stretched and wrinkled as the boot widened a bit, almost showing the outline of his massive foot. His teeth grew and his handsome face became more twisted and seemed to bulge beneath his tight human facial features.

Suddenly with a loud roar, Rex let his shoulders bulge and his back arch wildly. His abs wrinkled and flexed as he shoved his giant cock deep into Drake’s almost unnaturally wide jaw and shuttered. His lips stretched and pulled back to reveal a large black wolf’s snout with huge large teeth. His cheeks stretched wide before tearing apart, allowing for his face to wrinkle and fall back. At the same time his back bulged and split open to reveal thick black fur beneath. Drogo began to laugh wildly as he continue to fuck the emerging beast. Rex let out a loud roar as his true form grew even larger now. Pieces of human flesh stretched and fell away from his much larger furry wolf-like body. Drogo and the others, except for Drake, stepped back as the creature emerged from the disguise, which fell in pieces to the floor with a wet slapping noise. The boots exploded with large paw-like feet as the wolf continued to grow another foot.

Jason’s jaw dropped. He had seen werewolves before . . . but they were so much smaller. This humanoid creature had all of the features of a ferocious wolf, but stood on two legs like a man . . . a really large man. The creature pulled his wet cock out of Drake’s mouth, which was now dripping with cum. Rex looked down at his massive wet cock and peeled the remaining human skin off like an old used condom. Drake smiled and got up, cracking his jaw with his hands before sitting on the couch staring at the creature with an impressed smile.

Rex looked down at the others with anger. “THIS ISN’T FAIR. IT’S NOT IN OUR NATURE TO BE COOPED UP IN THESE DAMN SKINS!!” He roared at Damon. The others cracked up. Drogo patted the creatures furry back, trying to hold back a laugh. “Oh Rex, you don’t have to play. It’s just for fun you know.” He said with a knowing smirk. Rex joined in the laughter with a booming inhuman deep giggle, which sounded like gravel being poured into a cement truck. The wolf man looked towards Jason with a wink before walking up next to him and sitting down on the now alarming small couch.

Jason stammered as he stared at Rex. “You . . . you . . . you’re the leader of all werewolves?” He finally choked out. The creature spread out his legs and leaned back still panting with pleasure. His cock started to soften now. He casually glanced at Jason and nodded before looking back at the others. Jason just continued to stare at the large creature. He was literally the size of a car!

The others began to touch and run their hands over each others bodies again. This time Damon kissed Drake and lowered him to the couch face first. He licked the back of the man’s neck and kissed his back. Drogo walked over and knelt down on the couch in front of Drake. He smiled and smoothly slide his cock into Drake’s mouth with a groan. The man rolled his neck and flexed his toes as Drake propped himself up on the couch and moved his thick neck back and forth as he sucked him off. Damon ran his hands over Drake’s ass with a slap before looking up at Drogo. The two men knowingly smiled at each other before Damon licked Drake’s back all the way until his chin slide into his ass. Drake groaned as he continued to suck Drogo off. The mans tan body was flexed and his shoulder blades shifted as his neck worked. His ass seemed to pucker as Damon opened his ass wide and buried his face deep between his the thick ass cheeks. Damon let out a growl as his large hands squeezed Drake’s tight ass.

Drogo ran his large hands over the back of Drake’s head, messing up the man’s perfectly styled hair. Jason watched as Drogo’s perfect ass shifted as he rocked his hips back and forth. There was a sucking noise as Drake’s throat seemed to expand as he swallowed the throbbing cock. His face wrinkled from the pressure of having the cock slide in and out of his mouth.

Drake let out another groan as he began to stroke his own cock. His body was tense and his toes spread out and curled as his body began to shutter. He pushed his body forward against Drogo’s cock as the man began to skull fuck Drake. His wrinkled tight face looked like he wanted more. Damon continued to work Drake’s ass with his tongue as he began to stroke himself. Drake’s eyes were now an eerie milky white color now and Jason heard a familiar clicking noise come from keep within his body.

The man began to pulse his ass up against Damon’s handsome face with pleasure as he let out a growl-like grunt. His lips went all the way to Drogo’s balls, making his thick neck bulge. His back shifted and twisted as he moved his shoulders and abs. Each muscle moved in perfect harmony under his smooth tan skin. Suddenly the muscles in his back unnaturally shifted beneath the skin. His ribs seemed to protrude and crack beneath the flesh.

The man then knelt, grabbed Drogo’s ass and pulled his body into his face as he continued to suck him off furiously. His handsome features became twisted in a mask of rage and desperation. His inhuman milky white eyes darkened as his back began to arch. His feet widened before splitting apart, revealing larger gray clawed feet. The shifting movement beneath the skin on his back then pushed out, and with a loud rip, two large bat wings protruded, spraying the room with bits of thin skin.

Drogo was breathing hard now, looking down at Drake. His muscles were tense and his chest heaved. His toes wiggle and his jaw was clenched. Suddenly, Drake shuttered before his cock exploded with thick cum all over the carpet. He let the large thick cock fall out of his mouth as he stood up. He smiled up at Drogo, revealing two sharp fangs. “Damn, he said sarcastically as he wiped the cum from his face with his hand . . . which now had long black nails protruding from the tips of his fingers. He sighed and ran his hand over his handsome slightly wrinkled face. “I miss looking this way sometimes . . . remember, I used to be human.” He said with a wicked look towards Jason. He looked at his body and his hand before he dug his nails into his forearm and pulled the smooth flesh from his muscular arm like an old glove, revealing a sinewy thin arm with long dangerous nails. After revealing his forearms and hands, he looked down at his toned sexy abs and with a smile up at Drogo he dug his long fingers into his stomach and pulled the skin apart. Beneath was thin gray flesh . . . skin and bones with thin muscles. The human flesh was pulled apart until it snapped away at his neck. He continued to shift his body until the skin fell off like an old sweater on the floor. He stretched with a laugh, cracking his thin bones. He pulled the human skin at his hips down his legs like an old pair of pants. The once toned sculpted muscles were pushed down to reveal long, thin, gray legs. His toes wiggled in a threatening manner as the nails clicked on the ground. His thin gray body looked so strange in contrast to his still human looking face. Although, those milky white eyes and sharp fanged teeth made his face barely pass for human at this point.

He open and closed his hands before he reached one clawed hand to the bottom of his jawline and grabbed a handful of his face. With a short grunt he pulled at the human mask. His face became slack and wrinkled before it stretched and folded up and over his head as he pulled the human face off, revealing a hideous sunken monstrous face beneath. He tossed the once handsome face over his shoulder with a sigh. His body cracked as he rolled his neck and unfurled his wings. He wasn’t as large as Rex . . . and still maintained an proportionate humanoid look to the human form he took before, however he was thin . . . like a corpse, however the thin muscles connected to a large set of wings . . . and those teeth looked dangerous. It was terrifying . . . unlike any vampire Jason had ever seen.

The creature looked down at his feet and kicked away the folded empty flesh he and Rex once wore. He looked around the room with a laugh and shrugged. “I almost had you!” Drake said, narrowing his milky white eyes at Drogo.

Drogo just laugh and stepped over next to Damon, avoiding the large cum stain on the carpet. “I’m not going to lie, you definitely give the best head.” He looked over at Jason horrified look. “Not surprising for the world's first blood sucker.” He looked back at Damon and smiled, “You know, I’m not sure how you lose . . . proportionately you aren’t as large as us . . . with the exception of those wings. You should have the advantage.”

“What can I say . . . I was eager to show our guest my wings!” Drake said as he flapped them, carpeting the room in dust. He laughed and turned towards Jason with a renewed interest. He walked casually to the couch and motioned for Jason to scoot over, closer to Rex, who also looked down at the human. With a sigh he sat down, folding his wings without breaking his eye contact with Jason. “You . . . smell good human.” The creature said with a wicked laugh. Rex join in and slapped Jason’s back as he leaned forward in an attempt to run.

“OH he’s just messing with ya, relax, we have more control than that!” The two large creatures continued to laugh. Jason nervously leaned back between the two creatures, sweat beading on his forehead as he pretended to laugh along with them.

“Well Damon . . . it looks like it’s you and me again, just like last year!” Drogo said with a wide smile as the two naked men began to circle each other. They were beautiful. Damon’s handsome face changed . . . he was serious how, that charming smile gone. “I will win this year”, he said with finality as the lights dimmed. His face looked tired . . . wrinkled, the laugh lines almost look sinister now. His strong features . . . and whatever features were beneath portrayed a withering expression.

Drogo smiled at the challenge as the two walked towards each other, his jaw clenched in anticipation. He grabbed Damon’s hair and kiss him roughly. The two embraced and slide their faces over each other’s lips. There smooth muscular bodies shifted and their thick cocks slide over each others body. It was a battle for dominance and a need for pleasure . . . like a dance . . . an ancient dance.

“Oh, I enjoy this . . . ” Drake whispered into Jason’s ear as he jumped. The cold breath sent chills down his spine. “You see, these two have had quite the rivalry over the centuries. Since the beginning of time.” He chuckled looking at the intense display of sexual affection . . . and Jason’s arousal. “But that’s all I will say on the matter . . . I can’t go ahead and give all of their secrets away, especially to someone so knew to our little . . . club.” He said with a dry laugh. Jason pondered what he said as he watched intently.

The two men ran their hands over each other, drawing each other in. For the first time . . . Jason noticed Drogo’s eyes glow bright green from time to time . . . but it was too quick for Jason to notice the details. Damon’s eyes however maintained a constant ember like glow of blood red. It was unnerving. Finally, Damon crawled on the couch . . . on all fours, his sexy thick ass revealed in a beautiful display. A daring smile stretched on his handsome face as he nodded to Drogo.

“Confident, are we.” Drogo said in surprise. He looked at Damon and let out a low hiss as he admired the man’s sexy muscular body tensed up in anticipation. Damons toes flexed as Drogo slowly positioned himself behind the man.

He slowly ran his large hands over Damon's thick muscular back and rubbed his thick cock against his ass cheeks. Damon groaned and rotated his hips, and flexing his body up against Drogo. Drogo grabbed his ass and looked up before he slowly began to feed his theck cock deep inside of Damon.

Damon clutched the sofa with his thick hands, his red eyes looking straight ahead and sighed with pleasure. I could see Drogo’s back and ass flex as he moved into the man's perfect ass. Both men let out a groan. Drogo then bent over, running his hands up Damon’s back until his body was practically laying over Damon and the two kissed. That tender moment ended when Drogo sprang up and slowly began to pump his cock into Damon’s ass. There was a low growl and the lights flickered again as the two men began to fuck.

Drogo caressed Damon cock with one hand as he supported himself with the other by grabbing the back of the sofa. Damon let out a growl as everyone heard the rhythmic slapping of flesh as Drogo continued to fuck him. Damon looked back at Drogo as if disappointed by the lack of imagination and power Drogo was demonstrating. Jason couldn’t not comprehend how much rougher these two could get.

With an audible deep growl Drogo pushed himself deeper in Damon, to the point that his face was smothered into the cushions of the sofa. His thick muscles were tense and he was breathing hard now. This time Jason noticed Drogo’s eyes, which were not glowing bright green . . . and they looked snake-like? But not. Power emanated from those eyes . . . power that the others started to feel. There was a heaviness in the room now.

With a violent final thrust, Drogo pulled his massive cock out and pulled Damon up as he kissed his neck and licked his face before he pushed him back down, this time facing up. He leaned over, pulling Damon’s hair as he inserted himself back into his ass. Damons large legs wrapped around Drogo’s body, and his toes wiggled in anticipation as he groaned. His face was serious and his eye burned. Drogo looked more worn now as he continued to fuck Damon. They both looked wild. Drogo ran his thick hands over Damon's handsome face to push the messy hair out of his face before coming down and hungrily kissing him again.

With renewed vigor, Damon’s ass pulsed as his thrusts became harder. The large sofa began to sway with each powerful thrust. There were growls now coming from Damon. His teeth were bared now . . . and they were sharp . . . like a wild animals. His tightened now . . . and there was that meaty sound again. Drogo was also flexed . . . his face wild and animalistic. A chair flung across the room . . . then a statue moved . . . and a door slammed shut. The house began to groan and creak as things began to move.

“Careful Damon . . . we don’t want a repeat of last year do we?” Rex said with amusement . . . unalarmed.

Damon let out a cry . . . but it sounded inhumanly deep . . .and it sounded like a mix of male and female screams . . . like a crowd in the background of a dominant primal scream. His feet and hands grew in size as his nails elongated. His body pulsed as he messaged his ass against Drogo’s cock. Then he noticed his forehead start to stretch a bit. His handsome features were pulled back into a crazed smile, revealing even more sharp teeth . . . too many sharp teeth. He let out a furious roar as Drogo began to cum . . . his face was twisted in a smile and his body tensed up. Damon body began to shift and whatever was beneath started to push against his human disguise. The breaking of bones could be heard as his hands began to stretch and then the human gloves slid apart. His feet curled then spread out . . . wide before breaking apart to reveal large clawed red feet beneath.

Damons face was crazed . . . wrinkly and his eyes looked sunken and dark, except at the centers, the irises were blazing red now. His muscles grew in size and two bumps appeared at the top of his forehead. He looked like he was in pain and pleasure before he began to cum. His cock pulsed and spit out black liquid before it split apart and grew even more, revealing a thick red cock. He arched his back as two horns broke through his forehead, protruding with a grinding stone-like sound. He reached down with his clawed hand to his thick chest and dug his fingertips into the skin before ripping it apart. He revealed a scared red thick chest beneath, which continued to grow in size. His neck wrinkled and his face was stretched tight, his brows were thicker now and his smile stretched back in a hideous smirk as his horns continued to grow, causing the facial skin to wrinkle and stretch. He roared and his toned legs began to tear apart revealing the dark red skin beneath. The demon continued to grow to a massive size, forcing Drogo to back up away from the couch. The once handsome human face, now unrecognizable, broke apart in stretching pieces to reveal a hideous toothy maul. The demons black horns were fully extended, curving back behind his hideous head. The human skin broke away and fell off his massive body, almost as big as rex now.

The hideous demon stood up from the now broken couch with his arms wide as if presenting himself to an audience. It’s eyes glowed red as he looked around. Part of Damon’s human face hung at the tip on one of his horns, which he plucked off as he inspected himself. The furniture around the house stopped moving, however the whole mansion seemed darker now. There was a dangerous aura of power emanating from this creature. The others just stared at Damon’s true form with serious expressions.

Drogo, who looked tired now, stepped forward with a slow clap of his hand as he approached Damon. There were fine wrinkles on his handsome face now . . . his eyes were slightly sunken . . . he looked tired, and much wilder now. He was still so sexy. His slightly hard cock hung and swung between his thick toned legs as he approached.

“DAMMIT!” The massive creature yelled, shaking the whole house in an echoey supernatural voice. Jason has felt demonic energy before . . . but this almost made him feel . . . sick. “I DON’T EVEN THINK I DID AS WELL AS LAST YEAR!” It boomed as he looked at Drogo with a smile. His ember like eyes looked as if they could burn a person on the spot. But it was clear Drogo was no man.

“Wait, I thought demon lords had wings?” Jason whispered to Rex, who was softly giggling at the scene.

“Who told you that? Demons don’t have wings . . . they are fallen angels silly!” He said without paying much mind to what that meant to Jason. He stared wide eyed at Damon. He’d never actually seen a demon . . . just dealt with the possessed; but it made sense. “Wait, angels are real?” I asked.

“They were.” Drake chimed in with an evil laugh. With that, Damon turned directly towards me with a smile. “If you want to see wings . . . “ He said before there was a dark aura of magic at work to form a two dark ashy clouds in the form of wings around the demon. Drake and the demon laughed before they dissipated in a cloud of smoke before the giant demon stepped back next to the couch as Drogo approached.

“Well . . . it looks like I win . . . again.” Drogo said as he walked before everyone. His thick large feet spread over the stone floor as he walked towards the group. His eyes were glowing an inhuman green again . . . those reptilian-like eyes seemed to clear some of the darker energy away, making it easier to breath. The muscles on his god-like body were tense, the veins on his thick neck pulsed, and the smile on his worn handsome face looked triumphant.

“AT LAST!!!” He roared as he raised his arms up to the ceiling. Then there was a sudden release of power. The other creatures smiled and looked at him expectantly. The atmosphere within the grand room changed . . . and a dark cloud appeared within the mansion!!!! Jason could see the magical bonds at work with the use of a sensory spell. Then a blast of green lightning came down and struck Drogo’s large outstretched hands.

He crouched over as his thick body began to shift. He looked up with a smile as Jason began to hear that same transformative cracking noise. “You SEe my POwerful Friends . . . “ He said in a booming low voice as his shoulders shifted and his body started to shake.

Jason watched the gleeful expression on his handsome face as an unseen wind began to pick up. The cracking noise continued as he slowly reached up to the back of his head. “I CREAted the SPEll that binds us TO theSE forms. How WoulD you Expect TO BEAT . . . “, He paused as both heads grasped the back of his head. His neck wrinkled as he cocked his head as if reaching for something. His jaw clenched and the cracking noise stopped. “MEEEEEE!!!!” He finished as he pulled the skin apart. The meaty cracking noise started again and there was a muffled tear behind him. His inhuman green eyes blazed and rolled back as his once tight facial features became slack. The skin stretch as he pulled it apart and away from his head. The sickening tear continued down his muscular back as a larger inhuman body began to expand, emerging from the human skin like a cicada. His face wrinkled before it was pulled down. At the same time the creature shifted its shoulders so that the flesh covering the front of its body wrinkled and sagged. An impossibly large scaly back emerged, then a face. The face was scaly and two black horns began to protrude. The human feet broke apart as dinosaur like feet emerged at the same time two large wings unfolded. The human suit stretched then fell apart at the growing creature's clawed feet.

The bulky body continued to grow as it started to take it’s final scaly form. A large green dragon emerged, with sharp slicked back horns and black striped wings. The eyes blazed as a rush of power flooded out from the creature. Jason felt like his heart stopped for a moment. Like jumping out of an airplane and not being able to breath . . . but you were breathing. The other creatures stared in awe at the dragon. Drogo let out a primal roar that shook the entire house. Pictures and glasses broke.

Drogo was an ancient dragon! Dragons were a relic of the past . . . known to have existed, but not to have survived. Actually, nobody knows what ever came of these creatures! Magic users since the dawn of time have tried to figure out the history of Dragons . . . however couldn’t find anything . . . and here one stood before him. Jason’s jaw dropped.

The creature made the massive auditorium-sized room look small. Even Damon took a step back admiring his size. The bright emerald skin of the creature almost looked dull compared to his blazing eyes. Jason could tell, the dragon emanated life-giving magic. But it’s rawness . . . it couldn’t be defined.

The dragon shook itself and stepped forward at his full height. He looked down at Jason with a smile before leaning down. “Jason . . . it’s nice to finally meet you.” He said as he gestured to all of the inhuman creatures around him. Then the dragon boomed with laughter as he gestured to Seven, who approached with a robe for Jason to slip on.

Jason just stared as Seven helped him get into the robe. “Such . . . power . . . and . . . for all these years you existed . .. yet we had no . . . “, Jason stammered. The others laughed and walked over to where Drogo was. Jason didn’t know what to do . . . so he just knelt down and bowed. A sign of respect?

Drogo laughed and shook his head. “There is no need for that Mr. Todd. We are honored that you came . . . and stayed. You mean more to us than you know, as your help will prove invaluable to us.” He said as he looked around at the others. “I expect you have some questions for us . . . however we do not have time for that. Unfortunately my power, which is emanating around the world right now, should be contained and hidden as quickly as possible. Now Seven, if you could set up the runes please while I tell our friend here what we need for the spell.”

Seven stepped forward and began to undress. Jason watched him puzzled. “What on earth?” He muttered.

“Mr. Todd, we don’t have much time, now if you please. Once Seven finishes setting up, I need you to focus your magic power into the runes . . . now . . .”, Jason couldn’t help but to stare at Seven, as he quietly and smoothly . . . almost mechanically removed his shirt and folded it before setting it on a chair.

“MR. TODD!” The dragon boomed, making Jason jump. He stared into the dragons ancient green eyes and swallowed.

“I . . . I know what you need Drogo. You want me to supply whatever power reservoir required for the spell with as much magic I can muster . . . and while you cast the spell, you need me to infuse it with my essence.” The dragon gaped at Jason and smiled. “I . . . I’m a master technician of spellcasting . . . I’ve studied as much about magic as . . . well I guess as much as humans could figure out.” Jason stammered, remembering who he was talking to. The dragon considered him for a moment before he smiled and turned to the others.

“Take your places around Seven and prepare yourselves for the spell.” Damon, Drake, and Rex surrounded the now naked Seven and watched. Jason stood between Rex and Drogo.

Jason looked at Seven’s smooth pale body. He was stoic and still. His muscles were perfect . . . and his abs were . . . defined. His face was so handsome, but his expression was blank . . . still . . . waxy, almost fake. Jason considered the man in nothing but his briefs for a moment, very sexy, but he was too composed. Fake. He wondered if he’s some other creature wearing a human skin. Jason looked up at Drogo, who smiled down at him, noticing his boner. Jason just shrugged before looking back at the man. Seven stood there motionless for a moment before he reached up to his abs and dug his fingers into his pale smooth skin.

“Of course.” Jason mumbled to himself. Damon looked his way and smiled, his red eyes piercing his soul. He broke out in a sweat and pretended not to notice.

Seven pulled the rubbery thick flesh apart revealing metal beneath. With no emotion at all, he continued to pull huge chunks of the skin from his body like it was nothing. His face was emotionless the entire time. No frown, no wrinkle, no reaction to anyone. As he finished pulling the skin of his feet away like old socks, he reached up to his face and pulled at the mask with both hands. His handsome features stretched awkwardly until it slide off the metal skull with a snap. It dropped the skin to the floor and stared ahead with eyes glowing.

There was a bright blue glow between the metal plates of its humanoid body. It stood for a moment as the flow got brighter, then there was a mechanical hum and the creases all over his body opened up suddenly. The panels and limbs lost their human form as they opened and began to shift and turn and transform into something entirely different! It was amazing. Jason could tell the robot was a mix of technology and magic!

“Amazing!” Jason whispered.

“It is amazing isn’t it! You’ll be amazed at what you can do over a few thousand years!” Drogo said as he crossed his arms and nodded as the robot finished shuffling its metal parts to reform into something new. The robot reformed it’s body so that it was a dark round spherical machine with blue glowing holes in it. It hovered over the ground and Jason could sense that it was scanning each of us with a magical . . . well he assumed it was the ruin Drogo talked about. This android must have contained a focus ruin of some sort, and it’s function, he assumed, was how each of the creatures before him take on a human form.

“Now, I will start the spell, as soon as you see the device start to hover, hit it with your magic like we talk we talked about. This will activate the device and allow us to take on human form again. The others looked at each other . . . almost disappointed. Drogo’s eyes glowed and a green glow settled over the device, which in turned began to glow blue and spin. Jason focused his energy and hit the device with his own magic. The rush of power he felt from Drogo himself helped him fuel the spell. Blue lightning-like energy blasted from Jason’s hands, and he trickled his very essence into the spell like Drogo talked about.

Jason saw the complicated spell working . . . he was amazed by its intricate design. No doubt it was Drogo’s work. Jason watched as the device aimed the holes at each of the non-human creatures and hit each of them with a steady blue beam of light, which enveloped each of them. They glowed and each of them hovered in the air as the device began to glow brighter. The spell took hold, and Jason knew it didn’t need his power anymore. He stopped and watched as the other creatures began to shrink in size. Jason could hear that familiar transformative cracking noises as their bodies began to change. Their inhuman forms retracted into a more humanoid shape . . . and then Jason saw human flesh start to reappear on their bodies. Before long the blue glow began to fade and each of the men were lowered to the ground looking as they did before, in their human forms.

Drogo looked up at Jason and smiled again with his handsome human face. “I think you did it Mr. Todd!” The others were smiling as they admired themselves.

Jason looked around and then noticed the mechanical device start to unfold again. The metal panels opened and moved back into a human-like form. Seven looked around with his glowing eyes and then stood before Drogo.

“Is this all that you require Master Drogo?” Seven said in a mechanical voice.

Drogo looked up and smiled at the robot. “Yes of course!” Drogo said as his eyes glowed green. He raised his hand and hit the bot with a very similar glow as he originally did to start the spell earlier. The robot rose in the air and that same human skin began to appear over its frame. The smooth naked man dropped to the floor with a thud. He turned to the others with a slight smile and bowed a bit before starting to put back on his clothes.

Before long stood before everyone fully dressed as he was before. He walked to the other side of the room and grabbed a broom. He walked over to the center of the room and began to sweep up the bits of human flesh from all of the others. He picked up Drogo’s old human skin and tossed it into a trash bag. The others began to put their clothes back on as well.

Drogo walked up to Jason with a smile and put a large hand on his shoulder. “Thank you Jason. Thanks to you, these human skins will hold up indefinitely until we decide to . . . hmm . . . remove them.” He said with a sly smirk and a crack of his neck. “Seven doesn’t require your added touch since he fits any disguise quite nicely. There is no pressure to remove it.” His eyes were so ancient . . . and gave off power. “Now, let’s sit down and discuss the future of AMB shall we? Mankind is now a part of the most powerful organization in the world!”

The End



For the rest of the night, Jason sat at a large round table in another huge room of the Mansion and asked his questions to the leaders of the prominent mythical races of the world.

Jason found Drogo the most interesting, as he is the oldest and most powerful on earth. He has acted as a liaison between races, granting relative peace between all races for centuries.

Jason learned that Rex is the only creature besides him who is not immortal, and that he oversaw the were-creatures of the world . . . which exceeded more than those of the Lycan. Jason asked if he knew any magic, and he was surprised that any Alpha . . . especially one of his experience and stature, had the ability to regenerate instantly. He also told the human that any alpha loses the ability to take on human form without the use of a disguise. Jason noted this.

Drake then spoke and explained that he ruled the undead. He was ancient and has an interesting history with Damon. He is the only unnaturally created being on Earth. He was a human at one point in history, who made a pact with Damon himself in order to maintain immortality. Usually demonic pacts granted them power, similar to how we syphon power from Drogo . . . however, Drake, with an unknown natural affinity for magic, changed the power granted to him into an eternal curse, thereby breaking his bond with Damon and creating something new altogether . . . a vampire. This was also the first time magic took the form of a curse, which takes on it’s own form without the continual supply of magic from a caster. Think of a constant supply of water . . . without a source . . . something that loops in on itself to stay in constant motion.

This was when Damon chimed in. He wasn’t happy about this subversion of power by a human, however after seeing its effects . . . he was pleased with the result. This was a time when angels existed and were at war with Demons for control over Earth. Neither race won that battle due to Drogo’s intervention, however the effects of what Drake did has existed ever since.

Damon explained that Demons and Angels existed the oldest on Earth, besides Dragons, however they weren’t always from Earth. He also explained that there isn’t a difference between Angels and Demons. He told Jason that they are actually an ancient race that travels the cosmos in the form of energy from galaxy to galaxy. When one from his race takes on a physical form . . . they look like what we call demons. Angels were a segment of his race that did not want to affect the world. Right or wrong, Drogo decided all races should be able to live together on one plane of existence . . . however “Angels” refused his offer, and decided to leave. Everything humans know of the race is wholistically incorrect.

That is when Drogo interrupted and told Jason the real reason they all needed to meet. “As much as i’ve enjoyed the long meeting, there is a more pressing matter I need to let you in on Jason. You see, besides renewing the spell in order to look human, Rex also has something important to explain to all of us.” He said as he nodded to Rex, who suddenly looked concerned.

He looked around the table and rested his gaze on Jason. “I recently received word from one of our scouts that inhuman visitors to our planet have been killing Lycans. There isn’t too much information on who or what they want, however one of my pack leaders has the location of one of the leaders of this alien threat, and is confronting them tonight to get information.”

Jason didn’t breath. Drogo just stared at the others, measuring their reactions. “Wait . . . aliens exist?” Jason whispered to himself more out of shock than anything else. Drogo turned towards him with a frown. “You’re surprised?”

“I told you about my race didn’t I? Think of us as an alien race.” Damon said with a slight smile.

Drogo’s eyes glowed before he stood up. “This will not be tolerated. I don’t care what these guys came here to do, they will not be killing any of Earth’s races while I live!!!” His eyes glowed and a huge image of the earth appeared before everyone. Hovering just outside of the moon was a large black spaceship. Drogo smiled and looked at the others. “I think they want a war and I think we should give it to them.” Drogo looked at Jason with a smile. “Jason . . . will you officially take up the position within AMB and have you and your fellow human magic users help us defend Earth from a possible threat? As scared as you may be right now . . . this isn’t the first time this has happened . . . and it won’t be the last.” He finished as he leaned in close. His handsome face close to Jason’s.

Jason swallowed and met his piercing stare. “I appreciate your role in protecting us for all these years, but I think it’s now time for mankind to step up in protecting this world and all of the races alongside you Drogo.” Jason was surprised at how loud his voice sounded as he stood up. The others smiled and nodded their approval at his response.

This is when the AMB officially declared war on one of the biggest threats facing Earth and the beginning of a long battle for survival. Will they overcome? Or will they fail? Jason had no idea, but left that day feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. Was he . . . was mankind over their heads?

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