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Thomas opened the door to his studio just as customers started walking the corridors of the South Point Shopping Mall. He was a well dressed handsome asian man with a white dress coat, jeans and leather boots. His staff scurried around the model agency’s gallery preparing for a photo shoot.

“This guy better not be late . . . we start in 30 mins!!!” he said as he adjusted the lighting. The model was due for a long awaited photo shoot for the new Maverick clothing line and catwalk. He looked out over the promenade to check the stage and walkway in front of the store. “He better get here soon” he said through gritted teeth.

Just as he said that a tall handsome man walked through the door, clearly in a hurry. He wore a leather jacket, a striped low neck tank, designer jeans, and brown leather shoes. His handsome smooth tan features almost looked plastic in this light, his short dark brown hair a mess.

Thomas approached the man with an eye roll. “Better late than never I suppose,” he said as he ushered the man to the changing room. “Your first outfit is hanging up, you have 5 mins to change, we’ll worry about makeup when you get out.” he said with a wink before shoving the man through the doorway to the changing room.

The model hurriedly stripped from his clothes, throwing them over his head out of the dressing room. Thomas heard the man grunt and groan as he began to put on the designer pair of jeans. Thomas began to check his email on his ipad. He thought he heard the model growl for a moment.

“Nick . . . are you alright in there . . . do you need help?” he said sarcastically with a smile. Nick poked his handsome head out for a moment with a wide smile stretched across his face. “No master . . . er sir, everything is fine . . . fits great!” he said . . . clearly hiding something. Thomas just rolled his eyes . . . I hope he didn’t gain weight, he thought.

Before long, Nick emerged in a tight white dress shirt, tight jeans and the same dark brown leather boots he was wearing. His perfectly toned muscles stood out under the clothes . . . his wide shoulders allowed for the clothes to hang perfectly on his body. “You look . . . just perfect!” Thomas whispered before ushering the man through the gallery towards the photo booth.

A string of make-up artists and photographers rushed the man as Thomas started dictating commands. The make-up artists frowned . . . “Looks like you did your make up already . . . or you have perfect skin.” she said as she shut the case. Nick turned towards Thomas with a smile and a wink. HIs smooth handsome thin features seemed to glow in the light, his perfect white teeth accented his chiseled jawline. “It’s rare to have male models who are able to do there own make-up . . . well done!” Thomas said as the photographer began to push him into position.

Nick began to pose and flex, the clothes tightened in a sexy way as he moved with each photo. He admired the young man’s ass, that seemed to fill the jeans perfectly, his large feet seemed to fill the boots quite nicely. Nick looked like he was enjoying the attention. His smooth face never betrayed a hint of shyness or stress . . . just the tiny smile lines around his mouth betrayed a hint that his face wasn’t cut from marble.

After several more minutes of posing, Thomas motioned for the photographer to make his way to the walkway before grabbing Nick’s soft hand and leading him to the back of the stage. People started to gather, all dressed in their finest designer clothes.

“Alright Nick, it’s time to start the runway show. Now it’s time for the designer to start his presentation, so you are going to do your walk in a minute, once you come back you’ll lose the shirt and do another walk 3 minutes into his presentation before changing for into his underwear line, any questions?” Thomas finished without even looking up from his ipad. After an awkward pause he finally looked up. Nick's handsome face finally portrayed a different emotion . . . nervousness. “What’s wrong?”

Nick just stared and clenched his jaw worriedly. “Can I . . . ummm. . . I have to use the restroom really quick . . . “ he started to walk away. “Oh no . . . not today, we are already 10 mins late mister, so get your ass out there, you are do now!” Thomas said grabbing him by his hand and pushing him out on the stage. Nick just walked with a blank expression down the runway . . . no emotion. He stopped smiled slightly and turned back down the runway. His arms were flexed and his hands were dug into his pockets . . . a no no for Thomas.

Thomas watched expectantly. “What is wrong with the kid . . . I mean his walk is passable I suppose, but what about all the confidence he had before?” he mumbled to himself. He watched as the tall man slowly came towards him . . . all handsome. He blushed as he thought about how ridiculously soft and warm that man's hand was. “Oh . . . not again old boy,” Thomas whispered to himself before returning to his ipad to cue the next phase. There was a familiarity to this Nick guy . . . but Thomas couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

Nick emerged from the curtains unfazed by the crowds reaction. He tried to walk past Thomas . . . who sternly stopped him with a hand on the chest. Thomas was more muscular than Nick, however Nick had the height, all in all, Nick decided against it before he ran his hand through his hair and began to take off his shirt. Thomas watched with an eyebrow raised. Nick pulled the tight shirt off revealing his smooth toned sexy body . . . perfect.

“I don’t know what you are so worried about, you are one of the best looking models I’ve had in a very long time! You should be proud of . . . all of this.” as he ran his hands over Nicks flexed chest. “Now get going, you’re already behind!” he said with a smile as he again . . . pushed him out onto the stage.

Nick again did his flawless walk down the runway. Thomas watched his tight ass shift as he walked away. He admired his smooth tan V-shaped muscular back . . . the muscles shifted as he continued down the catwalk . . . however Thomas noticed something small . . . what was that at the base of his neck . . . a patch of white and black hair? Thomas scowled at Nick as he turned and began to make his way back towards Thomas.

“How unprofessional . . . to have a model forget to shave a spot on his back! . . . before a modeling gig!!!” Thomas mumbled in frustration, hoping the crowd didn’t notice. He looked as some pointed and giggled at Nick, however most were just fantasizing over the young man. Nick smiled a bit this time . . . clearly whatever he was embarrassed about he thought was over . . . Thomas scowled as the man laughed and kicked off his boots. Thomas already messaged one of his staff that could pass as an underwear model to take Nick’s spot. Thomas was not going to be embarrassed by the likes of this good-for-nothing lazy man.

Nick continued to strip as Thomas began to walk behind him . . . oblivious to the mood of his employer. Nick bent down as he pulled his pants down. Thomas watched as the small patch of hair growing out of his neck got a little wider . . . wait . . . the hair . . . seemed to come out of his . . . skin! Thomas looked daze as if realizing something. He looked around and motioned some of the camera men to check out what he was looking at. Nick was peeling his socks off, still not noticing the growing number of people in the tent. Finally Nick stood up in his underwear and looked up at Thomas . . . and friends. They all stared at him frowning. Nick’s face became smooth and impassive again. He stumbled back, his abs were flexed . . . he crossed his arms as if to prevent them from staring at him. He looked at Thomas with his bright blue eyes, “What is it? Umm. . . I kinda need some privacy in order to change in the underwear you know.” he said worriedly.

Thomas tightened his jaw in annoyance. “Do you want to . . . . explain to me . . . this!!!” he said before grabbing Nick’s back . . . digging his fingers into Nick's smooth tan flesh and ripping it away to reveal a large patch of white and black fur!!!! Nick winced and backed away . . . with a slight whimper. Thomas just glared at Nick as he held a large piece of Nicks human skin in his clenched hand. “HOW DARE YOU EMBARRASS ME LIKE THIS!!!” Thomas approached him . . . Nick backed up on the stage. His sexy slender toned sexy body flexed as he backed up. His face was creased with worry and embarrassment. The crowd began to point and laugh as Nick began to back into the runway, his true back revealed for everyone to see.

Someone pointed at Nick, “He’s not even human!!” he yelled as others began to point and laugh. Infuriated Thomas came up to Nick and grabbed another fist full of Nick’s human skin, this time from his chest. He smiled and pulled the skin back, revealing more fur beneath. More people began to laugh. Nick just whimpered and backed away from Thomas, trying to grab the hanging remnants of flesh from his chest and hide his fur again.

Other people began to boo and come up to him. People chanted “HE’S A WOLF, HE’S A WOLF” as they grabbed bits of his human skin suit piece by piece. They grabbed the skin on his arms and abs and pulled. The skin made a stretching rubbery sound before snapping away. People threw his skin disguise over their heads like children opening Christmas presents. One kid grabbed his hand and pulled the flesh from his paw like a glove. His paws came out . . . all moist from being in the sweaty tight suit all day.

Nick was so nervous he tripped backward. As he sat there, people continued to rip away more of his human suit from his muscular legs and body. He was so scared he let his tail shoot out from his ass and his toes stretched the human skin on his feet until they burst apart, revealing another set of wolf paws.

Nick looked up and saw Thomas approach from the crowd. “I can’t believe you got out of your cage again . . . and tried to impersonate one of my models . . . AGAIN!” With that he grabbed the hair on the top of Nick's head and began to pull. Nick's handsome thin features began to stretch awkwardly. His perfect human lips stretched back revealing canines under his human dentures. His tan smooth flawless face wrinkled at the jawline a bit. Thomas pulled harder and Nicks smooth human features twisted and pulled away from his head . . . with a rubbery snap the models handsome human face came off into Thomas’s hands. The smooth skin lay wrinkled and empty in Thomas’s palmes, the eye sockets stared up at him before he looked up at Nick’s true face.

A wolf stared back at Thomas . . . looking ashamed and embarrassed. He whimpered and looked down . . . defeated. Thomas threw the empty human mask on the ground and yelled at the animal saying; “GET YOUR ASS BACK INTO YOUR CRATE RUFFUS, YOU”RE IN TIMEOUT!!!

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