The Raptors New Player
Alex pulled up to the front of the Raptor’s training center just before 9AM. The raptors were the local rugby league team and today were the yearly tryouts for new members. At 25, Alex seemed to be the perfect fit for the team; muscular, toned, with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He had played rugby in high school and college and he loved it. Today, he was hoping he would be able to join the Raptors. He had watched many of their games and marveled at their skill on the field along with their undefeated record. The attractiveness of the team members may have also played a part in his desire to join. Alex knew he was a good player but he just wasn’t sure he was good enough for the Raptors.

Doubt was racing through his mind as he got out of his car and walked toward the front door. Glancing at his reflection, he at least felt he looked the part; red hoodie, black tights, orange sneakers. Part of his love for the game were the outfits they wore on the field, usually just a jersey and tights. The look really showed of the players powerful legs and he loved that.
Walking through the front door, he was greeted with just that site. Working the front desk was one the Raptors star players, Justin. Alex knew exactly who Justin was and couldn’t believe he was just standing there in front of the blond haired adonis behind the desk with a big smile. “Welcome! I’m Justin. Are you here for the tryouts?” “Y-Y-Yes” stammered Alex, barely able to get a word out. “Great! Just need to get some information from you and then we can go back to the gym and get started.” Justin said has he handed Alex a clip board. Alex sat down at the desk and began filling out the paper work, trying desperately to keep his eyes off of Justin’s tights.
When he was finished, Alex handed the board back to Justin and he review it quickly. “Ok, this all looks good. Let’s get started!” Said Justin. “If you would, follow me to the gym”. Alex quickly followed behind the the blond rugby god, still trying not to stare to longingly at his spandex covered ass.

The gym was fairly active already. It looked like there were already two or three other guys there trying out with other members of the team. As he observed, he noticed that they were really putting the guys through the wringer. “I guess that’s why they have such a good team” he thought to himself. He and Justin reached a relatively quiet part of the gym and the tryout began. Soon, he was doing sprints, push ups, pull ups, and all manner of grueling exercises designed to test is strength and agility. After what seemed like an eternity, but in reality was only 30 minutes, Alex and Justin joined the other guys to begin the rugby skills portion of the tryout. Alex, while distracted by all of the hot bodies in tight spandex around him, remained focused and felt he was actually holding his own against the other candidates and even some of the team members themselves.
By 2PM, the tryouts were over and Alex was exhausted. Justin came over and handed him a water bottle, flashing him a sexy grin and a wink. “Welcome to the Raptors, Alex. You were by far the best candidate we saw today. Wanna come back and meet some of the team?” Alex was elated and enthusiastically said “Definitely!” “Great, follow me” Justin replied as they made their way from the gym to the locker room.
The locker room was impressive, but was surprisingly empty. “Were is everyone?” Asked Alex. “They will be here shortly. I’m actually glad we have a moment alone. There is something I’ve been wanting to do” said Justin with a smirk on his face. He then quickly slammed Alex up against the wall and began kissing him. At first Alex resisted, mainly from being startled, but quickly his resistance faded away as the reality of the situation sank in. Justin pulled away and smiled. “I’ve been wanting to do that since you walked in you sexy fuck.” Alex blushed and said “I’m glad you did”. Justin laughed and went in for another kiss. Just before their lips met, Alex felt a stabbing pain in his thigh. He looked down to see that Justin had stabbed him with a syringe. He looked back up confused and angry and shouted “What the hell man...” then he went dizzy and fell to the floor. Justin stood over the unconscious Alex and tapped his watch. “He’s ready” said Justin.
Seconds later, two of the other team members that had been conducting the training with Justin came into the room, both in team jerseys and black tights. One was tall, olive skinned, with short cropped brown hair and a beard. The other was shorter in stature, tanned, and clean shaven with dirty blond hair. Just like Justin and the rest of the team, they were uncommonly attractive. The pair immediately made their way to Alex, who was laying on the floor slumped up against the wall. Seemingly effortlessly, they carried him to a set of lockers. Justin touched another button on his watch and the lockers opened like a door. The men carried Alex into the room beyond with Justin following.
The room looked like an operating room. Bright, white, with a surgical table in the center of the room surrounded by what looked like medical equipment and computer consoles. Alex was hoisted onto the table by the two strapping players. Justin and the two other guys stood around the chair studying Alex in detail. “He’s going to make a perfect subject. What do you think Kyle and Mason?” Said Justin with an almost inhuman grin stretching across his face. He looked up at the other two players who also had the same inhuman grins. They all laughed slightly as Justin dug this fingernails into his neck and began to pull.
Justin’s beautiful face began to distort at the skin around his neck came loose. His lips and eyes shifted revealing green scaly skin beneath. With an upward tug, the now loose skin around his neck separated from the rest of his body revealing more green scales below. The now apparent mask made a slurping sound as the reptilian looking being below pulled it from his face. The creature that had been Justin groaned as the mask came off in his still human looking hand. By now, the other two “men” were also in the process of peeling off their human faces and revealing two additional reptilian faces.
The creature that had been Justin threw his human mask on to a table next to the center surgical table and began to work the adjacent computer console. Equipment began to descend from the ceiling and a blue light enveloped the bed containing the unconscious Alex. The light appeared to be scanning Alex and after a few minute, the light faded and the creature that had been Kyle placed a black headband full of electronics and lights on Alex. “Telepathic link is active and fully operational sir” Kyle said to Justin. “Great” Justin said as he tapped at his computer console. The doors of a vertical cabinet on the other side of the room began to light up and a loud whir could be heard inside of the cabinet. Within a minute, the whirring stopped and the lights faded. The doors then opened, and out slid a flesh colored mass.
Justin tapped his watch and spoke into it “We are ready for you”. A door at the rear of the room slid open and another reptilian creature walked in, however this one was completely naked. “The suit is ready and the link is active. Are you ready?” Justin inquired. “Yes Sir!” The other creature said enthusiastically. He walked over to the cabinet and grabbed the flesh colored mass and shook it out. It was a deflated copy of the still unconscious Alex. Finding the slit in the back of the suit, the creature pushed one scaly green leg into the human suit leg, then the other leg. He worked the suit up to his torso, inserting his green penis into the human penis sheath. He continued to pull the suit up over his pecs, and inserted his powerful green hands into the suit and then began to use his new human hands to smooth out the wrinkles in the suit. The slit in the back began to seal up.
Standing there with Alex’s body on and face hanging around the chin of the reptilian, the Mason creature brought a small microchip over and placed it on the back of the creatures neck. All of the reptilians had one of these on the backs of their necks. “Telepathic link is active and I have access to Alex’s memories” said the creature. “Perfect” said Justin. Kyle and Mason turned their attention to the real Alex laying on the table. Mason taped a few buttons on the side of the table. Straps extended from the side and crossed Alex chest and feet, securing him him place. Kyle and Mason then rolled the table to another door. The door automatically opened as they approved and Alex was wheeled into a dimly lit room. The room was full of other unconscious men, all copies of Raptor team members laying on identical tables. Alex was wheeled to a vacant space next to an unconscious Justin and then hooked up to some equipment that appeared to be monitoring vital signs.
Back in the other room, the creature wearing Alex’s body began to compete his transformation by pulling the Alex mask over his head, aligning the eyes and mouth with his own alien features. The remaining slit in the back of the suit sealed and the new Alex pushed and pulled the mask into its final position. He rolled his neck and flexed in the suit. “How do you feel Alex?” said the Justin creature holding his human mask in his hand. “Great! I seem to remember we were in the middle of something before being interrupted” Alex said with a smirk. A wide grin spread across Justins reptilian face as he began to slide his human mask back over his real face.
With Justin’s face back in place, he moved over to the still naked Alex and began to kiss him passionately while stroking his now fully erect 10” cock. Alex moaned as Justin stroked faster and faster. Suddenly, the Alex creature let out an inhuman screech as ropes of yellow cum shot out of his throbbing now human dick. “Welcome to the Raptors Alex. You are going to fit in just fine here” Justin said with a wink.