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The Cure

Nick walked out of the building in his military uniform as he looked around for his Uber ride. He was a high ranking military medic and he put in a full day's work doing mundane bureaucratic bullshit. He was over it. He reached behind his neck, massaging the skin and thick muscle a bit as he scanned the area. “Ugh, I can’t wait to get out of this monkey suit” He mumbled to himself. He squinted in the sun, his handsome strong features wrinkled as he shielded his eyes.

At long last his eyes settled on a very attractive young man sitting on top of his car, waiving him over. Surprised, he allowed for a smile to stretch across his features as he approached the man. He looked somewhat bored at his job, but also so confident as he sat on the hood of his car. He wore a black coat, a white T-shirt and ridiculously tight torn black pants, which left nothing to the imagination. Nick rubbed his cheek as he approached the man, kinda nervous and turned on.

“Lance, right?” He said as he smiled and put out a hand. Lance took it eagerly and shook it. Strong grip, Nick liked that. “My name is Lance and I’ll be your Uber driver today.” He looked him up and down with a wink before jumping off the car and sliding in the already opened door to the driver seat. “Headed to 409 Saber Street eh?” He said as Nick took off his hat and crawled in the car. “That’s quite the trip! I hope to get to know you if we are going to be in the car for an hour!” He said with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

Nick smiled back at him as he got comfortable and nodded. “I don’t mind the conversation!” He said as they sped off. Nick adjusted himself and rolled his shoulder. He looked at himself in the mirror and rubbed his handsome but a little older face. He noticed the Uber driver looking at him and smiled.

“Don’t worry mate, you look fine!” He said with a smile as their eyes met. There was a pause as he avoided a stalled car before looking back up at Nick through the mirror. “So, what do you do in the military” He asked with keen interest. Nick eyed the back of his thick muscular neck as the man shifted his large shoulder so that his coat slipped off. He tossed it in the passenger seat. “Fwew, way too hot for a coat!” He said with a laugh. Nick adjusted his collar and nodded.

“Tell me about it” He said pulling at his T-Shirt. “Well, I'm a doctor . . . actually the lead physician for the Navy.” He said looking out the window at the tall buildings.

“A doctor eh? Funny, I just came from my doctor before I picked you up. How many years have you served . . . or how long have you been a physician?” He asked, although there was something about the way he looked now . . . almost haunted. Nick cocked his head as he watched the mans facial expression closely before answering. “About 15 years, however, I’ve been a doctor for 17 years.”

Lance’s eyes went wide with surprise, “Wow, do you mind me asking how old you are?” He said as he looked at Nick. Nick smiled and laughed as he looked at himself in the reflection of the window. “I’m 42” He said with amusement.

“Nice, I’m 32. I gotta say, you give me hope. I hope I look half as good as you now, much less 5 years from now!” He said with a grin. Again, it didn’t reach his eyes. Nick laughed and blushed, however Nick didn’t see that. There was silence after for a bit of small talk until Lance asked about what kind of medicine he specialized in and what he went to school for. In reality, Nick didn’t go to school anywhere here . . . but he was trained in advanced science and technology. He actually had vast experience with that, so it helped when acting as a doctor. He didn’t tell Lance that part. He made up a school and residency. There was a long pause, then . . . strangely, Lance started to tear up. Nick stared awkwardly and tried to think if there was something he said.

“Are you ok man?” Nick said worriedly, putting a hand on his shoulder. They stopped at a remote stoplight near the edge of town for a moment in silence. The light changed to green and then back to yellow and red.

“I’m sorry man . . . . I just . . . I just found out I have cancer.” There was a deafening silence that followed. Nick’s heart sank. He opened then shut his mouth before he thought of something to say. “What kind? Is it bad? Do you have family and friends that can help you through this?” Nicked spilled all these questions on the poor man . . . so like him, such a scientific thing to do. He barely knew this man, but his heart yearned to hug him, to wrap his arms around him and allow him to cry. But why? He never felt this way before, he has seen all sorts of death and mutilated human bodies. Strange.

Again, the car was silent. The light changing from Green back to Red again. “No.” He said softly to himself with his head down. “I don’t have much right now.” He rubbed his eyes and looked around the intersection as he continued. “My parents are dead, my boyfriend left me because I cheated on him, I lost my job and my friends.” Silence. He gripped his wheel tightly until his knuckles turned white as he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, then sniffed and began driving again. “Man, I’m so sorry for dropping this all on you. It’s bad I know, but you just seem like a . . . . a man who knows things . . . you have been to war and you save lives . . . maybe . . . I don’t know, I was hoping you could put a different unique perspective on things. It helps that you are totally my type.” He said with a laugh, as he wiped his still red eyes.

Nick looked down on his hands, then up at the mirror. Nick had a secret. He could save this man if he wanted, no matter what kind of cancer it was. He had been working on a serum that would be able to cure any cellular anomaly with him . . . problem was, he wasn’t sure if it would work on this guy.

They sat in silence for a few more minutes before Lance pulled onto the street where Nick lived. The car rumbled to a stop for a moment. Nick sat there looking at Lance in the mirror. Lance looked up and tried to put on a brave smile. “Thanks . . . thanks for listening man. I know that was a lot, but it felt good to just . . . say it ya know?” There was a pause as he pursed his lips. “I know I haven’t been the best person . . . and maybe this is karma, but I’m not going out without a fight . . . or at least give back.”

Nick looked down. He put his hand on the door then hesitated. Then leaned back again, settling in the seat. “Lance . . . “ He swallowed then looked around as if about to say something conspiratorial. “What if I could tell you I may have a cure for whatever cancer you have. He looked at the mans face as he turned around almost eagerly. “It’s not official . . . and I’m not exactly sure of the effects on you . . . it’s ummm . . . a project I have been working on for the government.” Nick eyed him warily.

Lance looked at him with skepticism . . . but also a spark of hope. His massive arm flexed and his shoulders tightened. His body was perfect. Nick looked him over as his cock grew. "This is bad, so bad." Nick thought. "This is dumb, I should let this go. Just another human in need of help, I can’t do this."

“Dude . . . i’m due to die next month . . . i’d be up for anything!” He said eagerly, looking at Nick with true appreciation and awe. Nick nodded and got out of the car. Lance jumped out and followed him. “Should I bring something or do . . . I need to sign a waiver?” He said eagerly as he followed Nick into the apartment. Nick stopped in the massive lobby. The whole place looked like a hotel . . . but it was repurposed . . . into one house, although parts looked a bit run down. It was massive!

“Lance, you don’t need anything, but I do have to make one thing clear, you cannot leave until we know what the effects of this injection will be. Are you able to do that? I’m not kidding, this is serious high tech stuff that has never been tested on a human before! Are you willing to give up any appointments and . . . essentially your freedom right here, right now.” Nick said with a serious stern look on his face. “I want you to really think about this, this could hurt . . . or it could not. I frankly have no clue.”

Lance looked around, then into Nick’s eyes. He clenched his jaw and nodded. “I literally have nothing but my life at this point . . . and soon I won’t have that. I agree. I understand this is off the books and that I could die . . . but I am willing to take that chance. I’m terminal man. I’ve had five doctors tell me there is nothing they can do.” With that . . . and to Nick’s surprise, he kissed him! Nick almost fell over as the man's massive arms wrapped around his shoulders. He stared for a moment in shock at the man’s closed eyes . . . but then relaxed and relented . . . they kissed passionately for a minute until Lance broke it with a smile. “I’m sorry I . . . I don’t know why I did that. I’m just so hopeful right now . . . I don’t know . . . I’m sorry.“

Nick smiled and looked down, playing with his hat in his hands. “It’s ok man. I was kinda sending a vibe huh?” He said looking Lance over. They both laughed awkwardly until Nick’s stomach growled. He looked shocked and ashamed as he and Lance stared at each other.

“Did you want to get something to eat or something?” Lance said with a laugh. Nick began to walk up the stairs, rubbing the back of his neck. “Ummm, no no . . . that’s ok, I’ll grab a snack while I get the supplies. I have to leave Sunday, and I don’t know how much time recovery will take, so I think we should get this done today ya know?” He said as he hurried towards the master. “Just hang out in the kitchen here,” He paused and smiled down at Lance for a moment, “and take off your shirt.” Nick smirked as he slowly walked up the stairs. Lance laughed before running off towards the residential hallway towards what Lance assumed was Nick’s bedroom.

Nick hurriedly ran into the room and locked the door with a soft thud. He leaned against the door and smiled before rubbing his stomach. “Shit, I haven’t been able to eat anything all day . . . and I can’t eat anything in front of him.” He looked around the room and saw a fish tank in the wall. “I guess that will have to do. He began to walk towards the fish tank while unbuttoning his shirt. As he took it off he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the nearby bathroom mirror. There in the mirror was him in a white T-Shirt . . . but his upper arms were bright scaly green!! His hands and forearm looked human . . . until it got to above his elbow, then there were clamps attached to the sleeve of his T-Shirt! “Shit, I forgot, I only put on the mask today.” He said not even shocked.

He unclipped the fleshy skin from his shirt and began to pull them off like long rubber surgical gloves. “I’m not sure how today is going to go, he seems to be into me, but to be safe, I should probably put on a full suit eh?” He said to no-one in particular. He took off his white shirt and revealed a scaly set of abs up to about his nipple before the normal human looking skin of the mask began!. He walked into the bathroom and admired his handsome human face.

He sighed as he rubbed his cheeks, massaging the skin until creases formed around his eyes and forehead, then the holes around his eyes misaligned so they showed small parts of the scales beneath. “Ahhhh, it’s gonna be nice to take this off for a bit.” With that he slid his scaly fingers up his chest so that they pushed under the chest and neck part of his mask. The skin wrinkled and folded as he slid his hands up to his jawline. He looked at his human face one more time with an amused smile before pushing the mask up past his chiseled jawline. His rugged handsome features distorted as the outline of his hands pushed the fake skin up and off his head. With a slurp, he revealed a reptilian face with a wide grin featuring human teeth at first, until he pulled them out, revealing a line of sharp teeth.

“Ahhhh, much better!” He said before tossing the empty mask on the bed and pulling open the closet doors. The closet features a bunch of normal human clothes, however he reached beyond the clothes to the back of the wall and pushed a button. With a clank, the back wall opened up revealing another closet full of empty human skinsuits! Above each wrinkled suit was a mask fitted over what looked to be a fancy mannequin head. He pulled down an empty skinsuit from one of the hangers, then a mask that was identical to the one he wore moments before. He dropped them on the bed and grabbed the empty mask he wore previously. He stretched it hastily over one of the unused mannequin heads then pushed the button to close the secret wall. He undid his pants, revealing muscular scaly legs and a dark green cock with no balls. He pulled his tight leather boots and socks off to reveal a large scaly foot with black nails. He cracked his neck and looked down at the suit.

With a sigh, Nick picked up the empty skinsuit and opened the back. He pulled the hips, which included a rather large deflated cock and balls, over his own legs. He pulled them up like a pair of tights. His cock was kinda hard, however he did not have balls like a human would, just a massive cock. He pulled the suit up and over his ass and adjusted the cock so that it shaped perfectly over his own cock. He pulled the chest and arms up and slid his massive arms inside. He shifted his shoulders and crouched down before standing up again with the skin over each arm. He smoothed out the front of his suit before pulling the neck and back skin closed behind him. It instantly began to seal itself!

Before long, Lance was pushing and pulling at the skin to make sure it conformed correctly to his body. He rolled his shoulders and then did an air squat in front of the mirror to make sure he moved correctly with his body. He let out a satisfied breath before he picked up the empty human mask off the bed. This one had less chest skin than the previous mask he had worn. He pulled the empty human face over his own scaly features. The skin stretched and molded to his face as he pulled and pushed against it so that it fit nicely on his own face. He moved his jaw and lips around so that the handsome human features settled into place. As he did this, the neck skin and mask sealed itself, making his human look complete. He opened a drawer and put on a pair of black briefs before admiring himself in the mirror. He pushed and pulled his suit in places in an attempt to smooth it out as he posed. “This should do nicely!” He said with a smile.

Just then his stomach growled again as he popped in his human teeth. “Oh crap, I forgot how hungry I was.” Lance looked around the room and spotted the fish tank and shook his head. “Bla, that won’t be enough. Maybe I can sneak a rat from the kitchen if I get this done quickly. He searched through his things and found a large metal case with strange buttons on the side. He pulled out some human clothes, blue scrubs and got his stethoscope out. He looked towards the door. “Fuck, i’m not going to have time, and this human can’t catch on. I should have thought this through.” With that he grunted and walked over to the fish tank. “Bottoms up I guess!” He reached inside as a large group of goldfish circled around his human looking hand. He snatched one up in his hand and held it up. A smile stretched across his handsome face before he popped it right into his mouth!

His thick neck wrinkled as he began to chew. With a crunch, you could see a weird seam . . . or indent form at the sides of his cheeks where his abnormally wide mouth opened and closed under the mask. He ate about 8 more of these fish and let out a burp before slipping on his human clothes. He put on some socks over his inhuman looking feet, because the suit was open at the bottom, before slipping on some tight running shoes. He gathered his things up and looked in the mirror one more time and rubbed his face. The features warped then smoothed out as he moved his hands over the sexy features. He dropped his hand and let a smile stretch across his face before nodding and heading out the bedroom door.

Lance walked down the hallway towards the kitchen pulling at his hand skin . . . a nervous tick he developed over the years. His real name is Val’ren, and after an accident a few years ago, he lost years of memory. He knew he had a partner named Bal’rik . . . but he really couldn’t remember much other than that name and who he used to be up until a few years ago. He knew he came to this planet on a mission, however something went terribly wrong. He had been separated from his home and Bal’rik, whoever he was. When he woke up in some dirt under an old bridge with a cracked skull, his future seemed very uncertain. Now all he could do was live and care for these humans as if they were his own. This was his home now, and this was his people. It was a lie, but he needed something to fill the void after losing a part of who he is and what he was. His specialization in technology and his vast knowledge of science could be used to help these humans, and today he may have come up with a breakthrough.

He had developed a serum that could cure him of any abnormality, however he didn’t know how that would translate with human DNA. He obviously didn’t want to go testing it on humans like some alien from Mars Attacks, which is why he felt Lance was the perfect opportunity.

He walked into the kitchen and his jaw dropped. The sexy human was shirtless and sitting on the counter. His muscles were toned, his skin almost a golden bronze in the sunlight. His pants left very little to the imagination, caressing his thick toned legs and ass. He was tapping his white running shoes against the stool in anticipation. This human was just beautiful. Lance had to get used to humans, but after awhile, living as one, you developed a taste for the locals.

Lance smiled as he looked at the man before making his presence known. Lance quickly looked up and jumped down off the counter. “Hey man, sorry I noticed you didn’t have any chairs in here so I improvised . . . “. Nick frowned and looked around. He didn’t have any chairs in this room ironically, other than the stools, which looked very uncomfortable. “Oh my apologies! I just moved in not too long ago, it’s a work in progress so I haven’t really had the time to find chairs.” Nick walked over near him and set the briefcase on the counter. He noticed the man's hand was trembling. He put his hand on his and looked him in the eyes. “It’ll be ok. I have vast knowledge of any side effects and how to treat them.” They stared at each other for a moment before Nick nodded towards the counter, indicating he should hop back up. He put the case on the counter and typed in the code. The symbol on the case glowed for a moment before disappearing into the metal.

“I’ve never seen an access keypad like that before!” Lance said with wonder. Nick smiled and nodded. “Ya, it’s pretty high tech, all of our valuable equipment is stored in this type of case.” He pulled the latch and the suitcase opened up with a mechanical hum. Lance walked around the counter and pulled out a very high tech laptop looking device, setting it up on the counter. It automatically unfolded until an almost translucent large screen materialized before them! Nick stared in amazement.

“Wow, you weren’t kidding! This looks like futuristic space tech!” Nick said as he positioned himself on the stool next to him. Lance just smiled and started to type numbers into the machine, along with some alien characters he hoped Nick wouldn’t recognize. Inside the high tech case were a few syringes, each containing a different color liquid. Lance pulled on a hidden cable and connected it to his laptop before typing information into the machine furiously. He then pulled out 3 pads and put them on Nicks chest and one on his temple. As soon as they were connected, Lance’s vitals came up on the screen . . . included information Lance didn’t even know. Strange characters turned into english words showing his actual height, weight, muscle mass, body fat, cholesterol, blood type . . . anything he could think a doctor would ask him . . . there was even a section that said ‘diseases’, which was blank, thank god.

Lance turned to the case and pulled out a red syringe and plugged it into the side of the computer. The liquid bubbled before there was a green light. Lance pulled it out then pushed some of the liquid out to get rid of any air bubbles before looking at Nick.

“Ok, now . . . this is it. This is the moment you decide once and for all . . . are you sure you want me to do this to you? I’m not kidding, you could die . . . and I have no idea if this will hurt or even what the side effects are. What this does is basically re-write your genetic code, leaving out the cancer DNA. It will essentially rewrite your genetic composition. Normally I’d say it’s no big deal. When I used it the effects were mild and immediate, curing any abnormalities in my body . . . “

Lance frowned. “Wait, I thought you said this had never been tested on humans before?” He asked warily. Nick look momentarily embarrassed, clenching his jaw.

“Ok, I unofficially tried it on myself once . . . but our DNA is . . . well there are DNA differences between us so . . . the effects could be different. It essentially takes the DNA and cellular makeup of a healthy part of your body and overrides anything that doesn’t fit that preferred cellular design.”

Lance just stared at Nick thinking about what Nick just said. He knew he had lied to him . . . but didn’t pry. That being said, the man lied to him, should he worry? Then he looked at the futuristic technology and the simple serum in Lances hand and smiled. This guy didn’t have to do this for me . . . he means well and I’m dead either way. Maybe he doesn’t want to share why he needed this experimental treatment. Before Lance could dwell on it longer Nick stopped talking, staring at Lance as the man looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Sorry man, yes I get it. You are basically kinda defragging my genetic and cellular data. Rewriting my body without the cancer.” Nick nodded and looked up at the screen.

“That seems to be the only abnormality you have. There are a few pre-dispositions that this serum will get rid of like arthritis and heart disease . . . but other than that . . . you are a perfect specimen! Nick said with a wink. His thick muscular neck wrinkled as he looked back to Lance with a smile. Lance smiled and looked down with a blush. Nick put the syringe down before turning around, placing both arms on his thick muscular shoulders. “Listen, if anyone can manage the effects of this it’s me. I’ll be honest, this could turn out terrible, and I have another syringe set up so that you will feel no pain . . . getting you so high whatever happens from this won’t be felt.” He paused, picking up the syringe again and holding it up in front of Nick. “I’ll ask one more time, will you listen to every word I say . . . taking the risk of whatever this potential cure will do to you? Again, I’ll be honest, no matter what happens, this will won’t come up in any toxicology report because nobody has ever heard of these chemicals. It’s top secret, so . . . there are no records of what I am going to do to you. I know it sounds scary, but I would rather you know. Based on what I see in your scan . . . it’s bad, and you don’t have much time. Maybe a month at best,” Lance said in a soft but firm voice. His handsome distinguished face looked pensive and nervous for him.

Lance looked up wiping tears from his eyes, “Yes. I’m sure. I die alone in a hospital in pain . . . or here, with the possibility there won’t be, but more importantly . . . . with someone . . . with . . . you.” He picked up Nicks hand . . . his strong cold hand and squeezed it. He knew this was nuts, he knew this was unwise . . . but it was something. Something was better news than nothing. No hope. No choices. A predetermined death he could not escape. He looked up at Nick again, into his eyes. He was going to either live out his days, hopefully with this stranger . . . or die in the arms of someone he barely knew. He lifted his head high and smiled. “Let’s do this. I’m ready.”

Nick smiled, unsure of the response Lance gave, but he picked up the syringe, wiped the mans muscular arm and with a nod . . . stuck it into his flesh. The liquid disappeared into his vein, Lance didn’t feel a thing.

For a moment, they both just stared at each other. Nick held the empty vial up with both hands raised while Lance stood up and looked at him with a ‘Ok what now’ look on his handsome face. Then, as if on cue, Lance stumbled back and sat on the stool for a moment, then his eyes widened and he stood . . no jumped back up in excitement.

“Wow, I feel great! I feel like I could run a marathon . . . holy shit! Dude, do you have a gym or something, I need to lift like . . . yesterday!” Lance said in rapid fire speech. Nick grabbed his scanner, but Lance was already frantically looking around the place looking for the weight room. Nick chased after him with a nervous laugh and told him to go down the stairs to the basement. He had to run to keep up with the man, who bounded down the stairs in one giant leap. He landed in a crouch, his thick sculpted legs bulging as he sat there, his white tight athletic shoes curled and wrinkled with his massive feet. He looked up at Nick with a smile before running into the basement.

When Nick caught up, Lance was sitting on a bench, slumped over, his muscles were thick and toned and . . . .wet! His slick sexy body was so tense it looked like he was flexing. “Are you ok?” Nick asked as he cautiously approached the man.

Lance looked up, his eyes were wide with a smile stretched across his face as he let out a groan. His body shuttered and he leaned back behind him as he let out another groan. Then his face got serious and he looked up at me. “Oh fuck man . . . I’m . . . orgasming!!” He said breathing hard. That’s when Nick looked down and saw his cock pushing against his tight jeans. His pants tightened as he borderline began to air thrust. He pushed his body back up on the bench with such force it slid across the room. His feet wiggled and flexed within his tight athletic shoes as he leaned his head back and grunted, his abs rippling as his cock pushed even harder against his already tight pants. He reached above his head and grabbed an old rail against the wall, his muscles flexed as his wide legs and feet continued to shift as he thrusted his cock into the air between low groans.

“Oh fuck man, this feels amazing, but I need you to fuck me!!” He let out between gasps. Nick was turned on seeing his body squirm and flex with such a sexual movement, but he needed to maintain his cool just in case this went south. Lance’s shoes wrinkled and spread a bit as he arched his back. A wet stain formed around his cock. “Ohhhhhhuuuuuuughhhhhh” he let out as his abs rippled. Then he sat up, his eyes were fierce and he gave off this intense aura of alertness. His muscles bulged and shifted with every tiny movement as he stood up, seemingly taller than before. There was a pause as he stood there before he lifted one shoulder in apparent discomfort, there was a soft crack, like joins popping, and his back muscles shifted under the skin in a strange way.

Lance clenched his jaw, slowly turning his head to look at Nick with an almost strained expression. “I . . . I can’t feel anything . . . I mean . . . “ He began to rub his chest and arms as if experiencing touch for the first time. He reached up to his face and rubbed it, causing it to wrinkled then ran them down his chest towards his cock. “I can’t feel anything . . . like my skin! I feel like . . . . it’s like it’s blocking me from feeling anything!” He said with a now panicked voice, grabbing Nick’s shoulders in an almost unbearably tight grasp. Nick placed his hands on his arms and almost had to force them down. This wasn’t good. Nick picked up his device and scanned one of Lance’s eyes as the man began to breath harder.

Lance began to pace back and forth while rubbing his arms as if cold. His sexy body looked as if he had just finished an extreme workout, he could see his rock hard cock shifting under his now wet pants. “Are you in pain Lance? What are you feeling?” Nick asked as the scanner processed the results. Lance didn’t say anything, just mumbled to himself, walking around in a more aggressive manner. Nick read the results and gasped. “What the fuck?” He said just as Lance’s cock ripped out of his pants!

It shot out . . . a thick massive rock hard cock. Lance stopped, let out a guttural deep growl as he hunched over, grabbing his cock and letting out another groan. “Oh FUCK!” He said in an almost inhuman voice as he let out another load of cum, his toes wiggling within his tight shoes. Nick noticed his eyes change color as that cracking noise got louder. His chest and back muscles flexed just before he hunched his back and shoulders, making the back of his thick muscular neck wrinkle. He grunted and let an impossibly long tongue out of his perfect lips just as his cock split apart to reveal a massive gray cock underneath!

“OH Fuck NiCK. I NNEeed to TakE THiS off!!’ He yelled in a deep voice before accidentally stumbling into Nick as his shoulder blades shifted unnaturally, pushing against his smooth tan wet skin. Nick fell back and tripped against the weight wrack slamming his face into the metal bench, causing his mask to tear along the right cheek! Nick looked up in a daze and watched as Lance stumbled away from him like a man possessed. An animal-like, hungry expression, formed on his handsome features, his lips stretching back in a wide smile.

Nick thought quickly, he hid the tear with his hand and grabbed what looked like a hat from behind his suitcase. It was actually a scanner that would provide him with more information which would explain what was happening to Lance. He ran up behind him and slipped it over his head. Lance, in a strange deep muffled moan, shrugged him off with terrifying strength, not even looking his way. Lance just continued to stumble forward, as if walking for the first time, towards the far wall of the basement. His thick toned muscular body began to distort, every muscle moving strangely under the skin. Wrinkled began to form in weird places as the muscles bulged, pushing against the flesh. Lance started to growl as he slowly moved forward as if mired in thick mud, slowly reaching up to the hat Nick just slipped on his head.

Nick backed away looking at the sensors. His hand dropped from his human mask as he looked at Lance with pity. “Why didn’t I think of this.” There was a cracking noise as Lance's muscles continued to shift and grow. He back bulged with a wet stretching noise as he let out a low grunt. His massive legs looked as if they would split his pants. His shoes were so stretched and wrinkly, Nick saw the outline of his large feet within .. . . no . . . inhuman feet within pushing against the fabric.

Nick ran up to him, keeping his distance. “Ok man, listen, this is going to suck, you are changing right now. Whatever happens, I will find a way to fix this ok?” Nick stopped when he realized Lance didn’t even seem to see him. HIs eyes were pitch black now, his handsome facial tightened and stretched slightly, forming wrinkles around his lips. He looked confused . . . his gray cock, with the skin just hanging off it was still rock hard. He grunted and let out a muffled moan as he slowly raised his hands to the back of his head. His eyes rolled back into his head as he dug his fingertips into his scalp. “This . . . IT . . . NOt meeee” He managed to spit out. His face began to relax, the wrinkles fading a bit as a ripping noise could be heard behind him.

It happened so suddenly . . . violently. He let out a deep scream through gritted teeth as he ripped apart his scalp! His face became emotionless and sagged as he pulled the skin apart! At the same time, his pants and shoes tore apart with a wet meaty noise as his cock threw out another load of cum. He began to hunch over as his massive back bulged before a wet tear formed, revealing the gray sinu and muscle beneath! His wrinkled empty facial features fell revealing a terrifying inhuman face beneath. The creature's teeth immediately began to push out and emerge from the inhuman face as if trying to shed the already grotesque form emerging from the human skin!

The gray body grew in violent uneven bursts, forcing the tan human skin to tear and stretch awkwardly down as the inhuman form emerged. It stepped out of the human skin and continued to walk forward towards the brick wall! It let out a loud screech before punching the concrete! Nick stumbled back and fell as concrete dust fell over him. The creature looked back at him with those black eyes before making one inhuman bound up into the in-ground staircase leading into his backyard!

“Oh FUCK!” Nick yelled as he stumbled back up to his feet, coughing as he ran up the stairs leading from the basement. There was a door to his left, which was the main outdoor entrance to the basement and a concrete staircase to his right. Ironic how the new hole in his basement wall was so close to the actual entrance to the basement. He stumbled upstairs, covering the tear in his human mask. Lucky for him, all the surrounding buildings were unoccupied. He made sure that was the case, however he couldn’t guarantee that a human wasn’t hiding out. This was a poor area of the city, with a lot of homeless squatters.

He watched as the creature wondered around the courtyard making these guttural low growls. It looked lost and confused. Nick looked up at the dark windows, like all knowing eyes glaring down at them. He tried pulling the tear in his mask together, making his human facial features tighten as he cautiously walked closer to the creature. He knew what to do now, and he knew what happened and possibly . . . how to fix this.

The creature let out an earth shadowing roar as it stalked around the empty courtyard. Nick gritted his teeth and pulled out a futuristic gun from his belt. He had this as a backup thinking there was a possibility the human could run . . . but he didn’t expect this. He changed the settings to stun and hoped it would work against the creature.

The creature stopped and stared at him. “Lance . . . calm down buddy, I need you to calm down ok?” Nick said with one hand up as he approached the creature. To his surprise, it looked back at him and let out a loud shriek and stumbled backwards in apparent fear. Nick cocked his head and wondered why the creature was scared of him! Then he looked at a nearby window at his reflection and saw the tear in his human mask. His lip and part of his cheek was hanging off his scaly green face. “Oh shit I forgot.”

He cautiously approached the creature, which pushed itself back cowering in fear as he neared. “Lance, it’s me . . . . i know this is weird . . . but as you can tell, I'm not human. But that doesn’t mean i’m still not your friend and that doesn’t mean I want to hurt you. Take a breath and look at your reflection in that window. STAY CALM!” He said with one hand still up, keeping his distance.

The Lance creature looked up at the window behind him and let out another window shaking screech stumbling back towards Nick as it put his claws up to his hideous face. “Sorry buddy.” Nick said with sorrowful eyes before firing a quick blue sphere of light at his back. It instantly sagged and fell on its face with a thud. Nick sighed, putting the strange gun away and looking around the courtyard again. He didn’t hear or see anything. He would have to do a scan as soon as he could.

After several minutes of dragging the heavy creature back down to the basement, Nick walked up to the computer. He noticed his reflection in the empty screen. With a growl he reached up to his still handsome features, pulling at the wrinkled flesh around his ear and cheek on the side of the face that wasn’t torn. The mask made a sucking noise and stretched before snapping off his true face, which was now slimy and wet. The suit gets hot when doing manual labor. He reached down and tore open the skin over his muscular chest with a slimy ripping noise. He sighed as he tossed the wrinkled torn mask aside next to the unconscious Lance.

He turned on the computer and typed in strange figures before there was a bright red beam of light that seemed to fill the room. There was a beep then a green light. “Ahhhh, no other lifeforms in the area. Thank god.” He ran a green scaled hand over his hairless reptilian head with a sigh as he looked down at the creature. He was only going to fix this by bringing him to his ship . . . which was several blocks away. He looked up at the light from the new hole in the concrete wall and sighed. “Late afternoon on a Friday . . .” Nick put his face in his hands and let out a low growl in frustration. “This whole situation is hard enough, but on top of it, I don’t have a way to transport you to the ship!” He said in frustration at nobody in particular. He looked down at Lance; “ and from the looks of how you are now . . . you aren’t going to fit in your car.”

After what seemed like forever, he dragged Lance over to a secret lab in another hidden area of the basement. There was all manner of technology and vials of strange liquid. There was a fancy futuristic table along with a massive computer. He placed his suitcase device on a table and dragged the unconscious Lance creature over to a futuristic table. It did a scan of Nick, then scanned Lance before adjusting into a humanoid shape roughly the size of Lance’s new inhuman form. Nick hoisted the creature up on the transformed table before metal restraints wrapped around the creatures ankles and wrists.

“I’m gonna have to wake you up buddy and try to get you to calm down. I cannot pull this off without your help.” With that he pulled over a stool. Nicked looked down at his partially torn torso and rolled his eyes. He reached down to his sagging abs and tore the skin away from his true form in large wet sheets of fake flesh. He sat there in front of the creature completely revealed holding up that same weird gun as before. He adjusted the setting again, letting out a sigh before firing another light bolt at the creature.

With a shutter Lance’s dark black eyes opened wide and his mandibles lashed out, sliding out of its’ hideous face a bit. Nick wrinkled the slits he had as nostrils a bit as the creature looked around frantically trying to jerk it’s massive arms and legs free from the restraints. “Lance . . . calm down!” Nick said standing up. The creature's black eyes focused on his face and it stopped, eyes widening in fear.

“Yes yes yes, I know, I’m sure I look scary.” Nick said in a sarcastic voice, putting his hands lazily up in the air and wiggling his fingers in a “spooky” way. He rolled his eyes and put his hand on Lance’s forehead. He held up a new device and scanned the creature's eye. “Listen Lance, Just because you saw me in my human disguise, doesn’t mean i’m a different person. I truly did try to help you . . . there were just some . . . complications.” The creature calmed down and looked down at his gray muscular sinuous body. He looked back up with panic, letting out a scared roar.

Lance looked up and down his body and put his hands up. “Ok, maybe a big . . . complication. I forgot that the serum was designed to help my species, not humans. The rewrite I mentioned earlier . . . well there was an error in the information I entered because well . . . you aren’t the same species as me.” He waived his hands over his own body, shrugging again. “But don’t worry man, I have a way to change you back, and hopefully maintain your health.”

The creature's eyes widened with a certain scary look of hope, although it was hard to tell. Nick noticed the creature's muscles relax as he stopped fighting against the restraints. “Listen, this is a lot, I get it, and I don’t really have a ton of time to explain it to you right now because the longer you are in this form, the harder it is to revert you back. Eventually your genetic code as it is now kinda . . . solidifies as a state of origin, which is something we do not want right now.

Lance kinda let out a moan and sagged his head before looking up with an annoyed look. “I can release you now if you want, but please don’t freak out again. This is already hard enough and I had to carry your big ass from the courtyard already. Nick waited until the creature, finally catching on, nodded with an inaudible noise.

“The reason you can’t talk right now is you have a different shaped mouth, so you really don’t know how to use whatever . . . this is.” He said nodding at his face. Lance groaned and leaned his head back, closing his eyes in frustration. “So you know, i’m not some evil alien trying to take over the Earth or something. I’m a scientist and well . . . long story short, I was sent to study humans and through a series of unfortunate events got stranded here. For years I’ve been forced to hide myself among you and live my life. Instead of succumbing to the depression one can feel being stranded I decided to take on positions within your society that would allow me to help. Since my specialty is science, I felt like I could work with the knowledge humans already possess to push your technology in a direction that helps mankind rather than destroys. Being in the military helps me keep an eye on tech that can only be used to kill, stop that, and focus our efforts towards things that help the masses.”

As the restraints released, Lance just sat there relaxed staring at Nick. Although he couldn’t tell from the horrifying expression, he looked as if he considered Nick, almost admired him . . . no empathize? “And that’s why I wanted to help you.” Nick finished as he stood up. He looked down at the creature's eyes. There was something so . . . human . . . no, something that made him a person, not just a scary mindless monster. Nick smiled.

The creature slowly sat up. Lance looked around the room and then down at Nick. With a nod and a loud noise, it crossed its claws in front of him as if waiting for direction. “Oh right, what next.” Nick said, rushing over to a large computer up against the far wall. “So here is the thing . . . we have to get to my ship and I don’t have any way to hide you in order to get you there quick enough, which as you know, soon isn’t soon enough. I’m going to give you another serum, and it’s going to physically change your body so you are a more human shape.” Nick looked up with a kinda sorrowful look. “Unfortunately that part is going to suck. Not gonna lie, it’s gonna hurt.”

Lance let out an inhuman rumble as he rolled his eyes before nodding. It’s something he was use to at this point. “Then i’m going to give you a human suit to wear.” He paused and looked down at his own body. “Well one for both of us. Thanks for that by the way.” He said in a playfully annoyed tone. Lance raised his claws up and shrugged. The movement looked so strange, yet so human. “By wearing these disguises, we can get to my ship without looking suspicious, which lucky for us isn’t too far. I'd use your car, however parking is about the same distance away and we do not want to draw any attention from the authorities by parking illegally. It's a small chance out here, but still a change I don't want to take.”

Lance walked over to the side of the large computer as another vial popped out. “Now, this serum isn’t going to last long and unfortunately I only had enough of the base serum for one dose, so this is it. You need to keep calm, otherwise the effects are going to wear off faster, making you revert back to this form thereby tearing your human suit. Doing anything that increases your blood pressure will make this serum wear off faster. The computer estimates you have about 30 mins, but in your current state, and with everything being so new to you, I don’t think you will have that long. It’s a 15 min walk so . . . i’m nervous.”

He walked over to the wall and pressed a button, a wall slid open revealing a whole bunch of human skins hanging up like clothing!

“This, is my human wardrobe.” He said with a flourish of his hands. “Don’t worry, they aren’t real. A computer generates a select number of synthetic human skins for me, all of these have various uses. I can make as many copies as I want, but I try not to wear the machine out. For you . . . “ Nick walked over, running his hands over the skins making them shake, the empty hands and feet dangling as he moved them aside looking at the labels. “I’m going to give you the largest one I have because I'm sure the serum will only make you so small . . . and you are bigger than me so I’m unsure of the effects.”

He finally stopped at a smooth human suit, the empty face dangled down over it’s deflated muscular chest so you couldn’t see the features. “Ahhhh, here we are!” He said as he pulled the suit off the hanger. He held it up as he walked towards Lance. The skin wrinkled and sagged in his grasp, the head flattened out and bobbing as he walked. “This was a suit I wore for years as an undercover bodybuilder. Interesting sport you humans engage in.” He said with a chuckle.

He tossed it at Lance, who caught it awkwardly in one massive clawed hand. He held it up as if it were going to bite. Nick smiled and placed a hand on the giant creature's shoulder. “I know this is a lot right now and definitely not what you expected, but I mean it when I say we are gonna fix this and I still think you are going to be cured. Technically you already are . . . you just lost your human form.” Lance stared at the empty skin, lifting up the empty face, the features wrinkled and distorted in his grasp before looking back at Nick. He stared at him for a moment and nodded.

Nick smiled back and walked over to the futuristic briefcase he used before, grabbing the serum gun. “Listen . . . I know I look a little bit different as I am now, but I usually wear a suit, so if you still want to be friends after this . . . “ He kinda shyly messed with the gun, inserting the new serum into it. “You said i’m hot with the mask on, but i’d argue i’m hotter than you with the mask off now eh?” He said with a smile and a wink. Lance let out a wet low bark, his shoulders shaking which Nick assumed was a laugh. Nick's reptilian face changed to a serious look. “Are you ready? We have to get you back to your human form within the hour or I fear we won’t get you back at all. It’s a short trip, but . . . this is all so new for you so I'm unsure of the effects on your adrenaline and dopamine levels. I need you to be brave and follow my instructions. We cannot reveal ourselves to any human.”

He looked into Lance’s eyes. The creature stared back for a moment then looked ahead and bracing himself before nodding his head. He looked resolute in what he needed to do. He didn’t want to look like this forever. With that, Nick pressed the device up against Lance’s massive gray arm and injected him with the serum. He immediately adjusted the timer on his device and walked over to the closet again.

As Nick opened a compartment, grabbing some human gloves and a new human mask from the shelf, the same mask he wore before, Lance let out a loud screech. His body convulsed and his muscles tensed up. He threw himself to the floor and began to thrash around in obvious pain. Nick tried to ignore the screeches of pain, looking down at the empty human mask in his hands, feeling guilty. The creature's bones broke and snapped as his muscles twisted and shrank. The body contorted and smoothed out until Lance lay on the floor naked looking like a muscular gray human body with black eyes. Lance breathed hard and used the table to slowly get up on his feet.

Lance stared ahead, trying to get his bearings before clearing his throat and looking down at his own slightly more human looking body. “I . . . . I can talk!” He said looking up. His black eyes settled on Nick. “I feel a little better, but obviously not quite . . . there yet.” He said looking at his featureless gray form in a nearby mirror. His hands were shaking as he touched his face as if for the first time.

Nick quickly slipped on the human mask, pulling at the handsome features until they settled in place. He walked over to Lance with both of his empty human gloves in one hand. “Lance, go ahead and put on the human suit.” He motioned to the empty skin on the table. As if shaken from a dream, Lance nodded and picked up the suit. “Just open the back and slide it on. The skin will actually conform to your new body, sealing itself. You don’t have to worry too much about it looking perfect as you put it on. It’s advanced technology that scans your body and conforms, with some limits, to the wearers body.” Nick said with a smile as he pulled one human glove over one of his scaly hands.

Lance looked Nick over. It was strange seeing the handsome man's face on a scaly green body. The skin looked so . . . natural and real. He couldn’t tell if the mask was fake or if he were wearing a lizard suit without a mask. That thought was quickly ruined as Nick pulled and stretched his features, looking at himself in a mirror that popped out of the wall. Within moments, Nick pulled on a tan shirt and a flannel button up.

Lance walked over to a closet-like area of the lab and sat on a bench before opening up the back of the skinsuit. He sighed before sliding his large gray feet into the skin. I slid surprisingly easily over this new humanoid gray form.

Nick pressed a button on the wall as he buttoned the last button on his shirt causing the wall to close, hiding the empty skin suits. Then the entire wall began to glow bright white. This provided them both with more illumination in the dark basement. The futuristic wall looked so slick compared to the rest of the otherwise normal looking room. Nick watched with amusement as Lance pulled the tan flesh over his body, making a rubbery stretching noise. Lance looked up in frustration and saw the smiling face he was so attracted to earlier.

Nick’s face was older . . . but so handsome. The fine lines and wrinkles on the mask made it look so natural. A smile stretched across the human mask, which Lance thought was so hot. He just wanted to run a hand over his broad jawline and kiss those perfect lips.

Seeing Lance struggle, Nick walked over and grabbed a fist full of fake flesh around the back of the opening and helped Lance pull the skin up and over his massive broad shoulders. “Lance I . . . . “ Nick said as he continued adjusting the suit over his body and pulling the opening closed as Lance began to unfold and open the mask. “I’m sorry about all this . . . . I messed up when entering the information, forgetting the DNA difference . . . that is a big mistake that I should have considered.” Lance was pushing the mask over his own inhuman features, pushing against the skin as Nick pulled the mask back tight. The tan skin sealed itself as Nick pushed the opening at the neckline together. Soon the suit was sealed and they both pushed and prodded the flesh so that it looked a little more natural around Lance's much larger body. Lance reached up, his muscles bulging within the suit making it stretch a bit and yanked at the back of his thick neck, pulling the wrinkled fold of neck skin tight so it looked somewhat normal before turning around to face Nick.

“Nick, I asked for this remember? Ya, this isn’t exactly what I was . . . um . . . expecting, and yes at times it sucked,” He said before letting his neck go with a snap while rolling his neck and shoulders. The skin settled and his muscles tensed with each movement. He stopped and looked at Nick with a thoughtful smile, “But you let me know the risks beforehand and I agreed. I trust you Nick, now let’s do this so I don’t have to put this suit on every time I want to go out. I already take long enough in the bathroom getting ready without having to put on a human skinsuit in the morning.”

They both laughed as Nick grabbed a pair of shorts and tossed it at him before gathering up some of the tech. Lance looked down at his still gray feet then back up at Nick. “Ummmm . . . so what am I supposed to wear?” Nick looked up then down at his massive feet. “Oh right umm . . . . let go upstairs in the kitchen, I think I have some old work boots you may be able to fit. Don’t worry about a shirt . . . it’s hot outside, so it shouldn’t look too weird to have you walking down the street shirtless right?” Lance looked down at his suit, flexing his arm. They both heard the rubbery stretching noise. “Don’t worry, it looks good. Not as tight and sexy as your true form . . . but it’s still hot.” Nick said as he motioned towards the hallway. Lance stood there and smiled at Nick for a moment, his chest and arms wrinkling strangely, but still looked amazing.

Lance went ahead and led the way into the hallway. His bulky muscular human form was so tight, it was hard to walk. He kept stumbling and running into the sides of the wall with a grunt. The suit looked so tight and uncomfortable, Lance couldn’t keep his arms down to his sides. “You look like such a gym bro” Nick said as he put a hand out to prevent Lance from falling back into him. There was that now familiar rubbery stretching noise as he rolled his shoulders trying to loosen the suit a bit. Lance tried sucking in his bulk, allowing the skin to relax over his new muscular form. “Well . . . at least yours fits!” He said in playful frustration. His ass and legs shifted as he tried walking forward normally.

Nick placed a hand on his massive tight shoulder to steady him as he led Lance to his room. “Ok, lets get you some shoes or boots to hide those gray feet and then get the fuck out of here. We have some time, but I wanna make sure we get back with time to spare just in case there are any delays.” Nick walked into the room and threw open his closet. He didn’t open the secret compartment that held some backup suits, but instead rummaged through a shelf of shoes and boots. He picked up a pair of old leather work boots and turned around. Nick was met with Lance naked, trying to pull on a pair of worn tight jeans. His cock was stiff and he had the pants pulled halfway up his massive thighs, wrinkling the skin as he grunted and fell back on the bed.

“Oh shit, you didn’t have to put on clothes . . . the shorts were fine!” Nick said as he walked over and helped Lance to his feet.

“I thought so too, but I got aroused and . . . well . . . “ Lance’s face shifted to an ashamed expression before they both looked down at his massive cock. Nick smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well . . . ok that makes sense. Probably better than taping your sock down eh? What’s a little more pain.” He said as he helped Lance pull the pants up with a grunt.

Lance looked Nick right in the eyes as Nick grabbed his cock with one hand and pulled the jeans open with the other. They both looked at each other longingly for a moment, their lips so close together . . . before Nick suddenly . . . and not too gently, crammed Lances cock down into his jeans and hiking up his pants. Lance let out a whimper and backed away. “OWWWWW, EASY!!!” He said massaging his crotch. Nick laughed and continued to the door. “We can’t have you getting all riled up while you are in that suit remember? You being turned on releases chemicals in your body naturally that negate the effects of the drug keeping you in that humanoid form.”

A frown formed a crease on Lance’s human looking forehead as he bent down, with some difficulty, to pull on the old worn boots. His large gray feet with black nails slide inside, forcing the leather to stretch and expand over the foot. With a low growl he stood up with a wince. “How do I look?” He said as he crossed his thick muscular arms in front of his body trying to look casual. His muscles shifted and flexed, his true form rippling and moving under the sexy suit. His handsome face became tight and smooth as he tried to suck in, an effort to prevent the suit from bulging more than it already was.

Nick admired his old suit on Lance. It was handsome, even stretched out the way it was. He had worn it many times and had many encounters with human men. He preferred the males over the females, always had. It wasn’t strange in his world at all, so he was surprised at the stigma some humans shared for such a preference. Neck smiled and nodded towards the door. “I think it’s time for us to get going.” He said, noticing the wrinkles forming around the back of his neck and waist. “I don’t want to push this time limit. The suits are durable, but they definitely have their limits. He placed a hand on Lance's now handsome face with a sigh. “It’s too bad, I loved this disguise.” He patted Lance’s cheek with his hand before leading the way out to the front door, grabbing his suitcase.

Lance struggled and winced in pain as he walked out to the front of the house on the sidewalk. Nick nodded to the right and they both started walking. This was an old part of town, with mostly industrial buildings. He saw a few people walking down the other side of the street carrying a large box of some kind. They both stared at Lance with a look of awe but also confusion. Why is this massive bodybuilder stumbling down the street in this part of town. Lance clenched his jaw and tried to force his thick legs to move more naturally. The suit fought against every movement. It was light and tight around his body . . . but it seemed pretty strong too.

As they walked, he started to feel hot from the beating sun. Nicked looked his way and wiped his forehead, which seemed to sweat. “Don’t worry, the suits are breathable . . . and allow moisture to leave but not enter. Very nice technology when wearing these things all day eh?” He said before continuing to walk. “We are about 4 more blocks away.”

Lance's muscles glistened in the sun as his huge muscular body continued to stretch. He could feel his body start to hurt and heard a muffled cracking noise come from within. He wiggled his toes and heard the leather creak as he did. The boots were super tight and confining, definitely the most uncomfortable item he was wearing besides the skin. He felt the sharp edges of his nails within. His cock hardened as he glanced at Nick's ass. He rolled his eyes and smacked his own head. Nick cock hurt being confined within his pants, but something more was going on he could tell. The skin started to wrinkle around his shoulders and he heard his pants start to rip.

“Oh shit Nick, I think it’s starting to wear off.” Nick looked back and clenched his jaw. He looked around and pulled out his reader. “Keep walking, we are almost there.” He said as a small device scanned him. Nick sighed and grabbed his hand. “Common, it’s ok if some of the suit rips at this point. It doesn’t look like many people are out.”

The two started to run. Nick was able to move much quicker than Lance, who struggled behind him. His massive body flexed, his chest muscles bouncing in the sunlight. Lance ran a tongue over his teeth and felt them starting to sharpen. He heard more ripping as he forced his legs into a faster run. He heard his pants rip more and felt his fingertip tighten. The boots hurt so bad now, but he felt some relief as a claw from his big toe punctured the leather boot with a rip. He rolled his eyes back as he felt his chest and arms tighten even more. Lance reached up to his face, it felt tight and he felt a ridge start to form under his scalp.

Nick finally stopped and worked feverishly to unlock the door. They both ran inside the building panting. Lance tried to speak, but it came out in a rasp. “Is this the place?” He said desperately. His face was tense, his jaw clenched as if he were trying to keep something in. Wrinkles were forming around his eyes and neck. He rolled a shoulder in apparent discomfort just as a tear formed in the tan skin at his back revealing some gray flesh. Whatever was underneath was starting to lose its humanoid shape, pushing against the human suit awkwardly.

Nick looked around and nodded towards a stairwell down in the basement. “Ya this is it, but I definitely want to get out of sight of the upstairs windows ya know?” He said with a worried look as he stopped at a dial pad and typed in some numbers. With that a wall slide open. Lance started to let out a growl again as he stumbled inside. His boots widened and stretched to the point where you could see the toes within pushing and wiggling unnaturally. “Here lets get you strapped into that table, we don’t want you to rampage like last time.”

Lance's huge muscular back shifted as he picked up the straps and desperately tightened them around his wrists! He didn’t bother explaining to Nick that he only freaked out last time because he didn’t know what to expect and was scared out of his mind. Although he didn’t think he had the ability to say anything anyways as he felt a back molar stab into his back gum. He let out a grunt and then felt this surge of adrenaline. It felt like . . . shock . . . that feeling of not feeling. Like jumping into a tub of ice water. His pants ripped as he bent over a bit and growled. His face stretched back into a snarl as his muscles shifted and bulged, making that rubbery stretching noise. “Oh . . . ShIIiiiiiiiTTTT UUUUUggggHHHGH”

Nick stepped back as he saw the man trying to maintain an upright posture, but failed miserably as his back started to shift and tear apart. His ass ripped his jeans as he flexed his feet, making the leather wrinkle and stretch before he spread his toes apart forcing the leather to burst apart with a pop. The man began to groan as the suit moved unnaturally, weird veiny things shifting and pushing against the fake skin. Lance crouched low then looked up at Nick with a pleading look, except he had black eyes and sharp teeth. There was a wet cough as he arched his back, forcing the suit to split apart even further, allowing a slimy wet gray surface to start to emerge.

Lance’s hands clenched as more ridges and strange bony parts started to shift and wrinkle his skinsuit.

Lance stood up slowly, almost menacingly, breathing hard. His face was wild and tight. His cheek bones were high and protruded a bit, and the base of his neck wrinkled a lot. His abs rippled, creases forming across the once toned looking ab muscles as his back arched. There was a deep growl as his clawed toes almost seemed to grip the concrete, the leather falling away as the jeans continued to rip. “I HAte THis PAARRRRRT” He mumbled, as if with a mouth full of mud. Then the front of his jeans tore open as his giant cock popped out with a grunt. The skin split apart as his gray cock sprayed cum all over. He reached up to his wrinkled misaligned face, as whatever was underneath was starting to push out, and grabbed his lips with both clawed hands. His face went slack and wrinkled as he pulled the lips apart as an inhuman set of teeth protruded. He pulled the face apart, tearing it in two with a snap. His chest shifted and burst apart, revealing the smooth gray muscles beneath. The creature within rose up to its full height with roar as the slick wet skin slid off its hideous form.

Nick stood before the creature, clearly nervous as he held his strange device to his side, trying to maintain a casual posture. The creature shook his arm so that a sleeve of skin slid off, the last remnants of Nick’s bodybuilder suit gone. The creature cocked his head then looked down at Nick's hand, clearing looking at the weapon. He put his hands up in a sarcastic scared way, letting out a deep growl. The movement was strangely human and . . . comforting to Nick. Lance was in control.

Nick smiled and looked down at his hand holding the device. “Don’t blame me, you just ruined one of my favorite suits!” He said with a playful shoulder shrug before walking past the creature to the back wall. He looked behind him as the creature stretched and flexed its massive muscular arms. Lance’s jaws snapped as he looked down at his own body.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get you back to your own pretty self here soon.” Nick said before pressing a hidden keypad, which scanned his body with a light before opening. Beyond the wall was a long futuristic hallway with lights on both sides of the floor. It looked exactly how a spaceship should look. Nick smiled at the thought before moving aside and motioning the massive creature into the doorway. The two made their way into the ship entering a long curved hallway.

Lance peered out of a passing window, which only showed concrete blocks. He accidentally let out a growl in an attempt to ask a question, before remembering that he could no longer talk. Nick looked back, a sad smile stretching across his handsome face. Lance internally laughed at the irony. Here he was, walking into a spaceship and the ALIEN is comforting him on his looks. He couldn’t help but to look at Nick’s ass, admiring his form and the suit he wore. Meanwhile, Lance literally couldn’t look at his own reflection right now without jumping in fear. He watched as Nick stopped to face him moving to one side of a metal door. He pressed a button, looking at Lance with a smile, opening the metal door with a soft hiss.

Lance entered the large room in awe, his claws clicking on the floor. There was all sorts of equipment and vials of liquid on tables. Everything seemed connected to some sort of computer; simple, clean, modern. This is the jackpot for any scientist, he was sure of it. Nick shut the door behind him and made his way to a large computer next to a bed, similar to what was in his basement. He plugged his device into the computer before looking behind him with a nod towards the bed.

“Go ahead and get on here, we don’t have much time, remember!” He turned back towards the computer scratching the side of his face. His fingertips dug deep into his face as he pushed the skin around causing it to wrinkle awkwardly. He did this without thinking as he intently typed information into the computer. Lance sat down on the table bed thing, making it creak under his weight. He looked around the fancy room and saw a large pod with liquid against the far wall, and another table with an empty mask on it!

“Umm, do you mind if I . . . um . . . “ Nick said with a pleading look pointing to his own handsome face. Lance paused for a moment before figuring out what he was asking. He waived his hand and nodded before gesturing to himself making a low growl sound. Nick laughed, “Very True . . . “ with that he reached up to his jaw and forehead and pulled at his handsome features. His slightly wrinkly features stretched as he pulled the mask up and off his green reptilian face with a slurp. “Ahhhhhh, thanks man. After that long run this thing gets kinda nasty.” He said, running his still human looking hand over his scaly head before returning to typing on the computer.

“Ok, i’m going to give you another serum, however this time, you are going to go into that incubation pod over there.” Nick said without looking up. “Don’t worry, it sounds scarier than it actually is. Basically, I’m going to put you in a sleep-like state. We are going to hook you up to some monitors and then incrementally rewrite your code without this mutation. You won’t be awake for any of this, so don’t worry.” He peered at Lance, who now had a worried nervous look on his face. “You might be asking why we didn’t do this to start? Well . . . this is more . . . um . . . involved and takes more energy and resources. Energy and resources I’m currently running low on. With that first serum I gave you, had I not fucked up, it would have worked just as well as what I am about to do to you.”

Nick paused and placed his still human looking hand on Lance’s misshapen shoulder. He looked him in the eyes, and even without the mask, Lance saw he saw the genuine care in those yellow slits. Their foreheads touched and Lance nodded. He was scared, but he had to do this. He had to. Lance made a note to ask Nick how he was able to change his eye color so quickly. Nick smiled . . . or what passed for a smile on the reptilian face, before gathering a few gadgets and standing up.

The two walked over to the pod and without hesitating Lance stepped inside the opening clear class case. He looked behind Nick as he got things ready. He saw the empty misshapen mask Nick had been wearing before. So lifeless and . . . . used. It’s kinda hot to know that this creature in front of him could look like anyone. Nick fitted a face mask attached to the machine to Lance’s currently grotesque mouth and pulled out the syringe with blue liquid. He paused one more time and nodded before injecting him with the serum.

For a moment, Lance didn’t feel anything, but then his arms started to feel heavy. His head began to swim as he watched the reptilian alien type commands into the device. He looked down at his body and saw a nice warm liquid fill up around his large misshapen feet. He should have been more scared, but he felt warm and relaxed. He looked up and saw Nick’s human hand touch the glass as the water rose and Lance became more groggy. Nick patiently watched with a content comforting expression on his face before Lance’s vision faded to black.


Lance slowly stirred. A pink glow surrounded him until he realized . . . his eyes were closed. His body felt . . . good. Every ache and pain he had, even the mundane stuff he had before he met Nick, was completely gone. He slowly started to wiggle his fingers and toes as if for the first time. He felt the weight of every little movement, like his body doing a system check before waking up. Finally, he slowly opened his eyes, taking in a big breath of air. His vision was initially blurry, but finally it cleared as Nick came into focus looking down at him with a smile.

Nick's handsome human face and muscular body was so close and he noticed his large hand caressing the side of Lance’s face. He looked around and saw that he was in Nick’s room! Wait . . . his face . . . he looked up at Nick again and felt his smooth hands caress his face! He could feel it again as he did before. He looked down and saw his human body in some comfy sweats. “It worked.” Nick said, allowing Lance to sit up a bit on his elbow.

Lance rubbed his face and wiggled his toes. He was back to normal again! He cleared his throat and worked his jaw before opening his mouth to speak. “I . . . You . . . did it!” Lance said in his own human sounding voice! He ran his hands over his chest and pinched his own skin.

“Don’t worry, it’s real.” Nick said with a smirk. He was sitting at the end of the sofa with jeans and socks. “Also, I did not do any alien probing while you were under . . . and I’m not wearing a shirt because I'm already wearing this suit . .. “ He said with a smirk.

Lance smiled at him. He was so handsome . . . and kind. “You are an amazing person Nick.” Lance said before placing a hand on the back of his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. Nick obliged and wrapped him in his arms. Nick broke the kiss with a snap and said something in a weird language, which had the blinds automatically shut and the lights dim. Lance laughed before the two continued kissing each other passionately. Nick let out a soft hiss as Lance kicked off his sweats before sliding down on the carpet and helping him out of his jeans. Lance caressed Nick's ass with his hands looking up at him.

“God these suits of yours are hot!” He said with a smile before sliding the shaft of Nick’s large cock all the way to the balls. Nick groaned and ran his hands through Lance’s hair as he pulled Lance’s head in closer before slowly pulsing his cock in and out of his mouth. With a light growl, Nick pulled Lance up and kissed him again. Lance ran his hands up to the sides of his face and massaged them, making the skin wrinkle as the two played with each other's lips.

Lance was so turned on . . . like unnaturally turned on. His cock was throbbing as he let out a groan of his own. Nick ran his hands down the front of Lances body, cupping his balls before sliding his cock into his mouth. Lance looked down and watched as Nick’s mask wrinkled and stretched as his cock went in and out of his lips. “God this is so hot! YOu can be anyone!” Lance said between pants.

Nick looked up with a devious smile, gently pushing him down on the couch again. His muscles flexed and he slid up against his body from behind, his rock hard cock playfully sliding up his ass, wrapping his thick arms around Lance from behind. “Anyone you want.” He whispered in his ear.

Lance’s cock throbbed now in anticipation as he groaned, spreading out his toes and stroking himself. His ass puckered and his back muscles shifted as he adjusted himself underneath Nick, pushing his ass up and against the alien.

Nick ran his hands over his back and let out a hiss before gently slapping Lances thick perfect ass. He began to caress his ass and grabbed some lube from the side table. “Don’t worry, we don’t need a condom. You don’t have anything I can get and you def can’t get anything I could possibly get.” He said between breaths.

Lance smiled, pushing his face into the cushion. “I wasn’t worried. You have a magic machine that fixes anything!” He said inhaling sharply as Nick gently eased his cock into his ass. It felt so good, Lance had to bite the fabric as some cum leaked out of his cock. Nick shuttered and hissed before caressing his ass and lower back. His cock slid in and out of Lance's ass with ease. It felt so good!

Nick leaned over and began to kiss his neck. Lance groaned as Nick reached down and began to jerk him off at the perfect rate Lance wanted. The two bodies slide and rhythmically moved over each other in a mass of muscle and skin.

Nick gently caressed his chest and pulled him in tight, pushing his face against the back of Lances neck. His hot breath put Lance over the edge as he involuntarily let out a huge load of cum into the sofa as he groaned into the pillow. He wanted more, he needed more!

Nick with a smile turned him over, not caring about the mess. He leaned down and kissed Lance, at the same time, jerking him off. Lance groaned and reached above his head grabbing the back of the couch. His muscles and abs flexed as he panted. Nick jerked himself off and came down for another kiss. Lance looked up at his handsome distinguished features and caressed his face as they kissed. He was about to cum again! He was sweating now and he looked up at Nick with a pleading look.

Without skipping a beat Nick slide his perfect cock back inside him. Lance groaned, arching his back as Nick pumped. The two kissed, but just as Nick let out another groan, Lance reached up and pulled at the corner of Nick’s lip, stretching his human mask. Nick didn’t stop, he just let out a hiss while pumping furiously into Lances ass. Nick smiled, reaching up with his other hand and massaging Nick’s face, making the features wrinkle unnaturally so that he saw the green scales around the eyes and lips. Nick grunted and arched his back, stretching the mask even more. . . with a rubbery noise. Nick reach up to his own chest growling now. He dug his fingertip into his chest skin and tore the tan skin apart with a rubbery “rrrrrrriiiiip” just as Lance gave the mask one final yank, making the handsome features stretch wildly. A seam formed around the base of Nick’s wrinkled neck and the human mask slide off in one smooth motion as Lance orgasmed again, spewing the biggest load ever all over Nick’s scaly exposed, muscular chest. Nick squealed and shook as he unloaded into Lances ass. Nick’s muscular, partially revealed, alien body glistened in the low lights. He breathed heavily, slumping over Lance before pulling out and falling away next to Lance.

They both breathed heavily for a moment before Nick turned towards Lance, his scaly face glistening. “So . . . you liked that huh?” He said, his teeth still looked human, not sharp like what Lance had seen before. Lance just looked at him before holding up the empty wrinkled human mask with a smile. “This . . . is so hot.” He looked back at Nick’s true face and kissed him again. The two laughed and embraced each other before starting to kiss again.

The End


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