Josh's Plan

Josh finished pulling on the mask of Brandon’s face and began to press it down to ensure it bonded with the skin underneath. “I hope the mask sticks despite my beard. I don’t need it popping loose when I move my jaw” he thought as he continued to adjust his new face.
Quickly, the mask warmed to his body temperature and adhered to his face. Josh barely could tell he was wearing a mask now. “Fuuuuuuckkk! Damn I look just like him!” he uttered. His dick was about to tear through his tight orange briefs from the site of Brandon staring back at him from the mirror.
Clearing his throat, he began to practice Brandon’s voice. “Hi, I’m Brandon Thomas” he repeated several times until he had mastered the voice. “Oh this totally going to work!” He said excitedly to himself in the mirror.
After months of observing Brandon and learning his routines, thought processes, and actions, josh felt confident in his ability to pass for Brandon. “I should have no problem convincing Lucas that I am his best bud while the real Brandon is on a last minute work trip” josh thought out loud. “Lucas, you’re about to get your wish to be friends with benefits with Brandon” Josh continued to himself as a smirk Spread across his new face.