The Bodybuilder
Midnight was fast approaching while a few die hard gym rats were finishing up their workout routines. Muscle Heads was the largest gym near the outskirts of San Antonio . . . perhaps the largest, however it was remote enough that there were only a few people in the gym at any time. Rent was cheap so they could keep their membership prices low and provided service to most of the business and warehouse districts of the city. Men of all different shapes and sizes came, most of which were longtime members who knew each other.
The gym staff consisted of an intense looking young man of imposing stature who took this time before closing to work out every night. He sat on a bench silently looking at the clock. He knew every member who came in and out during this late shift, and they all knew him. He had a buzzed head and a strong smooth handsome face . . . but what made this man stand out was his body . . . he was massive. He stood well over 6’10 feet tall wearing nothing but a pair of black and white athletic shorts and a pair of tight black and white running shoes. He was so young, but his size demanded respect from everyone in the gym. He never talked much, usually nodding or responding with a deep grunt or one word. The others tried to make small talk, but the massive man was a stoic wall, not giving them anything. Eventually all the members grew to respect him and saw the massive amount of weight he easily thew around every night. He was a freak of nature.

There was rarely a change in his mood or temperament from day to day . . . however about this time every month he started to get a bit moody. He impatiently counted down the seconds to the end of his shift. Guys from time to time wouldn’t take heed of the many automated warnings that would blast over the loudspeakers, which normally wouldn’t be a big deal. However if it was this time of the month, he would toss you out like a rag doll . . . literally. The others began to pick up on this and knew when it was time to go, usually getting newer members in line before he resorted to this tactic. They knew and were happy to leave the gym early. They tried asking him why he was in such a hurry every month around the 30th, like clockwork, but he never responded.
He slowly nodded as the few guys packed up their things and headed out the door. He heard the door click shut and let out a deep breath. He got up and walked around the gym, thoroughly check every room and made sure every locker didn’t have anything in them before locking the front door. He turned and listened intently before turning off most of the lights and walked into the main weight area. The massive room had a beautiful tiered ceiling, probably because this use to be a meeting hall back in the day, with long horizontal windows up at the base of the ceiling that ran the entire length of one side of the roof. This allowed the street lamps to stream in as the lights continued to dim.
The man turned and looked into the massive mirror at one side of the wall. His jaw clenched and his muscles bulged as he flexed. He rolled his thick neck before taking off his gym shorts, revealing a black speedo. He wiggled his toes within his tight running shoes and flexed his legs . . . then his entire body.

Every muscle shifted and pushed out against his tan skin. He stretched and flexed, posing in front of the mirror. He let out a deep growl as he squeezed his arms together, flexing his massive chest. Veins emerged and the skin stretched and wrinkled around his waist, shoulders and neck. He relaxed, however only the veins seemed to recede when he did this. He seemed larger than before.
“I’ve been waiting for this all night” He mumbled in a deep voice as he reached up to his chest and massaged the skin. His jaw clenched and he shifted his body into another pose. He let out a deep growl again as his muscles tensed up. The veins emerged as he flexed his arms and legs. His shoes wrinkled and widened a bit as his body seemed to get even bigger this time. “Just . . . . need . . . this serum to wear off first.” He muttered before his pillow soft lips stretched back into a wide smile. The muscles bulged even more, making the skin tighten even more. It was scary how large he was. Then . . . as if coming to a realization he suddenly relaxed with a serious stoic look on his strong smooth face.

His face went slack yet his muscles still seemed so hard. He looked older now. Fine wrinkles formed on his face and around where is limbs bent. There was a deep meaty sound as his sneakers wrinkled and his toes stretched out wider. The black leather and fabric began to tear slightly. He rolled his eyes back and rolled his shoulders. You could see the muscles shifting now . . . moving under his tan skin like snakes. His veins pushed out further and began to shift as well. He let out a low groan and tilted his head back as the veins all over his body began to protrude and shift.

He let out a grunt as his thick neck wrinkled and his back bulged. He crouched low like an animal, arching his back. His thick muscles slide over each other, pushing against the smooth skin, which was wrinkling and stretching now from the pressure. His thick legs pulsed and his shoes wrinkled and stretched wide before tearing apart. Smooth slimy fleshy brown tentacles emerged from his shoes and spread out over the floor!
With an inhuman roar he stood up with his arms spread wide as his abs and neck wrinkled and stretched. The muscles and veins began to enlarge under the skin and shift and wiggle up towards his face. His lips were stretched back into an animalistic smile as he looked up at the ceiling. His face shifted and stretched awkwardly before it relaxed and went slack. The skin around his thick neck folded and stretched wider now as the tentacles pushed up towards his face. He let out a low guttural groan before shutting his eyes. The skin on his face smoothed out, his handsome face settled into a peaceful look for a moment. His thick muscular body tensed up but didn't wiggle or bulge like it did before. Everything seemed to be pushing tight against his skin. The tentacles that were revealed gripped the floor, digging into the concrete as if to grip the growing body for something.

His thick hands were clenched tight and his muscular thick body tightened. Suddenly there was a bright light that lit up the entire gym from the sky above. His thick body shuttered and there was a rubbery stretching . . . . no straining noise. His face started to stretch and tighten, tentacles began to writhe just beneath the surface of his still handsome strong face. There was a pause for just a moment . . . before you heard a meaty stretching noise followed by a violent wet tear.
The tan skin at his ankles began to split apart and tear up his legs before sliding apart revealing thick slimy growing tentacles that shifted and slide past each other, the separation between his legs indistinguishable. The human form began to bubble and bulge as the skin expanded and stretched. The creatures was still growing! His abs and chest stretched so that the muscular features no longer existed before ripping apart. His arms flexed then bulged before he opened his human hands. The human flesh broke apart like an old rubber glove, the split traveled up the arms. The writhing mass of tentacles billowed out of the once human body. The empty human flesh fell away, sloughing off in large pieces before falling within the mass of fleshy arms.
His once soft lips stretched wide as his face began to deflate and stretch as the writhing mass of tentacles emerged from his mouth. The lips and jaw wrinkled and stretched apart before breaking apart at the corners of his once perfect lips. The human face snapped away like a broken rubber band and fell to the floor as the giant creature fully emerged from his once human looking skin.
The heavy huge creature let out a loud roar as its bulk pushed aside the workout equipment with a crash. The main body was like a giant toothy slug surrounded by fleshy tentacles, which wrapped around pillars as if to steady the still growing creature. What could be considered its head reached the ceiling of the building.

The light from outside grew brighter, illuminating the massive wiggling brown body of the creature. There was a low pulsing noise just as the creature began to squeal. It’s body began to glow bright white and lift off the ground in midair before there was a pop and the entire alien creature disappeared along with the light. Heavy dumbells, barbells, and workout machines fell to the floor with a loud metal clang, one plate striking the mirror in a shower of glittering shards of glass. The room was then quiet, with nothing but the outside yellow light illuminating the gym.
A few hours later the front door opened and the same muscular man walked in wearing a white T-Shirt and black pants. He looked around at the mess with a sobering serious look on his chiseled strong face. He shook his head, clearly not happy with the mess.
“Jesus, I should have moved this shit before breaking free like that.” He said in that same low mumble he had before.
He spend the rest of the night picking up weights and workout machines with ease. When he was about done he looked into the portion of the unbroken mirror, allowing a tight smile to stretch on his face. He slowly, with a slight grunt, peeled his shirt away revealing a slightly thinner more toned body then he had earlier in the night. HIs skin was smooth and not as dull as it was before he shed it. He reached up and rubbed his face, allowing his thick fingers to wrinkled and push the human skin up a bit before allowing it to snap back into place. He smirked and pulled his arms back behind him and flexed his tight toned muscles. His massive body bulged, still impressive to any human, but much less than it had before.

“It’s good to get out of this thing and stretch every month, but once I take that serum, It’s not that uncomfortable.” He said to himself before winking at his reflection and continuing to sweep the floor as if nothing happened. He had to explain to the manager that he accidentally broke the mirror last night when closing the place down, but the place was spotless and he said he would pay for it. The owner had no idea.