Go Fish!
Coach Crocker sat in his office at the end of a training session with some of the swim team. He sighed as he looked through some of their performance reports, deciding which of these young men he was going to call back for the team. One caught his attention, as he lifted up one particular piece of paper. “Donovan Parker” he mumbled to himself. “Now this guy has some talent!” He said to himself before dropping the paper down on his desk. He was a handsome man in his early 40’s. His face was chiseled and distinguished, and his body . . . he was a large muscular man, famous for winning multiple championships and three olympic games. He wore a tight black tee shirt and his swim trunks along with some flip flops, which his large feet seemed to swallow as he shook his toned leg under his desk.

He smiled to himself thinking about his accomplishments. “If they only knew.” He said as he rubbed the back of his neck in slight discomfort. Just then he heard a door in the pool area slam and what he thought was someone yelling, “stop”. The swim meet ended almost two hours ago. He frowned and looked at the dark pool area.
He slowly stood up and let out a yell in a booming voice; “The pool is closed!” His voice was deep and smooth, commanding attention and respect. He walked out of his office and stood in the doorway, letting his eyes adjust to the dark. He scanned the large olympic pool area and noticed a handsome young man sitting at the edge of the pool in his swim trunks holding his head.
“Donovan!” said the commanding man as he walked towards the kid. “What the hell are you still doing here! Tryouts ended almost two hours ago!” He said as he approached him. The teen looked up in surprise, and that’s when Mr. Crocker noticed it. Along the side of the kids toned body was a long scrap . . . but there wasn’t any blood, only a deep dark blue color . . . no blue flesh? The coach stopped his approach realizing who Donovan was . . . no what he was. A smirk stretched on the handsome man's face as he continued his approach the teen.

Donovan looked up at the coach and stood up scared. “I’m . . . i’m sorry sir. I just wanted to practice a bit more and those assholes roughed me up!” He said. He clearly did not notice the gash in his skin revealing the skin beneath. He didn’t know . . . that he was just like the coach! The man walked up to him with a new kind of interest. Not just being impressed with his lap speed . . . but . . . in him. The coach was handsome but the way he looked at Donovan now was different. Arousing.
“Are you ok?” Said Coach Crocker.
Donovan swallowed as he pulled his perfect feet out of the water and sat down at the edge of the pool. “Ya i’m fine, I just wanted to finish a few more laps.”
“What are there names, i’ll make sure they don’t see the outdoors for the next month, much less join this team!” The coach said, looking towards the exit in clear annoyance.
“No it’s ok, they were messing with me and I slip back into the pool as I was getting out. Nick was the only one being an asshole . . . “ He looked up at the coach with a worried expression on his face. “But don’t do anything to him, it’s really no big deal. I don’t want to be the guy that tattles like some punk ass bitch”
The coach smirked, admiring his handsome features, knowing that there was so much more to the teen . . . more than this young man was willing to admit at the moment. He was shorter than he was with smooth perfect tan skin and hazel eyes. His short black hair was still dripping with water from the pool. His smooth sexy features wrinkled back as his perfect lips stretched wide as he smiled.

The tear was located on the right side of his back, almost on his side. The coach raised a large hand to help him up. The kid was well muscles and his body was lean and smooth. He grasped his shoulder, feeling his skin, which confirmed his theory. “Listen, I was going to take a swim myself. What do you say we take one more lap . . . see how well you can do against me?” Mr. Crocker said with a smirk, his hand still on the young man's smooth toned shoulder. Donovan somehow found a way to smile even wider, giving him an almost mischievous look. “Ok!”
With that, the coach kicked off his sandals and peeled the tight black shirt from his body, revealing his tattooed perfectly muscled body.

The coach smirked as he began to stretch. His muscles shifted and bulged with each movement. Donovans cock started to stiffen, so he jumped into the pool in order to keep the coach from seeing. The coach saw. His bent over to stretch out his legs, wiggling the toes on his large feet. Then he stood up and reached up in the air and behind his back to stretch out his shoulders before positioning himself to the edge of the pool. He calmly raised his arms out to the side with his eyes closed before diving into the pool.

With a beauty and grace Donovan didn’t notice from the other classmates, coach Crocker dove into the pool. His perfect body just slide into the water, barely making a splash. The coach emerged with a smile, up close to Donovan. Donovan thought of himself as far superior in the water than any other human . . . and figured the coach would be no different. He could barely contain his excitement as he admired the coaches handsome face. He thought he was going to win.

“Are you ready to do this?” Donovan asked in a much more confident voice. The coach just smirked and prepared himself at the side of the pool. Hanging off the side with one powerful muscular arm. “Whenever you want. I’ll even let you start off a second before me.” The coach just winked then looked ahead at the other end of the dark pool with a focused . . . handsome expression.
Donovan didn’t hesitate. “Ready . . . GO!” He yelled with a smile before launching his body forward. Both men dove head first into the water. However neither breached the water a second later like most swimmers. They both stayed under the water! Their muscular bodies moving at almost inhuman speed under the water. Finally they both breached about halfway through the lap before diving below the surface again. Finally The coach breached and began to lift his powerful muscled arms off the the water to propel himself forward at amazing speed. Donovan did the same . . . and was able to keep up. The two were so close until suddenly the coach, with a wicked smile, dove under the water with a spray of jet like force, propelled himself forward until he reached the other end a whole second before Donovan did. The coach emerged with a sly smile from the water as Donovan touched the starting point with an amazed look on his smooth perfect features.
“How . . . how did you?” He said in amazement. That’s when Coach Crocker knew . . . Donovan had no idea what he was. He should have been able to sense it . . . but he didn’t know how! The Coach smiled, running a hand over his scalp.
“Well, you and I have a lot of the same . . . tactics when swimming in the water . . . tactics a lot of other people probably don’t understand.” He replied carefully. Donovan didn’t seem to understand. With a smile and a shake of his head, Donovan began to climb out of the pool. Again, Mr. Crock noticed the tear on the left side of his back. It wasn’t a conventional cut . . . it was a tear . . . a tear in his skin, revealing a different kind of skin below. No blood, no guts, no muscle. Donovan's suit was torn, and he didn’t even notice.
“How did you hurt yourself?” The coach asked casually, wondering how the teen would reply. Donovan frowned and flexed, looking over his toned sexy body.
“What do you mean?” Donovan replied casually. The coach just admired his sexy human form with a smirk. Donovan began looking over his body, as if for the first time. He pulled his speedo down a bit as if to tease the man.
The coach, shaking his head with a smile on his face, pulled his large frame up out of the water, with water cascading off his sexy tan skin. “No, I mean here on your back.” He said as he ran his fingers over the torn part of the teens skin suit.
Donovan looked horrified before turning so his back was away from coach Crocker. He backed up, his perfect abs flexing with each breath. “Oh this? Oh . . . ummm . . . . nothing. Just a scratch. Hey um, I gotta go, you know . . . finals and all that.” He said in an impatient smooth sexy voice. With that he started to run.
The coach smiled and crouched down like a predator chasing prey leap into the air, and landed right in front of Donovan. “Wait!!! Don’t be afraid!” The coached boomed as he landed on his hands and knees with a serious look on his face.

“I know Donovan . . . I know what you are.” He said before standing up in front of the teen. Donovan kept his arm behind him, trying to cover as much of the scrape as possible as he backed up a few steps. “What do you mean?” He said with a worried expression on his face. He was thrown off my Coaches inhumanly high jump.
The coach just smirked and pointed at the young man. “What I mean is, I know you aren’t human . . . and I know that scrape is a tear in your human suit.” His eyes are playful and knowing. He clenches his jaw, which makes his handsome face look even more angular and sexy.

“Look, I’ll show you!” With that he reaches behind his thick neck and picks at something at the base of his hairline before he began to pull at it. His thick neck shift weirdly as he cocks his head and continue to pull. You could see a line form as the tan skin starts to pull apart and wrinkle, forming a gaping seam around his neck. He was grasping on a tiny piece of his hair . . . like a zipper. After he zips all around his neck, he smiles one more time before pushing one of his hands under the tan flesh and grasps the side of his face with the other. Then he pulled at his face. The skin wrinkled and bundled up around his fingers as he pushed and pulled at the sexy mask. The human features wrinkle and stretch with a sucking wet sound before he pulled the skin away revealing his true inhuman features beneath.

Coach smiled and rubbed his now bald blue head. Donovan looked down at the empty mask in his large still human looking hands. He looked up at the blue face and gills and then at the smooth muscular human looking body before his look of astonishment turned into a look of serious knowing realization.

“You . . . you’re just like . . . ME!” He said . . . his face suddenly turning into excitement. He slowly walked up to the coach with a smirk. He placed a hand on his thick smooth, still human looking chest while staring up at the coaches newly revealed face. “You’re so . . . . hot” He said with a smile.
The coach looked down at his own mask, then at the sexy swimmer with a smile. He wiggled his thick toes and rolled his shoulders before kneeling down in front of the young man, placing his hands on his abs . . . then smoothly moved his hands over to his side where the tear on his suit was. With a smile, he ran his hands over his arm and the side of his body, admiring the soft sexy suit . . . then slipped his fingers into the tear, under the skin, massaging the young man's true body underneath. There was a stretching noise as the coaches hand slipped under the human skin, then moved around to his back and then . . . eventually down to his right ass cheek. You could see the outline of his thick hand beneath the tan skin, which was now wrinkled and stretched. The teen groaned before leaning over, grasping coaches head and planting him with a passionate kiss.
It was strange seeing the young man still handsome human facial features smash up against the coaches inhuman fish-like face. The coach pulled out his hand and wrapped his thick arms around Donovan, pulling him into his thick muscular body. The two kissed passionately, the coach laying on the ground, his thick human legs wide as the young man straddled him.
Donovan moved his ass up against the coaches cock while slipping his tongue inside the coaches inhuman face. The coach ran his hand down the teens back, then slipped his finger into his ass under his trunks. Donovan groaned as his cock stiffened within his swimming tights . . . almost breaking the thin fabric. The coach ran his hands down his tight chest and abs before reaching down to the tights and pulling them away from his large stiff cock. Donovan got up and pulled them off, revealing his naked body before sitting back down on him. Coach grabbed his ass and pulled his hips up to his face, swallowing his cock whole.
Donovan fell over, his thick arms holding him up over Coaches face as the maskless man began to suck him off furiously down to the balls. As Donovan became more aroused, his suit tightened and wrinkled slightly as he began to thrust his cock into Coaches smooth fish face. His eyes turned completely black as he clenched his jaw allowing his body to shudder. The coach then, with enormous strength known for their kind, picked him up, while sucking him off. Donovan's thick legs wrapped around Coaches neck and shoulders while the large man began to walk back into the massive pools wading area. The crystal water shimmered around their glistening bodies as he walked all the way up to his shoulders, still allowing Donovan's thick smooth cock to slide in and out of his blue lips.
The young man smiled and gasped in ecstasy as the water began to leak into his human suit, touching his true flesh beneath. He slipped off the coaches shoulders, allowing the man to back him up into the shallow steps while kissing him. The coach reached down and shifted his muscular body until he rose his hand up, grasping his empty speedo with a smile. With that, Donovan launched himself at Coach, pushing him up against the steps, wrapping his thick legs around him with a splash and kissed him with a renewed hunger.
The coach moaned as he felt his cock slide up against Donovan's ass. He bit Donovan’s lower lip as the young man pulled his face back, stretching the mask until he could see Donovan's true lips beneath. A smile stretched onto the young man's face as he playfully twisted the fake tan nipples on Coach, forcing him to let go of his face with a rubbery snap. They both laughed before kissing again. This time Donovan clenched and allowed the Coach to slide his thick cock into his tight smooth ass. The combination of the water and the cock made his stiff cock, which was sliding up against Coaches thick toned abs, almost explode on the spot. He groaned as Coach reached up to his shoulders, running his hands down his back. The two men groaned as they fucked. Their bodies glistened and flexed in the water, while coaches face got serious and almost animalistic. Donovan looked down, rolling his shoulders in discomfort and nodded to the coach. “Now . . . . help me take this thing off.” He said between breaths.
Coach smiled as he ran his large still human looking hands up over his body one last time, then around to the back of Donovan's handsome face. Donovan winked as he felt Coach grab the zipper and begin to pull it open. The smooth tan skin split around his neck with a final stretching noise before coach smoothly grasped the sides of Donovan's face. As he bucked the young man's rock hard body with his cock under the water, the motion made the human facial features wrinkle within Coaches grasp. Donovans eyes rolled back as he groaned. Then the coach smiled and began to pull. The smooth face wrinkled and stretched in his grasp before it began to slowly slide up past his true features beneath, expanding the gap at the neckline. The smile warped and the eyes became empty holes as the mask slipped off the fishlike face beneath, identical to the coaches, with a rubbery slurping noise. The coach groaned as his fist closed around the empty human mask.
Donovan shuttered, feeling the cool air on his true face for the first time in months. His body furiously began to move over Coaches cock. “Don’t stop” he breathlessly whispered. The coach groaned with almost a painful expression now, grasping his hips and almost jackhammering Donovan. He wrapped his arms around Donovan's toned smooth body and kissed his true face between grasps as he ran his thick hands down his toned bulging back muscles. He smoothly reached up at the back of the neck line, pulling on another fine hair, before pulling the new zipper down the length of his back, along the spine. The skin parted, revealing a smooth blue and white surface. Like a child eagerly pulling apart wrapping paper, Coach grasped two huge handfuls of the wrinkled rubbery skin and pulled the suit apart.
Donovan's ass clenched then relaxed slightly over Coaches rock hard cock as the air hit him. He shifted his shoulders and chest until the skin around his arms slide away. The feeling was just too much now. His toned muscular blue body tensed and he growled just before a huge load spewed out from his still human looking cock just as coached pulled the stretchy tan body suit aside, still attached to Donovan's lower body. The cum slapped right up against coaches fish face. Coaches toned thick ass tensed as he thrusted one more time, just as he let his long tongue out just to lick some of the cum off his lips just as he began to cum with a loud groan.
The two sat in the water for a moment panting. Donovan's empty skin just floated in the water, still attached to his lower body. They both sighed and laughed as Donovan's human mask floated up from behind him, staring up at both of them, empty and wrinkled, with the dark hair brushing up against their still connected bodies.
Coach broke his grasp and submerged his body beneath the water. He stayed below the water for a few minutes as Donovan back-paddled within the water with keen interest, trying to get the cum out of his ass with a satisfied smile. Just then an empty human skin floated up to the surface of the pool as the sleek smooth muscular form of the coaches truly naked body swam underneath the pool at an inhuman speed before coming up right next to Donovan. His body was a strange design of dark and light blue and his face was handsome and broad, similar, although not exactly like his human face would suggest.
Donovan smiled and began to pull the rubbery skin down and off his body as well, allowing it to float up next to the coaches skin suit. He smiled and laughed as the two raced each other within the pool without emerging for the water for almost another hour. The two fetched their empty suits and Donovan's human mask from the water before walking out, breathing hard.
“That was so much fun!” Said Donovan as he be poured the water out of the neck of his empty skin casually. He dropped the mask to the floor with a slap and clenched his empty arm in his hands, squeezing out additional water from within his human arm/glove. The coach did the same before he picked up his human face and held it up.
“Ya, but now the part we both hate.” He said with a wink. “But before we do that, go ahead and give me that skin would ya?” He said with a nod. Donovan handed him the smooth suit with a questioning look. “You’re gonna have to turn me on really quick”, the Coach said with a mischievous look as he began to adjust the skin in his grip until the torn part was in one hand.
Donovan walked over and kissed him again, reaching down and stroking the creatures cock. It was rock hard within moments. Then he smile, took the empty mask from Coach and slide it up and over the Coaches inhuman features. The mask was tighter now, the cool water obviously affecting the elasticity of the skin. He pulled the empty mask down, stretching the rugged handsome features unnaturally as he kept sliding the neck area over Coaches head. Coach began to stroke his own cock now, breathing harder. Donovan smiled and continued to adjust the empty facial features until the eyes and lips aligned perfectly. He allowed for a smile to stretch across his now human looking face before the two continued kissing. The coach frowned and shuddered as he held Donovan's empty suit up against his cock before spewing warm cum all over the tear, to the point where Donovan actually backed away to avoid the spray with a giggle.
Donovan watched with amazement as the skin mended itself like magic. Coached stood there with a smile, holding up the smooth tan empty suit for Donovan to admire. “See? Good as new!” He said. It was weird seeing his smooth blue alien body with only his human mask on. “For some reason, and not by design mind you, our cum reacts with the skin similar to our emulator cream, making the nanobots close or regenerate any defects in the suit!”
He tossed the empty skin to Donovan before picking up his larger suit from the wet floor. He reached up to his face and pulled at it a bit before opening the back and stepping into the human skin. Coach took a few minutes as he yanked and pulled at the stretchy tan suit until it covered his body with the exception of the seam at this neckline. He raised his arm and flexed his chest muscles before smiling at Donovan. He wiggled his now human looking arms and hands before nodding to Donovan to help zip him up. Donovan smiled, running his hands over Coaches smooth naked ass a bit before pulling the zipper attached to a small amount of hair up his spine to close the suit. The skin seamlessly shut as Coached rolled his shoulders and flexed his back muscles to adjust the skin over his true form. Coach turned around with a twisted smile as he began to pull the zipper closed around his neck until the skin suit was completely sealed. He smiled and turned for Donovan to see. Coach looked complete human again! He slowly turned away, allowing Donovan to admire his muscles and his perfect ass, as they shifted and slide under the skin in a very natural way. The suit itself was so detailed and realistic, every age spot and freckle could be seen outside of the cool tattoos on his naked body.
Coached turned around admiring Donovan. “What do you think?” He said playfully. Donovan shifted his empty skin so it hid his hard cock again as they both laughed. With that, Donovan opened the back of his smooth empty skin and stepped inside. The coach helped the young creature pull the skin up and around his sexy body, zipping him up in the same manner Donovan did earlier before handing him the empty mask with a wink. Donovan’s human looking legs flexed as he came up on his toes to kiss the coach again before slipping the rubbery smooth mask over his fish-like face. The young man spent a minute or two adjusting his smooth silky handsome features before zipping the mask back to his human torso with a smile. Coach tossed him his swimming tights, which Donovan slipped on before stretching and rolling his shoulders so that the skin fit better.

The coach came down and kissed him again before grabbing his own speedo from the wet floor and slipping it on. They walked into his office hand in hand before coach put on a black cut off shirt and sat down on the computer.
“Well, I think you made it on the team Donovan.” He said, picking up the conversation as if no time had passed. “I will make sure I work those assholes who were messing with you earlier to the bone” He said with a devious smile. “But I’m also going to have to submit this incident report.” He just smiled and opened his laptop to continue his work.

Donovan stood there with a confused look. “Wait, what? Report on what? Us stripping from our human disguises and fucking?” He was worried the Coach had just lost his mind. Coach just looked up for a second with a condescending smile.
“No, I meant those boys picking on you. We can’t have another incident where you could be compromised again by those human teens. It’s too much of a risk, and you should have avoided that situation at all costs. Didn’t the commune teach you any of this?” He said in a mildly annoyed tone. Donovan hung his head down with a sigh.
“Yes.” Donovan said, then allowed for a thin smile before looking back up into the coaches now human looking eyes.
“Buuuuuut, if I ever do have any problems . . . I can come to you to . . . ummm . . . seal my suit again right?” He said with a smirk.
The End