The Resort
Danny and Jake walked into the secluded area of the resort a little drunk from the evening's festivities. Danny was a tan muscular tall man with jet black hair and cute dimples on either side of his chiseled scruffy jawline. He hung over his boyfriend Jake, a much shorter smooth slightly tan muscular man with longer brown hair and bright blue eyes. They were both shirtless and in their bathing suits as they stumbled over to the hot tubs that was nestled between two very full palm trees.

The two men have enjoyed their stay at the Logo Bay Resort so far . . . the small secluded resort sits off the main beach of Key West. It was the slow season, so Danny and Jake have enjoyed most of what the resort had to offer by themselves, and they loved it. Danny sighed as he lowered his thick muscular body into the hot writhing water. He rolled his thick neck as he settled into the hot tub with a sigh of relief. Jake smile and crouched down, wrapping his thick arms around Danny’s neck. He smiled and kissed the side of Danny’s smooth face softly with a playful giggle. With a low groan Danny smiled mischievously before he pulled Jake into the water with a splash. They both tensed up and rolled in the steaming water, laughing as they play wrestled. Before long they bodies relaxed and they kissed passionately under the moonlight and the glow from the blue light from the hot tube.
As the two were wrapped in each other’s thick muscular arms, another couple approached the hot tub without being noticed. One of the two men had brown hair, was more toned and athletic. He wore a no shirt, white swimming trunks, and tight black running shoes. His smooth handsome features were serious . . . almost solemn as he approached the area. The other man was a giant, hulking muscle rippled with every motion as he walked close behind the dark-haired man. He had short blond hair and a very cute smooth face. His pillow lips spread wide as his chiseled jaw made his smooth cheeks look slightly sunken. The man was already shirtless, with nothing but his swimsuit.
The two stood beside the hot tub, watching the two men kiss for a moment before the couple finally realized that they had company.
“Oh shit, we’re so sorry!” Jake said with a laugh, he backed off his smiling boyfriend Danny. The two looked at each other embarrassed, Danny lowered his large frame deeper into the water, as if to hide what had happened.
The dark haired man just stood for a moment with a very engaging . . . no . . . appraising look on his handsome face. The larger one almost seemed to split his face in half with a smile as he walked forward, his large feet seemed to almost spread out over the ground as he approached the hot tub.
“That’s no problem mate, we’ve had a few run-ins with others like this, no shame!!!” He said with an engaging smile. As if taken out of a trance, the dark-haired man also smiled.
“Trust me, you two are cute to watch as creepy as it might sound!” he said with a light laugh. “To be honest, you two are the first sign of life on this resort since we’ve arrived!”

The big guy smiled and walked closer to the hot tub, “May we?” he asked as he nodded towards the water.
Danny and Jake nodded and sat up a bit to make room in the circular tub. The big guy slowly lowered his massive shredded body into the water. His face was tight and his smile created some wrinkles around his pillow-like mouth. He flexed and then sighed, he looked at them both with his bright green eyes. My name is Brandon, and this is Jason as he nodded to the dark haired man.
The brown haired man nodded before slowly untying his wide black tennis shoes. He slipped his large foot out of the shoe and slowly peeled his white socks off. As he did this, he never broke eye contact with the couple. He wiggled his toes before dropping his toned sexy body into the water next to Brandon.

Brandon and Jason both stared at the couple with a keen hungry interest. They smiled before spreading their legs wide, rubbing up against Danny and Jake. “You both are so cute,” Jason said with a slight smile. Brandon drew his massive arm up and around Jason’s head with a slight sigh, and pulled him in close. Their bodies were so smooth, their presence so warm and inviting. Danny and Jake looked at each other with a smile and pulled each other close as well.
“You too aren’t bad looking yourselves!” Jake said as he eyed Jason’s sexy abs. Although he was smaller in size, he was a bit taller, and his frame seemed . . . bigger somehow to Jake’s. However compared to Brandon . . . he seemed so small, and looked much younger then all of them.
“How old are you guys if you don’t mind me asking?” Danny said as if reading Jake’s mind.
“About two hund- ooooofffff” Brandon started to say before Jason elbowed him in the side. “I’m about 25.” Brandon finished without skipping a beat. “Jason is 24.”
“How long are you guys at the resort?” Danny asked.
The two men paused and looked at each other. Brandon smiled at Jason before answering. “Well, to be honest, this is our last night!”
Danny looked at Jake and smiled, as if to say something. Jake looked at the couple before them with keen interest. The couple began to massage each others legs under the water. Brandon smiled and tensed up again. His muscles shifted as he sighed and leaned back, exposing his tight abs. With that he rose his large foot up to Danny’s groin and gently messaged his warm member. Jake and Jason giggled as they scooted closer to each other. Within minutes, the four muscular men were massaging each other sensually. Like a snake, Jason wrapped his toned arms around Jake and rolled his toned tan body on top of him before kissing him passionately. Brandon’s massive frame pulsed and flexed as Danny straddled his large body, rubbing his ass up against the mans’ cock. The four of them moved over each others body in a writhing mass of flesh and muscle, lips smacked as they kissed.
Finally Brandon stood up with Danny in his arms as they were both kissing. His large body hovered over the other two as Danny wrapped his thick legs around his waist. The two large men embraced and messaged each others body. Brandons muscles were shifting and bulging as if trying to burst from the smooth pale skin. Finally Danny fell to his feet and they both turned to Jake and Jason with full erections. Brandon just eyed Danny with a hungry serious expression. The water rolled off their glistening bodies as they both helped Jake and Jason up and out of the hot tub.
“I have an idea, let’s go back to our room and finish this.” Brandon said with keen interest as he grabbed Jake by the waist before kissing him, running his large hand through the shorter mans brown hair. Jason grabbed Danny’s large hand and began to lead him back towards the resort.
“What about your shoes and clothes?” Danny said with a laugh as the thin athletic man pulled him down the path back to the resort. “Oh don’t worry about those, they were getting to . . . small anyways.” He said as an eager smirk stretched across his smooth tan face.
The couple followed Jason and Brandon hand in hand back to their bungalow, which was located right off the sea close to the small rear parking lot of the resort. They noticed an old white van parked on the other side. The couple continued to lead Jake and Danny up to the house, however they fell back as the gravel hurt their feet. Brandon looked back with an eager smile as he move quickly ahead, his large masculine feet didn’t seem to be affected by the sharp gravel as they all crossed the parking lot to the back door of their bungalow.
Jason was still holding Jake’s hand, however he looked eager as well. Danny could tell Jason was only acting like the gravel hurt his feet. He noticed that Jason's face looked a little more worn now. There were fine wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and laugh lines at the sides of his thin lips. His dark hair looked crazy now and his green eyes seemed to glow, however he still maintained that smooth surfer boy smile that was so sexy.
Brandon unlocked the door and motioned everyone inside with a wide smile. His face was also a lot more worn than before. Matter of fact he now looked much older than everyone else. His once bright green eyes were now dimmed in the moonlight and slightly sunken. His sexy pillow lips were now a little chapped, and his skin looked tight and thin, however his god-like body overshadowed every imperfection noticed by the two sexy newcomers.
Jason then took the lead into the main bedroom/kitchen area.
“So this is our place, as you can see there isn’t much to it, but it has everything we need.” he said with a wink as he sat down on the bed with his legs spread wide. Jake and Danny smiled at each other and nodded before climbing in the bed themselves with Jason. The three of them kissed each other before looking up to Brandon, who was at the foot of the bed flexing with a wide smile. “Lets do this!” He said in a slightly deeper voice than normal.
His body looked even larger now, pulsing with every movement. He fell down on the bed enveloping everyone into his arms. He kissed Jake then Danny before moving Danny over to one side of the bed, straddling his legs. The two began to kiss again, this time reaching for each others shorts and slowly taking them off. Jason pulled Jake’s attention away from Danny and Brandon as he pulled him close into his already naked body. His cock rubbed up against Jake’s inner thigh before they began to kiss.
The four men were at it again. The caressed each others smooth firm asses while running their lips over every inch of each others body. Their smooth faces smashed together as they kissed passionately, their bodies pulsing with anticipation. Danny and Jake began to groan hand in hand as they both spread their legs as Brandon and Jason’s bodies pulsed and pushed up against their asses.

Jason looked over at Brandon with a sadistic smile etched on his smooth face. Brandon looked inhumanly hungry as he licked Danny’s flexed calf muscle all the way up to the foot. With an inhuman growl from both Brandon and Jason they plunged their thick cocks into Jake and Danny’s smooth puckered asses. There was a collective groan in the room as they began to pulse with sexual lust. The men groaned and shifted their asses as they wrapped their thick muscular legs around Brandon and Jason’s bodies.
Jason and Brandon began to pump harder, they leaned over and kissed them a few times before rearing up and pumping harder. There was a slapping noise as groin met ass-cheek. Jason and Brandon looked so hungry and their face looked tight and pale now. Every muscle on Brandon’s arms, chest, and shoulders began to tense up to the point of looking as if they were about to burst. His face was so serious. He pulled his lips back to reveal his teeth. Both Jason and Brandon looked at each other as they groaned and their eyes turned to pitch black!
Jake and Danny were oblivious to it all as their bodies tensed up and they groaned with pleasure. As all the men neared climax, toes curled, teeth bared and muscles slid over muscle. Suddenly, Brandon and Jason screamed with inhumanly deep voices as their bodies tensed and shuddered with relief! Brandon’s body pulsed and his back bulged before his shoulder blades pulled the pale smooth skin on his bulging muscular back apart in one slow tear. His face was twisted in pleasure as he shook, the pale skin ripped and slid apart along the center of his back as it revealed slimy olive green skin beneath.
As the two men pulsed and cam, they grabbed the shoulders of Jake and Danny as they trust their members deeper inside both of them one final time. Jake and Danny’s faces tensed up a bit before becoming slack. Slowly as Jason and Brandon tensed up, the sexy muscular bodies of Jake and Danny began to slowly deflate! Their faces became slack as the skin on their chest and arms began to fall in and wrinkle. Their bodies soon became rubbery and soft as their hands and feet began to empty and curl back into themselves.
Both Jason and Brandon smiled and looked at each other with their inhuman black eyes and now sharp inhuman teeth. They grasped the skin on the shoulders of the humans they just fucked, it gave way and bundled up in their fingers. With a gurgling noise, the skin continues to deflate, their once handsome faces became wrinkled and empty as their eyes disappeared in a green mist. The hunky humans were now just empty skins, lying on the bed in wrinkled heaps.
Jason and Brandon got up off the bed and stood naked looking down at the now completely empty skins of Jake and Danny. They smiled and looked at each other as the last remnants of green mist escaped from the wrinkled empty mouths of the now empty human flesh suits. Jason rolled his neck and his shoulder, his skin was so tight and pale now, conforming to every muscle on his body, the same could be said for Brandon, who was rolling his shoulder to check out the damage he did to his skin in the mirror against the wall.
“DAMMIT! Brandon said. His face showed deep creases under his eyes and forehead, his cheeks looked more sunken, and his lips looked dry and brittle, however the skin over his muscles were tight and smooth, except where the arms and legs bent, which were now wrinkled and bundled up a bit.
“I told you we were cutting it close, if we didn’t find these humans, you would have been fucked!” Jason said as he picked up Jake’s empty skin and inspected it. “This is still going to be a tight fit, but it’s a little bigger than the one I have on.” He said matter of factly. He walked up to the mirror and looked at himself, pushing the bags under his eyes and smiling, as if to loosen the skin on his face. “I think I may be able to use this one as a backup, as long as I run in through the machine again before reusing it.” He looked back at Brandon who was inspecting his new skin as well.
“This one is gonna be tight on me again . . . why are humans so small!!!” He complained. “Ugh, I guess it can’t be helped” he said as he tossed the empty skin back on the bed. With that he reached up to his forehead with some trouble. His muscles were tense and bulged, His smooth pale skin stretched as he reached up to his face, his abs and chest wrinkled slightly as his arms seemed to pull the skin suit up and awkwardly placing strain on his shoulders. With a grunt he grasped a bit of his hair on one side of his smooth forehead. The man clenched his jaw and closed his eyes as he pulled a bit of hair away from his scalp! There was a slight zipping noise as the thin pale flesh parted across his smooth forehead, revealing bits of green-olive colored flesh beneath. His forehead wrinkled and his handsome human facial features began to slacken a bit where the skin opened up, however it stopped right in the middle of his forehead. The large man grunted a bit as he tried to pull the zipper further apart, the skin stretched and pulled, but didn’t continue to part. As he struggled, his large chest and arm muscles tensed up . . . actually all of his muscles began to flex and bulge! The skin on his flexed chest and abs stretched and wrinkled a bit before bursting apart with a loud “RiiiiiIIIIIP” noise. The hunky man's’ once smooth pale skin split apart revealing the same smooth, olive colored skin that was revealed on his forehead!
“GOD DAMN IT!!” He yelled as he gave up on the zipper at his forehead. His handsome angry wrinkled features were still human in form, with the exception of the large opening in the upper part of his forehead. “This thing is a lost cause, I’m just gotta rip it off.” He said as he stepped in front of the mirror. WIth a crazed smile he reached up to his face and grabbed a fist full of scalp with one hand and the handsome facial features on the left side of his head. The skin wrinkled and bunched up in his fist before he began to pull his slack face apart. He groaned as the tear widened and stretched apart, pulling his human face down in a wrinkled mass of flesh. You could see the empty once human eye shaped holes and his soft lips stretch awkwardly away from the aliens true smooth green face.
With a grunt, the alien continued to pull the skin away from his head in a smooth motion. The skin snapped away from the base of his thick neck. The alien rolled his thick head, enjoying the fresh air. His face was horrifying, with no nose, large black eyes, and razor sharp teeth! It was slightly human in form, with a strong jawline, however without the ears. There was a deep sigh as he tossed his human face on the bed next to the empty skin of Danny.
“Ahhhhh, much better!” It said in a deep inhuman voice. It looked in the mirror to admire his face. His body was still covered in the pale human skin, however his body grew a bit, stretching a lot of his torso beyond the confines of the disguise. There were large tears at his back, chest, and abs. He reached over and grabbed a fist full of flesh at his shoulder before slowly pulling the skin off in one smooth motion from his thick muscular arm. He continued to roll his shoulders and stretch his body as the rest of the human skin around his shoulders and back began to wrinkle and fall away. He laughed and wiggled his toes as the skin on his feet split apart to reveal massive clawed beast-like feet.
Jason just watched silently as his partner pulled away the last remnants of human skin away from his large body. He missed being free from these human confines. He looked at Jake’s skin again, at the empty hollow eyes and mouth before tossing it on the bed next to Anthony’s old human face. “I guess it’s time for me to enjoy the fresh air huh.” He said with a smile as Anthony continued to flex and admire his true form in the mirror. His large smooth olive-green muscular body was much larger than the original skin he wore. The were able to develop a machine that allows for the skin to remain healthy and stretch, however as time passes, that seems to fade.
Jason walked up to the mirror himself and admired his smooth human features in the mirror. His dark hair and bright green eyes really complimented his tan smooth complexion. He flexed and ran his human hands over his chest and toned abs. “This is a good one I think I’ll keep. But I look forward to the new one, he’s so cute!” He said as his eyes turned black again.
He smiled and winked at himself before reaching up to his forehead like Anthony did before. He grabbed a bit of his hair at one side of his forehead before slowly pulling the hair across his forehead. There was the seamless zipper that slowly parted, allowing his smooth tan skin to part and reveal the familiar green skin beneath. Jason’s jaw clenched and his eyes rolled back into his head as he let out a deep groan. The skin continued to part, causing his forehead to wrinkle and his face to become a bit slack. The zipper continued all the way across his forehead until it stopped at the hairline on the opposite side of his face. With his eyes shut and a slight smile stretching across his handsome face revealing some sharp inhuman teeth, he adjusted his grip so that he grabbed the skin on both sides of the part in his forehead. With a rubbery stretching noise he slowly pulled the skin apart with a loud,
“uuuuugghhhgggghhhaaaaa”. His once smooth thin facial features fell and began to wrinkle as he pulled his face down, at the same time pulling his scalp back revealing the green smooth dome of his alien head. He continued to pull his now empty slack human facial features down and stretched the skin wider to his entire head could breach the human flesh.
With a sigh, his entire head from the neck up was revealed now, he sighed and breathed in fresh air, opening his large black eyes. The alien continued to pull the now unrecognizable facial skin down his neck as he rolled his human head, shifting his body within the tight skin suit. There was a stretching noise as the skin opened wider to allow for one shoulder at a time to slide out of the human flesh in a smooth movement. The human chest and toned arms began to deflate and stretch away from the aliens smooth muscular body.
The alien was now out of his human disguise from his abs up. The slightly larger alien began to push the skin down his slender muscular body. The human skin bunched up and slide down, the human lower abs wrinkled and sagged before being included in the mass of tan flesh, as it continued to be pushed off of the alien's ass and legs. Finally the alien pulled it’s large feet out of the tight skin of Jason with a sigh of relief. “Oh, so good to be free!”
The alien bent over and picked up his human disguise. It unfolded and hung in it’s grip like an old pair of pajamas. You could still see some of the human features, like the abs and the suits now empty face, but otherwise it was unrecognizable from when it was covering the hunky alien before. The alien tossed the complete skin on the bed and stretched.
The larger muscular alien had already pulled what looked like a tanning bed from the closet and turned it on. He reached for the wrinkled mass of Danny skin and tossed it into the machine, laying the empty suit out within the machine before closing it. There was a soft green glow before the machine beeped and stopped. The alien opened it and the smooth tan skin now looked healthier and there was an open zipper located on Danny’s forehead. The alien picked it up with a sigh. “Well, I guess it’s back in the suites huh.” He said with an eyeroll to the smaller alien behind him.
With that the massive alien picked up the Danny skin and opened the forehead opening wide. There was an awkward stretching noise as the smooth tan skin stretched wide enough for the aliens massive feet to enter. The alien sat on the bed and pulled Danny’s face up over his large muscular legs. Danny’s face was stretched beyond recognition. His mouth was opened side vertically along with his empty eyes. You could see the alien's body slide down past the skin on Danny’s neck, making it look grotesque . . . like it was about to burst at any moment. But the skin held, even as it stretched over the wide muscular chest of the alien. The facial features of Danny were now wide and broad, barely looking like a face at all. The skin was pulled up to the alien's chest before he stopped and bent over to his feet. He pulled at Danny’s large toes so that they fit over the liens even larger toes. The alien smoothed the skin over its legs so that the human skin flexed and moved with the natural physique of his own muscles. He pulled and prodded the skin so that it looked natural all the way up to his abs, occasionally heaving the skin suit up like a pair of pants.
With the lower half of the alien's body now in the human skin, even his cock filled in nicely, he finally began to roll and shrug his shoulders so that the could pull the skin up and over the rest of his body, one broad shoulder at a time. Soon the thick human muscular arms were filled out by the aliens own muscular arms. He flexed and moved his body so that Danny’s skin could smooth out and fit over his own. The alien now had the toned sexy muscular human body of Danny, with the exception of his alien face and neck. With one final sigh, the alien began to pull Danny’s face up and over his own. His thick neck and jaw filled in as the cute broad sexy features of Danny stretched over the alien's own head. Finally he flipped the scalp of Danny over his head until the zipper portion of Danny’s handsome face was left open. The alien massaged and moved Danny’s face over his own until none of the aliens green skin could be seen around his eyes and mouth. With a smile and a wink he grabbed the hair at one side of the zipper and began to pull it closed. The tan flesh mended and closed as he pulled it to the opposite side of his forehead. Finally the skin mended shut and the bit of hair acting as the zipper disappeared into his hairline. At last the alien was inside Danny’s handsome skinsuit.
He walked up to the mirror again and touched his now human looking face. He ran a finger down his scruffy jawline and winked. “Oh Danny, you’re a cute one!” He said in Danny’s voice! The smaller alien walked behind Danny and ran his hands over his smooth tan body.
“Very nice Antho . . . I mean Danny!” It said with a devious smile etched on his alien features. He wrapped his muscular toned green arms around Danny’s waist and smelled his shoulder. “So very nice!” He said, his black eyes staring at Danny’s now green human looking eyes. Danny just continued to flex and stare at himself in the mirror before rolling his head and bunching up his shoulders.
“It’s a little tighter than the other one, but it stretches a lot easier making it a lot more comfortable.” Danny said as he turned to the other alien. “However it’s not going to last long, so the next big human we see, we need to take. I can’t wear this thing for longer than a month.” He said as he looked at his human hand and wiggled his large human feet.
The other alien rolled his eyes before picking up Jason’s skin from the machine. “You know, it’s not my fault you’re so damn big!” He said with a laugh before sitting on the bed and opening the skin in Jason’s forehead. Jason’s sexy cute features stretched wide as the alien pulled his flesh up its sculpted green muscular legs. The alien had a lot easier time than Danny putting the skin on. He pulled Jason’s face and torso up to his waist before he leaned down and pulled the smooth soft skin over his own feet, wiggling and moving his toes so that it would look natural. He stood up and adjusted his cock so that it fit into Jason’s before continuing to pull the rest of the human skin up his own body. Before long, the tan smooth skin of Jason’s toned muscular body was over the alien's body. He stood in front of the mirror smoothing out the skin so that there weren’t wrinkles across his toned sexy abs and chest. He clenched his fists and rotated his shoulders so that his thick arms would fill in and look natural.
The alien walked next to Danny in front of the mirror and admired his toned sexy human looking body. He was much shorter than Danny, however he was just as toned and muscular for his size. He smiled before pulling Jason’s human face over his own and zipped the flesh together so that it seamlessly closed over his alien facial features. He pulled at his styled brown hair and massaged his smooth chiseled facial features so that it looked smooth and hid all of his true alien features. He too admired himself in the mirror next to Danny. They laughed and felt each others bodies as if seeing each other for the first time. They kissed before going to the closet to put on their human clothes. They put on gray jumpsuits with the logo for “Master Movers” on the chest. The looked so handsome in their new human suits. They pulled on white socks and worn tan work boots before grabbing the machine from the closet and moving it outside in the van they had parked out back. They soon came back inside and looked around.
“Well, I guess I’ll pick up my mess and you stash yours in the case for later. With that he began to pick up the pieces of skin that was left of Brandon. He threw the pale worn skin into a plastic bag. Jason picked up the empty skin of Jason and held it up one more time before putting into a glowing metal case, which would preserve it for when he needed it later. Danny picked up Brandon’s empty face and squeezed the soft flesh in his hand. With a smile he threw it in the bag and walked out the door with Jake. The room was empty now with nothing but an unmade bed and some wet swimming shorts by the doorway.
The End