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Guise: A Hero of Many Faces

Chapter 1: A Superhero Among Humans

The night was young and a fresh wetness coated the buildings of New York as the dreary day came to an end. There was the flash of a lighter as a man in a suit lit a cigarette. He paced about the rooftop as if waiting for someone. He impatiently put out the cigarette in a jar full of dirty rainwater as he approached the rooftop door.

“Fucking asshole! He always does this shit!” the man said as he clasp the handle.

Just then a man landed on the stairwell roof above the door with a thud. The man in the suit jumped back and fell on his ass as he uttered a high pitched scream.

The mysterious man laughed, “Do what shit?” he asked playfully. The guy wore nothing but black tights with dark red armor plates, a black metal utility belt, and dark red knee-high leather boots. The guy looked like a superhero . . . except he did not wear a mask. The man had handsome asian features with smooth high cheekbones and slightly slanted eyes. His cropped hair looked naturally made up and his smooth soft lips and strong jaw almost glistened in the newly emerging moonlight.

“God damn it Guise!!!” the man in the suite yelled as he sat up brushing himself off. He was an older man . . . in his early 40’s with black and white hair. The man wasn’t bad-looking himself, if you could ignore the puffy red embarrassed facial expression he currently wore.

Guise jumped down from the roof easily and walked up to the man as he held out a dark-red gloved hand. “You know . . . Mike . . . as one of the best detectives on the force, you have one of the worst screams I have ever heard. You sound like a 7 year old girl!” Mike eyed the man dangerously, his strong features settled into place as he clenched his jaw. “The last thing I need is for you to fuck with me tonight, I’ve had enough of viglianti freaks like you. He swatted the man's gloved hand away and stood up on his own.

Both men stood at about 6 ft tall, however Guise had a lot more muscle than Mike remembered. He wasn’t exactly small himself, in an athletic could-fit-into-skinny-jeans kinda way. Guise just stared at him with dark emotionless eyes and a smirk. “Good to see you too old friend.” He said sarcastically. “What do you have for me, we do not have much time to get this done . . . and I like to . . . enjoy myself.” Guise said lightly before leaning up against the door and crossing his feet.

Mike rolled his eyes, he didn’t know what that meant, however he has seen the aftermath of this man's work . . . men with broken bones, bruises, bloody noses, lying on the floor . . . always with short term memory loss. Guise was a master assassin. Mike tried to run facial software and fingerprint scans on this guy . . . and has never found a thing. After a savage attack on police headquarters a few years ago, this man came to him in his home late at night, with the same outfit . . . but he was a different man . . . or at least his face was. That’s right, this superhero has the ability to change his face anytime he wants. A true master of disguise! However Mike has not figured out how and who he really is. Hell he doesn’t even know if the man he sees before him now, leaning there with that stupid smirk on his handsome face, is the actual Guise. At the end of the day, Mike trusts him with his life.

Since that surprising introduction at his home, Guise has been helping the city’s police force with some of the worst crime lords in the city. Guise systematically takes out the worst of the worst and then disappears, only to return for information on his next target. Mike has no idea why or how, but this . . . Guise seems to want to do the right thing, and has helped this city more than anyone has or could. Guise was the name Mike was given after presenting evidence to Guise of him entering a building with one face and out of the building with the face . . . no, bodysuit . . . of another; a well known biker drug lord known as Daz, who just happened to be found later by the police force in that same building, tied up in a broom closet in nothing but his underwear. Mike worried how Guise would react to him researching the man to try to figure out his identity, but Guise, who looked like Henry Cavill at the time, just laughed it off as a challenge. He wanted Mike to try, however threatened that if Mike ever did, he would have to kill him. Mike never could tell if he was kidding. So he gave up.

Mike pulled out a small envelope from his jacket pocket. Guise frowned and grabbed it. “A lot smaller this time . . . are you guys slacking off?” he asked as he thumbed through the contents.

Mike ignored the jab. “Daron Brown,” he continued, “this one has been eluding us for years, he’s been on the FBI’s most wanted for human trafficking. The thing is . . . no-one can find Daron’s victims! The weirder thing, his victims show up every so often around the world . . . free and seemingly fine before disappearing again. The guy has a type, usually attractive muscular men. Sound familiar?” he said jokingly. He was met with a wink and a smile from Guise. Just today, we received intel from a person who claims they saw Daron at a gay strip joint downtown. My source and Daron use to be together when Daron was in the drug trade, so there was no mistaking the man. I checked out the source, the guy seems to be telling the truth when we pulled up his records and compared them with Darons. All ties between the two have been severed since then, so I do not think the two are working together. I’m thinking hell hath no fury than an EX’s wrath . . . or something like that.” Mike stuttered as he pulled out another cigarette.

Guise walked up to the edge of the roof and looked over his shoulder. “So you want me to get the intel and then you swoop in for the glory again right?” he said. His thick meaty neck wrinkled slightly . . . Mike couldn’t help staring . . . was it a mask? “Yes . . . but Guise . . . be careful. Something tells me this guy isn’t at the top of the food chain. I have a feeling he is working with someone else. He has been caught before, however has always been broken out or some technical mistake was made releasing the man. I think powerful people . . . or a person, is protecting him . . . and we need to know who.” Mike looked down around his feet for the lighter he dropped. “Just . . . don’t get caught. I’ll be damn if someone figures out who you are before me.” Mike said before glancing up at Guise . . . who was no longer there.


Guise sat on the roof of the stip club mentioned in the report. Mike was a good guy and really was one of the best cops in the city. Guise smiled at the idea of the man figuring out who he really was . . . well . . . what. He dropped the paperwork on the roof and lit a match. In moments the paper vanished in black char. He never leaves any evidence . . . ever. He watched the back door intently. Just then a sexy man exited the back of the building. He wore a wifebeater and ½ of a police uniform from the waist down. The man lit a cigarette and leaned against the wall.

Guise pulled out strange looking glasses from his utility belt and with a green light he scanned the man. The device measured the stripper, all of the details of the man came up on an internal screen. Guise smiled and put the device away.

“Oh, this is going to be fun!” He said. With that he jumped over the edge of the roof and landed 6 stories below right in front of the stripper. The man choked on his cigarette before Guise punched him in the face. The man landed hard in some garbage. Guise quickly lifted the man up and threw him over his shoulders before he crouched down and with one massive leap, jumped up to the top of the roof again with the stripper on his shoulder. Guise lowed the man down and with his hands, opened the man's eyelid. Guise stared into the man's wandering eye, and as soon as he made eye contact, his eyes glowed inhumanly yellow . . . his own pupil changed to a slit shape before fading to his normal dark brown eyes.

“Aaaaaand now, you won’t remember any of this!” he said with a chuckle. Guise looked around intently, no windows above him, but just in case he dragged the body behind a water tank for added cover. He quickly undid his utility belt and took out the device. He laid out the belt on the ground before pulling a small retractable cord from the device and hooked it up to the belt. The belt glowed then stiffened into a perfect circle. Two long retractable rods protruded from either side of the utility belt circle, straight up in the air. Before long there was a soft hum and the area inside the circle glowed a soft blue.

Guise sighed and stood up looking around one more time. He casually began to whistle as he began to pull at his gloves. He pulled the first one off and revealed a reptilian greed hand with dark black nails!!!! Before long both gloves were at his feet. He continued to whistle as he rolled his neck. He clenched his jaw and reached up with one hand and grabbed a fistfull of his own hair . . . and scalp. He smiled one last time before pulling. His handsome asian features stretched. His smile elongated and his eyes became misaligned. The smooth tan skin bundled up and stretched off his actual facial features as he pulled the human mask off. With a slurping noise his face came off his head and hung in his green reptilian hand. An alien face stared at the empty eye sockets of his once full, handsome, human mask. The creature had semi human features, however without a nose. He just had two flat slits where a nose would be, his skin was nothing but green and black scales, he had a ridged head, and piercing yellow snake eyes.

That’s right, Guise was an alien. His real name was Bal’rik, however he never would utter his real name on Earth. He was sent here as a spy for his alien race, who was just curious of these humans. He was only suppose to be on this planet for 10 years, however one day, transmissions from his home planet ceased! He returned to his ship, and entered the home information for auto warp, however the coordinates did not register with the system . . . it was like his planet didn’t exist anymore! Bal’rik was stuck on this planet with no-one to talk to like him. He became depressed and then angry at humans in general. However that eventually faded and he grew to like mankind. He even fell in love once or twice. Bal’rik even finds the male form attractive! He decided to protect mankind from themselves as a superhero while he continues to find a way back home. He knows others of his kind have visited this planet, so he searches for anything they might have been left behind that could get him home. However, Bal’rik knows things look bleak . . . and he also knows that his ship's computer system communicates with a massive, complex network of satellites surrounding his home planet . . . so if that communication ceased, then it wasn’t just a mere system issue . . . something big happened to his planet . . . and it wasn’t good. Until he makes contact again, he is stuck on this planet . . . a planet he has now made his home and has sworn to protect.

Guise sat down and pulled off his dark red leather boots. His reptilian feet emerged from his worn red boots. He loved this suite because he never had to wear a full human skin disguise, which made things easy for situations like this. He stood up and reached behind his back and pressed a small button on his collar. A metal ball like device emerged from the collar and automatically unzipped his skin tight suit. He pulled it off and toss it next to his other articles of clothing . . . and mask. He stood naked, his body was muscular and lean and he had a . . . large . . . human-like penis. It hung down limp as he walked up to the device. He stretched his green scaly muscles and nealt down. His human-like ass touched his heels as he pressed a button on the eyewear device he wore earlier. He then walked into the small glowing ring and stood with his arms up. The metal utility belt split horizontally. Half of the ring slowly rose up the two rods that protruded up in the air, as the other half rested on the floor. The ring rose and the blue light scanned Guise’s body once before coming back down to his feet. As it rose back up, his alien feet and legs emerged from the light covered in human skin! The light continued to rise up his body all the way to his fingertips. Guise’s body was covered in a tan/peachy colored skin and his features were human-like, however . . . not finished. Guise dropped his arms to his side as the ring came back down. His face emerged with hair and handsome human facial features . . . his face looked just like the strippers!!!

As the device connected back at the base, the light turned off and the two rods collapsed into the ring. Guise stepped out completely naked as an identical copy of the unconscious man beside him. He looked at himself and flexed. His muscles were smooth and defined. He knelt down and pressed a button on his utility belt again. The belt went limp as he stood up and reached into one of the metal pockets on the belt. He pulled out a small mirror. He held it up and reached up to his now human looking face.

“Oh, you are a cutie!!” he said in the unconscious man's’ voice. He rubbed his smooth handsome face. He had a strong angular face and a solid defined body. He ran his fingers through his dark black hair. His skin was pale, compared to the asian mask he wore earlier, however smooth with no imperfections. He rubbed his face and smiled. He still wore the same teeth he had on before, and didn’t really change them too often, unless he was going deep undercover. He looked down at his huge dick . . . “and I can’t do anything about that thing.” He said softly to himself. He never really stayed long enough to warrant worrying about the small details. He looked down at the unconscious man began stripping him of all of his clothes. He put them on and looked at himself in the mirror one last time before slipping it back into his utility belt.

Guise walked over to the edge of the roof and jumped back down. He landed with a thud and continued to walk towards the door without missing a step. He pounded on the dented old door and waited. A large bouncer cracked open the door, he had a bored “don’t fuck with me” look on his ugly face. “You know you are the only one working tonight, we can’t have princess taking long smoke breaks if you want paid . . . got it?” he said in a gruff voice.

“Sorry man, I think i’m going to quite smoking . . . it’s such a bad habit!” he said with an innocent smile stretched on his handsome face. The man rolled his eyes and nodded for him to enter.

“You’re client is here again, we already have the place clear for you. Take your time, I think i’m closing for the night. For what he pays us, I can take the night off, eh.” He said with a gruff laugh. I sent the others home, except for Adam. He’ll keep the liquor going for his henchmen, but you know he won’t want anything himself . . . as always. It’s fine with me tho.” He finished as he opened the door to the main bar area. “Go get changed and then make your way to the suite for your dance . . . HURRY!” he yelled as he made his way to the bar to . . . I assume yell . . . at Adam who was nowhere to be seen.

The room was full of 8 large men in sunglasses and suits. They seemed pretty well equipped for thugs. “Not your average drug lord,” Guise thought. He made his way to the back hallway and entered a room he knew from his research was where the strippers got ready. He knew that Daron was waiting for him in the suite at the end of the hall. He looked in the dimly lit mirror in the changing room. He was suppose to be a police officer . . . Darons favorite look. He took off the white wife-beater and slipped on the rest of the police uniform. He had on black, knee high boots, and the police gear . . . of course with tear away pants. He filled out the cheap costume nicely. He winked at himself and walked out the door, putting on his sunglasses.

He smirked before opening the door to the room. Daron was waiting for him . . . and at the foot of the bed was a small stage and stripper pole. The room was dimly lit by red lights. Daron sat on a love-seat attached to the foot of the bed with his feet propped up on the stage.

Daron was a very . . . very attractive muscular man. The hulking black man smiled at Guise and nodded. He had a nice jawline, perfect slightly broadened features, beautiful light brown eyes, a smooth bald head, and thick succulent lips. The man was a cross between Taye Diggs and a darker Jesse Williams. He wore a nice gray suit and dark brown leather dress shoes. His black dress shirt was undone at his neck and he already had a drink in his hand.

“Oh, this is going to be fun.” Guise thought as he slowly walked up to the stage. Guise stood in front of the man, with his hands on his belt.

“I heard you’ve been a bad boy . . . and I’m here to . . . make you beg for punishment.” Guise said in the strippers voice. Guise gave a mental eye roll as the music began to play. Daron leaned forward, pulling his large feet off the stage. Guise could tell the man was already aroused . . . Guise would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little turned on himself. The heavy beat of Marilyn Manson’s version of “Tainted Love” came on, and Guise was in motion.

Guise began to dance, he nealt down and shook his ass up and down that pole. He turned around and began to slowly undo his shirt, before whipping it off. He flexed his abs as he threw his hat and glasses off to the side of the stage. He spread his legs and moved his hips, slowly pulling off his belt. Daron smiled and grabbed his cock. Guise nealt down and puckered his ass. His ass moved in a crouching position as he began to twerk slowly. His large feet pushed against the black boots he was wearing; his lizard toes spread out wide, trying to burst free.

“Shit”, Guise thought, “I better be careful.” He slowly stood up and grabbed his pants. He pulled them off in one quick motion. He was now completely naked in front of Daron, in nothing but his knee high boots. Daron leaned back with an intense stare, massaging his dick through his pants. Guise slowly walked down and sat on Daron’s lap. Guise had a calm serious look now, his handsome face twitched as he clenched his jaw. He breathed down the neck of Daron and rhythmically moved his ass over Darons cock. “You’re mine now.” Guise whispered in Darons ear as he wrapped his thick muscular arms around Darons thick meaty neck. Daron started to breath hard. He grabbed Guise’s ass and ran his hands up his muscular back. Darons soft lips brushed past Guises neck until they found Guise’s soft lips. They kissed passionately.

As they kissed, Daron opened his eyes and looked right into the strippers bright blue eyes. Guise had him. Immediately his eyes changed again, they became that inhuman lizard-like yellow again. Daron exhaled and fell back into the seat with his eyes still open. Guise let out a soft hiss.

“Now thatssssss better!” Guise said. His eyes maintained their lizard appearance. They seemed to glow now in the dark room. Daron just sat there staring. Guise ran his hands down Daron’s chest and arms. “Oh, you truly are a specimen . . . I’m going to enjoy myself.”

The music continued to play in the background. Guise stood up and began to stroke his human looking dick. “So Daron, are you in the business of human trafficking yourself . . . or are you a middleman?” Guise asked casually. He seductively moved about the stage again, still staring into Daron’s eyes. Almost as if being mind-controlled, Daron spoke in an even tone, “I work for a man named Max, he does something with the men we provide for him, I’m his vendor.” he said without hesitation. Daron wore a blank expression as he continued to stare at Guise, who didn’t seem surprised by this willingness to speak.

As Guise continued to probe the man, asking him all sorts of questions, he began to realize this is much deeper than Daron. Apparently the man just provides a steady supply of men to this Max guy, who never really reveals himself to Daron when they meet. He usually stays in the car as the transaction takes place. In return, Max takes care of Daron and his crew. He provides them with any resource they need to make this happen. What Max does with the men . . . Guise could only imagine, however Daron didn’t know. Guise knew, in order to catch this guy, he was going to have to take his place . . .

“Ok, time for me to make this quick.” Guise said as he stopped dancing. He walked over to the door and locked it. Guise pulled out a small control from his pocket and pressed the button. His utility belt appeared before him in a flash of light. The song switched over to “Closer” by NIN. Guise smiled as he began to dance again. He pulled out those special glasses from his utility belt and scanned Daron while continuing to dance. “Daron, I’m going to need you to call those boys out in the lobby and let them know it’s going to be a while longer, and you didn’t want to be disturbed for any reason . . . for ANY . . . reason. Make sure they catch that last part baby!” Guise said playfully as he winked at Daron.

Daron made the call, yelling the last part before hanging up. Guise smiled. “Now, it’s time to . . . “ As the song broke into the heart of the dark thick beat, Guise began to gyrate and touch himself. His handsome face bared a sinister smile as he began to stroke his own cock. “Get a little more comfortable!” Guise lowered his hands from his handsome face as he moved his hips slowly to the beat. His muscles tensed up and his abs popped out as he flexed. His feet widened, the boots wiggled. He ran his hands down to his abs and dug his fingertips into his human skin right on the downbeat of the music. Guise groaned as he pulled his human disguise apart. The skin made a rubbery wet noise as he pulled the flesh apart revealing his green, scaly rock hard abs beneath. His rock hard cock was stiff as a board now. He ran his human hands over his scaly abs. “Oh gowd, these humansssss . . . they are so hot. DARON, why are your clothes still on?! Lose’em!!!” he groaned. His bright yellow eyes glowed.

Daron stood up and stripped from his designer suit. His rich milk chocolaty skin accented his muscular body. He just stared intensely at Guise. “Now . . . Dance for me Daron . . . DANCESSSSSSSS” Guise said. His handsome face was slack now. A lizard tongue came out of his thin lips for a second before retracting back. As Daron began to dance, flexing and moving his hips to the music as well. Guise hissed again and sat on the stage. He was breathing hard now. He reached down to his cock with one hand and tore the skin off of it like a used condom, and began to stroke it with one hand. With his free hand, he began to grab fists full of his human disguise and rip it off his body. Bits of skin stretched and ripped away from his thick arms and muscular legs. He sat on the stage with his legs spread in front of him. His feet curled and wiggled within the boots he wore as Guise reached up his his handsome, now slightly wrinkled face and groaned again. As his eyes rolled back and he bared his now inhuman teeth from under his thin lips, he dug his now scaly fingertips into his forehead and pulled the skin apart. His handsome mask slid off his now sweaty head. His boots widened and bulged before his black toe nails broke free. His cock then began to lurch as green cum came spewing all over Daron, who was still dancing.

Guise hissed as he pulled the last remnants of human skin from his body. He was panting now. “Oh, now that was fun!!!” he said as he stood up. He cleaned himself . . . and Daron off with a sheet before stepping into the now glowing utility belt machine again. This time he emerged from the perfect circle as Darons twin. As Guise looked at himself in the mirror he looked at Daron with those terrible yellow eyes again. “Oh, I almost forgot.” With one quick motion, Guise kicked the real Daron hard with a spinning back kick. Darons jaw cracked as he fell on the bed unconscious. A smile emerged on Guise’s new handsome face. He flexed and massaged his body a bit longer before stripping Daron of his clothes and putting them on. He picked up Daron and shoved his naked unconcious body under the bed.

Guise looked around for his utility belt and picked it up again. He fumbled with it for a moment then hit another button. All around him, the remnants of skin from his stripper disguise began to melt, until the flesh he wore was nothing more than a liquid on the floor. Eventually, the liquid even became clear, so it looked like water. This would be the case for any disguise he wasn’t wearing, including his mask he left on the ceiling next door. He pressed another button and in a flash his suit he left up on the roof appeared in front of him. He took a pillow case and shoved them inside.

Guise smiled one more time into the mirror with Darons face. Dimples showed and his bright white teeth peeked out from his perfect lips. He opened the door and marched into the lounge area. The men in suits . . . and presumably guns . . . stood up all at once. Guise smiled again. “Lets pack up and blow this joint.” Guise said with disgust to his men. “Hey, you!” Guise pointed at the owner. “I told your boy to take the night off. I think that kid is on something . . . but I will say, he did a good job! Whatever I pay you, you can double it for tonight man.”

The bouncer . . . who Guise assumed was the owner, had a dumbfounded expression, that quickly turned into happiness. Guise also knew that Mike was on his way to shut this place down. Not only did it serve as a strip joint, it also serves as a cover for a lot of other illegal practices around town. Guise smiled and followed the men to the car. “Now it’s time to meet this . . . Max”, Guise said with a smirk.

Chapter 2: A Hero for Bal’rik

Guise walked out of the club with Doran's’ goons, who surrounded him as they approached a large SUV. It was raining again. Guise looked at the man to his right expectantly.

“Oh ya, sorry boss” a big mafia looking man said sheepishly as he pulled out an umbrella. Guise just rolled his eyes and continued to walk into the car as the large man held the umbrella over him. The man shut the door behind him. “Take me to Max,” Guise said. The driver stared at him confused.

“Ok, where is the meeting place this time?” The average looking man said.

Shit, Guise thought. This Max guy sounds even smarter than I thought. He clench his jaw in annoyance. He looked at himself in the dark window. A handsome black man’s face stared back at him. His light brown eyes almost glowed as the street lamp caused the top of his head to shine. He almost licked his lips again, just to feel those succulent looking lips again on his tongue. Doren . . . you make a good looking disguise!

“Well how the hell do I get a hold of him again? It’s been a long night.” Guise said as he turned and smiled at the driver. He could see his cute dimples in the driver's mirror as his smile pushed his lips apart, revealing his perfect teeth.

“Well doesn’t he usually call when he wants a meeting boss?” The driver said obediently.

“Huh, didn’t even have to use my ability.” Guise said under his breath. “Alright, take me home then.” he responded. He sat back as the SUV pulled away. It looks like this is going to be a long undercover operation.


Mike walked around the bar by himself. He knew Guise was careful, but he was just as careful, and always did a sweep of a crime scene he knew Guise was at. A handsome older man, in his early 40’s, athletic build and surprisingly nice clothes walked into the back room. Mike scanned the scene and rolled his eyes. “So this is what the bastard means by having fun.” Mike walked around the stage towards the bed. He heard a muffled scream under the bed and a soft tapping. “One of his victims I suppose.” Mike smiled and turned towards the stage. “I’ll worry about you later.”

He looked down and saw some green liquid on a sheet. “Now this is new . . . blood . . . chemical?” He knelt down and put his finger in the goo and sniffed it. “Smells . . . sweet? I better clean this up just in case this is from Guise. I don’t know what or who he is, but if it ain't natural, I can’t risk the other officers catching onto it. Guise is mine to figure out.” he mumbled. He cleaned up the mess and shoved the now green sheets into a pillow case. He looked up and saw a small window. He stepped up onto a dresser and peeked out. “A back alley . . . perfect!” he said. He quickly tossed the pillowcase out the window and stepped down. The man under the bed began to yell. Mike kicked the side, “Oh SHUT UP! We’ll get you out.” he yelled as he made his way back to the other officers.

Just then a text showed up on his phone . . . it was Guise. It read, “DO NOT process him yet.. I’m undercover and I can’t have this guy being locked up hitting the streets. I need more time. PS- there is a naked stripper on the roof next door.”

“SHIT! This guys is such a . . . . FUCK!!!” he yelled. He loosened his tie as he turned back towards the room. Minutes later you heard a hard thud and the man under the bed went silent.


Guise entered the lobby to . . . Doren’s suite. He smiled a bit as the elevator shut behind him. He had two men outside the door ahead of him. “Jesus, this guy doesn’t mess around. Security out the ass.” he said softly before putting on a smile and walking towards the door . . . but then slowed down. If he had the ability to blush through this mask, he would have been dead by now. “Aaaand I’ll probably need a key.” he said lightly to one of the two men with a nervous laugh. He began to search his . . . er . . . Doran's pockets frantically. The two guards looked confused as he stopped at the door. He looked up and smiled again before sliding a key card into the door. He winked before slamming the door shut behind him.

Guise stood there for a moment, his head against the door. “Finally . . . a moment alone!” he whispered. He turned and then dropped his pillowcase full of his gear on the floor. Before him stood a sexy puerto rican man . . . completely . . . naked, leaning up against the wall.

“Hey babe.” He said softly. “I missed you!” Guise swallowed. Oh shit, this dude has a lover. He looked at the man's short black wavy hair and smooth tan skin. His muscles were perfect and well defined, his ass . . . oh that ass. His handsome features and dark green eyes looked so inviting. Guise smiled . . . and was aroused. “Thank god I put on the whole disguise!” he thought. Guise slowly walked over to the man and put his hands on either site of the man’s face. “Hello babe,” he said with a smile.

The man wrapped his thick arms around Guise’s waist and planted him with a long passionate kiss. The two embraced and kissed each other. Guise’s handsome features wrinkled slightly as he pressed his pillow lips up against Darons’ . . . boyfriend's’ . . . lips. The man broke the kiss and pushed him playfully back towards the large couch in the living room.

“You know, people always say . . . “ as he ran his hands over Guise’s chest and slipped his dress coat off his muscular, broad shoulders. Guise just stared. As he stepped back, fumbling a bit as he kicked his dress shoes off at the same time undoing the buttons on his black dress shirt. “Marco, you are the luckiest man in this city.” He said with his hand still up against Guise’s now revealed smooth dark chest. Guise grabbed Marco’s waist and tried to pull him in closer for a kiss, however he instead fell back, pulling Marco’s soft muscular body on his own.

Marco sat up, straddling Guise’s chiseled muscular body. He ran his hands down his flexed abs and started to undo his belt. Guise almost let out a hiss. “Keep it together, Guise thought, he’s human.”

“And I always respond . . . I am.” Marco whispered in Guise’s ear before whipping off his belt and pulling his pants off. Guise let out a little growl as he pulled Marco in for a kiss. Their bodies pulsed and ground up against each other. Their dicks slide over each other’s smooth skin. Marco’s tan muscles tensed and pulsed as their bodies moved over each others. Guise grabbed Marco’s ass and pulled his body from on top of him down on the couch as he positioned himself on top, never breaking the passionate kissing. Marco’s legs slide up Guise’s shoulders and groaned. Guise grunted and pushed his thick cock into Marco’s ass. Marco’s toes spread out and his body tensed up a bit before he pulled Guise in close to kiss him again. Guise began to pump. His ass puckered as he began to thrust. They both started breathing heavily. Guise pulled Marco in close and wrapped his thick arms around Marco’s tight waist. Marco began to groan. Guise began to groan. Guise then looked Marco in the eyes and smiled. As he has done many times, his eyes glowed bright yellow and his human pupils became snake-like. Marco looked back at him and stopped.

“You . . . you . . . you’re . . . . ,” to Guise’s surprise Marco sat up, his face contorted in confusion and disbelief. “You’re not a human . . . . you aren’t Doran!” Marco said loudly. Guise’s stomach hit the floor. “Don’t fucking tell me my ability doesn’t work against this one . . . . Oh fuck . . . FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!”

Guise pulled out and jumped back in a crouch. His handsome face had a snarl now. His tongue flicked out and his muscles were tense. Marco just sat on the couch staring. Then he stood up. He looked at Guise with a solemn face . . . then a smile just before his eyes also turned bright yellow snake-like shape!! Guise stood up in shock. “You . . . You are like me?!” he said.

The two men walked towards each other. Both muscular, handsome and perfect in every way . . . except they both had inhuman yellow snake eyes. Marco smiled at Guise and let out a little laugh. “I can’t believe it . . . after all this time, there was another one of my kind here on Earth!!!” He walked towards Guise and wrapped his arms around his neck. They both embraced.

“I assumed the worst after all communication failed . . . was that the same case for you?” Guise said. Marco sat down. “He was so handsome in his disguise . . . I can’t imagine what he looks like beneath . . . ,” Guise thought.

“I know!” Marco said, then his voice changed to a keeper pitch and out came words from his home planet . . . words in his native tongue . . . words he never thought he would hear again! The two had a conversation for hours in a strange language. They laughed and cried and shared stories. The sun began to rise as Guise sat back, still in nothing but his black dress socks. Marco settled into his arms and hugged him before looking up. His eyes were still that glorious yellow.

Immediately Guise’s cock stiffened up. Marco came up and kissed Guise again. Before long the two were rolling on the floor, their muscular bodies rubbing up against each other. This time they growled and hissed. Marco straddled Guise’s cock with his tight smooth ass. He ran his hands over Guise’s washboard abs and then came down for a kiss before rising up. Marco clenched his jaw and lowered his tight ass down on Guise’s hard cock. He rolled his neck and his muscles tightened. Guise closed his eyes and thrust his cock deeper into Marco. His toes spread out and curled. His socks became wide before bursting apart as reptilian black nails protruded.

Marco groaned and began to bounce on Guise’s cock. With an unnatural growl Guise reached up to Marco’s chest and grabbed a fist full of tan flesh and pulled the skin away from his muscular body. Marco groaned and smiled. The two flipped as Guise had Marco’s human legs over his human shoulders as he fucked him harder. Marco’s feet grew and spread out before nails protruded from the skin. Guise came down to kiss and Marco dug his fingers into the skin on Guise’s back and scraped the flesh apart to reveal the dark green with black stripes beneath. Guise groaned again as he pumped harder. He reached down to his own chest, digging his own fingers into his dark, smooth, brown skin and ripped it apart. The two groaned and growled as they each scrapped large amounts of skin from each other’s muscular alien bodies. Guise finally Grabbed Marco’s toned ass with his now revealed reptilian hands and pulled at the skin just as he came! Marco screeched, reached up to his face. He similarly, with his reptilian hands, pulled at his handsome slack face. His facial features stretched and wrinkled before splitting apart just as he came, revealing his alien face. The two screeched and twitched. Guise still had Daron’s now slightly wrinkled, handsome face on. He slumped over to the side of his now completely revealed friend.

They looked at each other. Guise casually smiled as he reached up to his own head. He grabbed a fist-full of brown scalp and pulled his human mask off. The handsome features twisted and folded before slurping off. They were both panting, both of their truly naked bodies glistened with sweat . . . Guise had a bunch of Marco’s green cum on his abs. They both laughed. They both laid on the floor with bits of their torn human disguises littered around the living room. Before long, some of their skin began to sag and melt into puddles of flesh colored liquid . . . which would eventually fade to a clear water-like substance.

Guise finally got up and looked at Marco. “I didn’t even get your name by the way.” He said sarcastically. Marco’s reptilian face was a slightly lighter hue of green than Guise. “It’s Val’ran”. Guise smiled as he went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, “I’m Bal’rik”. He walked back to the couch and sat down, he set his reptilian feet up on the coffee table and wiggled his toes slightly. Feels good to be naked, he thought. “Neighboring regions on our planet I see.” Their race distinguish their names by tribal regions. If you were born in “Ran”, you ended your name in “Ran”. In Bal’rik’s case, it was “Rik”. Marco smiled a bit before he stared up at the ceiling with a far off look. “I thought I was going to be alone for the rest of my days . . “ he said softly.

Bal’rik heard a vibration from Doran’s pants. He got up looking through the articles of clothing and . . . partially melted skin before finding his phone. He looked down and saw Mike’s text; “I took care of Doren, he’s locked up on the roof for you to drop off to use when you are done. Have fun.”

“Prick,” Bal’rik said. He turned towards Val'ran, who was now gathering the pieces of leftover skin that had not decomposed to a liquid state and put them in the sink in the kitchen. Then it dawned on him . . . what on earth was Val'ran doing with a human like Doren. Apparently Val'ran was thinking of something similar.

“Hey, what did you do to Doren?” he asked matter of factly. “I don’t care, the human was a pig . . . but I’d like to know so I can make arrangements to leave if he isn’t coming back.” He was wiping his reptilian hands on a towel as he sat on a chair across for me.

“You know, I was just thinking . . . what are you doing with a human like Doren anyways? I mean he is involved with some shady stuff and . . . “

“I’m trying to gain a meeting with his employer,” Val'ran said as if reading his mind, “an employer known only as Max. Apparently I have gotten some signals on my TI scanner that some of our tech is being used all over the world . . . and as I get closer, it always seems to lead to Doren and this employer of his.” Bal’rik looked away. He unfortunately lost his own TI scanner in a sticky situation involving a fire escape and a garbage truck. “The only way I was going to get at Max was if I followed Doren . . . and the best way I could think to get close to Doren was to . . . well . . . get close to Doren.” Val'ran finished as he himself blushed.

Bal’rik smiled at this revelation. “So it looks like we have a common goal in mind. I’m also looking for Max. He has been tied to many kidnappings around the world, and i’m trying to figure out and stop this guy once and for all!”

Val'ran frowned, “Wait . . . you aren’t trying to get a hold of the tech? Where did you get your intel?”

Bal’rik looked away . . . “Well, I kinda lost my TI tracker . . . ,” Bal’rik hadn’t thought about what his own kind would think about working WITH humans before now. “You see, when communication stopped and my ship defected, I was totally lost. I didn’t even know someone else was stationed here . . . and now I know why, since you come from Ran . . . but I didn’t know, and since all of us communicated through the same system . . . I felt completely alone. I went through the entire process of hope, loss, and depression . . . . until I decided to help mankind. I met a guy in this city . . . his name is Mike, and he is the lead detective here. With his help, I found a new purpose, and that is taking out crime.” Bal’rik looked up. Val'ran smiled softly. No judgement . . . just understanding.

“So we got here for two entirely different reasons . . . I’m just so happy i’m not the only one. Not to mention, there is hope now . . . with this new tech! If it’s emitting a signal powerful enough to be picked up by my tracker, then there may be a way to contact our base on the closest planet to our home!! We can finally know what happened and hopefully get back!” He said with such joy and passion. It has been a long time since Bal’rik thought of home . . . and hope.

Just then the phone in Doren’s pants rang . . . this time it was actually Doren’s phone, not his own! Bal’rik jumped up and grabbed the phone. “Shit . . . I don’t have his synthesizer . . . “ they both rummaged through their things until they found a small plastic clear chip with wires in within a puddle of clear fluid. Bal’rik grabbed and, hoping he wasn’t going to answer in Marco’s voice synthesizer by mistake. “Hello?” Bal’rik said in Doren’s voice. They both sighed with relief.

“Tonight at 10 pm, South side off of Pire St under the bridge.” Said a deep voice on the other side of the line. Then there was a click as he hung up. Bal’rik looked up . . . it’s Max . . . he wants a meeting. Val'ran rolled his eyes, “FINALLY!! I’ve been waiting for Doren to get that call for weeks now. He’s been gone up until last night, and he usually only gets a call when he’s back in town.”

They both stood up. Bal’rik walked over to the door and picked up his pillowcase full of equipment. He walked over to the living room and dumped its’ contents out on the couch. “Combat gear? They didn’t give me any.” said Val'ran. Bal’rik smiled, “well they usually don’t give us any either . . . however I was sent here to get one of our own that was stationed in Iraq. I was to rescue him and take over his station . . . and yes, i’m trained.” There are very few of our kind who has the scientific background AND combat training for such missions. He was top of his class in both and very . . . very good at what he does. “Hey listen, can I get your help? I need you to come with me and meet Max as your boyfriend Doren for me.” He smirked at the boyfriend comment. As you distract him, I will try to take out any dangerous lackeys we find their and take this guy out. Once we get him, we’ll find out how he found and was able to use our tech.”

Val'ran simply nodded. He stood up and walked to the master bedroom and came back with a ring very similar to the one Bal’rik used as a utility belt. It was a slightly older model however. He activated the ring, waiting for a moment for it to light up before stepping in the center. The ring quickly passed over his muscular body two times before he emerged from the blue light covered in brown skin, looking exactly like Doren. He walked up to a mirror and smiled. He flexed and rubbed his new face. “Oh Doren, you are a cute one.” He said lightly as he smiled again.

Bal’rik pulled out his own tech and set it for only a face mask. He held it over his reptilian head and activated the circle. The blue light passed over his face twice, but only to the neck. As he pulled the loop up and off his head and smiled back with a different human’s face. He had a strong looking, handsome human face. The guy looked young with blond hair and bright blue eyes. His handsome angular features contrasted with his muscular reptilian body. “I never wear the same face twice. This thing auto generates, based on my preferences, a randomized unique human face every time I’m not copying someone else.”

“So what does Mike call you . . . or what do you call yourself?” Val’ran asked with a coy smirk. “Super Lizard Man or Batsnake?” They both laughed.

“Well ever since meeting Mike with a different face each time, he settled on Guise. He has been driving himself crazy trying to figure out my identity . . . it’s kinda cute.” He looked down at his suit. “It’s so weird . . . when I put this suit on, I feel like a hero to these humans . . . I feel . . . needed.” Val’ran just smiled and hung his head. You are so sweet, and I’m so glad you haven’t become jaded like me. Humans are miraculous creatures . . . and remind me of us at one time. I’ve been studying them for years, and after losing my connection home . . . I came to kinda resent them a bit. They all have, and take for granted, something I don’t anymore. A home. I’m not like . . . killing them or anything. I just have been obsessed with leaving this planet. I kinda just . . . developed this impatient feeling . . . like driving behind a slow driver . . . but it’s life. I forgot that these human feel and love too . . . and maybe it wouldn’t be so bad here . . . “

Bal’rik stepped up to Val'ran and ran his green reptilian hands down Dorans toned sexy body. He smiled at him with his new college jock face and winked. They both kissed again. Bal’rik’s thick dick hardened again as his new human mask smashed up against Val'ran’s. They broke the kiss and sighed. “No time!” they both said at the same time. Bal’rik picked up his combat suit and put it on. He soon stood before Doran with his black and dark red tights, dark red boots, with dark red gloves. He snapped his utility belt on and smiled.

Doran smiled at him and said, “Let go.” as he headed towards the door. Guise stared at Val’ran’s toned sexy chocolate ass a bit before he rolled his eyes. “Clothes Val'ran . . . clothes.”

Chapter 3: Bal’rik Meets Max

Guise stood on top of an abandoned warehouse overlooking the bridge off of Pire Street. His sleek black tights, red leather boots, and gloves intermingled with dark red armor-like accents made his body look god-like under the full moon. This night, Guise wore a very handsome young male’s face . . . the classic blond hair, blue-eyed type that has been so overdone in American Culture. He peered below through strange looking binoculars, his handsome smooth features were tense and motionless . . . you would have thought the man was a wax sculpture if he didn’t occasionally tense up his jaw muscles.

Below was Doran, a sexy, muscular black man, approaching a small off ramp towards the shadow of the bridge. The single street lamp dimmed yellow periodically, adding to Guises apprehension. This abandoned section of town use to be the industrial center, before the city drew in tourist, switching the economy to nightclubs and condos. Doren . . . no . . . Val’ran looked like a fish out of water. The suave bald man wore a fitted black suit with black sunglasses. His diamond cufflinks glittered in the minimal amount of light as the street lamp came to life again, emitting a now white glow. Val’ran, now in the form of Doran, checked his flashy silver watch for the time. 10 PM. Doran briefly shifted his gaze up to me before looking around with his hands spread wide.

“Max!!! Common man, I haven’t got all night.” Val’ran said in a tone that definitely matched Dorans personality. He definitely knows the human, which makes him perfect for meeting Max. Guise scanned the bridge again, his eyes glowed yellow for a time. This setoff the contrast between his reptilian interior and human exterior. He focused on the overpass and then climbed up on the edge of the roof, staring intently. He crouched down, his leather boots made a rubbery noise as he wiggled his toes in anticipation.

Just then a man emerged from the shadows, followed by three others. The man was breathtaking . . . he had dark black hair and bright blue eyes. He was fit and tall, with a smooth clean-cut complexion. Guise also remembered something that made his stomach drop . . . the man was also one of the missing persons in Mike’s file. He looked down at his watch and typed in a few codes . . . several faces came up . . . he swallowed in shock. Actually . . . all of those men are missing . . . which means . . . along with the stolen alien tech . . . Val’ran was in trouble.

“Oh shit!” Guise whispered as he jumped down to the empty parking lot and ran behind a dumpster. He pulled out his special eyewear and peered over the dumpster. He looked at the other three humans . . . they were also good looking, fitting this Max guy's’ M.O. The first had jet black hair, combed in that classic 50’s style. His pale skin almost glowed in the moonlight, defining his thin handsome features. He was not as big as the others, however you could tell by the way his athletic body moved, he was skilled and dangerous. He wore a suit like the others and black gloves . . . the driver. Following him were two MIA fighter types. One had a little scruff and buzzed head while the other was a bald clean shaven man. They both looked ruggedly handsome. Their faces were frozen in what looked like a permanent glare, their jaws clenched tight, pulling their faces back in a tight and stoic glare. You could just tell their muscles were solid as steel from the way the tailored suits caressed their bodies.

Max approached Doran with a smile and his arms open. “My friend, i’m so glad you were able to make it!” he said lightly . . . no playfully. There was a certain . . . threat in his voice that clearly made Val’ran uneasy. He adjusted his dress-shirt a bit as he himself walked towards the group. “Sorry man, it’s been a long night, it’s good to see you” he said . . . a smooth smile stretched on Dorans smooth sexy features. Without breaking his intense stare he grasped Dorans hand and shook it slowly. “The pleasure is all . . . mine.” he said slowly. His face looked worn and distinguished compared to Doran. The man exuded power and control.

Guise began to breath hard. He flipped a switch on his eyewear and there was a subtle green glow as he scanned the men. Each had normal human proportions . . . however their bones . . . they were folded and so many more than a normal human would have . . . especially within Max. These guys aren’t human at all!

Before Guise could even decide what to do, Max turned right towards him with twisted smile. “You can come out now . . . Bal’rik.” he said with a smirk. At that the other two men moved in and grabbed Val’ran by the arms. “BAL”RIK . . . RUN, IT”S A TRAP!!!” he screamed in Doran’s voice.

Max stood there calmly as Doran struggled. He bucked and kicked at the men . . . however their strength was undeniable. There was no way out of this. Guise slowly walked out from behind the dumpster, a smile drew his perfect lips back revealing his perfect teeth. “Why hello there . . . I don’t think we have been introduced yet . . . but I’m out now . . . so you can let go of Doren.” Guise said, betraying no sign of nervousness or desperation. Max stood there looking at Guise with evil interest. He slowly walked towards Doran.

“You are a handsome one aren’t you?” he said as he approached Doren slowly. “Both of you are . . . I’ve always like this one you know.” he said this as he grabbed Dorans smooth face and brought him close to his own. The driver moved between Guise and Max with a smile that drew his mouth back almost unnaturally wide, he stood their with his arms crossed. Guise let out a small hiss in anger. He began to sweat under his human mask. “Listen, I don’t know who . . . or what you guys are, but I just wanted to know why you have been stealing our tech and these humans you are . . . well . . . wearing.

Max slowly turned to Guise with a surprised expression, his bright blue eyes seemingly burned right through him. “Oh so you have figured that out have you?” He said with sincere surprise. “Very very clever . . . I should have known you would have been . . . astute enough to figure this out. He looked back towards Doran and came in close. Doren recoiled, his facial features tense. “You know . . . I tried using the tech you both use for your disguises . . . however . . . I couldn’t quite . . . fit.” he said with a smile. With that he reached up and dug his fingers into Dorens smooth scalp and grasped a fist full of his flesh before pulling Dorens handsome face away from Val’ran’s own features. The smooth brown flesh broke away with a snap away from his now exposed upper chest. Max held Dorens empty face in his hand as he held it up as if to show me what he meant. “You see . . . this would have been perfect for us . . . we never would have alerted you of our presence. You see your kind has always been able to one-up my kind . . . for millennia.”

Guise began to tense up and approach Max. The driver stepped up to me, he was . . . taller than I thought. He stared me down through those sunglasses . . . I thought I could see a red glow behind the black glass.. “Who are you and what do you want!” Guise said. His handsome features were slack and betrayed no emotion. Max casually tossed Doren’s face to the ground as he adjusted his tie. “You will see soon enough . . . but first . . . you need to answer me this one question for me.” He turned back to Val’ran, slowly circling him. He ran his hand over Val’ran scaly head and then ran his finger down his back . . . under his remaining human skin. With evil interest he ripped away his shirt . . . revealing his body . . . still coated by that smooth human skin. “Tell me what I need to know and . . . I’ll let you and your . . . shall I now say boyfriend?” Max let out a small giggle as he sniffed the back of Val’rans head. He ran his thick hands down his back before ripping his skin apart from behind.

“What the hell are you doing? Leave him alone . . . you know if any humans see us, it’s over for all of us” Guise yelled.

“NO” max suddenly screamed. His face was crazed, his perfectly gelled hair fell down slightly over his eyes as he grabbed Val’rans neck. “The humans are the ones who are in trouble my friend . . . NOT USSS!” he said, how with a hint of another deep voice deep within him. “Now,” he gripped harder . . . Val’ran began to choke, “Tell me if there are any more of you left on this planet!” he said back in his original playful tone. His handsome features stretched back revealing his perfect teeth . . . too many teeth it seemed.

“WE DON’T KNOW!!!!” Guise yelled. “This is why we were looking for you . . . to get our tech back and see if you could help us get off this planet!!!”

Val’rans eyes widened . . . he knew that wasn’t the right answer before Guise even ended the sentence. Max just shook his head slightly before he ripped Val’ran away from his two lackeys grasp and slammed his head and neck into the pavement with a loud crack. It happened so suddenly . . . so violently . . . that Guise couldn’t figure out what had happened until he saw Val’rans green blood pool around Val’ran’s head . . . his eyes still open . . . but lifeless.

Max just stood over the body and adjusted his suit tie. “I cannot stand liars.” he said. “You know . . . this is why I decimated your home planet . . . and THIS is why I am going to decimate this one . . . because I can’t trust you or your kind. You see . . . you were always the resourceful one . . . you have defeated my kind time and time again . . . but THIS time . . . “ He walked up to the muscular man with the buzzed head and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I have the upper hand . . . and have asserted my kind into history as the victors!” He said triumphantly. “The winners always tell the story my dear.” Max smiled slightly and nodded to the driver. Without hesitation and with surprising speed the driver kicked Guise right in the chest sending him flying into the dumpster with a hollow crack.

“Good day Bal’rik, I will not be seeing you again.” Max said casually as he began to walk towards the car. The driver and the bald meathead followed him towards the SUV. The wild looking hunk approached me with a smile now . . . an almost hungry smile on his strong features. He crouched and jumped inhumanly high with a growl before falling down towards Guises head.

“Shit!” Guise said as he rolled out of the way. The large man's feet landed on the pavement with a thud, sending chills down Guise’s spine. He jumped up and flipped back as the man flung the back of his large hand right towards his head. The SUV drove away. “FUCK!” he thought with anger. The man approached him with a devious smile as he began to take off his suit jacket. His fitted shirt did nothing to hide the fact that this guy had muscles on top of muscles. As soon as he dropped his jacket on the ground, he launched his large frame at Guise. He jumped up and allowed the meathead to pass underneath him as he landed a boot right on the man's spine and using his broad back to propel himself on top of an old truck nearby. The large man lost his footing and landed head first into the brick wall with a crack.

“Not the brightest I see.” Guise said with slight amusement as he crouched low, preparing himself for another attack. “You know, you mentioned that you have a kind . . . what are you talking about . . . and WHAT THE HELL did Max mean about destroying my planet?” He said with anger as he jumped up with a spin and kicked the back of the man’s thick neck further into the brick wall with a crack. He jumped away . . . knowing that this wasn’t the end of it.

The man slowly shifted his back and pulled his head out of the wall. He was breathing heavy now . . . clearly enraged, with a deep inhuman gravelly undertone. He turned to Guise . . . his face was contorted in a twisted grin . . . his once white human teeth were now sharp and black in color and his sunglasses fell away to reveal inhuman red eyes. There was a cut in his scalp that revealed dark purplish blood. The man roared as he tore away his dress shirt, revealing his bulging chest and ab muscles. His slightly hairy skin seemed to wrinkle and stretch under the pressure. He began to tense up even more . . . his muscles grew . . . his dress pants began to stretch and rip. “YOU . . . LIttle snAKE!!!” he said in an inhumanly low voice. He grunted as his muscles . . . no his body grew. There was a meaty bone breaking noise within. His black dress shoes widened and wrinkled before they burst apart to reveal a pair of dark purple clawed dinosaur-like feet. He crouched down and arched his back as his muscles continued to bulge and move. His smiled wildly, his thick lips spread wide and his distinguished strong facial features began to stretch back awkwardly. He rose his right arm out and his shoulder bulged. The skin on his flexed back split open at the same time the skin on his outstretched arm burst apart revealing a super muscular purple flesh beneath. His thick muscular neck wrinkled and bulged as his face pulled back, making his once human features unrecognizable. The bones in his face broke and slide under the skin before the flesh burst apart revealing the hideous face of a troll-like creature. The man contorted and bulged as a creature broke free of the skin starting from the right arm.

The hulking creature stood at it’s true height of 7 ft, shaking the remnants of human flesh from it’s large muscular dark-purple body. The humanoid mass of muscle was covered in a dark purple skin, only offset by it’s black claws and glowing red eyes. “A Trigoth?” Guise whispered to himself as the creature kicked away the remnants of flesh at his clawed feet. “SURPRISED?” it said in a grumbling deep voice as it made it’s way towards Guise. “WE FINALLY DEVELOPED A LITTLE TECHNOLOGY OF OUR OWN TO HIDE OUR FORMS!” it said. “AFTER WE DESTROYED YOUR PLANET FROM WITHIN, WE CAME HERE TO FIND YOU AND THE OTHERS OF YOUR KIND THAT HAVE . . . HIDDEN HERE!” it said before running at Guise with an outstretched clawed hand.

Guise reacted quickly, tumbling aside and grabbing an old wooden broomstick from the dumpster. He broke it with his foot and backed up as the creature regained it’s balance. “WHY?!” Guise yelled. “We didn’t do anything to you! You tried to invade our home planet over 1,000 years ago and we defended ourselves. Why would you want to wipe us out? What is the point?” he said desperately. His handsome human features portrayed rage and sadness.

The creature laughed before launching its body at Guise again, this time jumping up and over his body with claws out. Guise again jumped away and rolled out of reach. “YOU DID MORE THAN DEFEND YOURSELVES . . . YOU ALMOST ENDED OUR ENTIRE SPECIES IN THAT BATTLE!!!” He roared and flung the entire dumpster at Guise.

Guise jumped in the air and up on the roof of the building next to him. He reached down into his utility belt and pulled out a small smoke bomb . . . a fancy one. With one hand grasping the broken broom handle and the other the bomb he stood up on the edge of the roof, looking down at the creature. “So you spent all these years plotting your revenge . . . for something YOU instigated?” He said firmly, clenching his jaw. The creature launched its body up on the roof, just as this happened, Guise jumped aside and threw the bomb at the creature's face. With a squeal it landed with a thud on the roof, rolling on the ground, covering it’s eyes. Wasting little time, Guise jumped up, holding the broom stick like a javelin, and came down on the creature's face with all of his weight. The creature stopped squealing as the broom pierced it’s fleshy face. With a sickening thud, the broom stopped as bluish/black blood spilled out of it’s head.

Guise stood there for a moment, one foot on the creature's chest as he leaned on the broom handle for a moment, watching the blood poor from the creature's head. He face was contorted in anger and disgust. With his own roar Guise lost his temper and began to kick the creature's head. “WWWWHHHHHYYYYYY!!!!” he screamed, his handsome features wrinkled inhumanly as his eyes glowed bright yellow, his irises elongated. Blood splattered all over his face and suit before he collapsed to the ground in a pool of the creature's blood panting. His sandy blond hair was matted with the dark blue blood.

After some time, Guise stood up. . . . almost dazed and jumped down to wear Val’ran was. He placed his gloved hand on Val’ran’s now bare chest. His lighter hued green scales showed contrast to the now melted light brown flesh around them. He knelt down and picked up the aliens head and pulled his upper body on his lap. For the first time . . . Guise cried.


Mike woke up to loud banging on his bedroom window. He immediately kicked the covers off his body and rolled out of bed. Struggling to get his balance, he reached into his nightstand desperately and grabbed his gun. He again heard the knocking against his window, causing him to whirl around, however his foot was tangled in his sheets and he fell over, catching a glimpse of a figure at his window. “FUCK!” he mumbled as he kicked the sheets off his feet while wiggling to the edge of his bed with his gun raised. He looked and saw a blond man in red and black tights looking at him through the window.

“GOD DAMN YOU!!!” Mike yelled as he got up and walked to the window. He wore nothing but some briefs. He buff body was accented by a light amount of chest hair and his handsome features were accented by a light amount of scruff. He ran his hands through his salt-and-pepper hair before opening the window to let the man in. He stood their as the Guise crawled into his apartment. Mike looked him over with concern. His entire body was coated in dried black/blue liquid. “Watch the sheets!” He said as he kicked the sheets under his bed with his bare foot. He sighed and walked into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of Jack.

He turned around with two coffee mugs in his hand. “I’m assuming whatever you have to tell me is going to require a drink?” he said with a playful grin on his handsome face as he watched Guise enter the kitchen. Mike noticed that this time Guise wore a young man's face with blond hair . . . also coated in that strange liquid. “Jesus man, did you get in a fight with a giant ink pen?” he asked. Guise just looked at him with . . . strangly . . . sad eyes as he slowly sat down at his table and put his face in his hands. “Hey . . man . . .listen, i’m sorry . . . what happened?” Mike asked as he set the mugs down and splashed some of the golden liquid into both cups. Guise dropped his hands . . . his face was serious and still. His handsome facial features seemed to fit this time . . . was it a mask Mike thought.

“I lost someone I cared about today . . . and found out there is a world plot by some . . . . associates to destroy the world” he said softly with clenched teeth. His jaw pulsed with . . . pain.

“Guise, you aren’t making any sense . . . were you on the job? Did you find the guy or organization that was trafficking those people?” he asked, watching Guise carefully.

Guise put his hands up to the sides of his temples and pushed as if to quell a headache. “Yes” he mumbled. “And it’s worse than I thought . . . much worse, and this time . . . I need your help for the sake of not just this city . . . the world.”

There was a silence for a moment as Mike took in what Guise was saying. Typically Guise would make a few wise cracks, solve a case and disappear. Over time, Mike came to trust this man . . . no matter how mysterious he was. This was different . . . Guise actually looked . . . shaken, almost scared. Mike sat down across from him and took a sip of his drink. Guise looked up at him with his now bright blue eyes. “Listen, I trust you and I’ve helped you for years now . . . but you have been in and out with not more than a word to me. You have left me with more questions than answers, but you always came through and solved the case. You come to me with a different face every time and you expect me now, after all this time to trust you with a vague answer like that?” Mike was serious now, he looked at Guise in his eyes and leaned forward. “This time, you are going to tell me everything, or you aren’t getting anything from me. I need to know who you are and what the HELL you are talking about. Who is Guise and why are you doing this . . . Superhero thing?” Mike said with a certain . . . finality to his questions. They stared at each other for a moment.

Guise just sat up and sighed. “Fine, you want to know what’s going on, i’ll tell you. The human-trafficking ring we have been searching for? Ya, they are the ones who have been causing all of the trouble in this city lately, and guess what?” He said almost . . . angrily, “They are ALIENS Mike. That’s right, aliens who are hell bent on destroying this planet. If you don’t believe me, I have a storehouse with the body of one of these aliens that is literally the size of a car.” He smiled sarcastically for a moment, leaning forward himself. “Ok, now you want to know about me. Well . . . you’re right, I have special abilities, as you have guessed, and you don’t know who I am and never will . . . and why you may ask? BECAUSE LIKE MAX, I’M ALSO NOT HUMAN!” Guise yelled as he reached up to his smooth handsome face and grabbed a fistfull of his forehead before yanking the smooth skin off his head. The rubbery fleshy mask wrinkled and sagged as he stretched off a smooth reptilian head.

Mike just sat there with his mug in his hand for a moment staring. Guise rolled his eyes and sat back, tossing his now empty human mask on the table and taking swig of his drink. They both sat there in silence for a moment.

“Ok . . . that’s makes sense Guise. I . . . um . . . think I have to believe what you are telling me . . . er . . . showing me.” he said with shock as he glanced at the human mask briefly before looking into Guises now reptilian green scaly face. “. . . ummm. . . you . . . are . . . an alien . . . ok . . . that’s ok . . . that’s fine . . . . i’ve seen movies. . . . this isn’t impossible.” Mike mumbled as he got up and started pacing around the kitchen, staring at Guise like a purple flying elephant just shit on his table . . . or like an alien just unmasked in his kitchen while drinking his Whisky. He stopped and looked at Guise one last time before sitting down again and taking another drink. “So, it really was a mask. I thought you were . . . . human who discovered a way to make realistic masks using green goo stuff I keep finding at the crime scenes . . . but this works too.” Guise’s scales turned a little red . . . . was he blushing?

“I would love to spend time with you to explain everything, but Mike . . . I’m asking you as someone who cares about this planet . . . can you help me? Time is not on our side for this one.” he said dangerously as he put down his mug and leaned forward again. His reptilian features were very much like a humans . . . except he had scales, no nose, and bright yellow snake-like eyes.

Mike ran his hands through his peppered hair again and poured some more alcohol for himself. He looked up at Guise and motioned towards the bottle to see if he wanted some more. Guise shook his head. “Alright . . . I’ll help. But you have to answer just a few questions for me unless you want me to just . . . think about the fact that you just pulled your face off at my dining room table the entire time.

Guise leaned back and nodded towards the bottle and leaned back with his arms crossed. Mike poured him some more liquor and leaned back himself. “First question . . . what is your real name?” he asked calmly.

“Bal’rik . . . and you can call me that for now on if you want.” He said as he took a sip himself.

“After all these years . . . why come to ME . . . now. I’m just a human, how am I supposed to help you fight these aliens . . . who are apparently the size of a car? Wait . . . are they related to you . . . your kind?” Mike asked like a child.

“They are not the same as my kind . . . they are a different race . . . a race that is hellbent on conquering other planets. They are a barbaric, disgusting race that we defended ourselves against about 1000 years ago. I just learned today that they were . . . almost wiped out by my kind when we counter attacked . . . and apparently they haven’t forgotten. Max as we know him, apparently hasn’t forgotten and wants revenge on my . . . kind . . . no matter how few of us are left, and will destroy this planet to do so.” Bal’rik responded, he looked down at the table . . . with a far off stare.

“So there are others like you here on Earth?” Mike responded.

Bal’rik looked down at his gloves . . . at some of the strange stains, “There was. Now it’s just me . . . I think. You see I was sent here to research humans . . . and not in a ‘Red Scare communist invasion movie’ kinda way . . . we actually were curious and perfectly happy with how we lived. We wanted to research your kind and then come up with the best way to make contact . . . since we didn’t know how you would have responded. Anyways . . . I was part of that crew, and Max . . . told me today that our planet was destroyed . . . which explains why our system went dark a few years ago. So contact between each other ceased and now I have no idea who else is out there and if they are even still alive. I think . . . it’s just me now.”

Mike paused and saw he was hurt. “You mentioned another one . . . of your kind . . . had died . . . did Max do that?” he asked carefully.

Bal’rik put his face in his hands again and nodded. “My entire . . . race . . . my planet . . . my loved ones . . . . are now gone because of this monster.” he said through clenched teeth. “You asked me why I came to you . . . . well Mike . . . you are the only one I have left . . . “, he paused and looked up . . . with tears in his eyes. “I care about mankind . . . especially after losing my connection to my home . . . and you . . . you cared too . . . and I’ve always known that.”

Mike put his hand on Bal’riks . . . “Listen . . . i’ll help you find this guy and beat him to a pulp . . . but i’m not going to lie . . . I have some concerns over the ‘car’ comment you made earlier. Are you telling me this aliens are the size of cars?” he asked.

“Well . . . they too found a way to disguise themselves like humans . . . however they use . . . human skin. Before you ask, no.” Bal’rik said as he picked up his human mask. “This is not human skin, it’s synthetic, created by some technology we’ve created since we are close . . . anatomically to humans.”

“So . . . you can make yourself look like anyone?” Mike asked, taking the mask out of his hand and touching it. He stretched and picked at it a bit before giving it back.

“Essentially . . . yes. And you haven’t been able to find me because these faces are made up based on profiles of the diseased in your databases.” he said, looking at his own mask.

“Interesting . . . ok, well if these aliens are walking around in human skin, that would explain why we pick up their trail using facial recognition software before they . . . just disappear. I’m assuming that’s what the human trafficking ring was for . . . a constant supply of fresh disguises for these baddies right? Do you have any idea where this Max guy is? How did you escape?” he asked.

Guise told him about his encounter and how he lost the trail. After hours of talking, Mike seems pretty comfortable with the idea of who Guise was and how he was going to help him. “So we need to get some of your tech from your ship, and then search for this guy Max. It sounds like he is planning something big . . . so i’m assuming it’s going down here . . . and big things aren’t easy to move.” Mike said as he moved on to his 2nd cup of coffee. “Where is your ship then?” He asked. Guise said that it was his house . . . literally it was disguised as a house . . . off the grid.

“One last question and I’ll stop for the night . . . you said that I was the only one left . . . do you . . . think of me as someone you can trust? A human?” Mike said . . . with a serious expression on his face. Bal’rik blinked and smiled . . . Mike . . . I think you . . . are great . . . and you were the one that showed me how great humans can be. I was always a dick to you . . . but I never really meant it . . . I do like . . . you and . . . well . . . Listen, yes I do like you ok? You are pretty cool for a human.” he said with a wink.

Bal’rik finally stood up to stretch. Mike watched . . . he moved so much like a human. Mike looked down at Bal’rik’s mask. “So you can disguise yourself as anyone . . . “ he picked up the empty mask and then up at Bal’rik. “This one was very cute . . . are you going to use it again?” he asked playfully.

“You said no more questions,” Bal’rik said . . . bored with the question. “Probably, since I still have to head home and I can’t have any other humans spot me without a mask. Humans aren’t known for handling . . . differences . . . well.” he casually said as he stretched his arms and cracked his neck.

Mike stood up and walked slowly to his bedroom and looked out the window. “You know . . . you don’t have to go home tonight.” he said as he sipped his coffee casually . . . leaning against the door. Bal’rik stared at Mike for a moment. He had a lean frame and his sexy toned muscles glowed in the moonlight. Bal’rik never really saw Mike in this light before . . his dimples and jawline made him look so sexy. Mike looked behind him and smiled, “I know we’ve only known each other . . . really for a day now . . . but you can stay the night if you want. You need some rest and . . . we can clean you up . . . you can shower and sleep on the couch.” He said casually.

Bal’rik smiled . . . Humans are so coy. His kind never mind expressing themselves sexually. Female or male . . . they just loved sex. There was love and there was sex . . . and there was sex that can turn into love. This all was a part of his culture . . . they celebrated love and affection . . . much differently than humans. Human . . . categorize everything and place arbitrary restraints on everything they do. This is one thing Bal’rik still didn’t understand about humans. Bal’rik has always loved the male form . . . and humans weren’t so different, yet males on this planet always . . . are so hesitant to experience that side of their sexuality. You either are or aren’t . . . and if humans are one way . . . sometimes they strive to be the opposite. Never made sense.

“Mike . . . are you flirting with me?” Bal’rik asked playfully.

“Wha . . . ummmm . . . noooooo . . . . I mean . . . unless you wan . . . what am I saying . . . you just lost someone . . . you can . . “ he stuttered. Bal’rik thought of Val’ran for a moment. He loved Val’ran . . . he cares and mourns his loss . . . but sex is sex . . . and we love sex. Humans require a time for grief after death . . . that’s not how his kind thought.

“I’d love to stay. It’s late and we have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Let me get out of this gear and i’ll sleep here. You mentioned a couch right?” Bal’rik looked towards the love-seat in the corner. “You didn’t mean that did you?” He said lightly.

Mike blushed and nodded. “I mean . . . hey man, this isn’t a Hilton . . . either sleep on that or on my bed . . . if you don’t like those options . . . don’t let . . . er. . . the window hit you on the way out!” he said defensively. Cute, Bal’rik thought.

“Alright Mike . . . the bed it is. Do you feel comfortable with me sleeping in my true form? Or do you want me to put on a full body disguise so my scales don’t . . . irritate you at night?” he asked . . . as if he already knew the answer.

Mike smiled again and looked down on the floor . . . then to Bal’rik’s mask. “Listen . . . no offense . . . but put on something a little less . . . conspicuous . . . I mean we are in the city and I do have windows and shit ya know? If you want . . . can you use that mask again . . . do you need pants and stuff to cover your body? How does that work?” he stammered again.

Bal’rik shook his head and laughed. He began to undo his belts and gear. Then he sat down on the kitchen chair and slowly pulled off his worn leather boots. His reptilian-like feet were revealed, he wiggled his toes. Mike just watched . . . curious. He asked Mike to undo his zipper . . . knowing he could do it himself. Mike slowly pulled the zipper down . . . the suit loosened and parted revealing Bal’riks smooth muscular green scaly back and butt. Bal’rik shimmied out of the suit and let it fall to the floor. He stood before Mike naked for the first time. Mike just stared . . . didn’t really say much.

Smiling, Bal’rik walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. After about 20 mins in the shower, Bal’rik came out with a towel around his waist . . . Mike was in bed . . . asleep. “Fuck,” he said as he rolled his eyes. He spent the next couple of minutes rummaging through Mike’s clothes. He found some sweats, long white socks, and a tight long sleeve thermal. That will have to do for now. He walked over silently . . . his large feet stretched the socks a bit . . . but he was silent as he picked up his human mask off the table. He sighed and pulled the mask over his head. For a few minutes . . . he pulled and pushed and positioned the mask over his own face the best he could before bending over and pulling out the special device he uses to disguise himself. Since Mike was asleep, he just held it over his eyes and mouth to seal it to his face. He put the device away and turned back towards the bed . . . Mike was sitting up staring at him with a smile.

Bal’rik approached the bed and layed down next to Mike . . . who was clearing aroused now. Mike leaned in and put his arm around Bal’rik . . . he could feel his warmth. “You look great.” Mike whispered in his . . . now human ear. They cuddled for a moment . . . Mike’s partially clothed body spooned his . . . their feet rubbed up against each other for a moment while they settled into each other. Bal’rik was now aroused. Mike came in close and kissed his neck. ‘Finally’ Bal’rik thought . . . he turned his body around and stared right at Mike. Mike’s handsome face was relaxed and his bright blue eyes pierced him.

Mike looked at Bal’rik’s now human looking face. His flesh colored smooth handsome face was a clear contrast to the reptilian face beneath. So weird . . . he ran his hand over his smooth cheek and down his strong jawline. Bal’riks sexy face looked to be about 25 years old in age. High cheekbones and perfect plump lips. His strong slight laugh lines and blond perfect hair looked great. Clearly that device also cleaned it up a bit . . . after seeing it’s original condition. He was a little nervous . . . but mostly curious . . . there was something so attractive about all of this. He slowly came in and kissed Bal’rik. The mask felt soft and cool against his lips. They both wrapped their arms around their bodies and kissed passionately. Mike even bit the lower lip of Bal’riks sexy mask and stretched it a bit . . . playfully. Bal’riks green scaley hand came up and caressed his face as they kissed harder. Bal’riks mouth was so cool . . . fresh. Before long Mike was having Bal’rik take his briefs off in one fluid motion before coming in for another kiss.

Mike broke the embrace as Bal’rik began to suck on his nipple. Mike groaned and flexed his muscles. “Uuuuuu . . hhh .. . take . . . the clothes off,” he whispered. Bal’rik smiled and took off the clothes . . . everything but the mask and his white socks. Mike kissed him some more and ran his hands down Bal’riks scaly muscular body. His dick slid along his inner thi as Bal’rik groaned. Mike came in and slowly inserted . . . Bal’riks human face tensed up . . . his jaw rippled . . . Mike could just picture those reptilian facial features beneath . . . adding to his pleasure. Mike began to pump. Bal’rik groaned and curled his feet . . . Mike saw his socks expand a bit as he made Bal’riks toes spread out. “So hot,” he whispered.

Bal’rik bright yellow eyes opened as he hissed . . . this was in contrast to his human features. Mike continued . . . and kissed up Bal’riks chest and neck . . . he licked where the human mask met his reptilian skin. Bal’rik started groping Mike’s toned chest muscles . . . messaging them. Mike ran his tongue down Bal’rik’s own . . . messaging his lips. They both started to groan. Mike picked up speed and started to pant. Bal’rik started to hiss and groan. Mike curled his toes and flexed his muscles. Bal’rik grabbed Mike’s ass and squeezed. Before long they were both shaking the bed. Mike put his hand to the side of Bal’riks face right before he came. Bal’rik stuck his long inhuman tongue out. They both came, Mike dug his fingers into the sexy young mans mask and pulled. The skin was soft to the touch and stretchy. Bal’riks human facial features stretched awkwardly before there was a snapping noise and the mask came off in one quick movement revealing Bal’riks true face just as they both cam!

The two relaxed and laughed a bit . . . panting hard. Mike sat up and stared at the green alien next to him. “You truly are amazing Guise.” he said playfully. Bal’rik rolled his eyes and got up. His naked form seemed to glisten in the moonlight. Mike settled back and watched as Bal’rik cleaned himself off before stepping into a strange circular device. The glowing blue ring rose up and over Bal’riks body a few times as human looking skin formed over his reptilian features. Before long, Bal’rik settled into bed next him with a new skin disguise . . . every detail . . . even his large thick cock was perfect. He sat there shocked and eyeing Bal’rik’s new form. The man had short brown hair and pale smooth skin that accented every muscle on Bal’riks body. He had a very strong sexy face . . . with made him look a bit more distinguished than the mask he wore before. Mike looked at the man and ran his fingers over Bal’riks new face. He traced his light laugh lines and smooth perfect lips with his finger. “I can get use to this Bal’rik,” he said as they both smiled and laughed. They had sex 3 more times that night.

Chapter 4: An End to an Ending

Mike woke up with his arms around Guise . . . or Bal’rik. He just layed there looking at the sexy strange man lying in his arms. He ran his hand down his shoulder and smooth muscular back. His pale skin was so smooth and soft to the touch. He looked at the side of Bal’rik’s strong face. He leaned in and kissed Bal’rik’s muscular neck . . . which was slightly wrinkled as he pushed his face further into the pillow. Mike smiled and admired the thin smile lines around his perfect lips. As he looked at this man in his bed . . . he couldn’t believe that it was all fake . . . underneath this mans’ skin . . . was a reptilian alien.

Mike was strangely aroused at the idea. An ALIEN in his bed . . . that he slept with multiple times. He leaned back and stared at the ceiling. Now this guy . . . this shadow . . . this . . . Superhero he’s been working with from the shadows. . . needed his help. He bit his lower lip and continued to stare at Bal’riks back. Was he up for this? Was he asking too much? The WORLD is at stake and HE had to be the one to help? He remembered the pain on his face last night when he talked about his home planet and the friend he lost . . . friend huh . . . he smirked knowing what that entailed. Was he a friend now?

Bal’rik rolled over and stared at Mike, “Are you picturing me without my disguise?” he asked playfully. “If you are . . . I should say, don’t objectify me!”. The both laughed. Bal’rik got up and stretched. His chest and abs flexed a bit before he walked over to the bathroom to pee.

“Yes, aliens pee in the morning just like humans.” he said while pissing. Mike just shook his head with a low giggle, running his hands through his messy hair. Mike got up out of bed . . . he was still naked. He ran his hand over his slightly hairy chest and put on his pants before making his way to the kitchen to make some coffee.

“So are you wearing that disguise today?” he asked.

Bal’rik walked into the room naked while brushing teeth . . . just like a human. He winked and spit in the sink before responding. “I was thinking about it . . . I haven’t been out in public in this skin yet . . . why, did you want me to change for you? He slyly asked before sitting down on a chair.

Mike watched Bal’rik pose and stroke himself. His legs were spread wide and he wiggled his large feet a bit in anticipation. Mike smiled . . . immediately aroused. “Do we have time before the world ends?” he responded coyly.

“We can’t do anything until Max shows up again . . . and I just so happen to have the cellphone of the goon of his I killed last night in my utility belt. I’m assuming he will be calling at some point to see where he is . . . unless he doesn’t care.” He rolled his head before standing up to get some coffee. His handsome strong face was stoic . . . however betrayed a hint of anger. Bal’rik poured his coffee, deep in thought before he turned around with a smile.

“Actually I do have something I can do before our little meeting with Max.” he said cryptically with a smile. He took a sip of coffee before heading over to the other room and emerging with his utility belt. “See, these guys are bad news . . . they are bigger and much stronger than I am . . . and definitely way too much for any human.” he said.

“Thanks,” Mike mumbled as he took another sip of coffee.

“But I have a little something I forgot about until now . . . not really thinking I’d ever use it.” he said as he pressed a button on the utility belt. Three little vials of bright yellow liquid emerged from the top of one of the compartments. Bal’rik pulled one out and walked up to Mike to show him. “You see, these are what we called on my planet, Dowsers . . . the human to . . . um . . . alien translation is a little off, but who cares; the point is, if I ingest one of these vials, I will be granted increased strength and psychic abilities!” He walked around the kitchen as if lecturing a class of students. “These were bioengineered for our kind to use in war, and specifically used when we fought these baddies on my home planet . . . and won! These little vials could be the key to beating these assholes and saving the world!!” Bal’rik said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Mike stared at the vial curiously. “So you’re telling me, if you drink this yellow stuff, you’ll be a super . . . er superhero?” He asked eyeing Bal’rik skeptically.

Bal’rik smiled, “Basically . . . i’ll be even more awesome than I already am.” he said sarcastically. He turned and put the vial away again. “Obviously this stuff only works for a few hours, but I have three doses, so this will be more than enough. The only problem is if something happens to this stuff, then we are shit out of luck, because I don’t know how to make it again . . . especially with what Earth has to offer.”

Mike leaned against the counter again in deep thought. “Can I use one of those vials?” he asked. Bal’rik stopped and looked at him with a worried expression.

“I don’t think so Mike . . . I have no idea what the effects will be on a human body.”

Mike frowned, “Listen man, if my world is going to end and we are in a tight spot, don’t you think it’s worth the risk?” he asked. There was an awkward silence between the two for a moment before Bal’rik spoke.

“No Mike, I already lost everyone else I ever cared for, I will not risk your life when the advantage is all mine with this stuff . . . so no Mike, I WILL NOT RISK IT!” he yelled, worry and fear painted on his fake human face before he turned around, trying to hide . . . tears?

Mike walked up behind Bal’rik . . . and he noticed for the first time now much bigger Bal’rik was than him. He wrapped his arms around his thick chest, under his muscular arms. “Listen . . . we’ll get him. Just let me know what you want me to do in the meantime . . . I know you are eager to make a move . . . ,” Mike said before kissing his neck and rubbing his cock lightly against Bal’riks smooth ass. Bal’rik turned with a smile stretched on his strong features . . . his piercing blue eyes locked on his own. “Just . . . make me forget until Max calls.” he said before grasping Mike’s face and kissing him passionately.

Mike groaned and pushed Bal’rik back into his room, as they both fell on the bed. Bal’rik ran his hands through Mike’s messy brown hair and pulled his scruffy face into his as they kissed some more. He wrapped his thick muscular legs around Mike, his toes wiggled in anticipation.

Mike laughed and straddled Bal’rik large firm body. He ran his hands over Bal’rik’s toned sexy abs and chest. The two embraced . . . body on body. Mike’s cock slid up between Bal’riks thighs before sliding into his meaty ass. Bal’rik groaned with pleasure and flexed. His handsome features were smooth and relaxed, his jaw flexed as he shuttered. Mike smiled, leaned down and licked the side of Bal’riks smooth handsome face. He began to pump, the two panted. Bal’rik growled a bit and opened his mouth, he rolled his thick neck as he shifted and moved with each thrust. Mike smiled and fucked him harder. Bal’rik groaned with pleasure . . . then his lizard-like tongue slipped out of his mouth . . . it was human looking, then it . . . wasn’t . . . it came out so much longer than a human's could.

Mike was so aroused and fascinated. With curious ecstasy Mike ran his hands down Bal’rik’s smooth handsome face, then grabbed the man's sexy features and pulled at it. Bal’rik just groaned and pulled away. His handsome face stretched awkwardly from his true face beneath, the skin folded making the flesh look so rubbery and fake. Mike fucked harder and groaned. Bal’rik arched his back and curled his large toes as he began to climax . . . Mike pulled as the face until it ripped away revealing the green scaly alien face beneath just as he cam! Bal’rik hissed softly as he shuttered then his tense muscles relaxed as he relaxed his body back onto the bed. Mike slumped over him and pulled out. He laughed and stared at Bal’rik’s true face.

It was much like a humans . . . but scaly and without hair and a nose. Still . . . kinda . . . cute. He lifted Bal’rik’s human mask up and stared at it’s empty eye sockets. It’s once full human features were now sagging and empty . . . unrecognizable other than the brown hair. He tossed the mask on the end of the bed and looked at Bal’rik, who was staring at him with those bright yellow eyes. “You ruined another suit . . . just before I have to be out there fighting an alien psychopath.” he said flatly, with a smirk. “His face seemed so human . . . yet . . . not.” Mike thought.

Bal’rik got up and walked to the foot of the bed, looking down at his human mask. He looked up at Mike, then down at his pale muscular human looking body and smiled. He reached down and dug his fingers into stomach and pulled his human looking abs apart with a slight rubbery stretching noise. As he pulled the skin apart and away from his body, the rest began to sag awkwardly off of his muscular reptilian form. He shifted and pulled at the skin until it wrinkled and fell off his body like an old jumpsuit.

He sighed and flexed his now naked green alien body as if breathing fresh air for the first time. Mike just smiled and winked at him. “You know, I wouldn’t be upset if you didn’t wear a disguise . . . you are still cute to me.” Bal’rik laughed and shook his head before picking up the bundle of pale skin at his feet and his empty human mask. He walked to the bathroom and dropped the bundle of human skin into the sink. “Don’t worry, the skin will turn to liquid soon.” He walked to his utility belt on the table in the kitchen and pulled out that strange device that creates new disguises for him. “As much as I would love to walk around naked all day, the risks are too great. Someone can catch a glimpse of me through a window, or somebody can walk in . . . the fallout would be too much of a risk, so i’ve just gotten use to it.” He started up the device again as it began to scan his scaly body; tan flesh began forming over his muscles. “Besides, I don’t mind the human form . . . You guys aren’t too different from us physically . . . I find you attractive after all.” He said with a smile. As he emerged from his device, this time taking on the form of a beautiful dark haired italian man, his muscles glistened in the afternoon light as he walked up to Mike and kissed him again. The two had sex a few more times before lunch . . . careful not to ruin his new skin.


Max smiled as he walked down the hall with his fellow guards. The nuclear power plant would provide enough energy needed to set off the Photon Fusion Bomb he had in a duffle bag. Humans are so naive and simple, I can’t believe they made it this far without a mass extinction!!! Just then, another human cop popped out of the room and shot several rounds at Max and his group. The pale man with perfect hair quickly ran at the cop . . . with inhuman speed. A sharp long . . . claw . . . or sword . . . burst from the palm of his hand and stabbed the man right through the head. The black sword like claw retracted into the man's hand just as quickly, as he continued to walk down the hallway without missing a beat. The athletic man looked back with a thin smile before continuing down the hallway.

I can always count on Beesly, Max thought as he followed behind the large bald man . . . Balrog was his name. “We are close to the reactor. It will take at least 6 hours before we can activate the Photon Fusion Bomb. Our ship is locked onto our position and set on standby. Any of us can activate the sensor to port us back to the ship. We’ll have 10 mins before the reaction reaches critical mass and the planet’s core creates a nova blast . . . plenty of time for a hyper jump.” said the hulking man in a deep voice.

Max rolled his blue eyes. Balrog’s handsome strong features shifted as he made eye contact. The man was very handsome . . . muscles constantly bulging . . . a perfect fitness specimen for a human. His tan smooth skin almost looked fake due to the lack of imperfections on the flesh. “I don’t need the details, let's just blow this blue rock and get the hell out of here.” Balrog almost looked hurt that Max didn’t allow him to finish his report. He clenched his jaw and looked forward again down the hall.

Max ran a hand over his handsome human face and scratched at his neck before rolling his shoulders. “These skins are getting tight . . . I don’t know if these bracelets will last much longer. This is so annoying”, Max mumbled. He followed Balrog and Beesly in silence towards the reactor. He smiled a bit thinking of Dromen . . . he was suppose to take Bal’rik out . . . clearly he failed. Bal’rik was probably waiting for him to call Dromen’s phone at the moment. Max giggled slightly and adjusted his grip on the bag carrying the bomb. That idiot thinks I care enough to check up on him. His giggle turned into a maniacal laugh, Balrog shot a confused look his way.

“Both of you remember, I do not tolerate failure. If Bal’rik comes, you better put an end to him quickly. NOBODY better interfere with this . . . cleansing. NOBODY!” He yelled. His eyes glowed a slight red as they continued in silence down the hall.


Mike sat across from Bal’rik in his underwear and a white tee. Guise was still naked. They were both eagerly devouring a Goody Burger while watching the news. Mike also had his police scanner on in the background. They were starting to get eager. “Who the FUCK doesn’t check up on his own comrades like that!” Bal’rik complained between mouthfuls of fast food. Mike watched the news while sipping another cup of coffee. “I don’t know, but there has to be . . . “

Just then a clear voice came over Mike’s scanner. “Attention all units, an attack is in progress at the nuclear power plant. 3 male suspects assumed to be armed and dangerous.” Mike looked over to Bal’rik with alarm. “Well that doesn’t happen every day.” he said with a smile as he pulled out his phone and began texting his friends at the precinct.

Bal’rik jumped up and began to gather his things. “If an evil alien plot was going down, it seems reasonable that it would be a nuclear power plant . . . after all that is the closest piece of technology you have to unlimited energy.” He began to slip his large feet into his tight superhero suit. It slipped over his muscular tan body easily and formed to every muscle. “I swear, if it’s going to be something as cliche as a bomb to destroy the world, I owe you several drinks.” Bal’rik paused in the middle of clipping his utility belt, deep in thought. “. . . To be honest . . . it probably is . . . he said he did my home planet in . . . “ he said softly as Mike stumbled into the bedroom putting on his black and red tennis shoes.

“Listen, I’ll do whatever I can to make sure this alien asshole gets everything that is coming to him . . . I’m not going to lose you or my planet today . . . i’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” Mike said as he came in close, putting his arms around Bal’rik’s shoulder, looking him in the eyes. “Listen . . . you had made all of these sacrifices for our planet without even a thank you . . . and it’s my home planet that is in trouble, so you do not have the right to take this burden on yourself.” Bal’rik looked at Mike with admiration. “I’m selfishly glad you came here, but the cost you paid was too great. If . . . no . . . WHEN we survive this . . . you belong here on Earth . . . with me.” A smile stretched on Bal’riks sexy face as he clipped on the last piece of equipment on his slick suit.

“Alright, no time to get mushy . . . it’s time smash these monsters into the ground.” Mike smiled as he grabbed his gun and badge. “Let’s do this Bal . . . “ He smiled a bit, “. . . no . . . Guise!”


Mike’s car peeled down the street with his emergency lights flashing, Bal’rik sat in his suit looking bored. “I can’t be seen in your car . . . you gotta pull over and let me out.” Bal’rik said . . . for the third time. Mike returned the comment with a concerned stare. “Don’t worry, I have your walkie talkie, so I’ll make sure we meet up again once I get in.” Bal’rik sighed, “I know you want to do this with me . . . and I’ll respect that, but Mike . . . you aren’t allowed to die.”

Mike pulled over into an alley and stopped the car. The sun was almost set, and the moon could be seen among a few clouds. “The last thing I want to do is die . . . however this is my planet, and if it’s going to die and I find myself in the position to save it . . . even if it costs my life . . . I will . . . just as you would have with yours. You can’t prevent me from doing this Bal . . . don’t make that decision for me.” he said seriously, looking ahead without making eye contact with Bal’rik.

Bal’rik could see how serious Mike was taking this . . . he respected that. He closed his eyes momentarily then jumped out of the car . . . and was gone. Mike smiled a bit and backed out of the alley to the main road. He continued to drive towards the lights, sirens, and helicopters . . . towards the power plant.


Max stood outside of the reactor between Beesly and Balrog, staring at the large machine. All three of them . . . but especially Max looked a little more . . . worn now. There laugh lines were more pronounced and they had slight wrinkles around their eyes. Max’s face looked tight and . . . almost waxy now, with dark circles beneath his eyes. They all looked handsome still, just tired and more distinguished. Max nodded to them, and handed Balrog the bag, who got to work on setting up the bomb. A small smile stretched across Beesley’s smooth young face before he ran back to the enterance to act as security. Max just continued to walked around the machine as if walking through a museum.

“Such an old piece of technology . . . nuclear reactors.” He said to Balrog, as the large bald man pulled out a few large cables from the reactor and hooked them up to the small cylinder device. “Humans are soo behind our kind . . . it makes me wonder how they haven’t accidentally blown themselves up yet.”

Balrog grunted as he pulled a large metal door off of the reactor shell. “You know it’s because, from an evolutionary perspective, humans had . . . “

Max rolled his eyes again, “Shut up Balrog, I wasn’t looking for a response . . . and certainly not a history lesson.” He walked over to a small office room with some bio suites and a control panel and took a seat in a chair. “Ah this will do nicely while I wait.” He said as he sat down on the chair and watched as Balrog connected another cable to the device. A blue glow began pulsing from the device, casting a creepy shadow over Max as he sat and watched. He put his feet up on the control table and watched as Balrog set up the bomb. “It’s almost time . . . it’s almost time.” He said with a wide smile as his eyes pulsed with an evil red glow.


Bal’rik watched the perimeter around the plant, it was swarming with SWAT and police. It was going to be hard to get in without being noticed. He pulled out the communication device Mike gave him . . . just in case cell phone service was down in this area.

“Mike . . . can you get me into the building? The place is crawling with law enforcement.” Bal’rik said while looking over the rooftop . . . staying vigilant of the helicopters. “I’m sorry man, I’m even having trouble getting in . . . and don’t even think about using the other access points into the building, they are probably already clogged with SWAT.” There was a pause. “But don’t worry, i’m sure you’ll find a way . . . just as I will.” Mike sounded like he was choking back a laugh. Bal’rik rolled his eyes. He looked down, and eyed the SWAT team moving in around the building. About a block away, just outside of the perimeter he saw a group of SWAT putting on their gear. “Bingo!” Bal’rik said with a smile. He jumped off of the rooftop landing right above the group. He noticed as one of the men broke from the group, he was on his cell phone talking with his wife. “God damn it . . . and I liked this disguise!!!” He mumbled as he looked briefly into the reflection of an old metal vent hood. His handsome face was smooth and formed dimples when he smiled. “Damn you Mike . . . I wouldn’t have minded saving this one for later.”

With that he jumped down behind the man quietly in a low crouched before standing up and tapping the man on the shoulder. The man turned around with his phone looking surprised, however was met with a bright yellow pair of eyes before he passed out into Bal’rik’s arms. With a mighty bound, Bal’rik jumped up on the ceiling with a thud and lowered the man down. He looked around intently as he pulled out a strange pair of glasses. He put them on and there was a strange green glow, as the device scanned the mans motionless body. Bal’rik sighed and stood up, putting the glasses back into his utility and pulled out the other disguise making device. “Crap, this is going to be a tight one.” he mumbled as he took off his utility belt and hooked it up to the disguise creator.

He looked at the unconscious man. He was cute. The All-American cute football star type. He had sandy blond hair and pillow-like lips. His jaw was pronounced and his cheeks high. This human looked young for his age. He was clearly muscular . . . but not toned like his current disguise was. Problem was . . . he was a few inches shorter.

He stood up looking around again as he began to kick of his tight boots and pulled off his gloves. He unzipped his suit before wiggling out of it. He stood over the man’s body completely naked. His toned sexy muscles almost glowed in the moonlight. Bal’rik looked around again before reaching up to the back of his head and digging his fingers into the flesh at the base of his neck.

His face shifted and wrinkled as he pulled the skin apart then away from his face. The handsome italian features rippled and stretched down, as Bal’rik bent over, arching his back, so the tear in the skin travelled down his back and split apart. His muscular reptilian body emerged from the skinsuit as it wrinkled and fell away, bundled at his feet, like the disguise he wore before with Mike. He kicked it aside and walked into the circled of the device hooked to his utility belt. Before long, Bal’rik was covered in the human skin of the man next to him.

Bal’rik looked into the reflection of the vent again and admired his new human face. “Cute!” He whispered to himself as he ran a hand up his jawline. He bit his pillow lips slightly before turning his attention to the unconscious man. Bal’rik began to strip the unconscious man and put on his SWAT gear. Before long he stood over the naked form of the man he took the identity of, like an evil twin . . . however a bit taller than before. Bal’rik rolled his shoulders and put on his utility belt again. It looked strange with his SWAT gear, so he pressed a button on the belt and it disappeared! Bal’rik smiled, jumped off the roof and began to walk down the alley towards the group of men.

They were putting their helmets on as Bal’rik approached. One of them was cocking his assault rifle as he looked up at Bal’rik. “Hurry up Jake, get your shit on and get out there! We don’t have time to wait for you to finish a phone call!”

Bal’rik smirked as he finished getting his gear on and followed them towards the compound.

“I’m coming for you Max . . . I’m coming for you.” Bal’rik muttered.


Mike pulled his car up to the perimeter that was being set up by the FBI. The men were surrounding the entire compound. He got out of his car and flashed his badge again. He called in every favor he could to get this far. Someone from the FBI walked up to him.

“What are you doing detective? Can’t you see we have the situation under control?” A large black FBI agent said as he crossed his arms. He towered over Mike . . . he was . . . intimidating. “Listen . . . agent . . . Anderson,” Mike said as he looked at the man’s badge. “I think the men that have infiltrated this building are tied to 3 cases I am currently working on. I’m requesting we pool our information so we can figure out what these guys want and why they are here.” Mike said. He needed to gain the FBI’s trust if he was going to get in this building, so he was going to need to play as many cards as possible. Agent Anderson looked shocked. “You know who is in there?!” he asked incredulously. Mike nodded as the man motioned him to walk with him towards the FBI’s command trailer . . . close to the North entrance.

Mike talked to agent Anderson for 20 mins, explaining the human trafficking ring and the missing persons, and how surveillance will show that the two are linked . . . which they did. Agent Anderson looked impressed with Mike’s police work . . . even if it’s was mostly due to Bal’rik’s information . . . “he’d have to thank him for that later”, he thought with a smirk. He sat across from Agent Anderson and stared at him. “Listen . . . I need to ask something of you . . . and I already know you aren’t going to like it. But I know I can help you.” He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. “I need to get in that building.” Mike said.

The silence that followed was deafening. Mr. Anderson looked at Mike amusingly. “You want to go into a nuclear power plant that is being assaulted by an armed group of men?” he responded slowly. “You realize that you hardly have the clearance to do so, since this is now a federal matter . . . and if I did allow you in the building . . . I would get in trouble since you won’t be given the proper clearance to do so . . . “ The man said as if lecturing a child.

Mike swallowed and fiddled with his detective's badge hanging around his neck. “Right . . . so you see why I asked you right? You seem like the kinda guy that wants to see justice happen and get your name . . . “

“The answer is no.” the large man said simply before getting up and walking out the door. Mike immediately followed, trying not to look desperate. “Now wait a minute, I just shared all of my information with you and you still think I don’t have the right to attempt to get these guys?!” Mike stumbled over a wire connected to one of the spotlights. Two federal officers were posted at the door watching Mike follow their superior officer like a child.

“THE RIGHT?!!” Agent Anderson said in a booming voice as he turned on Mike, who almost ran into his chest head first. “Let me explain something to you really quick before I ask you to leave. THIS is no longer your case.” The man said as he pointed to the officers and the building behind them. “THIS is now a federal matter that has more to do with the lives of everyone in this city, not just your trafficking ring. I don’t know why you came barging in here thinking you had the RIGHT to do anything!!!” He said, looking down at Mike with annoyance.

Mike just stared and swallowed as there was a . . . finality to his statement that could not be questioned. “Now if you excuse me . . . I have a job to do. See yourself out, or my men will throw you out.” He said simply as he adjusted his tie and walked away. Mike watched him leave, then smiled and looked at the two men by the door who watched the conversation from the other side of the yard. Mike didn’t look like an authority figure, as he was wearing nothing but jeans, tennis shoes, and a black shirt . . . but he did have his badge and just got the commanding officer to point towards those two men . . . that could be his way in.

Mike walked up to the men casually. “Well boys, you heard the man. He wants to give you an updated briefing on the situation, because we’re going in.” The two just stared at each other for a moment before responding, “Who are you and why didn’t he come over here to tell us himself?”

Mike smiled a bit, “Do you have any idea how stressed he is right now. He’s got unit 4 acting like a damn fool, I brought him some information that changes everything AAAAND he now has the media breathing down his neck. Just get over there and listen to what he has to say. I’ll cover this damn door for the 2 minutes it takes for him to yell at you, he’s literally standing behind that van.” Mike said as he gestured towards Agent Anderson’s back. The two looked at each other again unsure . . . “GOOOO, Lets MOVE!!” Mike yelled, using his best commanding voice. The two officers took off towards Mr. Anderson, and with that Mike slipped into the building.

He shut the doors behind him and ran into the building so that they would have to take precaution if they wanted to go in after him. “Oh fuck, I don’t think I’m going to have a job after this shit!” he said. He pulled out his gun as he ran further into the building. He approached the security gate . . . which was completely demolished. “These guys are not playing around . . . the strength it must have taken to do this.” He whispered to himself as he continued down the hall. He checked out each room until he got to the reactor entrance . . . which was also demolished.

“Glad you made it!” A man said behind him. Mike jumped and turned around with his gun aimed and ready to shoot. A SWAT officer stood behind him in a helmet and his gun casually pointed up to the ceiling. Mike backed away ready to run when the man smiled and took off his helmet. “Hold on, it’s me!!!” he said. The man was very cute . . . like one of those boyband types with the lips and the sandy blond hair . . . but muscular . . . corn fed . . . not toned . . . but muscular. He winked and dropped the helmet and walked past Mike towards the reactor.

“Bal’rik?” Mike asked, although he didn’t need too, he knew. “Yaaa I know, I had to change my disguise again to get in . . . this place is locked down!” Mike watched Bal’riks ass in those black pants and boots. “Oh, I like it!” he said playfully, as he checked his ammo.

The two came to another broken down door, which led to the control room. Bal’rik turned around with a smirk. “Well, this seems like as good of a time as any.” He said as he pushed at his waistline . . . which then materialized into his utility belt. He pushed another button and those same three vials he showed me before popped out. He took one of them out and popped the cap. With a wink, he swallowed the liquid like a shot. For a moment he shuttered and shut his eyes. Then he crouched down on the ground. Mike put a hand on his shoulder to make sure he was ok, when he suddenly opened his eyes, revealing that they were a bright yellow . . . like glowing yellow.

Bal’rik stood up with a smile. “Oh wow, I forgot how good this stuff feels . . . wow” he said as he rolled his neck and stretched. His muscles were flexed and he looked . . . more alert . . . and kinda demonic with his bright yellow eyes. “You ready?” He asked.

“About as ready as i’m ever going to be. You go on in and do your alien thing to beat them up. I’ll just cover you and stay out of your way. Maybe i’ll get a shot in at the right time should you need it.” Mike said nervously, as he realized how out of his league he was. Bal’rik nodded then came in and gave Mike a kiss before heading into the room.

Bal’rik entered the room and approached the final broken down door leading to the reactor’s core. The lights flickered as he carefully approached the broken doorway leading to a metal landing with steps leading to the main floor. Everything seems clear, but just to be sure he motioned Mike to stay further back as he cautiously approached the doorway. His senses were burning with energy now . . . he could hear a pin drop and see a mile away if he wanted to. He closed his eyes and reached out with his senses . . . he felt it. His eyes glowed brighter as he readied his stance. “Get back Mike, he’s coming!” he said. Just as he got the words out a man burst through the ceiling vent and fell to the floor in a crouch in front of Bal’rik.

It was the driver from before! Bal’rik remembered the brutal kick he received from the man during his last encounter. The man had perfectly gelled hair, slicked back in the classic 50’s style. He looked a bit more worn now, with slight wrinkles around his eyes. With a primitive low growl the man crouched low, his smooth face twisted in a smile, causing his once handsome features to wrinkle slightly. Two long black sword-like claws emerged from the palms of his hands with a grinding noise. The way he moved on his hands and feet with those wild red eyes made him look like an animal.

Bal’rik’s eyes glowed bright as he held out his hands just as the man launched his body with inhuman speed, aiming one large black stinger at his head. There was a blinding flurry of attacks from the man's two sword like claws. Sparks flew as each blow hit in mid air right in front of Bal’riks head. It looked as if an invisible force was preventing the blows from reaching him. The man screeched as he violently thrashed at the psychic shield. The man's hair fell over his eyes a bit, making him look crazed and even more animal-like. Finally Bal’rik reached out a hand and the man was seized in mid air. With a casual gesture, the man went flying into the wall to his right. Cabinets and pieces of ceiling rained down on the thin athletic man with a loud crash. Mike backed further away from the main control room, into the hallway. The lights flickered, and each time they went out momentarily he saw Bal’rik’s eyes staring at the aliens location. He could tell this wasn’t over.

As if summoned, the slender man stood up, allowing for the debris to fall off of him. His slim-fit suit was torn in a few places, his hair was dusty and disheveled now . . . and his face looked mad. His handsome features were twisted back into a wide grin . . . his teeth were now sharp as a sharks. The man rolled his neck as he walked out of the mess. There were audible cracking noises coming from his body. His suit looked tight and his designer clothes seemed haggard and uncomfortable. He crouched down on all fours now. His butt puckered, his thighs pulsed, and his feet seemed to grow within his tight brown leather dress boots. The man let out a deep growl and his tongue came out of his mouth . . . a long black tongue. It slid around his smooth lips before retracting. His neck was wrinkled now and his hands were clenched around the sharp claws. His hair fell in front of his face as his tight toned body shuttered, he arched his back and the growl got louder.

There were some ripping noises coming from his dress suit as his muscles bulged. His boots widened and the outline of his toes could be seen before his large feel burst apart to reveal black claws and dark purple flesh. The suit ripped apart and his human muscle shifted and bulged beneath before the skin broke apart revealing dark purple flesh. The cracking and ripping continued as the man's limbs elongated and his legs stretched. The man looked up and opened his mouth unnaturally wide, until the skin at the corners of his mouth ripped open. His face stretched back as the creatures large jaw emerged from his human mouth. His wrinkled face stretched back like a hoodie and his legs ripped apart to reveal powerful dog-like limbs. A creature on all fours emerged from the man's skin, with his hind legs like a dogs and his forearms like a humans, except instead of paws or hands, the creature had large black scythe-like blades. His face was lizard/dog-like with a large, huge jaw and razor sharp shark teeth. The creatures skin was dark purple and his claws were midnight black, similar to the other ogre-like creature Bal’rik fought before.

The creature was made for speed, so with that terrifying speed he attacked Bal’rik again, putting him on the defensive. This time the creature attacked him like a pitbull attacking it’s prey. There was a blinding series of slashes, followed by the gnashing of razor sharp teeth, intended for masticating flesh. Bal’rik had his hands up and he backed up, away from the creatures seemingly endless barrage of attacks.

Just as Bal’rik looked as if he would buckle from the violent strikes, he yelled and thrust his palm out towards the creature as it came down on him from mid-air. There was a bright yellow flash, followed by a shock wave from where he connected his strike to the creature. Mike was launched back and all of the windows shattered. With a loud squeal, the creature was launched through the wall all the way on the opposite side of the reactor. The creature's screams suddenly ended as it’s body smacked against the paneled walls with a splat. The creature exploded from the impact, causing its limbs and bones to fall to the floor in a streak of purple blood.

Mike just stared at the mess Bal’rik made of his alien assailant. He slowly stood up brushing the glass from his body. Bal’rik was looking at his own hands in disbelief. “HOLY FUCK!!!” Mike said.

“Holy fuck is right . . . . I forgot how powerful this stuff is . . . JESUS, I need to be careful.” Bal’rik looked up at Mike with a surprised expression painted on his handsome face. “I mean, we’re in a nuclear reactor.”

Mike walked towards the room again as Bal’rik turned towards the door when suddenly there was a loud shutter. Beams and walls began to crumble, and before Mike knew it, the entire room fell down into to the main floor of the reactor in a cloud of sparking debris. Mike watched as Bal’rik was swallowed up in the room that fell to the main floor of the reactor below.

Mike screamed as the dust settled and nothing was left below besides the broken glass, wood, and twisted metal. He walked to the end of the broken hallway, where the entrance to the control room was. He looked as the dust cleared and saw a muscular bald man in another designer suit. He looked to be about 6’5, and had a very angular smooth face. Looked to be of puerto rican descent and very handsome. The large man just looked at the wreckage and began to take his dress coat off. “BAL’RIK!!!!” Mike screamed again, causing him to look up as he took off his dress shirt revealing his heavily muscled body. Mike frantically looked for a way down.

“STAY THERE!!!” Mike heard from above as he started to climb down a pipe. Mike looked up and saw Bal’rik floating in mid air!!! He continued his descent past Mike until he landed on top of the wreckage in front of the large muscular man. Bal’rik looked like a child in comparison . . . and definitely not as ripped. Mike jumped down behind Bal’rik and ducked behind a concrete pillar. “Sorry Bal, I was already halfway down!” He said as he received a scolding star from the handsome SWAT agent he knew to be Bal’rik. “Oh, and . . . PS, that was BADASS!!!” he said with an annoying wink. Bal’rik rolled his eyes then turned to his enemy.

Bal’rik recognized this guy too . . . the other big guy that was with Max the first time they met. The large man stood there and flexed. He looked serious . . . and looked like he could take a beating. Bal’rik thought about blasting him again with psychic energy, but couldn’t because of the reactor. The big man paced in front of the wreckage with an angry expression on his strong face. His jaw pulsed with eagerness. “COMMON BAL’RIK . . . I OWE YOU ONE FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY YOUNGER BROTHER!!!!” The man said with a booming deep voice. Definitely not human.

Bal’rik’s eyes glowed bright yellow and he launched his body at the large man with supersonic speed. The large man seemingly grabbed the psychic barrier Bal’rik was creating and pushing him aside into the opposite wall. Bal’rik flew and smashed into the wall with a loud crack. The shockwaves caused parts of the roof to fall around Mike.

“Oh fuck, this place is going to come down if you guys don’t watch it!” Mike yelled. The bald man turned towards Mike with a devious smile, his thick neck wrinkled a bit at his jawline, and his muscles were bulging. “Oh, I’ll bring this place down alright . . . and litter the ground with YOUR BONES!!!” The man yelled. There was that familiar cracking again as the man began to growl. Bal’rik emerged from the wreckage with his glowing yellow eyes. The big man picked up a large beam with one hand and threw it like a javelin towards Bal’rik, which went right through the wall, just missing him.

The large man continued to grow in size as he began to grunt and arch his back. His handsome face became tight and bulged, his muscles swelled and shifted beneath his smooth tan skin. There was a meaty wet noise as his large feet and legs began to widen and and bulge until the clothes and human flesh split apart revealing dark purple skin. He was laughing now . . . crazed. There was a loud rip as the skin on his back and muscular chest ripped apart to reveal the growing aliens own muscular torso. The behemoth man roared, rearing up as the skin stretched and shredded apart away from his shoulders . . . as his body continued to grow. With one inhuman clawed hand, he reached up to his tight wrinkled face and grabbed a fistfull of his scalp and pulled. With a roar the skin slid away to reveal a large wide purple face with a thick black bone at the creature's jaw line, it’s red eyes blazing. The creature continued to grow beyond the confines of his human skinsuit . . . it grew to about 12’ ft tall, its hulking form casting a shadow over the entire reactor.

Bal’rik and Mike just stared at the creature for a moment before it let out a loud dinosaur-like roar that shook the very ground. The building rattled as more of the ceiling fell down on the creature, with no effect. Mike looked up and could see some helicopters through the hole in the ceiling, their lights were searching for the origin of the noise. He was certain everyone outside was freaking out . . . and I’m positive SWAT was going to make a move soon. He looked at Bal’rik in desperation. “Bal’rik, you have to end this guy now, he’s going to be noticed by SWAT, and they are coming in soon!!!!” Mike yelled at Bal’rik.

Bal’rik nodded before his eyes glowed even brighter. He flew up with such speed, he left a crater under his feet. The monster roared and swiped down at Bal’rik, however to Mike’s surprise, Bal’rik caught the creatures fist in his hand. His face was furious, and with a yell Bal’rik crushed the creature's hand in his own. The creature reared back and let out a painful roar. Bal’rik immediately followed it up with powerful haymakers to the monster’s face, each blow he landed sent shockwaves through the air. The creatures fell to the ground with another loud roar. Bal’rik landed next to the creature with his yellow eyes blazing. He turned to the beam the creature threw at him earlier and lifted it to the air with his power then launched it at the creature. To his surprised the creature jumped up and kicked the beam aside with his feet like a ninja would! The beam flew above Mike into the hallway destroying . . . everything up there. The creature then jumped up and punched down on Bal’rik with its large fist. His body was smashed into the ground in a cloud of dust.

“BAL!!!” Mike screamed. The creature seemed to smile, however that was short lived as Bal’rik emerged from under his fist . . . pushing it away with his power. This time a wind picked up around Bal’rik and with his eyes were glowing. As he continued to push the creatures fist away he began to slowly push his hands together as if capturing an invisible force between his hands. The creature slide away from him before becoming awkwardly still. Mike watched as the large creatures outstretched arm was slowly being pushed back into the creature . . . but it didn’t stop there. The creature began to scream and wiggle in mid air in obvious pain. It’s limbs were straight as if his entire body was tied up in rope . . . then it’s flesh started to flatten as if being pushed on both sides by an invisible flat wall! As Bal’rik closed his hands, the creature's body continued to be crushed in from both sides. With a yell Bal’rik slapped his palms together as if in prayer and the creature suddenly burst into an explosion of dark purple blood and guts, which appeared in mid air like a thick purple wall. Bal’rik sighed and released his grip before falling to the floor. The creatures remains swayed a bit before it fell over like a lifeless purple pancake.

Mike came over to Bal’rik, who was breathing hard. His back muscles were straining to keep his body up. He looked up at Mike, revealing that green blood leaking from his nose. “Don’t worry, it’s worse than it looks.” Bal’rik said with a smile. “The mask is covering a lot up.” With a soft low laugh he fell to the floor. He lay there breathing hard with his eyes closed.

“Oh FUCK Bal . . . what did you do?!” Mike said, as he took Bal’rik’s coat off. He was wearing a white T-shirt beneath . . . Mike just shook his head, as he knew there was nothing he could do. “What’s going on, I thought you could use this stuff for hours!” Mike asked.

“Well you can . . . but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t take a toll on your body. You can lift for hours with the right energy drink . . . but you can also do some damage if you overdo it . . . I overdid it a bit.” He said with that same annoying smirk he always gives.

“Well fuck Bal, we still have that Max guy and the bomb to take care of . . . what are we going to do now? Do bullets work on this guy?” Mike said as he pulled out his gun and cocked it.

Bal’rik sat up slowly and rolled his shoulder. “No nooo, i’ll be fine. I’m just a little tired. I still have plenty left in the tank.” He said. MIke noticed that his once bright glowing eyes were now back to the human green eyes he had before.

“Bal, I can take one of those . . . “ Mike started before they both heard a man approaching . . . clapping sarcastically.

Bal’rik turned and saw Max . . . slowly walking over the flattened body of his servant. Max was a little different than Bal’rik remembered the man before. For one, he seemed a bit . . . worse for wears now . . . older. Bal’rik remembered Max as a tall slender, breathtakingly handsome black haired man with bright blue eyes. Now his features seem . . . older. Fine wrinkles around his eyes and his neck could be seen. His now red eyes were sunken. This time, max approached them wearing nothing at all. The man was completely naked! His body was tight and toned, his large feet slapped on the floor . . . in the blood of his lackey. He had a possessed expression on his distinguished face, a mixture of pity, rage, and excitement. It was annoying.

“You look like shit Max . . . probably a side effect of wearing real skin . . . it starts to rot, doesn’t it?” Bal’rik yelled as he sat up. He pulled Mike close and whispered, “I need you to get out of here . . . something is off about Max . . . GET OUT!!” Bal’rik yelled as he jumped up to his feet and prepared for an attack.

Max began to giggle . . . his eyes glowed brightly now . . . making him seem more inhuman that his colleagues after they shed their disguises. He stopped and stared at the two for a moment.

“Well we thought of it . . . but as you can see . . . many of us . . . wouldn’t fit.” He said with an evil smile. “I rather like the idea of wearing the pelt of a creature you hunt and kill . . . don’t you Mike? Seems like such a human things to do.” He laughed a bit as he ran his hands through his black hair. He seemed to stretch and flex for them as if to illustrate for us . . . his pelt. His muscles moved and flexed as he did so. Max rolled his head and began to stroke his rather large cock. He smiled revealing his perfect set of teeth.

“Oh Bal . . . this is going to be so delicious!!! You are going to witness the new planet you call home . . . aaaand your new human boyfriend die along with everything else?!!!” Max said. He walked closer then reached out a hand. There was a huge push of force from him just as a barrage of bullets assaulted him from above. The SWAT team has moved in!!!

Max smiled as the bullets bounced off a psychic wall he created!!! Max continued to laugh as he sent out a violent wave of force, he blasted the entire building and everyone other than Mike and Bal’rik away. It was so sudden and violent, it seemed to explode from Max, annihilating everything beyond us. The SWAT officers, helicopters, cars, trucks, and even some of the buildings surrounding the reactor. Everything was destroyed other than the reactor itself, Max, Bal’rik, and Mike.

Bal’rik looked around at the devastation. Sirens were blazing . . . everyone was dead, the building was gone . . . it began to rain. Mike fell to his knees as he looked around. Max dropped the barrier and all of the sound and rain came over them as he continued to giggle. Max turned, his shoulders were moving as he laughed like a crazed lunatic. His ass was perfect, his calves flexed and his muscles moved slowly with each movement in the rain. Bal’rik looked down at his hands . . . enraged. Max turned slowly, his red eyes glowing widely now.

Bal’rik just lost it. He launched his body at Max and began to throw a flurry of psychic punches. The two men floated in the air and ran into each other with such speed and force, it was hard to follow. Mike had to crouch down behind what was left of the concrete pillar in fear of what they would do. There were flashes of light as the two battled. Lightning struck the ground. A helicopter starting approaching the blast zone. Max grabbed Bal’rik by the throat and threw him into the copter. Bal’rik put up a psychic shield right before he collided with the chopper, and it exploded in mid air. Bal’rik fell back to the ground unconscious or dead . . . Mike couldn’t tell. Mike got up and ran towards his body. Max hovered down and landed as he continued to walk towards the reactor where he emerged before. Mike threw himself down on his knees next to Bal’rik to listen to his breathing . . . he was still alive.

“Bal’rik opened his now normal looking reptilian eyes, part of his human scalp was hanging away from his actual head now . . . his once young handsome looking face looked worn. “Mike . . . I . .. . I’m sorry.” Bal’rik said softly as he looked down at his stomach . . . where a pipe was sticking out of it. Mike began to tear up.

“No Bal . . . I can’t . . . . this can’t be happening . . . “ Mike said as he cupped his hands around Bal’riks face. Max emerged from behind the reactor with the blue cylinder . . which was now glowing a solid Blue. Mike quickly pressed the button on Bal’rik’s belt and took one of the vials and quickly drank the liquid.

Max frowned and blasted Mike with his power, causing him to fly about 20 ft away land with a thud . . . motionless. “What did you do Bal’rik? You gave your little boyfriend a Dowser?” Max asked Bal’rik as he knelt over him, placing the bomb nearby. Bal’rik whimpered Mike’s name and looked towards his still body. Max just stared at Bal’rik and pushed Bal’rik’s hair out of his eyes gently, like a mother would. “You know that is going to kill him right?” Max said as he stared down at the remaining vial. “You see . . . I was able to find a way to permanently obtain the abilities you used against my race.” Max said, however pauses for a moment and rolled his eyes laughing.

Just then Mike began to scream as his entire body felt like it was on fire. Max turned surprised as Mike squirmed violently. However just as quick as his episode started, he stopped and lay still on the ground . . . silent. Max looked at Mike with a frown. “Well that was anticlimactic . . . a quick death. “ Max said with a frown as he looked back down at Bal’rik’s desperate face that was trying to look at Mike. “Bal Bal Bal . . . he’s dead . . . and it’s your fault . . . just as it is your fault that this planet was going to die.” Bal’rik scowled at Max and shuttered.

“YOU MONSTER!!!!” Bal’rik yelled.

Max immediatly grabbed Bal’rik’s neck with one hand and slammed him back to the ground. “You know . . . you sulk around in your little human . . . skin,” he said as he reached up to Bal’riks human face and grabbed a fist full of his human disguise. Max pulled his human features away with a stretching latex sound. Bal’rik’s cute human face was stripped away, revealing his green, scaly interior. “. . . and you try your hardest to belong, but you won’t Bal . . . you’ll never belong!!!!” Max yelled, his eyes glowed red . . . but they were different from the others . . . he had slits for pupils. “You lost your home, and don’t think because you are fucking one of these humans, that he could possibly understand you and your kind. Humans are short sighted, small creatures. They lash out when they are scared . . . and that’s exactly what they’ll do when they find out what you are.” Max smiled and looked around. Emergency teams were starting to show up again. His handsome facial features rippled with disgust and his jaw clenched.

Bal’rik glared back at Max, “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!!!” he screamed. His bright yellow reptilian eyes glowed for a moment, however Max was too strong and staved off whatever attack Bal’rik was trying to make. “Why come here . . . you already destroyed my people . . . what is the point of tracking the few of us left?!”

Max released his grip and stood up . . . his body like a god. “I will destroy all planets that are deemed a threat to my race . . .” He paused again and began to laugh. “. . . well . . . about that.” He said as he walked around Bal’rik’s rubbing his neck. “I have to admit something to you . . . another piece to the puzzle that you just couldn’t figure out.” He said with a sadistic smile as he turned and stood in front of Bal’rik. His sexy human body glistened in the rain. He reached up to the back of his head and dug his fingers into his skin. With a sickening slurp, the flesh parted as he pulled the human flesh apart and away from his true form. His handsome features wrinkled and creased as his face was pulled down. The creature shifted his shoulders and body. Bal’rik’s eyes widened as a purple reptilian alien . . . that looked identical Bal’rik emerged from the skin.

Max started laughing as he kicked his old wrinkly human suit aside in a pile. “Thatsssss right Bal’rik . . . you and I are the last of our kind . . . well sort of. You ssssee, I was ostracized from our home planet . . . they thought my . . . progressive . . . experiments were, shall we say, morally deprived.” He licked his lips and circled Bal’rik. His humanoid scaly body was slick from the rain. He knelt down next to Bal’rik and hissed. “Everyone turned their backs on me and destroyed all of my research. You see Bal, I was working on gene manipulation, and splicing our DNA with the Brentons, like the ones you killed earlier.” He smiled and raised his hands to the sky, taking on the rain. “You won’t believe what I discovered . . . I figured out a way to harness and permanently integrate the abilities from both races AND the enhancement drug you just took.” He looked down at Bal’rik’s utility belt . . . at the last vial. He picked it up and then crushed it in his hands. “You see Bal . . . I figured out a way to become what all creatures all over the universe want . . . “ Max leaned in and whispered into Bal’riks ear; “to become a God Bal . . . A GOD!” He sat up with an evil smile. His reptilian eyes became bright red again and the rain stopped. He then looked at the approaching emergency vehicles. With a nod of his head, he sent them flying into the air in a spray of rain and mud. The concrete and debris were blasted away in a perfect semi-circle where Max stared. The destruction he can cause with a look was unimaginable.

Max laughed and turned his attention to the blue cylinder close by. As he bent over to pick it up, the device began to shake, then rise up into the air. Max frowned and watched as the device began to dent in . . . it literally looked like it crumpled into itself. He rose his hands to shield himself as the cylinder disappeared in a bright blue flash. There was a loud crack as a shockwave blasted from the device knocking Bal’rik further away from Max and the bomb, however Bal’rik just floated back down to the earth gently as the blue light suddenly disappeared into nothing. The world was silent for a moment. Max was furious, he screamed and turned to Bal’rik. “WHAT DID YOU DOO!!!” He screeched as Bal’rik slowly sat up.

“He didn’t do anything, I did!” Mike said as he floated towards the two with bright green eyes, the rain parting for him as he moved. Mike had a triumphant shit-eating grin plastered on his handsome scruffy face. His salt and pepper hair was slicked back from being wet and his body looked healed . . . more muscular. Bal’rik smiled, “You’re alive!!!” He said.

“Humans are tougher than you think.” Mike said with a wink.

Max was beyond livid. He roared and his eyes glowed. “IT WORKED?! THE SERUM WORKED?!! BUT HOW? It’s genetically imprinted . . . how is thisss even possible!!!?” Max yelled as he walked towards Mike. Without even allowing a response, Max lashed out at Mike with a massive amount of power, blasting the ground and a few crushed cars away towards Mike. Mike put his hand up deflecting the surge of power from Max. Bal’rik slowly crawled back behind Mike, using some of his power to help him to his feet. Bal’rik felt weird tho . . . like his power was returning. “This wasn’t suppose to happen.” he thought, “I was at my limit!”

Suddenly Max began to laugh again. “You two don’t get it . . . I’M . . . A . . . GOD!!!” He began to breath hard. “You’ll eventually run out of power and stamina . . . I won’t!!! YOu may HavE stopped me from DestROYING the planet . . . but I can settle for this city and yOU!!! His naked muscular body tensed up . . . there was that familiar cracking noise within his body. He doubled over and looked up. His red, reptilian eyes were glowing to the point where they almost looked like they were on fire. He reared up and let out a primal roar as his arms and shoulders bulged and tore apart to reveal 8 large dark purple tentacles. They whipped out at Bal’rik and Mike. Max’s scaled face began to pulse as he continued to laugh. Before long his whole muscular reptilian body bulged and grew before bursting apart, revealing more tentacles . . . Mike and Bal’rik watched in horror as his scaly purple skin split apart and fell to the ground as a giant purple tentacle creature emerged. If had a large skull-like black boned face, but the rest was a mass of purple tentacles. The creature . . . just kept growing and growing. “I TOLD YOU, I’M A GOD! I’M BRENTON, ARGAVIAN, AND RAW COSMIC POWER!!!!”

Immediately Mike picked up Bal’rik with his power and flew them further away from the monster. It kept growing and growing until at last, the skull face with bright reptilian eyes looked down at them among a mass of seething dark purple tentacles. The creature was the size of the building that stood in their location minutes earlier.

The creature roared as it looked down at Bal’rik and Mike. They both jumped back as it shot one of its tentacles out at both of them. Mike swatted the large appendage away with his power, not even phased. Bal’rik floated right next to him, with his eyes glowing bright yellow. “I don’t know what you did, but I’m feeling 100% better . . . and ready to take this squid down.” He said with a smirk. “By the way . . . it was a little hard to watch someone from my own kind shed their skin to reveal a monster like this . . . just saying, I empathise with any human that sees me shed my disguises.”

Mike just smiled. “Awww, I think you are cute, with or without your disguise.” He said playfully as Bal’rik deflected a blow from the creature himself. “Let’s kill this thing . . . you owe me a drink!” Mike said with a wink. With a nod, they both rose up, high above the creature. The creatures eyes glowed as it sent another cascade of powerful energy towards them, blasted another building close-by. Bal’rik looked furious now. They both yelled and put their hands out to block the blast. The creature squealed and launched all of its tentacles at the two, red eyes blazing. With a head nod, Mike and Bal’rik began to gether their psychic energy. Mike glowed bright green, while Bal’rik glowed yellow. The energy was so potent and powerful he could be seen swirling around their bodies. Then with such power and speed, they both shot down towards the creature like two asteroids. In a blink of an eye the two were standing side by side behind the creature with their hands on their hips. The creature screeched and writhed as dark purple blood poured from a large hole that was drilled right through the creature's forehead. The creature roared and began to fall down. Mike whispered something in Bal’riks ear then they both nodded to each other. They both held their hands apart and concentrated their power to compress the creature like Bal’rik did before. They pressed and pressed, as the creature was crushed and compressed into a small orb of gore. Soon, it was compressed so tightly that the heat made it disintegrated into nothing.

Both Bal’rik and Mike collapsed to the ground, and at last there was silence. The rain finally stopped.

Mike looked at Bal’rik with a smile. “Was the hero pose at the end really nessisary?”

“It seemed appropriate” Bal’rik said with a smile spread across his reptilian face. As if suddenly aware, he looked around noticed the lights and sirens fast approaching. “Hey, we gotta get out of here . . . like quick.” He quickly pulled out his device and put it over his face, soon having human features again. He wore a handsome younger man, with thick lips . . .and curly black hair. He looked around before helping Mike up to his feet. Mike looked up at him and Bal’rik gasped. Mike’s face looked worn and dirty, however his eyes were now reptilian looking!

“What is it?” Mike asked as he used his power to pull them both up and over the roof of a building. Bal’rik just looked ahead as if nothing was strange. “Listen, let’s just get back to your place first before we talk about it.” Mike just shrugged as they both jumped down from the rooftop next to Mike’s car. They both got in the car, and Mike immediately looking into the driver’s mirror.

“Oh fuuuck, why are my eyes like that!!!” He complained. “And why can’t I feel anything . . . I mean my skin feels like . . . it’s been burnt!!!” He asked Bal’rik with desperation showing on his face.

“I’m not sure, but we need to drive . . . like now and get out of here.” Bal’rik said as he began looking through some documents he pulled up on his ipad-like device. “I think I know what happened, but I have to confirm some things first. Just get us home and we’ll figure things out.” Mike made a pouting face and drove.


The two poured into the apartment with Bal’rik already shouting orders. “First thing is first, I have to change out of this uniform and disguise and put on a new one . . . you . . . you just get cleaned up, you look a hot mess.” He said looking at Mike. Mike ran into the bathroom and looked into the sink. “Oh noooo . . . isn’t this temporary?” He asked.

Bal’rik was stripping from his SWAT clothes. The pale skin on his body contrast the skin of his human mask. He dug his fingers into his chest and pulled the pale skin apart. Soon he shed the human muscular flesh to reveal his green scaly form. “I’m not sure . . . my effects were suppose to end an hour ago . . . I have a feeling it was something to do with what you did to that nuclear bomb” He responded as he reached up to his smooth handsome face. He pulled at scalp and cheek, causing his handsome facial features to fold and stretch as he stripped the human mask off and tossed it into the sink with the rest of his human disguise. He began to unfold his alien device again and configured a few settings when Mike came out of the bathroom naked.

Bal’rik looked up and smiled. “Much better.” He said . . . until he noticed the scared look on Mike’s face. “What’s wrong?” Mike looked down and in his hand was a piece of human skin . . . in the other . . . on his forearm was a patch of bright green scales.

“I’m not sure . . . but . . . I think I’m an alien now . . . or not human . . . “ He said solemnly. Bal’rik jumped up and looked at Mike’s arm. “You said you couldn’t feel anything . . . like all over?” Bal’rik asked.

Mike walked over to a mirror and felt his own handsome face. “Like nothing . . . it doesn’t feel like my skin anymore Bal!!” He said as he reached down and clawed at his own set of abs. The skin broke and stretched as his fingers dug in. He grabbed his skin and ran his fingers underneath until you could see the outline of his hand. “Oh maaaan . . . oh my god . . . OH MY GOD!!!” He said, freaking out. Bal’rik watched as Mike pulled his skin apart to reveal a set of reptilian abs beneath. Mike looked up with a nervous smile . . . “Ummm . . . so can I borrow your disguise creator? I think I may need it.”

The End

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