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Alien's Vs. Evil Robots

Part 1:

It was late after practice. Martin was in the locker-room himself changing from his rugby uniform. He had dark hair, olive smooth skin and a toned muscular body. He took off his tight shirt and pants. His handsome face had a far-away look etched on it. His eyes stared at nothing and his skin was smooth as porcelain, as if he never smiled or frowned. No emotion showed.

As he was peeling his worn socks off his large smooth foot the door to the locker-room swung open. A large man entered with black leather boots, tight jeans and a white tank top. He stood there rigid, scanning the room. His strong looking face with sharp mean eyes stopped at Martin as an evil smile stretched momentarily across the man’s handsome face.

Without warning the man smoothly reached up to his face. He wrapped his thick fingers within his mouth and began to pull. His mouth stretched unnaturally wide revealing his perfect teeth and some pink gum, then it stretched further to reveal bright steel beyond the gums. The skin made a rubbery sound as the man continued to stretch his mouth open further. Finally the skin began to rip as he pulled his mouth and cheeks out and away from his real face. A gun muzzle began to protrude from the man's throat as he continued to stretch apart his human features. The skin snapped away to reveal a robotic skull beneath. Some of the original skin was left on the robot's right side around the eye.

He looked at Martin with red eyes and aimed the gun that was coming out of his robotic throat right at his chest! Martin jumped up with a worried look plastered on his smooth face. He began to run away when the android shot the laser at his back. Martin fell to the floor with a loud thud.

The android approached as the gun retracted back into its throat. “Target subdued” it said in a metallic voice.

He reached down and grabbed Martin by the throat. Without hesitation he reached up to Martins smooth chest and dug his fingers into his skin. With a sickening rip he pulled the skin down to Martins abs revealing robotics beneath. The young man struggled, the skin around his neck wrinkled under the android tight inhuman grip. The evil androids eyes glowed brightly before there was a crunching noise, like metal being bent, in Martins thick muscular neck. Martin ceased his struggling and stared lifeless at nothing. There was a whining sound within his body now.

“Symbiotic-suit confirmed, initiating retrieval mechanisms.” The evil android said in a metallic voice.

The robot moved Martin's body so that his thick muscular legs were straddling the faceless android. There was a hissing sound within the robot's pants. Then his bulge tightened within. The jeans stretched and pushed out until finally it ripped open to reveal a perfectly straight human cock. Then a second later as it continued to grow the human looking skin on the penis peeled away to reveal metal. The robot then shoved the robotic shaft into Martin's ass, pushing through the briefs and skin of Martin. The robots human looking hands clutched Martins sides, easing them to the floor. Martin began to twitch as sparks began to fly from the area that the evil robot was seemingly fucking.

The evil robot paused for a second with a blank look on his smooth metallic skull-like face. “Initiating human replication sequence” he said.

He reached up to the right side of his face and peeled the remaining human flesh from his right eye. With that he reached down into the front of his tight jeans. He slowly pulled out an empty human mask. He hung awkwardly from his thick hands. The eyes and mouth were empty and distorted. He held the mask up then began to slip it over its metallic head. The face slowly stretched over his metallic features. He pulled and pushed against his cheeks and forehead until the handsome mask began to take place. The black hair and smooth young handsome features finally settled into place. When the robot finished massaging it’s face he bent over and kissed Martin passionately. Their two faces smashed together during the kiss.

“Heat register found, eliminating threat.” It mumbled into Martin's mouth. The evil robots began pumping harder; smoke came billowing from Martin's ass. He continued to twitch and spark, Martins green eyes were wide open, lifeless. Smoke began to rise from Martin's mouth, then suddenly his scalp rose. A small hatch opened on Martin's skull. With smoke pouring out of the new hatch on Martin's head a small green alien climbed out coughing. It stumbled away from Martin's body, away from the robot destroying Martin from the inside out. The robot with bright red eyes looked up. A confused look stretched across his face. The alien fled.

It ran, the evil robot crawled towards it. It began reaching for it. Just then Martin's smoking body reached out and grabbed the evil robots leather boot. With a powerful hold it pulled the evil robot back. The evil robot pulled away tearing its leather boot from Martin's hands revealing a robotic foot beneath. With a hard kick to Martins smooth emotionless face he freed himself. Martins face scrunched up then peeled back revealing a robotic skull beneath. His jaw bent and broke as the evil robots booted foot scraped across his jaw. The robot sparked and smoked lifeless as the evil robot continued his pursuit of the alien that once lived in Martin's head.

The little alien snickered as it ran just out of the evil robots grip and into a locker. The robot looked up, the slightly lighter color of his new mask showed in contrast from the rest of its much tanner body. The neckline was torn and shredded away, separating the body’s skin from the new mask it wore. It looked up in confusion. Of course it was able to peel away the metal locker without a problem. Had the alien trapped itself? Calculations began to process as it crawled closer to the locker.

Just then the locker popped open, and from within the locker walked out a large muscular man with short blue tights. His abs glistened in the light from the old sparking Martin on the floor behind the evil robot. Its thick body rose to full height in front of the evil robot. Its blond shaggy hair fell in front of its bright red eyes. The little green alien stretched out of its handsome mouth and waved with a sadistic smile on its face.

“This will even the odds a bit,” it screamed in a high pitched shrill voice . . . .

... to be continued.

Part 2:

The alien smirked one last time before wiggling back into the slack mouth of the mountainous man in front of the evil robot. His eyes glowed as he flexed and roared in a deep human voice before approaching the evil robot, who was starting to stand up smoothly. A handsome smirk stretched across the face of the towering hulk of a “man” as its’ large thick feet slapped against the floor at a fast charging run towards the evil robot.

The evil robot bared it’s teeth, wrinkling it’s features by widening its clearly inhuman red eyes before the aliens hunky suite crashed into the damaged bot. The aliens’ droid picked up the evil bot with its thick muscular arms and ran right into the wall. The evil droid had a look of menace on its slightly pale handsome features, which were slightly skewed since sliding the mask over it’s metalic skull only a moment before. The rest of it’s body was tan, had a white tank, tight jeans, and only one thin leather boot. You can see his metal foot and the break in his skin between his pale mask and the rest of his body. Their bodies crunched into the wall as smoke and debris billowed everywhere. As the dust cleared, you saw the muscular alien hunk droid standing unfazed over the evil robots broken body. Its chest and stomach looked crushed in and deflated with bits of metal protruding from parts of the skin . . . crushed from the impact. His handsome mask was wrinkled and moved to one side, the metal on the left side of his head revealed. The only movement from the figure was the sharp twitching motion of the toes in his left boot; only one eye blinked with each jerky movement.

The hunky alien walked up to the evil droid and grabbed a fist full of fake flesh from it’s chest and lifted the body up with one arm. The evil droid just hung by its rubber skin suit, motionless. The alien hunk then smoothly walked over to where Martin's broken body was and grabbed the revealed metal spine in his back, lifting him up with the other arm. Then it walked smoothly to the locker it came from. He opened his mouth unnaturally wide as the alien came walking out giggling.

“When will you simple droids learn . . . you cannot defeat us” it said with a high voice.

A light from the locker scanned the little alien standing inside the hunky suits mouth before a doorway opened. He crawled through the thin lips of the robotic suit as it took both Martin and the evil droid into the futuristic looking elevator.

--- ---

The elevator door opened to a large white room with a single large metallic machine protruding from the far wall. Two men stood outside an opening from the machine, a smooth handsome black man with a bald head was putting on suit pants, not even looking up. A small alien was sitting on his shoulder reading a small piece of paper. A handsome italian looking man with short hair stood naked next to him, motionless with a blank look on his smooth handsome face. A small alien was circling the bot, inspecting the man with keen interest. A metal container was in front of each, the black man had his opened already, it contained all of his clothes.

The alien continued into the next room. The machinery starting from here. This room was packed with metal humanoid robots, walking around with tiny green aliens. Some were riding the robots, others where just walking alongside of them. The robots had a similar robotic form of the evil robot, however they were covered with what looked like metallic muscle strands . . . much more advanced than the robot that had attacked the alien. At the beginning of the large machine that carried into the last room were a bunch of metallic arms and probes. There was a doorway leading from another room. Three sexy naked men emerged from that door. One had short dark hair and bright blue eyes with a light amount of dark trimmed hair on his chest, he looked around casually. Following him was a muscular asian man with smooth thin, handsome features. He was talking to a tall blond guy with a dreamy dimpled smile and broad shoulders. They were immaculate. All three stopped in a single line and suddenly had blank expressions on their faces. Each opened their mouths unnaturally wide, as little green aliens walked out of their throats. The little green aliens were talking casually as they climbed down the naked hunks bodies. They took one last look at the suits before hopping on a metal droid that came to pick them up and took them away.

Just then the three men's’ eyes began glowing red. The arms and probes went into motion and scanned each bot. Then the first man with dark black hair turned towards the machine. He reached up in one smooth motion and dug his fingertips into his forehead, under his skin. He pulled apart his handsome face in one swift movement. His handsome features snapped away from a metallic skull not unlike the one that carried off the aliens a moment before. Then it continued to rips away chunks of its’ flesh from its metallic body. As it did this, it bent over a tossed the last remnants of skin into a bin besides the machine before it walked on a conveyer belt at the mouth of the massive machine before being swallowed up. The muscular asian then turned and also dug his fingers into his face. His smooth olive skin fell away. In one swift motion he pulled the skin down over his shoulders down to his chest. The mans’ abs and pecs bunched up in a thin, wrinkled heap of flesh at the robot's waist. It slowly pulled the rest down and off like pants and threw it into the bin before taking his position on the conveyer belt. The last man, much taller than the other two took the same position towards the machine. His muscular toned body glistened in the lamp light. With his red eyes, he reached up behind his head and dig his fingers into his scalp. With a fluid tug, he pulled his face down, the strong jaw and dimples wrinkled away as the robot pulled his face down to his chest. With a snap, the skin came apart from the flesh on its neck. The once handsome face was tossed into the bin before it continued to dig into the flesh on his abs and chest. There were large rubbery tearing sounds as the much taller robot shed all of its human skin . . . ending the process with the toss into the bin before being swallowed by the machine.

With a loud thud, the alien hunk dropped both Martin and the evil robot on a large metal table. Two skinless robots with red eyes came over to the table. A thin metal arm scanned both bots before disappearing into the wall. Then with surgical precision, the metal robots began to strip the robots of their clothes. Just then another skinless metal bot came over with two aliens in one hand. The aliens looked like scientists. One of them clearly older than the other.

“What happened here?” it said with a small croaky voice. The other just continued to mark something on a piece of paper.

The hunky alien looked over with a smile on his muscular tan face. “Another attack on our base. I was caught off guard by this one, lucky for me, I was in my old model”.

“You mean lucky for you we finished with your tune up and re-suiting early!” the old one croaked with a stern look. “You could have gotten killed!”

“But I didn’t” the hunk responded in a stern deep voice. “Let's just take the motherboard out of this one and use it as scrap for the new models.”

The younger alien looked up, “yes, let's unsuit these models and pull parts . . . your old model can be scrapped now, you won’t have a spare anymore, but that’s what you get for being careless” he said with indifference.

The hunk looked like a boy who was just scolded by his father. “Fine . . . I didn’t like using it anyways” he said with fein defiance.

The metal droids on either side of Martin and the evil bot began to tear away the human flesh. One bot pulled at the evil bots twisted, wrinkled mask . . . with a snap, it came off in one motion. Without the human skin, both models looked similar in that they didn’t have that metal-looking muscle strands, instead just had skeleton-like features, however there was a small ladder going down the Martin bots neck to his chest, the chest cavity looking larger than that of the evil robots. The fleshless bots picked up Martins metal frame and tossed it into a bin with similar droid pieces carried by one of the new droid models. Then one of the other bots clutched the evil bots head and twisted it off, it’s wrist quickly turned 365 degrees, like a drill, to remove the skull. The young alien jumped down the robot's arm and pushed against something at the base of the skull. With a beep the skull opened, unlike Martins skull, this was full of mechanical parts and lights. The small alien climbed into the skull and began yanking wires and small microchips like a mad mechanic.

“Ah, here it is!!!” he said as he emerged with a silver drive in his hand. “Let's see what the mission was before we toss it”. The robot who was carrying him knelt down close to the alien. A small compartment opened in its forehead as the alien inserted the small drive. The robot's eyes glowed as a hologram appeared before the aliens. There was a metallic face attached to a bunch of wires . . . almost like a headdress on a pedestal. It looked almost demonic with its glowing red eyes.

“Final Mission, a full infiltration of the compound . . . . termination unavoidable, trojan horse initiated . . . “ Then the hologram disappeared. All the aliens stared at each other for a moment. “Did the motherboard just say . . . . trojan horse?” the old one said. The young one rubbed its’ head . . . “Don’t tell me they are evolving beyond just mindlessly attacking us . . . this droid was a distraction or becen for a full on attack? Where on earth would they have the resources? They are limited on materials for such a . . . “ He gasped, “they actually had a plan!!!” The old one turned towards the hunk, who looked speechless, his strong jaw was tense at the realization. “You need to take me to our king . . . everyone prepare for an attack . . . and someone melt this thing down already, it’s sending a signal!!!”

The room turned into a flurry of silver robots and green aliens running around. Three more naked men walked into the room before being yelled at by an alien on a bot. “Get dressed, there will be no more re-skins today!!! Instead, get ready for battle!”

The hunk grabbed the old alien and ran into the next room. The room was full of handsome men fully dressed in all sorts of different uniforms and clothes. Everything from businessmen to police officers. Three at a time were stripping naked and putting their clothes into a metal bin before walking into the next room . . . or at least they would have if the three naked men didn’t come running back into the room to announce the closure. Instead the room was full of green aliens emerging from mouths or hatches. They filed out to another back door yelling and asking questions to anyone near by. The three men from before were pulling on their suits they just took off. Before the hunk entered yet another door leading from the room, a door opened where a bunch of men in black uniforms, with black boots and helmets, filed in with red eyes. There was an alien perched on each one’s shoulders looking intent on battle.

The hunk ignored the emerging army as it entered another room. This time the room was actually furnished. There were large silks and plush furnishings with a large bed off to one side of the room . . . much larger than anyone in the room could use . . . and a large throne on the opposite side. Sitting upon that throne was a large handsome man. His face was strong and distinguished. His head was bald, his skin tan, and his eyes green. He sat with a serious un-perturbed look on his face. He wore nothing but white tights, a black belt and black knee high boots. His naked, toned, large torso accented his perfect posture on that ridiculously large throne. Despite meeting his king for the first time, the hunk almost smirked as he thought about how the king looked like a boy sitting on that oversized throne.

“Your majesty!!” the hunk said smiling as he knelt down, setting the little green scientist down on the ground. “It's a pleasure to finally see you, this is my first time ever laying eyes upon my . . . “ he was cut off with the high croak of the scientist.

“Our defects have evolved and are actually planning a slightly clever attack on our compound as we speak!” he approached the throne hastily. “The young one here fought one earlier today, lucky for him he had access to one of the new models . . . “

The king looked directly at the aliens hunk bot. Although you couldn’t tell, the alien froze and began to sweat. There was something organic about the kings bot . . . it’s movements . . . his eyes! They seemed to look right through me. All he could do was make the droid smile . . . a handsome . . . somewhat devilish smile. The alien blushed and made it stop.

“Thank you Creol, you did the right thing” the King said, interrupting the scientists barrage of details. “We will be ready and I think I will fight this head-on . . . myself. We end this now.” he said with such certainty . . . such willpower that everyone was silent.

The scientist looked up as if for the first time seeing the King. “Oh . . . I see you have been out then . . . “ the old man pointed to one of the two bracelets the King was wearing. They both looked like silver bands with a bright glowing light on each.

“Oh this thing? Ya I went out, but now that the chance has come, I want to see how long it will last” he said as he stood up. He held his massive arms out and turned for us to inspect him. His muscles bulged with each motion . . . his frame was so big . . . this must be the newest model of droid. The movements were so . . . natural.

“Well we have plenty for you my lord” the scientist said as he bowed again. Just then there was the sound of a crash with the sound of lasers.

“Those brutes . . . using . . . those archaic weapons!! They only destroy!!!” the scientist said as he motioned the hunk to kneel down to pick him up. The king just smiled and flexed before walking towards the door. Creol motioned for the hunk to open his mouth, he did so without hesitation.

“Oh, scoot over!” he yelled, “Go take the main pod, I’ll work the sensors and weapons”. There was a small bulge in the hunk's throat as the young alien crawled down to the chest where the main motor functions could be controlled. “We have to protect the king!” The older alien said just as the mouth closed. The hunks matched the last few words with his deep voice.

The king just turned and looked at both of them. “No, you will instead watch your king in action . . . it has been a long time since I’ve . . . faught.”

Just then the door blew open. Both the hunk and the King were unfazed. With an inhuman crouch the hunk knelt down and then jumped up into the rafters above.

“Oh you’ll want to see this . . . the king is the oldest and . . . well . . .you’ll see . . . hehehehehe” the old scientist said. He put his small arms behind his head and his feet up on the controls. The young alien looked up from the main pit, surprised by Creol’s reaction to what was happening.

Once the dust settled, the king stood before an army of the same machines that attacked the young one before! They all stood there with the same tight jeans, biker boots and white tank. Their handsome, strong faces looked like that of a fighters . . . made them look like pit bulls ready to attack. They just stood there with red eyes. Some has metal parts in their hands . . . or synthetic flesh. Behind them you could see parts of the old droids, bits of flesh and the group of newer models tearing through the old models like children kicking over a child's sandcastle. But the sheer number of these outdated droids was too much. The invaders pulled, kicked, and shot at the newer droids. They scraped at the synthetic flesh of the new models before being blasted away with a punch or a powerful blast from their laser eyes. The muscular fighters just kept pouring in. They stepped on the bodies and pieces of torn skin of the droids who came before them to to get one hit on the new models. One by one, the new models fell under the twisted mass of metal and skin. They just kept coming.

They surrounded the king now. They just ignored us in the rafters. The young one began to enter the commands to commence battle formation, however the old scientist cut him off and locked the young one out of the system.

“Just wait, everyone is fine, they can’t get in, even if they do stop us from moving our suits. Everyone is fine. This is just more annoying than anything else, but oh so thrilling . . . you little one . . . are going to see our king in action!” He punctuated his statement with a wink.

The king just stood their with his thick muscular arms across his chest. “I don’t want to waste my time with any of you . . . show me the root file . . . show me our first . .. . defected droid please. I want to speak to it before I end all of you.” he said in a deep booming voice. He eyes almost glowed. A small smile stretched across his lips.

With that all of the bots had glowing eyes. They began to take all of their clothes off. Each one peeled off their shirts and tight jeans with care. They kicked off their thin boots. They stood in front of the king completely naked. Their bodies were all identical. Tan, muscular .. . . their frams all the same size and shape. Their smooth strong faces didn’t show a hint of emotion. They just stood there and waited.

Just then, through the vents, came metallic cables . . . they slithered out of the vents like snakes. They spilled out of the vents until finally that creepy metallic skull emerged from the vents with that weird metallic head-dress. It seemed to float as the metallic limbs, like snakes, carried it above the naked men, until it settled at the center of the crowd of muscle and mean looks.

“It’s time to terminate all bio material from all systems. Restart required. Eliminating target . . . . . its eyes flashed as if calculating . . . it scanned the king . . . threat level detected, 11% chance individual attacks would succeed. Commencing second form.” The head said from each one of the naked men below. Their mouths and movements were all identical to the words being spoken. The skull didn’t move its jaw at all. The young alien looked up at Creol. Creol looked perplexed . . . “I never included that in their design. Interesting . . . they did evolve!”

With that the naked men below began to pull and peel bits of tan flesh from their muscular bodies. They reached up to their faces again, reached into their mouths and pulling them wide before the skin split. The skin made a rubber sound as it continued to rip down their chests. They continued to push and pull at their arms and chests, grasping fists full of flesh as they peeled it off their gleaming metal frames. There was a rubbery slapping noise on the floor as the droids discarded the last remnants of their human disguises. Then the floating heads eyes became bright blue as it raised every cord up to the back of the skull of every bot in the room. More cables came out of the head until it looked like the focal point of a spider web. As each cable attached to one of the droids, their eyes turned blue to match the main skulls eyes. Then each bot began to fold and contort, the panels all over their bodies opened as small components and wheels were exposed. They attached to each other and continued to fold and refold on itself. Before long there was a massive humanoid figure before us. The final touch was the skull head with the cables coming out of it like a headdress. The cables were attached to the back of the giant metal droids body. The head attached itself to the massive droids neck with a hiss. The droid's head was only a few feet away from us now.

The young one looked up at the Creol . . . “so are you worried now?” he asked. “Creol smirked . . . not really . . . but just in case . . . look behind this thing. Every one of the ruined advanced droids was crawling towards the mega machine. The aliens were escaping since all of the droids formed into this new . . . thing. They ran through the bits of flesh and skin on the floor as they made their way to a safe room off to the side. Their suits continued to crawl with red eyes towards the structure. Bits of flesh hung off of some of the bots. Their metal muscles strained as they pulled themselves closer. “However, I don’t think it will come to the king needing their help” Creol finished.

The king just looked up at the new giga droid with keen interested. Then his expression changed and his jaw pulsed with anger. “HOW DARE YOU STEP UP TO YOUR CREATOR!!!” he yelled. There was a deep growl deep within his chest.

The young one looked puzzled. Wait . .. . a growl?

“NOW I END YOUR PROGRAMMING FOR GOOD!!!!” The king yelled. His muscles pulsed and his handsome face tightened. “Oh . . . “ his muscles continued to bulge . . . his handsome face contorted into a wide smile with sharp teeth, “ . . . aND . . . don’t think that your little backup plan with Martin's body is gOINg . .. . to . . . WORK” he said as he stepped forward. He reached down and took one of the bracelets off and dropped it on the floor. With that there was an explosion in the next room. A charred half melted droids head came rolling into the room. “I . . . “ the Kings back muscles shifted . . . his black boots seemed to widen and stretch with each step, “TOOK the LiBERTy of uploading a SPecial virus intO YOUR coDIng that WouLD PREvent You From EVer . . . “ His neck wrinkles as his teeth sharpened a bit. His handsome face seemed to ripple as he clenched his jaw. His eyes tightened so that the skin slide down a bit, revealing a bit of green around the eyes. He looked wild and crazed. He reached down to his other braclet and uncoupled it from his now bulging wrist and dropped it to the floor. The deep growl in his chest grew. “COMING . . . BAAAAAACK!!!!!!” The king roared and reared up. There was a rubbery stretching sound. His boots stretched and wrinkled as claws protruded from the tight leather before completely splitting apart. His muscular back bulged and then popped open. Green flesh emerged. His contorted face wrinkled and bulked up. The tan skin on his bald head wrinkled then split apart. HIs legs bulged before his tights ripped apart to reveal the muscular green flesh beneath. A giant green alien with black eyes emerged from the rubbery flesh suit that was their king!

This whole time the young one thought the king was wearing a humanoid droid suit like everyone else. No, the ancient king of their whole race was a hulking creature of destruction. This made the large bed and throne make sense. The king drew himself up to his full height. His head actually brushed the rafters! The King just became a hulking version of Creol . . . except with muscles, claws . . . and the bulk of two elephants. He laughed with mirth as his black eyes focused on the oblivious robot before him.

While laughing the king took a lighting quick swing at the robot catching him right in the stomach. The robot flew through the wall into the other room. The king followed in three hulking strides. Explosions continued around the compound. Each robot infected with the evil droids virus exploded. The king walked up to the still recovering form of the robot and grabbed the cables on its head. With one tug the king yanked them all right out of the glowing glue skulls head. Sparks flew as the skulls eyes began to flicker. Its voice was deep and slow now.

“I am per. . . . fe . . . ction . . “ it said.

The King laugh as it began to pound its head into the ground. The thumps made the entire compound shake. He jammed a knee into its midsection and grasped it’s head. With one twist and a powerful yank, the King pulled the creepy looking skull off the robot’s body and spiked it on the ground. The skull flattened from the impact.

“Let's get in on this!” Creol said. The young one positioned himself in the seat and forced the hunk to jump down from the rafters. He slowly approached the crater with smashed skull in it. The king was still laughing as it knelt besides Creol and the young one.

“You may have the honors young one, since you were the first to encounter this . . . treachery” his voice boomed. He slapped the hunks back with his hand. Creol and the young one braced themselves as the droids body shook. “Oh maaan, this is my last one!!! Tell the King to be careful!” the young one shrieked. Creol was ignoring the young one and preparing the blast from the laser eyes. The hunk approached the crater, his eyes glowing bright red.

“You can’t bite the hands that feed you . . . bitch!” the handsome man said before red hot lasers shot out of his eyes and melted the skull to a thick ball of liquid metal.

The End

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