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Airport Strangers

I ran towards a long line full of people, each with an expression of dread, impatience and boredom. The plastic sound of small wheels and pegs sliding across the airport floor sounded from everyone's luggage as the long TSA line slowly moved forward.

“Great!” I mumbled as I entered the back of the long line. I was about to board a red-eye flight out of Greenwood Airport . . . the last flight out of the airport to be exact, so rebooking was not going to be an option. The one TSA clerk looked bored and old . . . he didn’t give 1 fuck about when or how anyone was going to make their flight. I sat on my own luggage and looked down at my phone . . . . “aaaaaand i’m at 5% battery life . .. great night to use the app”.

Behind me a rather handsome man ran up with a smirk across his dimpled face. He playfully sighed and winked at me as he set his briefcase down.

“Good, if i’m not going to make it, no one is!” he said jokingly, he had a british accent that immediately made him charming. His eyes blazed bright blue as he looked at me while retying his brown leather dress shoe.

I blushed. He . . . was . . . hot. “I hear ya!” I said, trying to maintain some indifference at his arrival.

He stood up and walked up . . . closer to look at the extent of the line. “Well, if we don’t make it, it won’t be for a lack of trying. The lines have been awful lately!” he said, hardly paying any attention to the lack of personal space.

I could feel his body heat. He wore a nice fitted blue business suit and a grey tie. He was clearly athletic . . . about 4 inches shorter than my 6’0 frame, but his muscles seemed tight and defined. He smelled of old spice. I looked at his face, handsome with a little scruff and sandy blond short hair. This man . . . was going to get me in trouble.

I broke the trance I was in clearing my throat and backing away a step while pretending to look over the line for the first time with the same interest. A women turned around and giggled . . . “I know, I have been here since 5 pm . . . they are clearly understaffed . . . the line was all the way to the door when I arrived, this is about ¼ of what it was, and my daughter had to . . . “

I wasn’t paying attention . . . and nor was this man. I swallowed hard as I noticed he was staring right into my eyes with obvious interest. I blushed again. We both snapped out of it as the women shrieked with laughter at a joke she made before continuing with her story.

After that small talk died down and the women finally got the hint that we were not interested, as we asked no follow up questions to her story or engaged further, the handsome stranger looked at me with a smile and his hand outstretched; “The name is Bradley.”

“Roger,” I said immediately taking his warm smooth . . . and very soft hand.

We continued down the line talking and asking us questions about life, why we were in Greenwood and what we liked. The man was charming. As we approached the line, I noticed him looking over my shoulder a few times. Once he nodded to someone with a knowing look. I looked behind me. There was a rather large, handsome security guard looking at us with an intense stare. He was a hulking man, and if it wasn’t for the weird stare and Bradley, I’d probably be staring just as hard at the security guard. He stood about 6’4 and had muscles that bulged under his uniform. He had buzzed head and no facial hair. His jawline clenched as he noticed we were both staring before continuing with his duties as if nothing happened.

I looked back at Bradley . . . who looked at me and shrugged. “He was clearly checking you out . . . and why wouldn’t he” he said flirtatiously with a wink and a smile. The TSA officer was forgotten as I blushed and laughed at his overt flirting.

I approached the TSA agent who was checking ID’s when the large TSA man walked over and told the agent that he would take over. This was weird, I thought. The large man sat down on the chair and took my ID looking right into my eyes. I stared back at his dark green eyes and again blushed. He finally cracked a smile and winked. He asked where I was going and what airline I was flying. I noticed and moved slowly as the line ahead of us thinned out until there was nobody else. There was one other TSA agent working the scanner who looked at us with impatience. The large TSA agent looked back and told the old man to go home before scanning my ticket.

“Go ahead and load the belt, I’ll be with you in a moment.” he said in a deep voice. I looked back at Bradley who was looking at me without the playful smile he had earlier. I noticed how his eyes were also a dark green . . . the same color as the TSA agent. The TSA agent quickly took his ID and ticket without asking any questions.

“Weird” I whispered to myself as I set my things on the belt. I turned as the large TSA agent got up. His ass shifted under his tight pants as he walked over. His large leather dress shoes clicked on the floor, with Bradley walking in stride behind him . . . a smile once again shown on his face. The TSA agent sat down, still looking at me, and made the TSA belt move through the scanner. Still looking at me a buzzer went off and a smile stretched across his handsome strong face.

He stood up and walked up to both of us. “I’m going to ask both of you to come with me to the screening room for . . . advanced screening.”

I blushed and was immediately hard. Bradley smiled and looked at me to see what I would say. He didn’t look like he minded. The TSA agent motioned to a back door, now with a sexy smirk.

“I guess . . . so.” I said as I began to walk to the door, both me and Bradley left our things on the belt. The TSA agent walked back to the gate and shut the security fence and locked it with his keys and shut off the lobby lights before heading over to us. He hovered over me and reach across with keys in hand to unlock the door. He also smelled of old spice . . . the heat radiated from his muscular body as the door popped open. I was rigid.

We walked in with the TSA following closely behind us. He shut the door and locked it before setting the keys on a chair besides the doorway. The room was surprisingly large, and there was a white closet . . . . a closet which had a different color from the rest of the room.

“I’m going to ask you to stand by the door,” he said to Bradley and go ahead and take your clothes off if you don’t mind. “And I’ll start with you . . . and if you could do the . .. . same” the large TSA agent said as he put a large warm hand on my shoulder.

I smiled . . . “do you mind if I strip down to my underwear . . . or do you want me to . . . . get . . . naked?” I said, knowing exactly where this was going. I cannot believe this is happening. I glanced at the clock on the wall. My flight left 10 mins ago. At least I’m getting something out of this. “I’m sure you will refund my flight since I missed it?” I asked playfully. Bradley laughed as he took of his dress coat and began to loosen his tie. The TSA agent started to do the same.

“All refunds will need to be handled through the airline i’m afraid,” he said in an equally playful voice. “But I sympathize with your situation . . . I do apologize for making you miss your flight . . . and I hope I . . . no . . . we,” as he looked at Bradley who was now undoing his dress shirt, revealing his smooth toned abs, “can make this up to you.”

The TSA agent whipped off his shirt with an intense stare, revealing his large muscular torso. His body was ripped and defined. He winked and nodded towards me. Bradley came up behind the agent and began to massage his thick muscular chest.

“I told you, if I wasn’t making my flight, no-one was” Bradley said with a smile.

I practically ripped my shirt off and whipped off my belt. Both the TSA agent and Bradely looked at each other one more time before walking over to me. They bodies slide up against mine. The TSA agent wrapped his large arms around both of us and pulled us in. He bend over and kissed me passionately. His smooth shaved face slide against mine before I found his lips and latched on. Our tongues slide across each others. He felt . . . strange on my tongue . . . like . . . he just finished eating a steak and his mouth was drier than expected. Our lips parted with a smack as he leaned over and kissed Bradley. Their faces smashed up against each other. Brad grabbed his thick neck and pulled him in closer. The TSA agents jaw worked furiously, his neck wrinkled as he moved his head from side to side. Brad's scruff make a soft scraping sound between the smacking of their lips.

I ran my hands down their smooth soft bodies and grabbed both of their asses. Brads was toned and smaller than the TSA agents’. I licked the TSA’s nipple a bit before biting it. To my surprise the officer stopped kissing Bradley and pulled his nipple away from my mouth.

“Careful,” he said. “You’ll ruin the suite!” he said before laughing a deep laugh. I looked up to his face with confusion before Bradley pulled me close and kissed me. His tight athletic body scooped me up. I ran my hands through his hair. His scruffy face moved over my own scratching me as his soft warm lips closed over my own. Again . . . the same taste and . . . . his mouth was surprisingly dry. I broke the kiss with a nap. “Are you guys like . . . related? You both seem so similar?” I said to Brad. When I turned to the TSA agent I was met with his large hand holding a syringe, as I felt a small prick before the needle slide into my neck.

Bradley caught me as a feeling of exhaustion fell over me. I couldn’t feel my body as I fell back. Bradley just smiled at me as he eased my body to the floor. The TSA agent lifted me up and set me on the floor in front of the strange closet I noticed earlier.

“Well this went well,” the TSA agent said in his deep voice. “Hardly a fight! Good thing this one was attracted to us . . . . clearly you picked well last time.” he said as he winked at Bradley. Bradley’s smile deepened.

“It seems that way, however this one has become a bit tight, and my adaptor has been running a bit low on energy . . . so this . . .,” he cocked his head and grabbed his jaw with his hand. He pulled the skin at his jaw so it stretched unnaturally far before he let it go with a snap. His handsome features were just a bit skewed . . . “is starting to become more uncomfortable by the day.” Bradley said.

The TSA agent smiled and walked over to the closet door. A small scanner popped out of a hidden side panel and scanned the man before retracting back into the wall. Then the closet door unlocked. The agent opened the closet door as a large white and silver tanning bed came out of the wall. “Well, tell you what, go ahead and get rid of that thing while I prepare your new suit. He said with a smirk as he looked over at me.

“What the hell,” I thought as I tried to move. I looked over at Bradley who was laughing and undoing his belt. “New suit,” he said as he stripped. Before long, his naked sexy body was standing before me. His sexy tight body was pale, his abs were defined and his chiseled body looked almost plastic before me. He reached up to his forehead with a deep grin on his handsome face. He dug his finger into the left side of his face, where his hairline was and pulled out a small zipper. He frowned a bit as he pulled on the zipper. His skin stretched a bit with each pull.

“God damn thing . . . .it’s stuck again!” he said. He hunched over and began furiously pulling at the small zipper. His face wrinkled and stretched awkwardly. The hunky agent walked over to him and examined his forehead. “Well . . . if it’s jammed . . . you may just have to rip it apart . . . it’s old anyways and we have your replacement right here.” he said matter-of-factly, gesturing to me. I could see his large muscles shift and he tried to work the zipper in different directions.

“Noo, we can’t ruin the skin, remember we may have to use it as a backup!” Bradley said in a hoarse annoyed voice. His muscles shifted and stretched as he tried to pull his scalp apart. “I’ll try squeezing out of the mouth,” he said as the TSA agent backed up laughing.

“Oh, i’m suuure that will work. With the way you have been eating lately, I doubt you’ll be able to get that pretty little head of yours out,” he said between giggles. He went back to the machine and started it up. A white light came from within.

Bradley looked worn out. His face looked worn and tight. “Oh, I’ll show you!’ he said as he reached into his mouth and stretched his lips apart . . . no his face! There was a white light coming out of the corners of his mouth. He continued to pull his handsome lips apart as the light grew. He grunted as the light protruded from his mouth as he pulled his lips wider and wider. His handsome face wrinkled and stretched back. Before long parts of the light faded into a light olive green color. Alien flesh emerged from Brads mouth, no . . . a face with two large black eyes. Brad’s face stretched all the way back until he snapped back down to his neck as a fat, bulbous head with two black eyes and pointy sharp teeth emerged. Brad grunted . . . no squealed as the skin around his neck seemingly couldn’t stretch anymore past the creature's neck.

The TSA agent was laughing hysterically. “I told you, the adaptor is still on and is only released through the main opening. You’ll have to deactivate it and . . . unfortunately . . . ruin your current suit, unless you want to wait until someone can fix it. He smiled wide, his perfect white teeth and smooth chiseled face looked devious.

Brad . . . or whatever it was, said in a slightly faded gravelly voice, which sounded similar to speaking into a broken mic, “FINE! Fuck this.”

He stretched Brad's face back over his bulbous head. Brad's face looked tight and misshapen now . . . crazed almost . . . except now more wrinkly. He reached up to the back of his neck and massaged the skin until something clicked. Suddenly Bradley’s perfectly chiseled lean body began to expand, becoming grotesquely fat and misshapen. Bradley laughed as the skin around his abs stretched and ripped apart. His hands broke apart until large, long claws emerged as hands. His lower legs split apart to reveal more belly and fat little misshapen legs, just as his feet curled and split apart revealing large alien claws similar to his hands. His neck tightened and his once handsome face stretched and broke apart in shreds of flesh as that fat sickly green face emerged from the remnants of Bradley’s flesh. Before me stood a tall bulky alien with pitch black evil eyes and sharp teeth. There was an alien cry as it shook away the remnants of flesh.

“AAAaaaaaaahhhhhhh,” it screamed. I screamed in horror, although no sound came out. The TSA agent walked over to the alien, who was now almost a foot taller than him now and wrapped his arms around the creature and gave it a kiss. As his lips parted from the aliens, the TSA agent smiled evilly at me.

“I want to get out of this meatsuit too, it’s so stuffy!!!” he said. His muscles tensed as he reached up to his forehead similar to what Bradley tried to do earlier. He dug his thick finger into his scalp, right at the hairline, until a zipper emerged. His face strained as he pulled the zipper. His flesh parted as a white light emerged. He then grabbed the skin at the new opening in his forehead and pulled the skin apart. The light came out of the tan, smooth face of the TSA agent. His human features soon wrinkled beyond recognition as the skin slid down the aliens face, which soon took form from the light to a similar sickly green olive hue. The aliens face emerged, with those same black dead eyes. Then the neck wrinkled past the aliens shoulders. Soon his muscular chest and abs were pulled down the aliens newly emerging fat misshapen body. This alien was even larger than Bradley was. The human suit of the once handsome, hunky TSA agent landed on the floor with a slap as the creature stepped out from its’ confines. The alien picked up the taked tan skin of the TSA agent and tossed it over the empty chair with the keys on it by the door. The two aliens stretched and cracked their bodies before walking over to me.

One of them, the larger one, picked me up as the other one opened the glowing machine. He placed my body onto the weird futuristic tanning bed. I was horrified that whatever they were going to do to me . . . and I had a good idea what . . . was going to hurt. They both stared at me for a moment and laughed. “It was a pleasure to meet you!” one of them squealed before the machine was shut over me. There was a very warm feeling at my toes before everything . . . . turned . . . . white.


The two aliens were leaning up against the wall reading a magazine as the machine did it’s work. Before long there was a beep and the white glow dimmed. The larger of the two aliens looked up and nodded to the shorter one. The alien walked over to the machine and opened the top. He reached in and pulled out the empty skin of the human they were . . . toying with earlier. The alien examined the empty flesh suit for any imperfections. He nodded and reached up to his newly charged adapter, which looked like a small mechanical ring around his neck, and flipped it on. The inside of the flesh he held in his hand began to glow with the same bright white light. He opened a new zipper in the suits forehead and began to stretch the skin wide so he could step inside of it. The other alien helped the creature fit into the new suit. They stretched and massaged the skin into place before zipping the forehead up as the bright white light fell away as the skin meshed close.

The alien walked over to a mirror at the corner of the room at looked at the handsome muscular man before him. Roger had a light amount of trimmed body hair, but he was muscular and handsome with thick black hair that would need to be gelled in place before he left. His eyes were bright blue before, but now they were a dark green color. He flexed his defined arms and abs. “I don’t know . . . this one may be just as good as the last one,” the alien said in the man's voice. He messaged his naked body . . . and stroked his dick. “Yes, this will do very nicely” he said as he smiled and winked in the mirror.

The larger alien just finished zipping his original skinsuit closed at his forehead. The large muscular TSA agent walked over and grabbed Roger by the arms, turning him away from the mirror and grabbed his face with a smile. They both kissed passionately before the TSA agent noticed the zipper protruding from Rogers forehead. He pushed the zipper into the tan flesh with a smile. “It’s time to get dressed, we have to find a few more for our brothers tomorrow.”

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