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A Life in a Gym Bag

It was about 1 am when I walked into the gym with my partner. I looked at the reflection of the glass door before going in, smiling at my handsome features. I was average height, about 5’10, with dark sandy blond hair . . . it was short and perfectly styled. I had the body type of a soccer player . . . or football for those who live anywhere other than the United States. My muscular frame filled a sleeveless V-Neck shirt, which revealed some of the trimmed chest hair. My thick toned arms and legs seemed to allow me to wear anything and look . . . handsome. I wore running shorts and a pair of blue and black running shoes. I . . . well it . . . winked before opening the door.

You see, I’m not really . . . me . . . I just look like me . . . but under this handsome exterior is a creature . . . no alien, wearing my skin to pass as human. I was spending a late night at a club with my friends, when it came to me. I personally didn’t mind the process as it mostly entailed drinks and the eventual makeout session in my car. It was quick and the alien, at the time, wore the skin of a charming, handsome business man. You see, I hated my life . . . and to be used . . . worn by another entity for something greater . . . that seemed to good to be true. During the kiss I saw the man's eyes change color and then . . . I was gone. I don’t know what happened when the alien took my skin . . . it just did. Now I don’t have a body, I just watch . . . from the outside. I don’t feel pain, or pleasure . . . I just . . . am. It’s strange looking at yourself . . . watching you do things you would never do. I . . . er . . . the alien, was charming and charismatic. It had worn my skin for a year now.

As it turns out, this creature is working tirelessly to get itself and others of it’s kind off this planet. I’m assuming they are stranded for some reason. Its funny, I see myself talk to other aliens. I see others shed their human skins when in private and then put those same skins back on. It’s strangely . . . arousing; but I don’t think it knew I was still here.

I looked at myself in the mirror . . . touching and pulling at my face to make sure it fit well. I work with a few other aliens, however I mostly work with this dark haired hunk . . . my partner I suppose?

I held open the door as the other alien entered. He looked human as well. . . he was much larger than I was . . . about 6’3. He had dark hair and a large muscular frame. His smooth tan skin almost repelled the moonlight. He wore a cut-off T-shirt and basketball shorts. His thin running shoes seemed to stretch with each step. His human name was Jason . . . but now . . . he is . . . like me . . . an alien. As he walked by he looked at me and winked. His handsome features were strong . . . and seemed worn. He was still handsome, however looked . . . aged somehow. Maybe it was the small wrinkles where . . . there shouldn’t be wrinkles. The man originally looked like he was in his late 20’s when I first saw him put on this skin . . . but now . . . he looked like he was in his late 30’s. Distinguished was the word. I looked at my skin . . . it too looked older too. The creases on my forehead and crow's feet at the corners of my eyes gave it away. The alien walked into the gym as the automatic lights came on. My skin looked . . . worn. Like the smooth glow . . . the health of it had deteriorated over the months. . . I guess I have deteriorated. I watched as Jason looked down at his watch before we walked to the counter, which at this hour was unoccupied. I pulled out my keychain to scan a keyfob, letting both of us into the gym.

“They should be here soon right?” The big guy asked me . . . or the alien wearing me. He looked impatient, nervously scratching at the back of his head. He looked around and rolled his thick neck.

I answered in my voice, “Yes, I have been tracking these humans for awhile now, they always work out around this time. I know your skin is becoming uncomfortable . . . mine is too, but we need patience.” I looked to the wall mirror and raised my hand to my face, pushing against the side of my face. The skin moved as I pushed my mouth into a twisted, wrinkled smile before letting go. My face settled back into position.

“Although . . . I like this one.” I said. I was strangely satisfied to hear my . . . his . . . response. Although I knew he was going to soon discard me for another.

Both aliens twitched as they heard the front doors open. They smiled and walked over to a workout station. Although not truly interested in working out, Jason began to lift 60’ lbs weights with ease. His jaw flexed and his muscles moved as he “pretended” to work out. I stepped up on the treadmill and began a slow run at an incline. It’s weird to see that we both worked so hard, but neither shed a drop of sweat the entire time. I suppose this alien was sweating real bad under my flesh . . . although I couldn’t tell.

I looked towards the entrance as two men walked in. Young from their looks, about 27 years old. One was about 6’ ft tall with jet black hair styled up. He was beefy and immediately looked at my partner with a smile. The other was a shorter toned athletic looking man with short brown hair and clean shaven. He wore a tight black T-Shirt with some jeans and stylish brown boots. He walked in with a backpack. As he passed me he winked at my direction. I smiled back, my gaze followed his perfect ass to the locker-room.

I stopped running and looked towards my partner, who also stopped his lift to look at the larger man. He looked my way and rolled his eyes . . . then smiled. He will no doubt be annoyed that this man was smaller than he is now. I shrugged and nodded towards the locker room. I looked towards the other man. He wore a tight dark blue button-up and tight dress pants with leather dress shoes. He carried a duffle bag and also headed towards the locker-room . . . staring intently at my partner.

“Well I guess that’s decided.” I mumbled as I made my way to the locker-room.

As we both entered the locker-room, both men we standing by some lockers . . . both looking at us as we came in. We stopped and sized them up. The larger of the two men was in the process of undoing the buttons on his tight dress shirt. The smaller one was sitting on the bench with his shirt off, abs flexed. He leaned back and stared at me, as he began to kick off his brown leather boots. He socks wiggled slightly and winked at me. Clearly . . . this will be easier than we thought.

We both walked towards them. Jason walked to the larger of the two men. The latin man eyed my partner with intensity, as he licked his thick lips. He had a slight amount of scruff that really offset his strong jawline. He took his shirt off and began to undo his pants. His smooth tan skin made each defined muscle show. Jason looked my way with a smile as he began to strip out of his clothes. He shoved them into a locker right next to the golden hunk . . . completely naked. They stared at each other and smiled as the human also dropped his pants and began to kick off his dress shoes.

I walked over to the shorter brown haired human and opened the locker next to his. I began to take off my shirt. The human stood up completely naked as well and shoved his clothes into the locker next to mine. He leaned in close with a smirk . . . eyeing me. “You know . . . for an older dude . . . you’re pretty cute.” he said with a smug look on his thin handsome features. If I wasn’t just a skin-suit at the time, I would have punched him in the face, however the alien that wore me smiled back, reached up and ran his hands through his thick hair. With that he came in close and wrapped his arm around my waist.

“You are so handsome . . . and muscular” he said as he massaged my chest muscles. My skin slide over my muscles . . . it was so soft and loose. I looked over to my partner who was walking around the naked human with some interest. He ran his hands over the humans body and grabbed his ass. The human turned around and wrapped his thick arms around the even hunkier . . . Jason. They began to kiss.

“Oh, this will be quick then!” I said under my breath with a smile as I pulled my human into me and kissed him. I felt his body heat against me . . . my skin. I ran my hands over his back and looked over again at my partner. He was kissing his human too before we both locked eyes, breaking the kiss, and breathing on the human's neck. We both smiled and nodded to each other. I ran my cheek over the humans smooth face . . . our lips met and I looked him in the eyes.

With that both aliens eyes turned to a bright inhuman yellow, and their irises elongated. The human groaned for a moment before their bodies fell limp into our arms. Their bodies slowly began to . . . deflate. I looked into the mirror as my face buried itself into the face of the human . . . I looked so inhuman. The human’s skin began to wrinkle and sag as there was a slight gulping noise. Our lips moved and our tongues slid into the faces of our human . . . hosts. Soon we both looked at each other with the empty skins in our hands.

My partner looked at me with a wicked smile and rolled his neck. “FINALLY!!! I can take this thing off!” He walked over to the locker and fished a device out of his pant pocket. I threw the empty skin of my human on the bench and searched my own clothes for the same device. I pulled out a small metal disk. I bent over and picked up the smooth pale skin and laid it face down on the floor. I looked over and my partner was already running the device slowly along the back of the thick tan skin-suit. A watched as the skin parted . . . and slowly an opening was created. At last my partner stood up . . . completely naked. He was tense and his neck and armpits were slightly wrinkled now. His eyes looked slightly and his strong jaw flexed and rippled. He looked crazed . . . like a supervillain.

I too became slightly aroused at the idea of taking this . . . my skin off. It felt tight on my body . . . well I assumed it felt tight . . . it looked tight now. As I crouched down and ran the device down the back of my own human skin-suit, I saw my abs wrinkled and sag slightly . . . and that didn’t happen when I first was . . . fitted over the aliens muscular body.

There was a popping noise and a ripping noise. I looked up and my partner was crouching over . . . there was a big tear on his leg as he opened the skin. “SHIT! He said . . . he looked up with a sarcastic smile as his feet widened and the skin burst apart revealing his gray scaled feet . . . his manicured claws looked thick and brittle now. He rolled his neck and allowed for his long tongue to protrude from his handsome lips. He reached up to the back of his head and dug his fingernails into the flesh at the back of his head. With a grunt he pulled his scalp apart and the skin . . . his face wrinkled and slide apart as he revealed a reptilian face with no nose. The creature wriggled and grunted as he shifted the skin off his shoulders and the once smooth human flesh fell off his muscular body to the floor in a deflated wrinkled mass. With a sigh, a large gray-scaled alien flexed his massive muscles and rolled his thick neck. He stood at 6’5 now . . . in his true form.

I shook my head . . . he’s so hasty and destructive. I rolled my own neck before a pained look became etched my chiseled features. The hair on my naked body made my muscles look more defined. I bent over and pulled at the skin on my shoulders slightly as the seal neatly parted. I shifted my shoulders and pulled at the skin on my back as it fell away. I messaged my face and then clenched a fistfull of my handsome features before pulling my flesh up and over my own . . . alien host. There was a blast of cool air as the alien revealed his real flesh. My skin wrinkled and bundled in its’ hands. It shifted and pulled the skin like a onesie off my . . . his . . . body. My flesh wrinkled and fell to the floor. My empty eye sockets looked up at the ceiling . . . my once chiseled jaw and slightly sunken features were now formless and wrinkled.

As my skin lay on the floor, the alien was free and walked over to his partner. They both hissed and stretched. It felt so good to be outside of their human disguises for the first time in many months. The alien that wore me looked at his partner and shook his head.

“You better hope that ssssuit fitssss you . . . because now you do not have a backup!!” he said. The other alien shrugged and picked up his new tan skin-suit. “I’m ssssure it will be fine . . . it’sssss only a little sssmaller . . . and this one is fresh.” it said.

They both picked up their new skin suits. The pale flesh of the athletic human I was kissing a moment before stretched and sagged in the aliens grip. He began to open the back and step into the legs of the suit. Before long, the alien was wiggling his feets within the skin. He sat down and began to pull it up over his toned muscular legs and ass like a pair of pants. His partner began to do the same. The larger aliens flesh suit made a wet stretching sound as his large calves flexed and moved. He grunted as he stood up. The skin rode up his crotch area as he pulled the skin up and over his broad shoulders. He shifted and wiggled as the tan smooth human skin stretched awkwardly over his own muscular body. The smaller alien had a much easier time pulling the skin up and over his own toned body. The pale flesh was already taking form over his chest and arms. He smiled at this partner before pulling the pale thin face over his own like a reverse hoodie. The sexy features settled nicely over his own inhuman features as he pulled on his neck and rose his arms in the air so the skin smoothed out.

His partner grunted as he pulled the sexy smooth tan features over his own face. His head got stuck in the neck for some time before he finally was able to pull the face over his own. They both stood in front of the mirrors . . . flexing and pulling at their new skin suits. The hunky latin man sighed and bent over to pick up the cylindrical device. The opening in his back stretched open as he did this. His gray scales showed in contrast to his new flesh colored suit. I simple watched with a small giggle as my device was already slowly moving down my back with a bright blue glow, closing the skin. I looked in the mirror . . . a light showed around my eyes, nose, and mouth as the device sealed and put some sort of preserving agent inside. Before long the device deactivated and fell to the ground . . . signalling that he was at last finished. He stared at his toned sexy body. The skin was smooth and flawless. He ran his hands over his smooth thin facial features.

“Mine is a perfect fit.” he said in a now human voice, not even bothering to look at his partner, who was grunting.

Soon I heard his device fall to the floor. He walked up to the mirror . . . his smooth tan skin was flawless . . . this thick lips parted and his dark brown eyes shown bright within his perfectly manicured facial features. “See . . . it fits!” he said with a perfect . . . now human looking smile. His body looked flexed and tight . . . too tight. His toned ass shifted as he walked over to the locker . . . the one next to his original one, as he started to pull out the man's clothes. “A little tight . . . but once we get back to the ship . . . that won’t matter.” he said in a voice almost identical to the original. He turned to look at me with that dreamy smile. He shook out the dress pants and bent over to put them on when there was a nasty ripping noise.

The smaller alien laughed as a long strip of flesh fell off of his right shoulder and arm . . . his actual gray shoulder protruded from the tan skin awkwardly. The smaller alien shook his head and slapped a palm to his forehead.

“DAMMIT!!!!” The larger alien said as he stood up almost comically. He looked over at his shoulder . . his muscles were flexed and his neck wrinkled as he had trouble turning his head all the way. “FUUUUUCK!!” he roared. He punched the locker and screamed as he began to grab fists of his tan smooth flesh and rip it from his alien body. He looked at his partner with a serious look now stretched on his cute human face as he held a piece of his chest skin up in his hands. “DON'T SAY A WORD,” he said accusingly.

He threw it on the ground with a slap and grabbed his face. His handsome features stretched and slid off his smooth reptilian head as the rest of his flesh fell off his large frame. “Well you now have both of your human disguises ruined . . . and you know our repair kit is broken . . . so now you have to use the synthetic sizer to fit in my old suit.” The sexy young college student gestured to my skin with a smile.

“GOD DAMN IT!” he yelled as he hung his head in shame. He bent down and picked up the silver disk and clenched it in his hands. He moved a switch on the side of the device as it began to glow red. The hulking alien began to squeal and squirm as he shrink in size. His humanoid form shrunk to a smaller stature . . . probably programmed into the device to match the smaller aliens human form. As the glow stopped, the alien walked over to my skin . . . now about the same height as the alien who originally wore . . . me. He picked up my flesh and grunted. “This one is cute . . . but ssso . . . worn. Thisss is gonna sssuck.” With that he opened the back of my skin as my smooth hairy flesh fell down to the floor like a pair of pants. The alien squirmed and pulled the skin up over his own muscular body. Soon he pulled the skin up and over his own face. My handsome features settled over his own. The wrinkles slightly smoother since he was just a bit larger in size given his stature. He pulled at my skin and walked towards the mirror. My naked toned body looked muscular . . . the hair on my chest again accenting my . . . his toned muscles. I smiled as the small silver device began to climb down my back. The openings around my perfect lips and eyes glowed blue as my features tightened a bit . . . looking more natural. I stood in front of my . . . his partner with a serious look. I looked so much older compared to my partners new skin. I smiled and my jaw slightly wrinkled as he nodded towards the lockers. “Lets just get dressed and get out of here . . . it’s time to go.” I said in my original voice.

The alien played with my face a bit before leaving the gym. I carried the duffle bag with the remnants of flesh I . . . he discarded minutes before. “I’ll be so happy when I don’t have to wear these suits anymore.” They both walked off down the street as the morning sun began to rise.

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